If We Could Only Turn Back Ti...

By SeducingZouis

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What would you do when the love of your life leaves to chase his dreams? What would you do if he completely f... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Two

251 2 2
By SeducingZouis

You sat in your car for what seemed like hours to you. Harry was gone and he left you with a hole in your heart. If he loved you like he said he did, he would have walked right back through those gates and into your arms, but he didn't. He told you it'd wouldn't work because he was going to be gone.

Thoughts raced through your head as you sat in your car with your head on the steering wheel. You had nothing better to do as you didn't want to go back home and face your parents and what may be more harsh words about how they were right all along.

You started the car and pulled out of the spot you had been parked in. As you drove back through your town of Cheshire, nothing felt right; like a gloom overcasted the entire town. It didn't feel like home anymore. You sighed to yourself as it started to rain.

You pulled up to your driveway. Pulling the keys out of the ignition, you glanced over at Harry's house, remembering all the memories, all the laughs and tears that were shared. You didn't want to think about Harry being gone, but it's all that raced through your head. You sat in your car, not wanting to go inside your house, so you laid your head onto the steering wheel and took a nap.

You were startled when you hear a knocking at your car window. You gasped a little and looked up to find Gemma, Harry's sister, looking at you, mouthing the words 'Open up'. You rolled down the window, while you searched for your phone, grabbing it to check the time. You looked back up at Gemma when she started talking, "What are you doing out here Cheyenne? Why would you sleep in your car in the rain?". You looked out the front window to see it had cleared up , but still a few dark cloud hovering in the sky, "I was just thinking....and I guess....I fell asleep". "Harry called me", Gemma admitted turning her eyes to the road infront of your houses. You looked up at her and she turned back to you, "He wanted me to tell you he landed safely. I have no clue why he wouldn't tell you himself...". You shook your head and your eyes started to water up, "I don't know why either, I really don't". Gemma looked into your eyes an saw the hurt that rushed over you, "What happened at the airport?". "I told him I love him, but he told me it wasn't going to work with him gone. I don't know how I'm going to keep living like I am without him here-", Gemma interrupted your rant, "Cheyenne, what do you mean, living here without him? I know you two were best friends but-". "Gemma, my parents aren't what you think. They harass me, all the time. They make me feel worthless. Harry was the only one who knew, that's why I'd come over crying all the time. The exact same reason I sat here sleeping inside my car instead of going inside", you began to shake your head and sob as you let your head down onto the steering wheel once more. "Oh my god, Cheyenne, I'm sorry. You don't have to be there you know?". You looked back up with tears in your eyes, "Where else am I going to go? I have to stay-". "With Harry gone now, you are more than welcome to stay in his room, mother won't oblige she never liked your parents anyway. I know it'll be hard staying in his room, but I don't want you to have to deal with that anymore. Please move in". "I-I guess so, I'll go get my stuff now..", you said opening the car door as Gemma back up smiling. You closed the door and shuffled for the house key. You walked up to the door, Gemma still sitting on the hood of your car waiting for you to return with some of your things.

You opened the front door letting it slam into the wall without a care. "Oh look, Cinderella returned. What happened little princess? Did prince charming dump your ass?", you stopped and looked into your mother's direction, who now had your father by her side. "Hah", you said in a sarcastic tone, "fuck you guys, looks like your 'princess' is going to be gone for good. You happy?!". They looked at you in disbeleif. You father was soon to get up and walk towards you, "And as to where do you think you'll go? You have nobody, nobody would want you anyway, we don't even want you". "I'm glad you don't want me, cause I'm gone, no need to feel disappointed by me anymore, you two are ridiculous, treating your own flesh and blood like you do. Fuck you", you yelled backing away from your father who was now screaming and fighting with your mother. You ran up stairs and started packing the things you needed most; cloths, make-up, your laptop, and the teddy bear Harry had given you for your birthday. You gathered your things in your arms and headed back downstairs towards the open front door. You stop short to your parents who were now staring at you, "I'll get the rest of my things another time. Think of the embarassment you now have knowing your only child left, tell that to your friends now". You laughed and kicked open the screen door open, and you walked down to where Gemma was sitting on your car.

Gemma grabbed some of the bags hanging from your arms and you two headed for the front porch. You set down your bags that you were carrying and walked back to your car to pull it over into the Style's driveway. You shut off the car once in park and got out. You walked back up to the porch and notice Harry's mom, Anne, in the doorway. Tears began to fill your eyes as she pulled you in for a hug, "I'm so sorry love. Your away from them now. And I'm so sorry Harry isn't here to help. Once our guest room is done being built, your more than welcome to have it. You've always been part of the family". You let go of the hug and wiped away your tears and smiled at Anne, "Thank you", you whipsered to her with a smile.

Gemma pushed past her mom to grab the remaining bags on the porch, "Follow me, as if you don't already know where Harry's room is. Haha". You shared a laugh and followed her as she carried your bags to Harry's room.

"Well here it is, make yourself at home", she smiled and walked out of Harry's room closing the door behind her.

You started to unpack your things and place them neatly in Harry's room. His room smelled like him. You inhaled a little bit and began walking around his room.

You opened one of his dressers that seemed to be pretty well cleaned out, so you started placing your cloths in the dresser until you found a small slip of paper folded up. You picked it up and found out it was addressed to you. You began reading it to yourself.

Dear Cheyenne, There is so much I've always been meaning to tell you. You've always been my best friend and we're so close, I love that about us, we can do whatever and still love eachother for it. I don't think there would ever be a thing that would change my mind about you. You're perfect. I've been falling for you so much lately, I just wish I'd know how you feel about me, as I fear rejection from you the most. I love you Cheyenne, I truly do even if you'll never believe it.

~Harry Edward Styles

You folded the paper back up and stuck it into the pocket in the back of your laptop case.

His words swam through your mind all night as you lied there on his bed later that night. He did mean it when he said he loved you at the airport. You felt so stupid for doubting his words, knowing he never once lied to you before. You placed your hands over your face and took a deep breath. You then sat up and reached for your phone on Harry's bedside table. You noticed your favorite picture of you and Harry sitting on the table next to the lamp. It was never there before. Harry had always told you he hated that picture because he said he looked horrible and you outshown him with your smile. You had always told him it was your favorite and that he should reconsider.

You checked your phone, still with no texts or voicemails from Harry, even though he had promised you. You felt more distant and helpless than ever before from Harry. You longed for his smile, his laugh that could always put a smile on your face, and mostly you longed for him, to be with you because that's what you missed the most.

It was 11 o'clock at night and everyone had sent you their goodnight wishes about two hours ago, but you just couldn't fall asleep. You stayed on your laptop surfing through all the pictures of you and Harry at that drowned your Facebook, Tumblr, And Twitter, and even the silly videos you made and had put on Youtube. You laughed as you and Harry danced around his backyard to California Gurls by Katy Perry and Bad Romance and Poker Face by Lady Gaga. You decided to call it a night and shut down your laptop. You got up to turn out the lights, and then crawled into Harry's bed and wrapped your arms snug around your teddy, quickly falling to sleep with a smile on your face.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Approx. Three Days Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You left the house key on the side table by the front door, as you walked out of your parents house, glad to be moved out. All of your things were scattered around your parents driveway as they were out, again. You began taking your things and bringing them down into the Style's basement, as for your room wasn't done yet and had no more room for your things in Harry's room.

You still had quite a bit to take into the basement, so you continued on. Today was the day Harry had told Anne, his mom, that he'd be on Tv for his audition. You refused to watch it because Harry had no decency to text or call you once since he had left, so you occupied yourself by finishing up moving your things over to his house. The Style's front door was open because you were constantly walking in and out with your things. You were on your second to last trip when you heard Anne and Gemma start to cheer from the living room. You walked up to the house with a pile of your thing and stopped at the door to see what they were screaming about. Harry was on Tv and you couldn't help but become mesmerized by his voice. You quickly checked yourself and snapped out of the daze you had become caught in and took the things into the basement. You walked back upstairs the moment the judges gave him their opinions, and walked out the door to grab your last things off the driveway. As you reached the porch you heard Anne and Gemma yell "He did it! Harry made it through!". You walked in through the door and Anne yells for you, "Cheyenne! Harry made it! I'm so proud!". You look at your things that you were currently holding and replied with a half-smile, "Yeah I know he did great. You should be more than proud". Anne returned to celebrating with Gemma, and you placed the last of your things downstairs.

As soon as you placed the box down you looked around at all your stuff. You pulled out your phone that was inside the pocket of your jeans. No new messages. You then decided to text Harry, "Congrats Hazza, I knew you'd make it". You then placed the phone back into your pocket and headed back upstairs.

You closed the front door you had left open, gently. You walked into the living room where Anne and Gemma had settled down and continued watching the rest of the X-Factor auditions. Anne's phone suddenly went off, a text from Harry, "Gemma, Cheyenne! Harry texted me!". You looked down at your phone, still no new messages from Harry or anyone for that matter.  You look at the text you had sent him, now twenty minutes behind you. You looked back up to Anne who was reading the text aloud to you and Gemma, "Hey Mum, I made it through, but you probably already knew because I know you were watching on the telly. Tell everyone I made it, love you. xoxo". You sighed to yourself, knowing that Harry wouldn't be texting you anytime soon. You were losing your best friend and it was killing you inside, but you sat there and continued to watch more auditions with Anne and Gemma.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Weeks Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You spent the next few weeks painting your newly finished room at the Style's house. The faster you could get yourself out of Harry's room the better. You couldn't take to see his things constantly reminding you about him and how he still hasn't talked to you since the day he left for X-Factor. Although you still watched him through the begining rounds of X-Factor every week.

This week was the boot camp week and you sat in the living room watching intently. They had the line-up going on and Harry's name wasn't called. You sat in disbeleif. You continued watching though, noticing the judges called Harry, four other boys, and four girls back onto the stage. The judges put them into a boy group and a girl group, and told them they had a second chance, but as groups. Your chances and hopes of Harry coming back home just were thrown out the window. You shook your head.

You never texted Harry on his achievments since he first got through the auditions. You knew he wouldn't answer anyway, but you always made yourself watch each week because you still cared about him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Continuing Weeks~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Since Harry was put into the group 'One Direction' as he came up with the name, One Direction continued to pass through every round, not touching the bottom two ever. You knew he was becoming too good to ever return to Cheshire, he was surely getting a record deal whether he won X-Factor or not.

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