The Kippens


2.6K 127 82

After three years away, Thomas Jacob Kippen finally returns to Shadyside for his junior year. But he brings a... Еще

Character Intro
A New Start
Dancing Away From Home
School and Basketball
Too Many Muffins?
Why He Left
The Truth
All's Well That Ends Well Part 1

All's Well That Ends Well Part 2

215 16 17

A.N: The actual end of The Kippens is here! I said for like three chapters that it would be the penultimate chapter, but I knew there had to be more explaining. Then I realized that my original finale was already super long before even entering the time jump, so I split it into two chapters.

The dear characters we loved or hated when they were seventh graders in Seasons 1 and 2 of Andi Mack are now about to graduate high school. What's going to happen on the last day they're all together?

In just an hour, the rest of our lives were about to begin. It was a bright, sunny day in Shadyside when we all sat in the seats at John M. Grant Stadium (the founder of our school, also a huge fan of football. I think he owned the Patriots at one point or something). 

They've got us sitting in alphabetical order. Buffy's first within our group, then Muffin, Damian, Marty, Andrew, me, and finally Andi. Cy's the uncontested valedictorian, of course. Damian and Buffy are co-salutatorians. 

Watching the introductions, I think about Pasadena High's graduation that happened last week. It took hours of convincing and a lot of muffins to get Andrew to come. The two of them haven't spoken for a full year. Even at the graduation, Andrew went to go talk to his old friends rather than congratulate Danielle. 

Soon, Cyrus goes up to the podium, "Hey, class of 2023! We did it!"

The whole class cheers, me the loudest. He smiles and continues, "We started off as young innocents in a sea full of older kids. Throughout our years here, we have grown to become better versions of ourselves. Every single one of us here is sitting here today because we have grown from the freshmen that we were. And I truly feel honored to have spent high school with all of you."

He talks about some quote of some famous guy. I try my hardest to pay attention, but it's really boring. Even Cyrus admitted to me that he had to fight off yawns when he practiced. Apparently, it's Grant tradition for the valedictorian(s) and salutatorian(s) to quote some famous person and tie it back to our experiences in high school. So I don't feel bad for zoning out. I've got it on camera, anyways.

"So, it doesn't matter if you go to Shadyside Community College or Harvard University. Never feel inferior to anyone because they're going to attend a higher ranked university than you. It is your efforts that will help you succeed in the future. That being said, a wise woman said to me once told me that it's okay not to know who you are and what you want right away," he says. Buffy, Cyrus, and Andi all look at Bex with a smile, then he continues, "You might find yourself realizing that the major of your dreams isn't for you. And that's perfectly fine. You can switch majors, figure out what you want. Not everyone has it figured out from the beginning, and you don't have to be one of the people that do."

He pauses to catch his breath and continues, "When we walk across the stage, we're ending one chapter of our lives. Simultaneously, we start another, one full of possibilities and ideas we never dreamed of having. So don't forget who you are, because you are absolutely perfect, and remember you don't need to figure it all out just yet. Thank you."

I get up to give him a standing ovation, and the rest of the extended Good Hair Crew does the same. Cyrus blushes, embarassed, and sits down.

We begin our walk across the stage soon enough. Buffy goes first, "Buffy Angelique Driscoll, who will be attending Columbia University in the fall!"

"Cyrus Josiah Goodman, who will be attending Yale University in the fall!"

"Damian Maxwell Jones, who will be attending UC Berkeley in the fall!"

"Martin Alexander Jones, who will be attending New York University in the fall!"

"Andrew James Kippen, who will be attending Julliard in the fall!"

"Thomas Jacob Kippen, who will be attending Columbia University in the fall!"

"Andi Rebecca Quinn, who will be attending New York University in the fall!"

It couldn't have been a large coincidence that the GHC is all really close to each other. Even Danielle's attending Julliard. It's going to be interesting to see how those two fare at the same school. I sincerely hope they get along finally.

"Take your tassle and move it to the opposite side of your cap. Congratulations, Class of 2023!" our principal says. Once we do so, we all cheer and throw our caps into the air.

We go back in order to the other side of the stadium to receive guests. The first thing I do was kiss Cyrus soundly, "We did it!"

"I've never been more thankful that we got to graduate together," he says.

"It was fated," I say, sporting a large grin.

"WE DID IT, GUYS!" Andi says, jumping on my back in excitement.

"Get off me, Andi!" I say in fake disdain.

She jumps off easily and goes to kiss AJ. Once they say their congrats, I go to hug AJ, "We did it!"

"Hell yeah we did," he says with a grin that doesn't entirely meet his eyes. I wonder what's up.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I'm so glad you came back to Shadyside, TJ," Buffy says to me.

"I appreciate it, Driscoll. Now we can bother each other at Columbia!"

"Oof, I forgot about that. Just don't badger me about basketball and we're good."

"Deal," I say, high-fiving her.

"We did it!" Marty says, giving us all hugs, then kissing Buffy.

"I spot the family coming," Andi says.

We put space between us to not get crushed by the onslaught. Mom and Dad hug AJ and I first, "Congratulations, you two!"

"Thanks mom and dad," we both say in sync.

Danielle runs up to us next. She pulls me into a bear hug, "Congratulations, Tommy!"

"Thanks, Dani," I say.

When she lets go, she seems to contemplate for a moment before turning to AJ, "Congratulations, Andrew-"

She can't complete her thought as Andrew crushes her into a bear hug, "Thank you, Dani. And I am so sorry about what happened at prom last year, and for not congratulating you at your graduation."

"It's okay, Andy," she says, but neither of us are convinced she means it.

"I know sorry isn't enough, but I promise I will try to make it up."

"You'll have four years of opportunities to, considering you're both going to Julliard."

"You have a good point," they say in sync and laugh.

We take a bunch of family photos. I know our parents really wanted us to all be wearing our cap and gowns in our graduation pictures, but it's not the end of the world with 2/3. 

I see Amber bound over to Cyrus after all four parents are done with him and pull him into a tight hug, "You did it! Congratulations! Your speech was amazing!"

"Thanks, Bambi," he says, hugging her back just as tightly.

Then, two identical older girls who I can only presume are Candace and Courtney Goodman make their way to our area. I slip away from my family to give Cyrus support. He looks at them in surprise, "You two came?"

"We wouldn't miss our brother's graduation," the one on the left says.

"Wow, this must be the first time you actually came to something for Cyrus," Amber snipes.

"Whatever, Amber," the one on the right says. Amber simply snorts.

"Everything alright here, Cy?" I ask.

He turns to me and brightens, "Oh right! TJ, meet Courtney and Candace, my older twin sisters. Courtney and Candace, meet TJ Kippen, my boyfriend."

Courtney's face wrinkles momentarily and I feel Cyrus grip my hand tighter. Candace smiles, however, and says, "Wow, that's awesome! Nice to meet you, TJ!"

"Do you have a sister named DJ Kippen who's dance team won Internationals four years straight?" Courtney asks.

"Yeah. She's my triplet sister, actually. I was on the dance team with her for two years."

She brightens, "That's really cool. You looked familiar. My friend Jodi was the assistant coach to the team that always came in second to the Pasadena Strimas. She said you and your sister were two of the best dancers on the team."

"Are you okay with me being gay?" Cyrus asks.

They both look at each other and Candace responds, "Cyrus, We don't have the right to be not okay with you being gay. Neither of us have a problem with gay people, I promise you that. But we haven't been really good sisters to you ever."

"That's an understatement," Amber snorts.

"Okay, we deserved that," Courtney admits, "We grew up with mom and Todd. Then we moved back home, and we honestly forgot what it was like to have siblings other than each other. And we didn't realize how much that affected you."

"Well, it hurt a lot. A guy shouldn't have to just understand that his sisters don't care for him anymore. I grew up as an only sibling for years. When you came back to Shadyside, I wasn't even 13. I needed my sisters. I was dating a girl but I had feelings for a boy. Then my feelings changed for another boy," he says, looking at me at the last statement, "I went through so much in middle school. And every time I came to talk to you two about what I was going through, you brushed me off. Amber cared. She was the confidante i wanted you two to be. Honestly, the idea of even trying to reconcile with you two doesn't appeal to me right now."

Courtney starts to open her mouth to protest, but Candace cuts her off, "Honestly, I thought so. Cyrus, we wanted to let you know we were here and we're going to be here from now on."

"I suppose that's okay," he says finally.

"What say we all go out for lunch?" Sharon asks, coming over to us. The other parents of the GHC agree.

We agree on The Spoon for one last time to end our high school careers. All of us go home to change our clothes and drive down to the place where we spent so much time together.

The Goodman's requested a table for 25 or so people. Bewildered, they let us rent out the place for the afternoon (for about $100, surprisingly, probably because we're going to order a lot).

We all settle down with our respective sodas and milkshakes. Even Dani's foregone her soliloquy of how many calories are in the food and ordered a cheeseburger and fries (she doesn't do baby taters).

Leslie Goodman stands up in the middle of the mini party, "I'd like to propose a toast to Cyrus, Andi, Buffy, Andrew, Thomas, Danielle, and Marty. Congratulations, Good Hair Crew!"

"Congrats to the Good Hair Crew!" the adults all chime. All us GHC couples kiss in excitement.

Andi whispers in my ear when Cyrus takes off to the restroom, "I can't believe you haven't proposed to Cyrus yet."

I finger the ring box I've carried with me since senior prom, "Nah, not yet. Graduation proposals are too cliché."

I'm going to propose to Cyrus on my own terms when the time is right. Until then, I can't wait to start college life with the person I love, the person I thought I lost forever a year ago when I returned to Shadyside.

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