Sounds of 85' | Guns N Rose's

By TheEntireUniverse

1.1K 44 64

"So, what I'm hearing here Stevie is, you found four girls at the skate park, and all of them are from the fu... More

Out of time

Some Girls

173 9 3
By TheEntireUniverse

"Nice to meet you Steven!" Raff smirked shaking his hand.

"So, you guys coming?"

"Yea, but there's just one small thing we forgot to mention."


"You can stop touching my hair now Dani."

"Are you sure you don't want me to fix it?" The girl nagged


"I'll take a pack of Marlboro reds." Steven pointed towards the shiny red box of cigarettes on display behind the counter. "Anyone want anything?"

Kaz quickly set down a bottle of Nesquik chocolate milk, her favorite. "Wait up, I'm taking these." Raff motioned holding up a pack of gummy bears and throwing them towards Kaz, the blonde effortlessly caught the plastic pack filled with gummy candys placing them on the counter.

"We're good." Hera replies, Dani and her in the back corner flipping through an issue of Hit Parader magazine, "Mötley Crüe Exclusive." She read.

"Dive in as Mötley Crüe speaks upon their new album 'Theatre of pain'... hmm cool!"

"You guys sell vintage magazines?!" Hera wondered beaming with delight.

"Vintage? We just got that issue on the shelves yesterday."

"It's says it was published in 1985."

"Hate to break it to you sweet heart, but it's 1985 ."

"Last time I checked it was 2020." Kaz asserted

"2020? I oughta be dead by then." the man joked.

"Well if it's really 1985, prove it to me."

"See, June 1st 1985." the cashier confirmed pointing it out on a newspaper sitting next to the cash register.

"What?..." the group of girls stood huddled up staring blankly at the paper in confusion.


"So, what was that back there?" Questioned Steven as he light up the cigarette between his fingers taking a hit, and inhaling the nicotine filled smoke into his lungs.

"Um, I think we might have just traveled back in time." Kaz puzzled,

"You're bluffing." Steven spoke questioning it himself.

"Oh really? Well tell me Steven, if we were lying would I have this?"

Kaz spoke reaching into Raffs book bag taking out her phone and pressing the button on the right side turning it on.

"Woah what the fuck is that?" He said backing away, "Well blondie, this here is a cellular device."

"It's like a small computer but it also does the same shit as the phones you guys have now only a million times better. Raff informed before popping a few gummy bears into her mouth.

"Wait, so all of you have those things?"  Steven marveled looking at the small contraption that people at that time only heard about in the movies.

"Got mine taken away by my parents."

"I threw my phone on the ground and smashed it one day after school when I got angry." Raff recounted

"Im more of a free flowing type of person so I don't have one. The kids these days consider me to be 'hipster'... or as the kids in the future like to say, But truly, I just don't give a fuck." Dani explained,

Everyone stood there staring at Dani, ".... I have one!" Kaz exclaimed breaking the silence, "Welp, ok how does this thing work?" Steven said snatching the phone out of the girls hand and holding it up closely to his face.

So closely that it was like he was kissing the screen, "My guy, my guy it doesn't have to be that close." Raffey noted lightly hitting him on the shoulder. "Umm, here lemme take that," Kaz snatched the phone back.

"Guys who do you call in this type of situation?"

"My mom... wait no she'd probably destroy me right now if she knew about this." Dani said "Seeing that we're stuck in 1985, I don't think she would actually get a chance to do that." Raff raised a brow looking at the girl.

"911?" Hera suggested, "ew, the pigs won't help us in this situation,"

"But we gottaaaa," Raff whined grabbing Kaz's arm, "Why? you hate the police anyways."

"We just gotta," Raff pleaded sticking her bottom lip out, "cause' we gotta fight..."

Kaz mumbled "why would we fight with the police."

"For our right..." Raff added onto Dani, "To partayyy!" the girls yelled in unison, "you guys are weirdos." Kaz rolled her eyes, "aww thanks babe!" Raff smiled giving Kaz a peck on the cheek.

"What song was that anyways?" Steven questioned, "Fight for your right,"

"Nope have no idea."

"Ya know, Beastie boys..."

"Yea no."

"Course, you wouldn't know cause it 1985, Bestie boys didn't come out with this song till 1986!" Hera informed, "Thanks for blessing us with your musical fun facts Hera,"

"You're welcome sir Raffey," Hera put her hands together bowing, "Ok back to what we were doing."

"I'm calling the cops."

"Please contact the FBI while you're at it," Steven added.

Quickly typing in the three numbers Kaz held the phone up to her ear as they continue following Steven in the direction his said 'friends' live. "Oh my fuckity fuck," the blonde

"what's up?" they all paused looking at the girl, "It doesn't goddamn work!" Kaz yelled, her face heating up to a dark red.


The group finally arrived to their location, the Ladera Heights apartment building on the lower west side of town. "Are we there yet?" Raff whined laying her head on Hera's shoulder. "It literally right there," Steve Pointed ahead, the front right window of the apartment had been shattered and a piece of flimsy card board from a pizza box covered it.

As they headed up, a trail of dried up blood lead to the second floor exactly where they were going. "Ha someone must've spilled their ketchup," Hera laughed nervously. Steven's banging on the door was loud enough to make anyone flinch. "What's the password!" Someone yelled from inside.

"It's steven let me in,"

"Irrrr! wrong password try again!" The person exclaimed,

"Come on dude it's me,"

"Look man I don't make the rules, I just enforce them," They replied, "Just say the fucking password already," Raff whispered nudging the blondies side.

"Ok," he breathed out

"Mr. Nasty likes men in tight leather shorts,", "Ding ding ding ding!" The voice behind the door sounded, a black curly haired
Boy bursts the door open his curls bouncing as he look back and forth between the girls and Steven in confusing.

"What the fuck dude, did you get some hookers and not tell me?" He huffed, the girls all stood in shock, the silence quickly turning into a storm of shouts, yells, and insults.

"Woah first of all you got me fucked up!" Dani shouted loudly both arms parting between the small crowd gathered around the door to get to the front.

"Uhh, so im guessing your not hookers?"

"Nooooo! Steve get this hooligan out of my sight!" Kaz yelled pointing at the boy and looking the other way.

"Actually I-"

"What the hell is all that yelling, for fucksake it's to early for this shit!" A raspy voiced, long haired red head peaked from behind the door.

"It's literally 5 In the afternoon." Hera spoke,

"Exactly," he opened the door wider "which is why it's to fuckin early,"

"What the fuck do you guys need anyways, are you Girl Scouts? Damnit how many times do I have to say I don't want any Girl Scout cookies?!" He said in frustration,

"Woah, so first we're hookers and now we're Girl Scouts." Hera spoke

Lighting up a cigarette he flipped his lighter closed the metal making a sharp click sound, "And soon you'll be gone so."

"Are you threatening us?!"

"No I am not threatening you, and if I was you would've already been running home crying,"

"Yea Axl here has a bit of an anger issue if I don't say myself," Steve pointed out,

"Anyways I bumped into Raffey at the skate park and now I need to make it up to her," he began walking past the two men at the door the girls following shortly behind,

"So how did that go?" The olive skinned boy questioned after closing the door and walking over to the living room where the group quickly made them selves at home.

"Well this knuckle head bumped into me hard as fuck and now I'm scraped up, bloody, and currently sitting on a strangers couch."

"Oh I see I see, but we're not strangers cause my name is Slash, the hot head there is Axl, Izzys the one in the corner, and Duff,"

"Guys I'm about to fuck someone's sister tonight!" A tall blondie shouted walking out of a hallway

"Well that there is Duff," slash pointed, the tall boy looking past the corner with wide eyes,

"Uh I hope she not underage?" Frankie said breaking the silence,

"Course not she's actually twelve!" Izzy said sarcastically,

"Um ok... Hey big head are we ever gonna clean my wounds or we just gonna wait till I catch the Black Death of 1347?"

"Yea lets go fix that, guys talk to each other just please don't have an orgy in the living room,"

"Please leave." Frankie rolled her eyes,

"Yes get out," Izzy said with the throw of a pillow which then resulted in many pillows being thrown at Steven "What the fuck guys!" He shouted using his arms to dodge them as he ran to the bathroom,


"Oh that's so cool you guys are in a band?!" Hera said in excitement,


"So who plays what?"

"Guitar," Izzy raised a hand,

"Lead guitar," slash nodded,

"Lead vocals," Axl stated,

"Bass," Duff spoke, "Stevies on drums," he added,

"That's actual so cool!" Hera complimented

"And before you start guessing, no we're not groupies, we've just always wanted to be in a band together."

"And why haven't you?" Izzy questioned lifting his head up every so slightly, his jet black hair was moved out of his face to get a better look at the girls.

"Um, I don't know actually, it's just we don't have the confidence to ya know? Like imagine all the eyes looking up at you and the lights and the adrenaline, people put so much faith and hope into this one group of people, only to be let down because they're not what they expected,"

"I guess we just wouldn't be able to handle it," Dani shrugged,

"I mean of course you'll have some ups and downs, but you just gotta do that shit and act like no one watching, like you're in your bed room screaming the lyrics to you favorite zeppelin song as if no one can hear you, the only difference is everyone can hear you but who gives a fuck ya know, I say do it with confidence and fuck the rest," Izzy encouraged, the girls sat in admiration never having gotten a talk this believable, of course they got the many "believe in your dreams" talk but never one so truthful from someone with so much passion.

"Woah man, that was awesome!" Axl cut in, the group laughing at their little heart felt moment,

"Ok enough with the sappy shit, I'm getting hungry as fuck,

"Pizza anyone?" Slash suggests,

"Yeaaaa," Duff said coolly,

"Pizza, pizza, pizza, pizza!" the group chanted

A/n: guys I haven't updated in so long 😰 IM SO SORRY!!! out of no where I had the urge to write so I hope you guys like it if anyone's actually still reading! And sorry for any spelling errors that I missed. 💕

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