This I Promise (Beast Boy x R...


61.6K 1.9K 847

"RAVEN STOP THIS! THERE HAS TO BE ANOTHER WAY!" "Beast Boy-" "PLEASE RAVEN! PLEASE!" He begged her, tears tri... Еще

The Promise
The Letter
The Search
The Cloaked Girl
The Goodbye
The City
The Revealing
The Cost
The Forgotten
The Dream
The Torn
The Decision
The Mistake
The Council
The Black Witch
The Plan
The March for Maleta

The Small and The Fall

1.7K 74 31

Beast Boy tore after the little thieves as they ran off with Raven.

"Stop!" Beast Boy yelled after them.

The little chinchilla creatures giggled at him as they continues to run faster than him.

"That's it." Beast Boy growled to himself.

Without warning, he transformed into a leopard and ran until he was in front of them, and then quickly transformed into a giant snake.

Hissing violently at the little creatures, they suddenly froze in place as Beast Boy blocked their exit.

He glared at the chinchillas, daring them to take another step.

"You put her down right now, or so help me..." Beast Boy snarled at the little chinchillas.

One of the little chinchillas moved away from raven and slowly walked up to Beast Boy.

"I am sorry Mister. We aren't going to hurt her, we are going to save her, but we can't do that with you in the way."

Beast Boys jaw dropped as the little chinchilla spoke to him. "Umm...uh....o-okay..." he said a little unsure of what was happening.

The chinchilla gave him a nod before taking off again.

Beast Boy shook and banged his head to make sure he wasn't going crazy before he followed after them, but this time he didn't try taking Raven back.

Beast Boy followed the chinchillas all the way through the woods until he found himself in front of a beautiful waterfall, but he did not stop to admire it. Instead he was more focused on Raven and the little creatures that were about to throw her in.

"Woah Woah Woah Woah! Hold on just a second! You can't just throw her in the water like this! She'll Drown!!" He yelled at them as he took Raven back into his arms.

The chinchillas looked back and forth between Raven, Beast Boy, and the water before all turning towards each other to whisper something.

Beast Boy began to slowly back away as the loud whispering of the chinchillas worried him.

"Uhhhhh..." he murmured as the chinchillas turned around and looked at him and Raven again.

"What are you?- AHHHHHH!" Before he knew it, the chinchillas had ran at him and shoved him and Raven in the water.

A flash of light blinded Beast Boy as he landed in the water and lost all awareness.

When he came to his senses, Beast Boy frantically looked around for Raven who was now missing from his arms.

As soon as he saw her sinking further into the dark lake, he quickly transformed and went after her.

As soon as he got close enough to wrap her in his arms something happened.

Raven began to glow and sparkle and then in a flash, she suddenly disappeared.

Beast Boy began to panic as he transformed back and shot up out of the water.

"What happen!? Where is she!?" Beast Boy yelled angrily at one of the chinchillas.

In fear the little chinchillas backed away from him as he continued to yell.

"I am so sick of this! I am not going to let her disappear again!" He yelled.

"That is enough Beast Boy."

With anger in his eyes, Beast Boy suddenly turned around and glared at the speaker, but then suddenly became relieved when Raven appeared.

Beast Boy took a deep breath and sank to his knees. "Good. You're okay." He said.

Raven looked at Beast Boy with an inexpressive face. "Shouldn't you be more worried about yourself? Seems to me that you're the idiot." She told him.

Beast Boy sweat dropped. "Even with no memory you still insult me."

Raven glared at Beast Boy. "But that's beside the point," she said starting to get in his face, "What were you thinking!? You almost got yourself killed! What moron goes flying after a Voar and its rider!?"

Beast Boy shrunk from her and muttered an apology. "Sorry."

Raven let out a frustrated sigh before turning to the chinchillas and bowing. "Thank You, Kleyn Eyner." She said to them.

"Who What?" Beast Boy questioned in the background.

"The honor is all ours, your majesty." The lead Chinchilla said bowing back.

Beast Boys eyes widened as he stared in shock at the two.

"W-w-w-wha-WHAT!!??!?" He yelled in dismay, "Your MAJESTY?! I-....I...i don't understand what's happening..." Beast Boy sat down on the grass and held his head in confusion.

Raven just rolled her eyes at him before turning and walking away.

"Not my problem." She said.

Beast Boy looked up at her realizing that he was getting left. "He-Hey wait a second! Where are you going!?"

"I have come to the conclusion that you will be the death of me." She stated simply as she continued to walk away.

"Oh so... Where we going now?" Beast Boy asked oblivious to her point.

Raven turned and glared at Beast Boy with an annoyed look.

"I am leaving," She stated, "and you're going to find someone else to kill."

"Wait what?!" Beast Boys eyes widened as he looked at Raven hurt.

With that Raven turned back around and began walking away.

"R-Raven wait! I- I am sorry okay! I won't do it again. I'll listen to what you say and I won't argue! Please! JUST DON'T LEAVE ME AGAIN!" He begged as her grabbed hold of her with tears in his eyes.

"Please Raven. I know you said you don't remember anything about me or the others, but I still remember you, and even if you decide to stay I can't leave Sunshine behind. I made a promise and I want to keep it." he whispered.

Raven froze in shock not letting him see her face.

"Fine." She muttered keeping her head low.

Using her powers she shot Beast Boy off of her and on to his butt.

"Rule number one," she said turning around, "Do not ever touch me again. Rule number two: You do as I say and stop these pointless heroic acts. They're going to get us both killed. And Lastly: once we have saved Sunshine and gotten out of there, you leave me alone. Understood?"

Beast Boy hung his head at the last part but quickly stood up with a grin on his face.

"So this means you'll still help me?" He asked.

"Unfortunately yes." She responded.

"Yessss!" Beast Boy cheered. "So, any idea where they took her?"

Raven nodded. "They were heading west so that is where we will head."

"And where does that lead?"

Raven looked at Beast Boy with the most serious look he has ever seen.

"Hell. We are going to Hell."






IT IS ME!!!!! Haha I know you guys missed me. It's been so long. I missed Wattpad. Anyway thank you for all the comments and HOLY CRAP AT THE READS ON THIS BOOK! Words can't describe how much I love you guys. It has been a busy year at school, but I survived AP and Duel enrollment so Thank God.

Beast Boy: Maybe if you weren't such a nerd you could have updated more. Who cares about all A's anyway?

Me: *Glares at him* Ummm I do thank you very much.

Beast Boy: But you sit in your room with your books all the time. You're worse than Raven!

Raven: *Comes out of no where and Glares* Excuse me?

Beast Boy: *Hides in turtle shell* Sorry

Me: *Glares at Beast Boy too* Anyway..... >.> hopefully I can update some more this summer when I am not in camps. Thank you guys for your patience with me! Ya'll are the bomb dot com.

Beast Boy: "Ya'll" What are you, Southern?

Me: *Kicks him like a soccer ball* YESSS I AM!

Southern and Proud *Winks* ;P

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