Black In Black

By AuthorAllysen

11.3K 528 72

“And so the little lamb and his mama live happily ever after,” the girl finished reading her story aloud to t... More

A Savior In The Dark
A Bird Comes And Goes From The Nest So Quickly
Heart Attacks and Fiery Escapes
Open Your Eyes, Please See The Light
Lies Are A Protagonists Best Friend
Im Dying, You're Crying
I Different Kind Of Pain
I Think You're Cute, Ellie, Girl On Fire
Plot Twists and Fights To The Death
Beauty In The Best Of Memories
Toothache Memories With a Twist
An Oath To Mistaken Identities
Secrets and Sisters
Dont Tread On Me
I See You Lying Next To Me, With Words I Thought I'd Never Speak..
Disaproval, A plan, and I Thought The Saying Was 'Kiss Dont Tell'?
Plea For Help
Baby Come Home In A Melody Of Tears..
Puke, Panic, and a Lost Staff
Heart Pings
Stupid Accidental Magic
I Promise
Promises Are Always Broken
Love and Hate, And Its All My Fault
True Love At Last

Heart to Heart and A Feathery Secret

239 10 0
By AuthorAllysen

I was suddenly pulled from- whatever the hell that was to reality. Cold arms were around me, holding me to a cold body. Jack. The whistling wind was louder, and I realized we were zooming off who knows where, who knows how high. I grasped at Jack like my life depended on it, which it possibly did... not that I doubted Jacks flying skills.

"Ellie!" He exclaimed in my ear. still, I barely heard him over the wind. Maybe I t was because I was too focused on keeping my arms firmly wrapped around his shoulders. I buried my face in his shoulder, hopefully to lessen the twisting in my gut. Thankfully, I felt us stop moving. he was now almost hovering in the air, the wind still loud as it whistled past us. 

"Wha.. What.." I stuttered into his shoulder. Weather he heard me or not, I felt him pull me closer.

"I need to get you to Bunny-" He yelled, before I cut him off.

"No! No, just.. get me out of the air before I puke," I called over him. Complying, we descended to the snowy forest below us.  Once he set my feet back in solid ground he pulled me away from his shoulder to look me in the eyes.

"Are you okay?" His voice was urgent and stressed. I nodded just as urgently, hopefully to ease his mind. Physically, I was okay. Mentally, I was probably going insane. But he didn't need to know about that.

"What happened?" His voice was now thankfully more relaxed. but, I felt that he forced his words for me.

"I dont know. I was suddenly somewhere else and my dad was there talking to-" My breath hitched as the realization hit me. "I think he was talking to me.. when I was younger, as young as Sophie." I stuttered out. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You're.. seeing memories?" He questioned curiously.

I didn't really know how to reply. Was I really seeing memories? Why? How? I gulped down the forming knot in my throat. Seeing me and my dad together like that... where did it go? We were ruined, and there was no way for me to fix it. memories of When I was young flooded into my brain, never younger then about six. I remember the day when I found that I wielded fire, I was only 8. How exited he was, the image making the knot in my throat grow.

"Maybe Tooth?" Jacks voice pulled me from my thoughts.

To be honest, I dont think I could talk. So, I nodded. I needed to know why and how this was happening, because I'm not sure I like it. Tooth had to me our best answer. 

While I was lost in my thoughts again I heard Jacks voice soften. "I'm gunna pick you up okay?" I nodded dumbly again and let him puck um my legs, with one arm holding my back. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face into it. I never liked heights, the sudden realization of that came only a few moments before. Now, I kept my eyes closed and covered by jacks hoodie and mt arms.

Thankfully sooner then I thought we flew into Tooth's Palace. Palace, being the only word to describe it. I had uncovered my eyes to see the big, floating towers with roofs like budding flowers. Everything was glassed in gold, a color that complemented the hummingbird of a woman. The glossy tiles that covered any walkable surface seemed to add the color and theme of the place.

I didn't have too long to bask in the beauty of the place when Jack carried me to the larger of all the platforms where Fairies were zooming through to get to what I'm guessing is where they store the teeth. One certain Fairy paused from its route and zoomed toward Jack while he set me on my feet. i awkwardly let go of his neck and stood. I was more aware of my surroundings than I was earlier, which I was thankful for. I watched Baby Tooth flutter around Jack before burrowing herself in his pocket and coming out the other side happily. Jack let her do her little ritual, like it wasn't anything new.

"Hey Baby Tooth! Wheres Tooth?" He asked the fairy.  I watched as the eyes of the little hummingbird rolled up as if the answer was on the ceiling, before shrugging. With a little squeak she suddenly remembered and pointed down a thin hall between the rows of teeth cases. Jack mumbled as thank you as he went to go look for Tooth. Baby Tooth found herself sitting on Jacks shoulder, holding onto his hood for support.  I followed in suit, watching over being Jack for the fluttering fairy. 

Soon, we found her in some distant hallway. these Teeth cases seemed to be duller, maybe older then the first ones I saw. The faces painted on  the fronts looked hand painted, made out of geometric shapes of color. "Tooth?" Jack called to her. she was fluttering around anxiously, looking for a certain case. She jumped, looking at me and jack surprised before smiling.

"What are you two doing here?" She asked, airily.

"I'm seeing memories," I blurted suddenly. My voice was still quiet but they stood out in the air like stains on a page. Tooth furrowed her eyebrows and stared at me. 

"Seeing memories, I don't understand- that's impossible unless you have your memories," She said surely.

"Maybe if she sees her memories, I mean her memories memories, maybe that'll help," Jack offered. Instead of perking up like I expected she shyly fiddles with her feathers.

"See Jack, me and the fairies are still organizing all the cases back to where they belong from when Pitch took them." She fluttered by us a and led us further down the hall. The rows of teeth cases started to get thinner and less organized. Thinking about it, there were quite a few empty spaces earlier. "Her memories could be anywhere at the moment. I'm sorry, Ellie."

I shook my head. "Its alright. I don't need them right now, as far as I know."

"I'm still sorry. Were so backed up, I let some fairies rest after the returning from Pitch and most of the fairies are collecting teeth, not many had the chance to help me organize."

"I'm guessing that's what you were doing when we came in?" Jack guessed.

She slowly nodded, like she wasn't sure. "Well looking for a certain one, really. Someone needs to remember their memories, so I was trying to get find them." Me and jack nodded before telling her that well leave her to that. 

Jack walked in mid air as I followed on the largest platform. "What now, Frosty?" I asked. He paused and looked down to me. 

"I'm not sure. maybe we should let Bunny know, maybe he might know why."

Tooth watched them walk off before Ellie unwillingly climbed on Jacks back before they flew off to who knows where. The moment they were out of sight, she zoomed down the the one shelf she was at before. She searched through the faces and put a few away, more to get them out of the way then to put them in their place. She dug through the gold cases, till she pulled out who she was looking for.

Kosmosis Pitchiner.

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