The Hunter of Remnant (RWBY x...

By codwarhero98

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As a guardian, your job is to deal with the dark forces that wish to destroy all life in the galaxy. On a mis... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
1K Reads
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Lemon is here)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Christmas special
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Vote End
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Lemon)
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Support my Sis
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Prepare for sadness)

Chapter 19

1.4K 21 35
By codwarhero98


Today was the day my sis is supposed to be getting discharged from the medical ward of Beacon. I tried to get up, but I couldn't due to some extra weight I apparently gained. I looked down, and I saw Blake and Velvet still naked. Best night ever. I nudged them both, and they slowly opened their eyes.

Blake: Morning, Y/N.

Velvet: Morning to both of you.

Y/N: Morning ladies~. Can I get up now? My sister is supposed to be getting discharged from the medical ward today.

Reluctantly, they got up, and got themselves cleaned up. I'm not gonna lie when I say I almost prefer watching the bunno booty over the bellabooty. Velvet saw me watching and shook her hips at me. I blushed, and looked away smiling slightly. After they left the shower, I got mine. I swear, I think they're watching me because I saw a flash from a camera, but I'm not arguing. Once I got done and dried off, I got my combat gear on, and walked towards the medical ward.

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi guardian being pushed off a cliff by a Titan

I soon reached the ward, and I went up to the front desk.

Y/N: Is Preator still here?

Medic: She sure is. Your other friend is gonna take a bit more time to recover.

Y/N: Thanks.

I went to the room the lady told me, and I saw my sister on her bed getting her armor on. Where I'm from, she's called an Exo, meaning she's all machine.

Y/N: Hey sis.

Preator: And where have you been? I thought you forgot about me.

I smirked and hugged her. She groaned as I did.

Preator: You know I don't do any lovey dovey stuff.

Y/N: Yeah, well suck it up.

She groaned, but gave up on resisting and hugged me.

Y/N: Well, they should be getting you discharged about now.

Preator: About damn time. The food they serve here is worse than the rations on our jump ships.

Y/N: Actually, I think the food here was better than the rations.

Preator: You weren't given the food they serve in the medical ward then.

Y/N: Probably because I was never sent here. By the way, I have some unfortunate news...

Preator: You're gonna announce the fact that when we walk out, I'm pushing you off a cliff?

Y/N: No... and are you ever gonna give that up?

Preator: Nope.

I groan and facepalm.

Y/N: There's no light here... no Traveler in this world. However, by some weird twist of things... a shard of the Traveler is here.

Preator: That's interesting... you never told me where we were.

Y/N: We're in a world called Remnant.

Preator: Never heard of it.

Y/N: And you won't find it in any database on your ghost.

The medic came in with the discharge papers, and I signed them since I was the closest thing to family to Preator. We walked out, and sure enough, my harem was outside waiting for us. Yang and Glynda were holding a sign that said "Welcome to Beacon."

Preator: Okay... you wanna tell me who these sexy ladies are before I pounce on them?

I slap the back of her head, and walk towards them.

Y/N: They're my harem.

Preator: A harem? And here I thought you only did one girl at a time.

Y/N: They agreed to share me. Anyways... to start out, this is Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang. They make team RWBY.

RWBY: Pleasure to meet you.

Preator: I like the blonde chick. I could take her to to-

I slapped the back of her head again, but harder.

Preator: Owwww... I just got out of the medical ward, asshole.

Y/N: Keep it up, and I'll throw you back in there sis.

Preator: Fine...

Y/N: To continue, this is Pyrrha and Nora of team JNPR.

Pyrrha: It's an honor to meet another Guardian.

Nora: Hey, I'm Nora. What are your weapons? Is your semblance amazing? Can you shoot lightning from your eyes? Am I going too fast again?

I picked Nora up by the back of her shirt, and sat her on the floor.

Y/N: You'll get used to her doing that. Then there's Coco and Velvet of team CFVY.

Coco: Well... I've seen worse looking clothes.

Preator: Excuse me? You wanna go, bitch?

I immediately held my sister back while Yang and Velvet held Coco back.

Coco: Fight me, ho.


I sat my sister down on the ground, and she rubbed her butt in pain. I walked towards Coco, and she could tell I was pissed.

Y/N: Don't ever insult my sister again. I love you, but don't ever do it again.

She bowed her head apologetically.

Coco: I'm sorry for what I said.

Preator: Forgiven since I don't wanna be on my brother's bad side.

Velvet: I-I'm Velvet. Pleasure to m-meet you.

Velvet hid behind me as she looked at Preator.

Y/N: She's shy around new people.

Preator: Adorable ears.

Velvet blushed, and hid her ears behind me.

Y/N: And last, but most certainly not least... Glynda Goodwitch.

Glynda: Pleasure to meet you, ma'am.

Preator: Pleasure to meet your tits~.

I hit my sister's head again.

Y/N: What did I say about behaving?

Preator: I forgot...

I sigh angrily, and I stand my sister up.

Y/N: Come on... there's another person you should meet.

Preator: Are they hookers?

Y/N: No.

Preator: Then like that, you lost me.

Y/N: It's the headmaster of Beacon.

We walked towards an elevator, and stepped inside.

Y/N: I'll see you girls later. I gotta get her taken care of.

Ruby: Okay, hurry back.

Coco: Don't hurt yourself, big boy~.

The door closed just as Coco said that.

Preator: Interesting harem, you have.

Y/N: Well... it's a long story... you know I grieved for you... when I was sucked through... I thought you two were dead...

Preator: We almost were... But the wizard took us somewhere else just before we were killed. He took us to Io.

Y/N: Why Io?

Preator: He wanted us to find something the Vex made.

Y/N: What was it?

Just as she was gonna answer, we arrived at Ozpin's office.

Ozpin: Ah, Y/N... and I'm guessing this is your sister?

Y/N: She is... alive and well.

Preator: Technically, I was just discharged from the medical ward.

Y/N: You can shut up now.

Preator: Bite my shiny, metal ass.

Y/N: I already have a harem, thank you. You have better chances of being attacked by an ogre here in this world.

Ozpin: Anyways... welcome to Beacon, ma'am. It's a pleasure to finally meet you.

Preator: Does this place have a school uniform?

Ozpin: Yes, it does.

Preator: I'm not wearing it.

I slapped the back of her head again.

Preator: Are you gonna stop doing that?

Y/N: Are you gonna stop pushing me off cliffs?

Preator: Good point, but I'm still not doing it.

Y/N: You're wearing it.

Preator: I'm not wearing the damn uniform.

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi hunter stabbing a stuffed Knight

We soon went back down, and the doors opened, revealing my sister in the school uniform.

Preator: This skirt is too short for me.

Y/N: So is my patience, but I'm still shooting straight.

She huffed at me, and we kept on walking.

Y/N: You and I are gonna share a dorm room.

Preator: You're kidding me... dorm rooms now?

Y/N: Are you gonna keep bitching?

Preator: Are you gonna keep making this place suck?

I fell silent after that as I kept walking.

Preator: Are you really gonna give me the silent treatment?

I didn't say a word as we reached the dorm. I opened it, and in the corner was a memorial for the team. She walked up to it, and I thought I saw a tear drop from her eye.

Preator: You really missed us... didn't you?

Y/N: Not a day went by where I didn't think about you... you have no idea how much pain I had to endure watching as the hive surrounded you.

I was surprised when I felt her hug me.

Preator: You know I hate emotional moments...

I hugged her, and I kissed her forehead.

Y/N: And you know I hate when you scare the shit out of me.

Preator: Well, consider this an unconditional scare.

I looked out the window, and I see a woman completely pail, and wearing all black.

Y/N: Sis, stay here.

Preator: I'm coming with you.

I stared her down.

Y/N: Stay... here...

She huffed at me, and I ran out of the dorm. I thought it was too soon for her to make herself known. Dammit Salem, why are you here? I ran up to her with my Trust drawn, but I can tell she's hurting.

Salem: Help me... please...

She collapsed, and I quickly caught her.

Y/N: I got you...

I picked her up, and I carried her to the elevator, going straight to Ozpin's office.

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi hunter poking a passed out Salem

The door opened, and Ozpin quickly rose out of his seat.

Y/N: Before you start going off, she needs help NOW.

Ozpin cleared his table, and I laid her on it.

Ozpin: You're lucky you're the best student here as far as capabilities and strategic advantages go. Please tell me you know first aid.

Y/N: Somewhat... get me the best first aid kit you have.

He grabbed a kit from behind his desk, and put it next to her.

Y/N: Get me a sewing kit and some isopropyl.

Ozpin: Excuse me?


He ran to a door against the wall, and grabbed whatever he could find. As he did, I immediately went to work on patching up Salem.

Ozpin: Shouldn't she be sedated?

Y/N: She passed out from blood loss.

Ozpin looked stunned.

Ozpin: I thought she couldn't be killed... someone must've been pretty damn powerful to do this to her.


I continued with the care of Salem, and I wrapped some gauze around her bandages.

Y/N: There... she'll need a few days... maybe a week to fully recover.

Slowly, Salem started to wake up.

Salem: Where am I?

Y/N: Beacon.

Ozpin looked stunned at Salem. She looked at Ozpin, and slapped him.

Salem: That's for taking our kids generations ago...

Ozpin: I probably deserved that.

Y/N: Salem, until you can make a full recovery, you're staying with me.

Salem: I'm not staying on campus with him around.

She tried to get up, but I applied pressure to a wound on her stomach, and she stopped from the pain.

Y/N: Don't make me have to restitch this... you will stay on campus until you recover.

Salem: Fine... you're just like the other guy who showed up at my castle.

I grew a face of shock, and stared into her eyes.

Y/N: What other guy?

Salem grew a face of fear, a face rarely shown from her.

Y/N: Who is the guy at your castle Salem?

Salem looked at me with a face of pure terror.

Salem: Uldren Sov...

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