A Shot Through The Heart (Boo...

By Winter_Is_Coming

87.7K 2.2K 270

*UNDER SERIOUS EDITING* Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton fan fiction. A fan fiction story based on the wonde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38

Chapter 37

1.6K 43 0
By Winter_Is_Coming


Arriving back to our floating fortress, Loki was quickly whisked off into the highest security cell Fury had ever though imaginable. While he was still in his unconscious state, medical staff treated his wounds, and tended to his basic needs as the team headed down to the lounge to relax and plan what to do next with Loki. It was a short walk to the lounge but, to me, the walk seemed to take and eternity, my eye sight blurring over slightly and I wobbled on my feet. I shook off the feeling, knowing that it was probably just from exhaustion from the recent events, and I carried on walking behind my friends, a sigh of relief passing from my lips, glad that none of them noticed the falter in my steps. Tony had parted company with us to remove his suit and reassured us he would only be away for a few minutes. It seemed like he was gone for hours, when it was, in fact, only a matter of minutes before he joined the company once again. At last we arrived in the lounge and everyone took a seat, but I collapsed shamelessly into an armchair, wiping my forehead free of the beats of sweat that had formed.

“It's too warm in here,” I whined, fanning my face with my hand.

“I actually thought it was rather cold- Natasha, are you feeling all right?” Bruce started but taking in my current state, changed the subject from the temperature of the room to me.

“Of course, just tired, that's all. It's too hot.”

“'Tasha, you're bleeding!” Tony exclaimed taking notice of the gash on my arm.

“Oh, that? Loki done that, but it's nothing. I'll clean it later. Actually, maybe I'll do it just now.” I rose to my feet, steadying my swaying body on the arm of the chair. I crossed the room that was now spinning around me with great difficulty, my eye sight blurring once more as I fell against the door frame to the bathroom. I would have hit the floor, but a firm grasp caught me before impact. In the bathroom, I held onto the sink for dear life as if it were my life line and if I let go of it I would surely fall. Breathing was becoming irregular and there were longer intervals between each breath. Each desperate gasp for air was becoming fewer and farther between. This time my knees gave way and I hit the cold tiled floor, making a loud clatter as I did so. I focused on breathing. Breathe. Breathe.

“Bruce get the hell in here!” Tony cried falling to his knees beside me. “Nat, are you okay?” Tony asked. “Bruce!” His voice dripped sloppily with hysteria. I closed my eyes and leant my head back against the tower of the sink. Breathe. Breathe. “No, Natasha don't close your eyes.”

“Natasha can you hear me?” Bruce asked calmly pushing Tony away from my side. I nodded. I kept my mind focused on something because I knew I had to stay awake. I had no idea what was happening or why my lungs burned with the lack of air but I knew something wasn't right. My teeth and eyes clenched in response to the burning pain from my lungs. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. “Tony, she can't breathe. We need to get her to the medical wing now.” My limp body was pulled from the ground and whoever was holding me was running, running so fast, my body ricocheting with each bound forward. I was placed down on a soft mattress and Bruce attempted to talk to me again.

“Natasha? Can you hear me?” I nodded again. “Good. Now this is going to feel uncomfortable but just bear with me. Can you do that for me?” I nodded. I lay still until he forced pipe tubing down my throat. That's when I started to thrash around at the uncomfortable experience. “Natasha, I need to do this. Don't fight it.” I couldn't feel exactly how far the tubing went down my throat but it was too far for my liking, but I stopped fighting for it made breathing harder for me. A mask was pulled over my face and I took a few deep breaths that were easier this time. The air was clean and soothed my lungs as I sucked it in. Breathing was easier but not by much, it was still strained but it had improved greatly. I opened my eyes to peer out over the mask at Bruce who was staring at me with concerned eyes. I watched him as he pulled out a needle with a vile attached to it. “I'm going to take a blood sample, this will sting a little.” And sure enough, there was a sharp pain in the crook of my arm as Doctor Banner extracted some of my blood, but as quickly as the pain arrived it was gone just as fast. Bruce scurried off and another doctor came in to tend to the gash on my arm and I allowed myself to be subjected to a much needed sleep.

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