Mind Wave

Bởi elvidoray

664 106 0

I stand outside my home broken and shattered, who I am I don't know. I stare at my ever pale hands and try t... Xem Thêm

chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
not a chapter
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 3

60 9 0
Bởi elvidoray

The sirens of the ambulance came as soon as Amanda had made the call. The doctors rushed in and carried out some first aid treatment on Amanda's mom. "How is she? What is wrong with her?" Amanda said trying to understand what she was doing. "Your mom has fainted and there isn't much we can do for her here we will have to carry her to the hospital" the doctor said as they tried to carry her on the stroller.

Amanda waited outside the intensive care unit feeling agitated, anxious and depressed. She wondered what her mother wanted to tell her, could it have been what Zoey just told her or was it about her father. Amanda took a sit in the reception when she realized that standing was not going to help the procedure to be any faster. Amanda had a lot to think about and decided to write it down in her diary instead, hopefully that will make matters better.

Dear diary,
Today was the worst day of my life, I found out that my best friend for three years had turned out to be my friend only because she taught I was an alien and she expects me to calm down and pretend that nothing had just happened meanwhile I have suffered embarrassment from my peers, neighbors and everyone I've ever know except for my mother who won't tell me why I am the way I am.

Then when she decides to tell me she faints forgetting she has a child that does not have a single person that will take her in. Now I'm sure that I'm different, they make it worse by adding the fact that I can move glass which I find ridiculous but if it is true I am...

"It can't be true, I just can't believe it, aliens don't exist " Amanda said out loud as she tried to finish her last sentence in her diary. She closed the book and closed her eyes. As Amanda closed her eyes trying to calm down a flash of green light came forcing her to open her eyes but when she did everything was normal, so what had just happened Amanda wondered to herself. She decided to wait for the doctor and not think of the possibility because somewhere in Amanda's mind she knew the truth.

A doctor came out of the room and Amanda rushed to meet him. "Is my mother okay? Where is she? Can I meet her?" Amanda asked not giving the doctor any chance to give her the answer.

"Your mother had a stroke and is currently in a comma" the doctor signed clearly finding it hard to deliver the message, then continued

"I don't know how long but it will not be tonight, I advice you go home and have some rest."

"Doctor please, do something I have nowhere else to go" Amanda said crying.

"I have tried my best the only thing left to do is hope that she gets better early, she could have died but we were able to save her but now I don't just know when she will wake up again. But I can help you to call your dad or any relative." The doctor said in a caring manner.

"I don't have any father or any relative" Amanda said with eye full of tears. "But don't worry; I will stay at my friend's house." Amanda said cleaning her eyes, the least thing she wanted was for this man to realize she was a minor. "Can I visit her?"

"I'm afraid not, she does not need disturbance now and her bill needs to be paid by tomorrow before further treatment can be carried out. You will have to meet with the receptionist to discuss the price of your mothers stay here." The doctor said patted Amanda's back and left.

Things had just turned from bad to worse how was she going to pay for her mother's bill. Amanda went home late and exhausted by the burden she had to carry. Amanda felt so alone, lost and confused.
"This can't be happening, I am completely on my own this is not normal there must be one person out there I know, just one" Amanda thought to herself.

Amanda didn't sleep well that night she kept having nightmares and when she woke up it was difficult to go back again. Amanda decided to start the next day early because there was no point trying to sleep when her body and mind won't let her.

Amanda thought of many ways she could make money to pay for the bill, take care of herself and by art supplies for her final test to be submitted on Tuesday. As Amanda tried to figure out her options things began to look bad no one would higher a teenager with no certificate to back her up. She will have to be self-employed if she wanted to save that money but there was no time she needed the money now.

"Maybe if I sell cookies and paintings"

"No that won't work I don't have four years"

"What if I turn to a street musician?" Amanda asked herself

"No no no non of this ideas will ever work"

Amanda was brought out off her despair by her phone; it was ringing; it was Zoey that was calling. Amanda did not feel like talking to Zoey but didn't feel like being on her own either, she could not decide if she should answer or ignore so she decided not to pick the call at all. When the phone stopped ringing she taught it was over until the phone started ringing again even seeming louder and harder to ignore but she still did not pick. When Amanda decided to look at her phone she saw that Zoey had left her a voice mail.

"Amanda I am sorry about yesterday and I can explain everything lets meet, I am coming over to your house." the message said. Amanda was a mess she hadn't bathed and the last thing she wanted Zoey to see was her weakness but it was too late the message was sent 20mins ago and Amanda was already pressing the doorbell.

"Hello is anyone home" Amanda called out from outside the house. "Amanda, are you in"

Zoey decided that it didn't matter if she looked a mess she was going to tell Zoey exactly how she felt and tell her she was not entitled to know more about her because her trust had ran thin.
"What do you want?" Amanda asked as she opened the door.

"Well it's not a matter of what I want is a matter of what you need" Zoey said in an urgent voice.

"What could I possibly need from you?" Amanda asked in a harsh tone.

"How do you think I found out that you where an alien, do you really think that I didn't want to tell you? But I promised your mom I wouldn't so if you want to hear the remaining parts of the story you will try and bear your anger a little longer." Zoey said tired of Amanda continuous outburst of anger.

"Okay how did you find out?" Amanda said uninterested.

"It's not safe outside lets go inside and we will need your mom" Zoey said.

"My mom is in the hospital, so I guess you will have to tell me the part you know" Amanda said as Zoey entered the room.

"What happened to her?"Zoey said in a caring voice.

"She had a stroke yesterday when I was out but that isn't the point for now is it" Amanda said.

"Okay you want the truth well this is it. The day we met I told you that you reminded me of something didn't I, well this is what you reminded me off, the men I saw in the forest when I was small. First of all I ignored the chances of it being possible, but later after meeting you once every week I could not help being curious, so I took some hair, blood and saliva and tested them. They all had something foreign in them, so I decided to ask you about your parents, you told me that you don't know where and who your father Is, so I decided to ask your mom, your mom did not want to tell me at first but after she found out that I already knew she told me your father was an alien, she didn't tell me the story of how they met or why you don't know him but she did beg me not to tell you anything that it was safer if that way and also she told me your father is alive. There is more you are probably wondering why you have probably not been able to move things with your mind? The answer is simple the glass you broke in my lab was a recessive genes enhancer so when you attempted to move it, it moved quiet freely, but there is a question I have to ask you, has any strange thing happened to you since last night? "

"The only thing strange that happened yesterday was coming home to see my mother unconscious" Amanda said in a calm voice.

"Anything else" Zoey asked again just to be sure.

"Nothing happened to me and I am fine." Amanda lied because she didn't want Zoey to know anything about her again.

"Amanda I know you feel betrayed but you don't have many friends and your mom is in the hospital and your still a minor please come with me" Zoey said in a caring voice.

"You can't help me to pay my mom hospital bill, you can't help me buy art supplies and you can't help me to feel or be normal" Amanda said angrily.

"What if I can help with the bills" Zoey said.

"How? I know your parents are rich but no one pays an expensive bill for someone they don't know" Amanda said frankly.

"That is my problem, I will take care of it, so don't worry about it. I want you to know something I promised your mom the moment I found out about your secret that I will take care of you and I did there was never a time I have let you down before, I even took you as the sister I never had so If you are so bent on being angry at me that you don't see an extended hand of help then I will leave and trust me I'm not telling you sorry again" Zoey said tired of Amanda's fits of anger. "Bye"

Zoey was almost out the door when Amanda called out "wait; I always knew there was something odd about me but I didn't want anyone telling me so when I found out that you knew what it was and never told me I decided to take the anger I felt with the world on you. I'm sorry for ever thinking you betrayed me. But I told you everything I can't just forgive you overnight"

"You finally learnt how to make a proper apology; I know I messed up so from now on no more secrets"

"My mom is still in the hospital and the longer she stays the higher the bill and I have no money "

"I told you that I will pay just tell me which hospital"

"Thank you so much. How can I repay you?"Amanda asked.

"By trusting me again." Amanda said as she stretched out a hand for a hand shake.

Amanda decided to move to Zoey's house because she was getting lonely. Amanda cried very often and was unable to concentrate on anything even though her mother was not dead which was bad because she needed to complete her painting test which was due on Tuesday. There were no words and no colors to explain how she felt. Amanda couldn't eat and had a lot of trouble sleeping because of the thought of having nothing to present was horrifying. She kept thinking of what to draw and refused any help from Zoey because she still doesn't trust her.

Amanda woke up at night after having a dream of a person with green eyes, just like her but with a pink dot that was almost unnoticeable and she decide that that should be her drawing. She got up from her bed and moved to her canvas and made a painting of a man with black hair and green eyes the background was painted with bright colors but the man was painted with dull colors. The man had a streak of tear flowing from his eyes. The painting meant even if everyone was happy she was sad. It was artistic and beautiful but had quite a sour meaning. Amanda after finishing her drawing finally decided to eat even though she didn't have the appetite she needed to eat to survive.

Zoey had come home late from work and looked like she had wrestled something there. She decided to have some rest before she realized that Amanda was leaving with her and hadn't heard her voice since.

"Amanda are you home" Zoey called out, a little concerned where Amanda could have been. Zoey decided to go upstairs for herself when no answer came. "Amanda can I come in" Zoey said as she opened the door not waiting for a response.

Amanda was shaking severely and her eyes had turned completely green. "What is wrong with you? " Zoey asked.

"Don't know; please help me" Amanda said in pain grunting while still shaking and her veins seemed to appear more visible than usual.

"Okay try and get up, I will need to take you to the lab." Zoey said trying to support Amanda up. The weight of Amanda made Zoey to stumble causing them to fall, Amanda ankle had a dislocation.

Amanda cried out in pain. Zoey was able to support Amanda to the elevator. When they reached Zoey lab, Amanda was giving a few pills which relaxed her and she became unconscious.

Amanda woke up a few hours later to Zoey carrying out some test. "What happened last night"? "Not last night two hours ago we are still in the night. You where shaking when I came to your room and your eyes had turned completely green. I had no choice but to carry you to my lab." Zoey said like it was a normal thing.

"Why was I shaking and please tell me the truth " Amanda said laying emphasis on the truth.

"Well you know the glass you broke the last time you where in my office it contained recessive genes enhancer and it caused them to kick back but you resisted causing you to shake and your eyes turned green.

"I know you are really angry that you had to go through that but I don't think it will happen again. But you need to have some rest." Zoey said and continued what she was working on.

"What are you doing" Amanda asked trying to see.

"I am trying to make a solution that will prevent you from reacting" Zoey said barely breaking her attention.

"How am I supposed to relax when the surface is hard" Amanda asked.

"The lab was not exactly created to be a hospital." Zoey said still not paying attention to Amanda.

"I wish I can go to my room" Amanda said.

"Can you please stop distracting me" Zoey said as she turned to realize that Amanda was not there.

"Amanda where are you" Zoey said worriedly. Zoey remembered the last thing Zoey had said had been she wanted to go to her room, so Zoey entered the elevator and when she was out she ran and met Amanda on top of her bed with her eyes completely green and Amanda was shaking again.

"What have you done to me?" Amanda asked as her eyes where turning back to normal.

"I'm sorry this is my entire fault" Zoey said as she tried to come closer to Amanda.

"Don't touch me I'm a freak" Amanda said crying.

"No you're not, you are just an alien" Zoey said. "Aliens are really smart cause they did the one thing man cannot do they traveled to another planet, you're not a freak you're special." Zoey said to Amanda but she didn't listen.

"Zoey please can you leave me alone." Amanda said aggressively even if please was in the sentence. Zoey left because she didn't have the strength to deal with a depressed teenager who those not know her ups instead is looking for her downs.

Amanda tried to sleep but she couldn't, she closed her eyes and hoped sleep will come but it didn't, she couldn't stop thinking of what had happened so she tried to use her powers that Zoey spoke of like a blessing but it didn't work; she had tried to use her power on her diary she thought with all her might about her diary coming closer but it didn't. After failing many times Amanda concluded that this powers where of no use, cause if she could not control it what use could it possibly serve. "I hope this will be the last time I have this kind of outburst" Amanda said to herself but somewhere in Amanda knew that this will not be the last time.

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