The Kiss (Kladora)- Completed

By heytherebro12

19.4K 527 410

One kiss can change everything More



1K 27 22
By heytherebro12

The next morning, Violet and I were stood outside on the dead field. My mind had been running wild the entire night trying to figure out what it was she wanted to talk to me about. I hoped it was something I actually knew the answer to.

"I'll cut to the chase," she said, looking away awkwardly, "What's going on?"

I tilted my head slightly in confusion.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"I mean..." Violet trailed off before clearing her throat, "with you and Klaus."

My eyes widened slightly before I could stop them. I'd never considered the fact that she might know. Were my feelings really that obvious? But before I could explain myself, a certain someone crashed our party.

"You and Klaus," the voice mocked, and I didn't need to turn around to know that the voice belonged to a certain redhead.

Violet gasped, "Carmelita?"

But Carmelita ignored her. Instead, her attention was on me, "How adorable! A cakesniffing orphan has a crush on another cakesniffing orphan. How grossly coincidental. Would you like me to let Klaus know?"

"Don't you dare, Carmelita," I warned.

"Sorry, what was that?" She said, pretending not to hear me.

"I said, don't."

"Hmm? Did you say something?"

"Don't tell Klaus..."

Carmelita feigned surprise, "Oh! You want me to tell Klaus? Sure thing!"

And at that she ran off towards the cafeteria. I had no choice but to chase after her even though I wasn't sure what I was meant to do if I actually caught up to her. Punching the pink glitterball was probably against the rules and trying to reason with her was completely out of the window.

But doing nothing would mean that Klaus would definitely find out my secret, hence why I picked up the pace, dodging loitering students as we entered the main school building.

Carmelita could run surprisingly fast in her tap shoes and, of course, she was at Klaus' side in no time.

As a last resort I shouted, "Carmelita no!" although I'm not sure what I was really expecting her to do. I guess I figured that if I sounded desperate enough her moral compass would wake up and she would drop the whole idea, or maybe she would realise that knowing my secret was a power move and that she could taunt me with it for longer if she kept her mouth shut for now.

But this was Carmelita Spats, which meant I was absolutely screwed.

Klaus frowned, "What's going on?"

"Klaus, don't listen to her!" I pleaded.

Carmelita feigned surprise for the second time that morning, "Don't listen to me? But I was just about to ask Klaus if he wanted to remove the kiss from the play altogether," suddenly her innocent face turned sour, "but I guess it seems like you don't want that Isadora."

"No, I do!"

"Oh?" Carmelita raised an eyebrow, "So you're not happy with us kissing?"

I felt myself flush, "It's not that I just.."

"Then what is it, cakesniffer?"

I swallowed, making sure to think over my words carefully, "I'm just... concerned. Klaus is my best friend and he hasn't even had his first kiss yet so-"

"Well, not too long to wait now Klaus," Carmelita was suddenly chipper and I decided that she must have mood swings, "After all, we've got a rehearsal this afternoon and I want to make sure I get that wedding scene just right."

She turned abruptly on her heel, shot me a deadly glare mixed with a hint of her typical smirk, and budged past me before tapping all the way out of the room and down the hall, leaving Klaus and I in silence.

"Huh?" Duncan seemed to come out of nowhere, a skill he was incredibly good at, a tray of grey breakfast clasped in his hands, "What was that about?"

"Don't ask," I said, before leaving the cafeteria myself, my face red and my head spinning.

Violet knows I like her brother, I've confirmed Carmelita's suspicions and now I'm going to have to watch her kiss my crush multiple times in order to get the perfect fake wedding.

Could this day get any worse? 


Hey guys, I know this is a bit of a shorter chapter but I'll make up for it by discussing my thoughts on season 3. Feel free to skip this lol

So considering I read these books for the first time when I was in primary school, there's quite a bit I don't remember. I read my favourite books more than once but with the last two I think I've only read them once which is partially because I borrowed them from a friend and partially because I was super young and I wasn't that used to books without happy endings and tbh the last couple books confused me when I was little haha

But I did enjoy Fernald and Sunny's friendship, I can't remember if it was a thing in the books but I think it was a nice touch, (although idk why but I always remembered his name as Ferdinand???? Like I was watching it and when they said his name I was like what)

I also liked that they didn't shy away from making Fiona annoying (hahahaha sorry I'm really not a fan of her character) but as much as I'm not keen on Klaus and Fiona's relationship I kind of wish there had been more to it. Klaus is described as heartbroken when Fiona betrays them but I feel like he couldn't have been heartbroken after all Fiona did was argue with Violet and give Klaus a quick peck. But whatever lol.

I mean, overall I liked the last season. It was nice to have a visual to accompany the whole sugar bowl fiasco because as a kid that went completely over my head. Also Quigley was cool and I love that they kept his and Violet's moment on the waterfall a secret. It was a nice touch and I'm glad they didn't feel the need to actually give them a kiss or a cute talk or anything (don't get me wrong I think that'd been really adorable but I'm happy they stuck with what the book said).

But ummmm something really really really really really really bugged me. And that something was...... where the bloody heck was the tagliatelle grande??????????????

I mean I guess they couldn't really include Esme whipping children but like they had the opportunity to make giant pasta and they just threw it all away?????? 1 out of 5 stars

Hahahaha I'm joking, I thought it was a pretty good ending to the series, I just wish that the Baudelaires and Quagmires had somehow been reunited :(((( oh well though, at least Quigley was reunited with Duncan and Isadora

Anyway, enough of me rambling, thanks for reading this far if you somehow managed to get through all of that. If you skipped it, hi again, welcome back. The next chapter should be out on sunday and I promise it'll be longer :))))

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