The Contest

By mgf1999

86 4 1

Megan and her friends enter a contest, in which the winner gets to spend a year on tour with One Direction. R... More

Chapter 2: Home
A*N please read
Chapter Three

Chapter 1: The Boys

46 3 0
By mgf1999

   Hi everybody! this is my first writing on Wattpad and im kinda nervous about who will like it. ive never done something like this before or ever shown any writings of mine to anyone but my friends. please vote and comment! be honest, i can take hate.

When I get where I’m going, on the far side of the sky,

the first thing that I’m gonna do, is spread my wings and

fly. I'm gonna land beside the lion, run my fingers through

his mane, or I might find out what its like, to ride a drop

of rain.”

I sing. Its a duet between Dolly Parton and Brat Paisley. Its a good song, and im in a good mood. I have a concert to go to. A One Direction concert. My friend Claire found a great deal on tickets, so we both bought one, and then backstage passes. As soon as we bought them, we called my friend Dilara. Shes a crazy fangirl, and she never shuts up about them. Her and Claire have never met, but I know they will get along great. Dilara is a year older than us, and we are going to be seniors. School starts soon, in two weeks. The concert is the day before the first day of school. How funny is that!

The phone starts ringing, bringing me out of my thoughts. I skip over to it.

“Hello?” I ask.

Hi, this is Paul, One Directions manager. Is this Megan Flaherty?” oh my god its Paul! Im talking to PAUL! I take a second to control my breathing.

“Yes, this is she.” I say as calmly as possible.

Your friends, Claire Falzon and Dilara Ozunur and you have won the writing contest.”

“Hold on a second, Paul.” I say calmly. I set the phone down and walk a few steps away, then yell as loud as possible. “I'm back. Did we really win?” I say. Paul is still laughing.

Yes, you really did. Would you like me to call your friends, or do you want to?” he asks.

“I would like to tell them myself, thank you.”

Okay. After the concert, just stay in the audience. Dont leave. And we will know who you are, since you sent in pictures.” he says. “Goodbye.

“Bye.” I say. I text Claire and Dilara and tell them to come over ASAP. They do. Twenty minutes later they are laying on my bed, meeting each other. Being fangirls.

“So whats up?” Claire says.

“Why'd you call us over here so fast?” Dilara asks.

“I got a call from a man. Guess what his name was?” I ask.





“Louis?” they take turns saying names.

“Paul.” I say. Their mouths drop open. “We won the contest. One of us gets to go on tour with One Direction.”

“You.” they both say at the same time.

“Why me?” I ask.

“Because you are the one who actually wrote it. We just gave some ideas.” Dilara says.

“Plus, you can face time us every day, and we can talk to them.” Claire adds.

“I love you guys.” I say, giving them both bear hugs.

“We love you too.” Claire says. “Plus, we are going to meet them at the concert.” Dilara nods.


“I cant believe we are going to this!” Claire says.

“I cant believe we won!” Dilara shouts.

“I cant believe I let you guys have all that sugar!” I mutter. They laugh at me. We are all in my room, fixing our clothes and makeup. Claire has the works; red lipstick, thick eyeliner, mascara, and some eyeshadow so dark it looks like she is bruised. Dilara has on Mascara and eyeliner, blue eyeshadow, and some blush. I took the liberty of going out and buying makeup. I put on some mascara, not even bothering with eyeliner. I put on the smallest trace of green eyeshadow, just enough to bring out my eyes. I have a little pink lipgloss on, because I like the cherry taste. I put on Dilara's extra One Direction tee shirt, I dont have any myself. Its white with their faces on it. I put on green shorts and my straw cowboy hat. I find socks and my new blue Airwalks, and put them on. “Its time to go, girls.” they both say they need more time. Claire puts on my orange shorts, identical to the ones I have on. “Do you want to be late and miss our chance to go onstage with them?” I say. They both move twenty times as fast as they were. We head out the door.

“I call shotgun!” Dilara says, running to my car. My dream car. Its the 2012 Newest Ford. Its bright red, and it seats six people. I know from experience that at least 12 people can sit in the truck bed. Thats eighteen people in one truck. Its got a moon roof, too. I open the moon roof so Claire can stand up in the back. We hear her yelling as I turn the key and pull out of the drive. Its a twenty minute drive to Anaheim, but the traffic is horrible. Too many teenage girls. But since we are part of the teenage girls, I cant complain.

“I see their tour bus!” I hear Claire shout from above. Dilara starts dancing in her seat. She pulls Claire back into the truck.

“Give my their album!” she shouts. Claire rummages through her purse and finds her unopened One Direction album. She hands it to Dilara, who rips it open and shoves the disc into my stereo. She starts playing What Makes You Beautiful, and we all start singing along.

“Your insecure, dont know what for, your turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or, dont need makeup, to cover up-” this goes on until we find a parking spot, and the song is to Stand up.

“And then i'll steal us a car!” Zayn sings “And we can drive to the stars, I can give you the moon its the least I can do, if you give me the chance-” I turn off the car, and the music shuts off. Claire and Dilara whine.

“Guys! We are going to see this in person, calm down!” I say. Im trying my hardest to stay calm myself. Im going on tour with five incredibly handsome boys. For a year. I have to make a good impression, which is impossible. When im nervous I tend to laugh uncontrollably and and turn amazingly clumsy. And im incredibly nervous. We walk into the Honda Center, where we walk about a mile through a sea of girls from ages 12 to 25. we find the right entrance and find our seats, all the way down in the front. Row 2, seats 20 – 23. I sit in the middle, restraining the girls from climbing over the fence and onto the newly risen stage. Safety precautions.

I pull them closer to me. “You'll meet them soon enough!” I whisper. “Calm down!” they both look at me like I was crazy. Whatever.

“Your just fine with waiting because you get to stay with them for all year.” Dilara says. Nobody is around us yet, so we can hear each other when we whisper. We hear a super loud megaphone say that the concert starts in five minutes. Girls file in loudly, screaming the boys names.

“GIVE ME YOUR GRAVY HARRY!” some twelve year old yells. I roll my eyes.

“I HAVE CARROTS!” the girls friend shouts. I just laugh, taking a carrot out of my bag and offering one to each of the girls. They take it and Dilara takes a bite of it like Bugs Bunny. I laugh and then hear the yelling of teenage boys. I turn to watch as Harry runs onto the stage. Louis follows, slapping Harry's butt. Zayn runs out afterward, followed by Niall. They fool around until Liam walks out calmly. They all look around innocently and line up, causing the crowd to roar. They all start dancing around as the beginning of WMYB plays. They start singing, and when Harry's solo began, the boys threw themselves at him and tried to make him mess up. Zayn got kicked in the nuts and Niall got a slap in the back of his head. Even Liam was trying to mess him up. Haha, I liked Liam. He reminded me of me, sometimes. Whenever there was no adult around, I sorta became leader. Like now. I made sure I knew where both the girls were. I kept tabs on what was happening around me, too many psycho girls, Dilara included. Dilara has been psycho for forever. I met her in seventh grade, she was in eighth. We didnt know each others names, but we played chess with each other every day for a month. I only won once. Finally I said no more, but we could do something else. We had become great friends, and had kept hanging out ever since. I met Claire that same year. I had just started to go to my churches youth group, and I didnt know anybody. Claire and Brooke were the craziest, so I started hanging out with them. They reminded me of some of my school friends. My craziest school friends, but my friends all the same. They've calmed down a little since I've met them, though. They've matured, aged, and learned more. I guess. My looks have changed too, my once blonde hair is now brown, but I've kept my highlights. Natural, of course. My eyes have changed from green hazel to just green. Dark green, like grass or trees. Instead of my old Heart band shirts and old jeans, I wear loose off the shoulder stuff with brightly colored shorts, saving my other clothes for days indoors. My messy buns from when I had short hair have been replaced by long, complicated braids. Nobody would recognize me then from now. Dilara still has crazy wild black hair, and pretty brown eyes. Shes still sorta violent, but super nice. Her style still hasnt changed, she still is comfortable in her own clothes. Claire is pretty much the same, too. Crazy, but predictable. Both of them are shouting at the top of their lungs, as Liam begins to sing in Everything About You. I shout too, clapping and jumping up and down.

“And now, the winners of our year long tour writing contest! Please welcome Claire Falzon, Dilara Ozunur, and Megan Flaherty!” Harry says into the microphone. The girls freak out and jump up and down. I walk out of my row and up to the fence, Claire and Dilara screaming behind me. The guards walk over to us and pull us onstage, and I try to keep from fainting. I restrain the girls from attacking One Direction, but its hard. Harry walks over to me and puts a microphone headset on my head, figuring I had my hands full. Apparently he wasnt the girls favorite, because they were reaching behind him. For Louis and Niall.

“Sorry, I guess your not their favorite.” I say to Harry, still struggling with my friends. The crowd laughs. Harry sees who theyre trying to get to.

“Lou, Nialler, come here!” Harry says in his adorable accent. They jog over and stand in front of the girls. Niall leans down to Dilara and wiggles his fingers, waving. Suddenly, Dilara isnt holding herself up. I look down to see shes fainted. I drop her on the floor.

I turn to Louis. “Can you make her do that?” I ask, gesturing to the struggling Claire. Louis smiles, and bear hugs Claire. “Boo-bear and Claire-bear!” I say happily. She gives me the bird and then faints with a smile on her face. “Thank you, Louis. Thanks, Niall. You can just drop her on the floor.” Clair is set down.

“Well, that went good!” Liam says, walking forward to stand next to me. “Now who's gonna make you faint?”

“I dont faint. I sleep unexpectedly.” I say. He laughs. “And I'm not gonna.”

“What makes you so sure of that?” Louis asked.

“Well, we won the contest. Im going to be spending a year with you, I cant go around fainting every time I see you.” I say plainly.

“I like her!” Liam says. “Whats your name? We know thats Claire, are you Dilara or Megan?”

“Megan. Megan Flaherty.” I say.

“Isn't Flaherty an Irish name?” Niall asked me, popping his head around Zayn.

“Yes. I think your other fans want you.” I say. “they're yelling pretty loudly.” im facing the boys, and I gesture behind me to the crowd for them to yell. They yell, screaming their names. As I pick up Claire and head backstage, I look at one of the security guards. “A little help?” I ask, and one of them runs over and picks up Dilara. I keep walking backstage, where im met by a guy whose voice sounds familiar.

“Hi, im Paul Higgins. I spoke to you on the phone?” Paul looked tired, ragged. Like he was watching over five immature boys. Oh wait, he was! Hahaha. Haha. Ha.

“Hi, Paul! I would shake your hand, but my arms are a little full.” I glance behind me at the security guard who's holding Dilara. Shes starting to stir. “Um, sir? I would put her on the couch before she wakes up and punches you.” I said calmly. He quickly puts her on the couch, and I follow with Claire. They look calm, until Dilara wakes up groggily and stands. I shake Pauls hands and say “Well, I have my own children to take care of!” he laughs.

“Tire them out, they sleep longer.” he says to me. I give him a knowing smile.

“Dilara, are you okay?” I say gently. “Do you remember what happened?”

“Well, we won the contest, and we were pulled up on stage, and Nialler waved at me. I dont remember what happened after that.” suddenly she looks embarrassed. “What did I do?”

“Well, Niall waved to you, and you fainted. Then Louis made Claire faint by hugging her and I talked to them for a minute or so. Then I had this nice man,” I gestured to the worried looking guard. “carry you back here. Thank you, sir. Whats your name?” he looks up.

“Patrick. Patrick McLaughtly.” he says. His voice is deep and has an Irish accent.

“Did Niall want some of his own kind?” I ask Pat and Paul.

“Yes. I will be going on tour with you guys, too. Im your driver, I'm just filling in for a guard who got sick. Tall and intimidating, you know.” im tall and can be intimidating when I want to. I laugh. I hear the crowd yelling for more.

“Sorry, we have to go!” I hear Liam say. The crowd boos as I see them run backstage. Harry runs in first, already striping down to his boxers. Pink heart boxers, too. Niall next, yelling something about wanting food. Typical. Louis goes right to the portable fridge and pulls out a bag of carrots, offering me one but not anybody else.

“Thanks, swagmasta.” I say, laughing.

“Where are you from?” Zayn says, jogging in. He walks over to a mirror and fixes his jacket and hair.

“Here. Born and raised. Hey, Liam!” I say as he calmly walks in. Immediately he starts giving orders.

“Niall, you cannot order Nandos! We arent even in the right country! Louis, we are going out to dinner right now, put away the carrots or you wont be hungry. Zayn, you look fine. And Harry, put some pants on.” he says. “Are you okay?” he asks me. I look at Dilara, who's fainted again.

“I guess. They really listen to you, huh?” I ask.

“Yeah, I guess. Do your friends listen to you?” he says.

“Why do you think im the responsible one?” I ask, killing myself mentally for saying something so dumb. Whatever.

“Well, you kept two clearly very strong girls from trampling us. And then you bossed Pat around like you were use to being listened to. Dont worry, you were nice.” he adds, seeing the look on my face.

“Yeah, I get listened to. If my friends cant hear me, I make myself heard.” I say simply.

“Your cool, Megan.” he says, putting an arm around my shoulder in a brief hug. Where do the butterflies come from? Do they always come when I least expect them?

“Call me Meg. Where are we going to eat?”

“Anywhere you want to. Your the American.” he smiles.

“Ooh! Lets go to Outback! Its probably busy, but your famous! There is a few young female waitresses, we could get in.” I say sneakily.

“Sure. Is it good?”

“No, Liam. Its horrible, im gonna take the most famous boys ever to a crappy restaurant.” I say sarcastically.

“Whatever you want.” he says.

“Let me wake the girls. I stand up from where Liam and I are sitting on the arm of the couch and slap each girl in the face. “Dilara, Niall wants you to wake up so he can eat.” she pops up.

“I wouldn't mind something to eat, myself!” she says sleepily. She looks around.

“If you faint, you will not wake up.” I threaten as she goes to lay back down. She gets up and walks over to Niall, hiding behind him.

“You okay?” Niall asks.

“Yeah. She means her threats.” she says. Satisfied, I turn to Claire.

“This will be easy!” I mutter. Liam, the only one in hearing range, laughs. “Louis ate all of your whipped cream!” I say loudly in her ear. She wakes up and walks over to Louis. He looks frightened.

“Nobody takes my whipped cream.” she says sternly. “Beware.” she walks away, over to me. I take her arm and pull her closer.

“Careful. Anything happens, you will not be happy.” I whisper to both of them.

“We wont be either.” Liam says. I laugh and he laughs too.

“Lets go! OUTBACK HERE WE COME!” I yell, and Zayn covers his ears. “Oh hush. Get use to it.” I say. Dilara and Claire chuckle.

“Sorry to say, but you really do get use to it.” Claire says.

“True that!” Dilara adds. I laugh.

“I will go get my car. Be right back!” I say. Liam grabs my arm.

“Why don't we just take the limo?” he says.

“Were you trying to attract fans?” I ask. Get a brain, Liam!

“Oh yeah! How many can your truck fit?

“Six in the front, 12 in the truck bed.”

“So who's going in the back?” Dilara asks. “I'm driving, though.”

I'll go in the back!” I volunteer. Everybody looks at me like im crazy. “Hey! I do it once a year normally at Twisp. Its fun!”

“If its so fun, i'll go too.” Liam says. I try not to jump and scream. Wow, fan girl moment.

“Sure, Liam.” I say amazingly calmly. Dilara snickers. She knows me too well. She knows im really just acting calm. She knows I'm freaking out. She is too. “Let me go get the car. Louis, wanna come with?” I dont wanna walk over there alone, and I know Louis will make me laugh.

“Sure! Lets go, Meggie!” he calls me by my little kid nickname. I hated it then, but coming from any one from 1D, its okay. I loop my arm through his and start sprinting. “Why are we running?” he says.

“FANS!” I bellow. We reach the truck and he swings himself into the bed. I get into the drivers seat and pull away. I drive around the back to the back door and the boys file out. I get out and Dilara takes my place. I help Louis out of the back and climb in. Liam climbs up behind me and the others file in the car. I hear the sun roof open and see a blonde head pop out. “Niall, put your head down right now! People can recognize you!” Liam shouts.

“Like they cant recognize you?” he shouts back.

“I've got a hood on!” Liam mutters as Niall goes down into the car. I laugh. Dilara doesnt slow down any and we go over a speed bump. I almost go flying, but Liam puts his arms on my shoulders and gently pulls me back. I expect him to pull his arm back from around my shoulder, but he doesn't. I look at him and he starts to pull back, but I put my hand on his and keep his arm there.

“In case I fall again.” I say quietly. He smiles. I cant resist smiling back.

meanwhile, inside the car.

“Guys, did anybody just see that?” Claire asks.

“What? Did the speed bump work?” Dilara asked.

“Yeah, it worked. He put his arm around her to keep her from falling, and he kept it there. When she looked at him and she went to pull away, she kept it there.” Louis says. “Daddy Direction found himself a crush! About time!”


“Were here!” I hear Dilara shout. I look around to see familiar streets, and the Outback Steakhouse across the parking lot. She shuts off the engine as the boys loudly get out. Liam withdraws his arm and the butterflies fly away. I wonder where they go, when they fly away. I happen to see a butterfly on the vine covered fence.

“It escaped! How did it do that?” I wonder out loud. Liam looks at me like im crazy. Well I am, so whatever. He jumps out of the truck bed and I unlatch the back, walking straight off of it. I land on my feet, surprisingly. I take Dilara's and Claire's hand, pulling them toward the door. We manage to get in and seated (“In a booth, please.” Louis.) before someone recognized 1D. Our waitress takes it very well. The waitress already knows my name, and apparently is a Directioner.

“Hi, Meg. I didnt know you kept such great company!”

“Why, Samantha! You know my lovely friends? I get to spend all year skipping school and hanging out with them!” I say pleasantly.

“Does Meggie come here often?” Louis asks. Samantha laughs at my name.

“Meggie is in here once a week for three years. How she affords it, I dont know.”

“I told you, I teach riding! For three years now, since I was 16.”

“You ride horses?” Harry asked.

“No, I ride camels. Yes, horses!” I say.

“Do you own any?” he asks.

“Camels? No. But I do own two horses.” I smile. Niall is laughing into his water, and the others are trying to hide smiles.

“Before we leave, can you take us riding? We want to, but never had the chance.” Harry asks me.

“Well, I happen to know that my old instructors daughter likes 1D. She has two horses. You'll have to ride the cow, Hazza.”

“I love you guys, but I gotta go. What drinks do you want?” Samantha asks.

“Can I have some Coke?” Liam asks.

“Sprite.” Claire says.

“Pepsi.” thats Dilara.

“Some orange Fanta, please.” Louis.

“Coke.” Harry.

“Three cups of Cherry Pepsi for starters, please.” guess who that is. Yep, its Niall.

One cup of Cherry Pepsi, please.” Zayn says. I laugh, and Niall scowls at me.

“I'll have my usual, a Shirley Temple, please.” I say.

“Whats a Shirley Temple?” Niall asks.

“Cherry's and Sprite. Its really good.” I say the exact thing Samantha says at the same time. We laugh.

“I'll have one of those instead of my coke, please!” Liam says. “They sound yummy.”

“I'll have one of those on top of my three Pepsi's, Samantha.” Niall says, smiling at her. She looks like she might start fangirling.

“Not in public, please.” I say to her. She walks away.

“Now why am I riding a cow?” Harry asks. We all smile.

“You have to ride a horse someone else owns. I dont think the little four foot tall pony would like you on her back.”

“When can we go?” Liam asks suspiciously. “And how safe is it?”

“Its plenty safe. My horses don't kick or bite, or I'll know why.” I say. “The only reason they don't talk to us is because they know we are to stupid to understand them.” I say. Louis laughs.

“Niall can understand them. He even eats as much as they do.” Zayn says.

“Maybe even more.” Liam adds. Samantha comes back with our drinks and Niall drinks two of them while shes handing out the rest.

“Are you guys ready to order? I know what you want, Megan.” she just wrote my name on the paper.

“I'll have the biggest steak you have, medium rare.” Niall says.

“I will have the wedge salad and some potato soup.” Louis says in a funny voice, making us all laugh. “Thank you.”

“I'll have the same as Lou, thanks.” Harry said.

“Same.” Says Zayn.

“A little difference is impossible, huh?” I ask. Liam looks at me.

“What are you getting?” he asks.

“Macaroni.” I say.

“I'll have one of what Meg's having.” Liam says to Samantha.

“I thought only Megan was the weird one.” she says.

“I will have the same of what the majority of everyone else is having, and so will she.” Claire says, pointing to Dilara. Samantha walks away.

“When can we go riding?” Liam says.

“After this, Daddy Direction.” I say. The boys laugh. Niall starts talking to the girls, thank god. I send him a thankful smile. “Claire, do you want to help with the boys riding?” I say.

“No, I have to go home. Remember, I have a dog?” she has a little dog that she names Pj, for Percy Junior. Percy was the dog she had when I first met her, but he died. PJ looks just like Percy.

Samantha brings our food and we all eat in silence. Niall excuses himself to use the restroom, and we pay and leave. Liam says he's going to come back for some more of that macaroni. We get in the truck.

“Dilara, stop at my house and drop Claire off. Her car is there.” I say. I hear an okay as the engine starts. Again, me and Liam are in the back. And again, I almost fall. Her puts his arm around me and the butterflies come racing to see the macaroni in my stomach. We get to my house and Claire gets out. We do our false bro-hug thing and she runs to her car.

“Call me!” she sings.

“Maybe!” I sing back. We laugh at the ridiculous song as Dilara drives away again. She drove me to Rancho Del Rio plenty of times before I got a car, so she knows where it is. We have to pass the Honda Center to get there, too.

“There's where you gave your concert!” I say to Liam. He nods. “Ive got to get you back soon, dont I?” I ask. He shakes his head.

“Let me call Paul from the stables. Can we stay at your place?” oh my, One Direction wants to stay at my house.

“Yeah. I need to go drop out of school. It starts tomorrow.

“No. Go to the first day. We wont leave till Sunday. You can tell all of your friends your leaving. Tell the principal your going to be home schooled this year.

“This is my last year in school. Until college.” I say. I hadnt realized that when I entered the contest. If we won, I would miss my entire senior year.

“Oh. Do you want to stay here?” he asks. He seems kind of sad.

“No. Im just going to miss my friends.” I sigh. Were here.

“Were here, Liam.” I say. “Now lets see who else is.” we all walk up to the less classy part of the stables. My second home. The other part of the stables is used by owners to board their high end 'classy' horses. The majority of the classy area ride English. I have nothing against the style, but the riders are snobs. “Hey guys, mind hiding behind those bushes? Cami's daughter Kaley is there and she loves you guys. Wait, I have an idea.” I walk over to Liam and put my sunglasses on him and pull up his hood. “Start humming one of your songs.” I tell him, then pull him with me over to Kaley. I hear him begin to hum Stand Up. I love that song.

“Hey Kaley! Look who I met at the One Direction concert!” I say, getting her attention. She looks up.

“He... looks familiar.” she says. Her hazel eyes look confused and curious, and she pulls out her braided brown hair.

“No flirting. Him and his friends are here because they want to ride for a bit. Who all is available besides my horses?” I say.

“My two, and my pony.”

“Big guys, no ponies.” I say. “Who else?”

“We can use Smokey and Honey. How many people are there? Are you riding, too?” she asked.

“I can. Will you watch from the ground? Lets get them saddled up and we will get my friends out here.” I say. Kaley goes into her mothers tack shed and I go to my box. Its seven feet high and five feet across. We both get halters and Liam is trailing behind me like a lost puppy. “Kaley, wait! Lets let them do it themselves.” I smile wickedly. “BOYS, COME HERE! DILARA, YOU TOO!” I shout at the top of my lungs. Harry runs over to me, tripping over a rock along the way. He stumbles and I catch him just before he hits the ground.

“Bloody hell, Megan. You've got lungs!” he says. Louis and Zayn come running behind them, and Niall and Dilara after that.

“No worries, Meg. I dont need my eardrums to sing!” Louis says sarcastically. I look at Kaley. Shes wide eyed and shocked, but smiling. She wont faint, she's strong. Shes a rider.

“Kaley and I think its a good idea to let you get the horses yourselves. We'll go with you, but wont do anything.” I say. Harry looks worried. “Kaley, can you put Harry on Star?” I ask. Star is my horse, shes tall and strong. She's calm and gentle, though. Kaley nods, and walks away. “Harry, your suppose to follow!” I tell him. He takes off at a jog.

“What about us?” Louis whined.

“Louis, im putting you on Honey. Maybe she'll calm you down a bit. All of you, lets go.” I walk off towards Honeys stall, and her halter is already hanging there. “Thanks, Kaley!” I holler. She smiles from across the way.

“What am I doing?” Louis asks.

“Hold your horses! Open the gate.” I say. He opens it and walks inside. I follow, gesturing for the others to stay outside. I hand him the halter.

“Walk over to the left side of the horse.” he does as he's told. I readjust his hold on the halter and help him put the halter on. He is a natural. I attach the lead rope and have him walk to the cross ties. He guides Honey nervously, and I show him how to tie her up. Harry is walking with Star. Kaley helps him tie, and we tell them both to stay here. She takes Zayn and Dilara, leaving Liam and Niall with me.

“Niall, im putting you on Kaleys horse, Mulan.” I walk with them over to Mulans stall and unlock it.

“Why is there a lock?” Niall asks.

“Because she is good with latches.” I say. Liam laughs, but shuts up after we watch Mulan open the latch for us. “Niall, come here. Do the same thing Louis did.” Niall thinks for a moment, then does the exact this Louis did. “Walk Mulan over to the others.” Niall leads her over to the others and ties her up at the same time Zayn gets over there.

“Who am I on?” Liam asks, his deep voice so near that I jump.

“The question is what are you on.” I joke. “Im putting you on my other horse, Midnight.” Midnight it jet black, an exact look alike for Star, but smaller. And Star has a star marking on her head.

“Midnight? Star? You've got a thing for nighttime.” he says.

“They are both dark horses.” I say slyly, walking to Midnight's stall. “Get him.” I say, handing him the halter that was on my shoulder. Midnight starts to object, so I walk over and whisper in her ear.

“You try anything and I will sell you to the man who makes meat for McDonalds. He stands there innocently and lets the halter be placed on him. Liam walks over to the others, and they all look at him and my beautiful horse. I just washed her this morning, so she's all shiny. Kaley and I teach them how to groom, and them we saddle them up and such. Then I get Smokey and groom and saddle him quickly. The boys and Dilara lead the horses into the ring, and I help them mount up. Smokey, being a good boy, stays where I told him to, and doesn't try to bite any of the others. Once everyone is on, including me, I have Kaley teach them how to control the horses. Im warming up Smokey, taking a couple of jogging laps around the ring and then a couple of loping ones. Everyone is paying attention to Kaley, everyone but Liam. He's watching me ride.

(Liam's pov)

Wow, she could ride! I didnt know if she was good in riding standards, but the way she moved, damn. She looked like she was a part of the horse. Smokey helped, too. He moved gracefully and gently, not unlike Megan herself. Like when she jumped out of the back of her truck, she landed on her feet as if she'd just floated down on a cloud. She looked up and saw me looking, but I couldnt look away. I blushed, but she just smiled and waved. Waved? She was doing it with one hand! Oh my god! Wow, she was talented...

NORMAL (or as normal as possible)

“Lets go! Kick your horses gently, my friends.” I say, like im talking to children. Louis kicks Honey softly and she starts walking. Honey is so sweet, I love her. She's one of my favorite horses. My old favorite was Dandy, but she's no longer with us. She was sold to a sort of resting home when I was 11. I cried for days, knowing she would die of old age and I would have never said goodbye. I was in Florida, and when I came back, she was gone. I rode her for four years. I still love her, and hope she somehow is still alive and thinking of the girl with the blonde hair who fed her apples and carrots every week and spent lots of time grooming her. All of the others have started at a walk, about a horse length and a half apart. Star tries to bite Honey, and Honey gives her a mouth full of tail. Louis and Harry are laughing, so I leave the line and walk by them.

“Any of you girls try anything and there is no sugar for a month.” I say. “And for the horses, either.” they stop laughing, until I smile to let them know I was joking. I slap Stars nose and go back up front. Smokey see's something and freaks, but nobody else does. I feel Smokey lope forward a bit, then buck. He rears and paws the air before I can get him calmed down. “Smokey! What the heck!” I say. “What gotcha, boy? Its just the wall.” my voice calms down and becomes soothing. We've already been on horseback for a half hour, and I dont want any accidents. I gesture to Kaley to help the others dismount as I ride to the gate. The other horses stay where they are. Kaley opens the gate for me, and I ride over to Smokey's stall. He's not tired or sweating, so I just unsaddle and put him away. He nudges my pocket for a sugar cube, so I give him one and plop one into my own mouth. They're good. I go back to help with the others, but they are all done. “Wow, you guys learn quick!” I say. “Now that we all smell like horse, lets go to my house! It smells like horse, too!” they laugh at my mock enthusiasm. “Dilara, wanna drive?”

“Yay! Lets go!” she says.

“Hey! All of you, use the restrooms on the way out. You cant miss them.” I stay behind to thank Kaley, and she hands me her number.

“Give it to Zayn.” she whispers. I laugh and nod. I turn back to head up to the exit, but Liam is blocking the way. I smile.

“Yes?” I drawl.

“Lets walk up together. I don't need the loo.” he says. I put a smile on my face and Kaley's number in my pocket. “So, anything I need to know before we steal you for a year?” let me think. Im starting to have feelings for you, and im crazy.

“Im crazy. Insane. Psycho.” I say, Swirling a finder in circles around my temple. He laughs.

“Who isnt?” he asks, gesturing to the yelling coming from the boys bathroom.

“You. You arent crazy. Dilara's a bat.” I say. “When I was in seventh grade, and she was in eighth, she came running out of Mr. Thuma's classroom with the ends of her jacket tied to her fingers. She was flapping her arms and yelling 'im a bat!'. I asked Mr. Thuma what happened to her, and he said he gave her a can of caffeinated soda. I remember shaking my head and saying 'now shes my problem' and running after her. Mr. Thuma was laughing pretty hard by the time I caught her.” I say.

“Your not crazy!” Liam said. “You went and caught her before she did anything harmful to herself!” I laughed.

“I guess.” I say. “Boys, the bathroom is not a water park! If your not out here in two minutes, me and Liam are leaving you behind! Same for you, Dilara!” I shout. We wait by my truck, my arms are crossed because I know the boys are being mischievous. They all come walking out with their hands behind their back, and Dilara is hiding behind Niall. Suddenly they take their wet hands out from behind their backs and start sprinkling us with water. No biggie. Liam and I dont even move, until there is no more water on their hands. “Just get in the truck.” I say. Liam hops in the back and helps me up.

“You know, one of you can come sit with us, since Claire left.” Niall says before getting in the front.

“Do you want to?” Liam asks me.

“No. I like it better back here.” I say.

“Me too.” he smiles, and I just cant help myself from returning it.

                END OF CHAPTER ONE

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