tag you're it (Daryl x Jesus)

By galacticbrooke

3.6K 91 5

Rick, Daryl and Jesus get separated on a supply run, Daryl and Jesus find eachother and make camp in the wild... More



761 19 3
By galacticbrooke

Jesus held the gun to Chris' head, his people moved to there guns but Jesus tightened his hold "no one moves or he gets it" he threatened

Daryl got up and grabbed his bow and guns and pointed them to the people. They slowly back away before Jesus handed Chris over to Daryl, Jesus felt around and took the weapons off him.

They back away more and got out of sight before turning around and walking towards there camp. Jesus limped and when the reached there camp they took rope and tied him to a tree. "come on, we was just having a bit a fun" chris chuckled.

Daryl punched him in the face creating a trail of blood down his face. Chris groaned in pain. Daryl started beating him more and more. Jesus watched as he packed there shit and he looked away in disgust.

Jesus grabbed Daryl's hand and kissed his bruised knuckles. "We have to go" he whispered. Daryl looked at him and nodded. They walked away and pulled there bags on there shoulders.
Bushes shakes and they rose there guns. And a walker strolled out.

They looked at Chris who was freaking out trying to get out of his bonds. Jesus tugged on Daryl's sleeve "let's go" he mumbled. Daryl nodded and wrapped his arm around him to help him walk. The crunching and squelching of flesh and the blood curdling screams tore through their ears and minds.

Jesus pushed on harder. "We make it to the road, try to find a car, of we can't we either find a house or we set up camp in the woods," Daryl said pulling Jesus closer.
Jesus nodded "sounds good"
Everything fell into silence and then Jesus said "I'm not like that by the way" he said.


"I don't whore myself about" he summarized.
Daryl chuckled "I didn't think you would," he barked. "What's that suppose to mean?" Jesus said in mock offense. They laughed at themselves for a while until things fell silent again.

"So" Daryl trailed off, a warm feeling in his tummy.
"So?" Jesus repeated as a question.
"Are we together?" Daryl asked his face turning a light red.
Jesus stopped and pondered for a bit, causing Daryl to panic.
Jesus turned and grabbed his face pulling him down for a living kiss.
"That answer your question?" He asked.
"I don't know, that answer wasn't very clear" Daryl whispered breathlessly.
"Then I'll clarify" Jesus cooed.
There lips met again and suddenly nothing else was there. The world melted away. It was just them. Then they heard what sounded like a wail.

"What's that?" Jesus asked.
Daryls eyes widened "that's a damn baby" he exclaimed.
They moved as fast as they could towards the noise.
They found a car still running and walkers eating a woman on the ground, and a baby wailing from the car.

They jumped into action getting the walkers off the woman.
Daryl drove his knife into the head of the last walker and turned to see Jesus on his knees holding the woman's hand.
"My baby, is my Max okay?" She cried. Daryl nodded. She gave a breath of relief.

Her breathing became shaky.
"Look-look after him please? Please! He's just a baby" she became frantic.

Jesus nodded "I will, we will, I promise" he answered wiping the sweat off her forehead
She smiled and she started nodding off "thank you, thank you thank you" she muttered over and over until her breathing stopped.

Jesus sighed and took out a knife and drove it into her temple.

Daryl was fixing the car as best he could trying to get it to work. Jesus was standing outside with the baby boy named Max.
Bouncing his up and down. He was fussing and getting upset.
"Shh, shh, shh shh" Jesus shushed him. "It's okay, it's okay" he tried to calm him.

Daryl rolled his eyes and walked towards him and got Jesus to pass the baby over. He rocked it back and forth calming it down.
"How're so good at that?" He asked with a smirk.

"Used to do it with Judith" he explained with a reminiscent smile.
Jesus nodded and went to look in the trunk of the car. He whistled "this baby mama got busy, Daryl come look!" He called.
Daryl walked over and saw the huge stash of canned goods, baby formula and baby vitimans.

"Damn, your set up for food, Maxie" Jesus cooed towards the baby tickling the babies stomach. Max giggled and grasped his finger happily.
Jesus just about felt his heart grow. He grasped his heart dramatically and fell to the ground.
The baby looked down confused and started crying.

Jesus nervously shot up. "No, shit dont cry, shit- fuck, oh my gosh why am I cussing in front of a baby" he stuttered. Daryl barked out a laugh and handed the baby to the other and went back to fixing the car.
Jesus sat in shot gun and bounced Max up and down on his knee.
"What're we gonna do with him?" Jesus asked worriedly.

Daryl looked at him confused "we're gonna take care of him, obviously"

Jesus scoffed "wow, one date in the woods and we have a kid" he joked.
Daryl blushed furiously and froze. Jesus cracked up and laughed.
"I'm joking," he said leaning over to steal a kiss.
Daryl gladly returned the kiss and smiled into it when he heard the baby laughing happily.

They looked at the orphaned boy and smiled. Daryl turned the keys and the ignition and the engine turned on. Jesus raised a hand in victory. They laughed in triumph.

Jesus played with Max in the back seat until he gave out a big yawn. Jesus laughed "tired are we?" He asked.
He grabbed a blanket from the back and messily swaddled him and held him in his arms not enticed to put him in a blood stained car seat.

They drove for a few more minutes, Daryl looked back and saw Jesus blissfully snoring with Max in his arms. He stifled a chuckle and continued driving.

Until the car shuddered to a halt.
Daryl turned the keys in the ignition and slammed his hand on the dashboard.


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