There's lust and then there's...

By jirogzy

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It is true that Eve tempted Adam to sin by eating a forbidden fruit. But what if Segun was really the one wh... More



1.6K 192 333
By jirogzy

Chapter Three


Judge and jury.

That's how I feel right now as they all stare at me with sombre looks on their faces. These faces with ugly personalities. They can turn mean spirited within the twinkling of an eye.

Might as well milk them for all they've got, but as I walk back to my laptop, the soft side of me begins to feel sorry for them, and I decide from here on out to overlook what they did to me, and act as professional as I can.

When I get to the laptop, I scroll through the list of files, click on the one I want, and the bright logo of Valen-J Concepts leaps to life on the screen. Satisfied, I turn round to the men who are still solemnly looking at me.

Deciding to focus on the reason I'm here, I launch into an introduction. "Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time.

"A project in itself is a temporary endeavor designed to produce a unique product, service or result with a defined beginning and end. This is usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or staffing and is undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. Another thing you need to know is, each project is unique and just because it works for one, doesn't necessarily mean it will work the same way, for the other one. I'll teach you, the pros, the cons and most importantly, the secret to achieving a hitch free project."

A burst of claps ring out as I finish speaking, startling me. This makes me take a step back, momentarily nonplussed.

I smile embarrassingly and clear my throat as I become animated with the training. I didn't have time to get manuals for them because of the short notice, so I tell them to feel free to jot down points as I talk. I had some note pads printed with my company name on it so I hand it out to them and they intermittently jot on it.

After awhile, the secretary comes to tell me there will be a tea break in Mr. Faseun's office in the next ten minutes but the other's would have theirs here in the conference room. I check my wrist watch and notice an hour and a half has already passed by.

Time flies by so quickly, but it seems like I have barely begun teaching. I smile and nod my thanks to her.

As I round up, the door to the back bursts open and in comes a flustered looking man, clutching a huge file under his arm. The weight of it must be heavy, because he is almost bent over at the waist. Suddenly, the file slips from his grasp and clatters unto the floor. Sheaves of paper flutter to the ground and lay around him in a scattered mess.

"I'm so very sorry I'm late, I was held up in a meeting." He says this in a rush without even looking up from picking up the papers.

He grabs them from the floor and keeps trying to stuff them back into his file. Clearly the papers are having none of it because they keep slipping back out and dropping unto the floor.

No one comes to his rescue, they stand watching him and chuckling instead. I feel really bad for him, and instinctively I find myself walking over to him. As I bend down to start picking up the papers to arrange them, his head whips up and both our heads collide in a sickening crunch.

"OUCH!" We both exclaim at the same time.

I stand up hastily, cradling the sore spot on my forehead with my two hands.

"I'm so very sorry!" He makes to touch my forehead as my two hands fall away from my head.

Our eyes clash and his hands stop in mid air as we stare at each other. His mouth slowly falls open, and his eyes blaze with a certain intensity that makes me feel strangely warm.

We gaze at each other as a delicious bubble of desire and excitement wraps us, cordoning off every other person in the room, as sound and smell fall away. His hand grazes my cheeks lightly and I unknowingly lean into it.

Then he smiles. "Hi, princess, looking for me?" His deep voice sends thrills down my spine.

My forehead throbs and the pain snaps me back to my senses, making me get up hastily and back away from him. As I walk to the front of the conference room, my knees suddenly feel weak, but I determinedly put one feet in front of each other, until I make it to the front of the class.

Steeling myself, I clasp my hands together in front of me, school my face into a neutral mask and clear my throat, somewhat shakily as I announce. "Well, uh. . . let's take a break. We'll, ah. . . reconvene in the next twenty minutes after the tea break." When I glance at the time, it's 1pm.

A nervous excitement has suddenly erupted in the pit of my stomach. Turning round, I walk, smack, into someone. Gentle hands steady me and I gaze up into chocolate brown eyes.

"We really need to stop bumping into each other like this, princess," he chuckles.

I have to still the sudden beat of my heart. I mask my face into one of indifference and raise an eye brow at him. He's looking like a snack, so fine in his light blue suit, a glass in his hand and a smirk on his handsome face.

Gone is the flustered looking man doubled over with files.

My hands itch to run my fingers across his chest. I'm sure his stomach is ram rod flat. He looks like he takes good care of his body, because he has the gait of someone that works out.

Since I can't obviously touch him, I ball my hands into a fist by my side.

"How may I help you?" I cock my head to the side, making sure to use a soft tone. But as I stare at him, I unknowingly take on a fighting stance.

"Oh! We gonna act all ignorant now?" He counter asks. "This wasn't the reaction I got when my tongue was in your mouth." He inches closer to me.

"Excuse me?" I gasp, rearing back. "You must be mistaking me for someone else or your brain's probably addled. Now if you'll excuse me . . ." I make to walk away, but he holds my wrist.

"Not this time." His hand is a vice like grip as he shakes his head. "You are not walking away from me this time."

"What the actual fuck!" I spit out, before I can help myself.

He loosens his grip but still keeps it around my wrist.

"Okay! My bad, please let's start over. I mean I'd really like to go on a date with you after the training - no funny business, I promise." He releases my wrist and puts his hands up in the air.

I look at him, shake my head and walk off towards Mr. Faseun who is waiting for me at the door leading into his office. I smile as he takes my laptop from me. He's such a gentleman, unlike that lad out there. We make small talk as we walk inside his office.

"May I interest you in an early dinner at 6pm?" He asks, glancing at the time and then at me, smiling.

I look at my wrist watch and notice it is 4pm now, and then I look back up at him. He really is handsome. He has crinkles at the sides of his eyes as he smiles and they add to his attraction. He also has a grey goatee. Yes, I like a man with a beard. On the whole he looks very put together and I briefly wonder if he's married. I sneak a glance at his right hand. Hmm, no ring. Suddenly, an image of Batman floods my mind and I mentally shake my head to rid myself of it.

"Unfortunately, I'd have to take a rain check on that until after the training finishes. I really need to go over my notes for tommorow's training."

He nods and smiles, understanding lacing his eyes. "Until two days then, I'll be looking forward to it."

He escorts me to the lift and even waits for it to open and he doesn't leave until it closes. When I get to the ground floor, I smile and wave at the front desk officer as I walk out of the automatic sliding doors.

The humid weather hits me like a slap, so much that by the time I walk to my car, I'm already breaking out in a sweat. I decide to make a quick stop at the mechanic's to refill the gas for my car's air-conditioner, once and for all.

- @ -

I drink her in with my eyes. She looks different. Gone is the tight club outfit, now she looks like an executive. Though it doesn't diminish her beauty, I can still see the swell of her hips through the thick material of her skirt -- nothing can diminish that. She looks yummy! I watch as she walks off, her hips swaying.

I gotta stop making her walk away from me somehow.

"Checking boss lady out, man?" Bode taps me on the shoulders.

"Who wouldn't?!" I turn to him with a smirk. "She's a piece of work," I turn around once more to look at the door she just passed through.

"Don't mess with her though," he continues. His expression turning serious.

"What do you mean?" I  raise enquiring eyes at him, gulping down the drink in my hand.

"Mr. F know you drinking on the job?" He counter asks.

"Naah! And I'd like to keep it that way," I look pointedly at him.

"No qualms, man, I got you. As long as share your stash."

"Sharing is caring," I reply, smiling as I lead him to my office.

Bode fills me in on what transpired shortly before the training started. I find out her name is Eve Olaitan. I silently roll her name on my tongue. I like how it sounds. He tells me how she stood up against all of them and practically shut them down with her words.

I knew she was fiesty.

That makes me want her even more.

The lectures continue shortly after , and I make sure I sit in front, close to her so I can see her every expression.

Everytime she looks to the front, her eyes meet mine and something indiscernible flashes in them. I can't wait to see the dimple pop out on her face once more. I watch as her hips sway as she walks, and when she turns to the side, her butt juts out of her skirt.

I feel the front of my trousers tighten up. . .  yet again.

I can't believe I'm having a damned hard on right now. I'm sure she isn't even aware the effect she has on men. She's the epitome of a caramel beauty. Her legs are slim, long and smooth and I imagine them high up in the air under me.

I'm drawn to her face again, her mesmerising pink lips, the way they part, and I wonder how they would feel, especially clamped around . . .

"So . . . mister, what do you think?"

I suddenly notice everyone is staring at me. What's going on here? I force myself to listen.

"Um . . . excuse me, could you repeat the question?" I'm a bit flustered, because it kind of feels like I've been caught with my hands in the cooking jar.

Chuckles echo all around me.

She frowns, arms folded in front of her. This pushes up her boobs and my lips part unknowingly as I watch them. I'm spell bound.

What the hell is she doing to me?

She frowns, but then obliges me. "I asked what you think of the decline of production, from the examples I've given so far?"

All eyes turn to look at me expectantly.

I take my time to think of the answer as I loosen my tie and lean back languidly in my chair.

"The name's Segun." I smirk.
"Before I answer your question, let me first ask a question of mine." I take my time to look at the expression on her face. She's frowning again and her pink, plump lips part as if to say something, then they close again, waiting for my question. "Boy meets girl, boy likes girl and wants to have a good time with her . . ." There are deep - throated chuckles and suppressed laughter all around.

I continue, riled on by this.

"Girl plays hard to get . . . what do you think boy should do?" I finish, putting on a serious face as I lean forward in my seat, looking at her and wondering what she would do or say.

All eyes turn back to her.

Her frown deepens and her eyes narrow. "I don't see how this question is relevant to --- "

"I know, I know, but please just humour me." My eyes challenge her.

All eyes turn back to her curiously. She suddenly nods and smiles. Clearing her throat, she begins speaking.

"Okay, for the purpose of Project Management, let's use your example. Let's say the girl is a project to the boy and according to you, he wants to have a good time." She begins walking around and gesticulating with her hands. "The real question here is -- is she worth it? If you had been here from the beginning of the training, you'd have understood what I meant. Not all projects are worth it, 'cause not all of them are viable." She sighs, shakes her head and continues talking.

I have a feeling I'm not going to like what she's going to say next.

"Well, the boy is going to want to spend his resources; like time, money, energy, and effort to woo this girl, but... " and she pauses, raising one finger up. "If she's not willing. . . " She shrugs, and lets the statement hang, and looks pointedly at me."

There is absolute silence in the conference room as her unsaid words sink into everyone's minds, most of all -mine. She continues talking.

"That means, even before he starts the project, he's already failed." Her smile is almost beatific. "Now, Mr. Segun, back to my question. I'll assume since you tried to deflect it, that you don't know it. That leads me to believe you weren't listening in the first place and that kind of rubs me off the wrong way." And she looks at me, a steely glint in her eyes, but it quickly dissipates and she shrugs. "But . . . your life, your choices."

She continues the lecture thereafter, promptly dismissing me.

What the fuck?!

She had just succeeded in disgracing the hell out of me, by turning my question around on me. She absolutely killed it. I fume silently to myself.

"So that's it, guys, we'll continue tommorow and if you don't get your training manuals before we finish, I'll definitely get it across to you before the week runs out. Any further questions?"

Some of my colleagues ask some really dumb questions and I know they just want her to stay some more, while they ogle her.

Their tactics suck!

I could have done better . . .

. . . I am going to do better.

I get up, about to walk towards her, when Mr. Faseun walks into the conference room and strides purposefully towards her. I watch them as they talk and I see how he holds her hand and brushes imaginary flint off her jacket.

He's flirting with her.

My eyes narrow as I keep watching him. She's obviously clueless to his flirting as she smiles genuinely and listens to him talk. He collects her laptop from her and with a hand on her back, guides her out of the room.


How am I going to compete with that?

Well, they don't call me  'The king'' for nothing.


A/N: Would you look at that?

Segun actually works in the same company that Eve is training people. What are the odds, hmm?

I sense a storm of events are going to take place soon.

Watch out for upcoming chapters y'all.

Show some love by voting and sharing do tell what you think in the comments, I'll reply each and everyone of you.

Cheers, loves!


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