Just Kidding || Jeon Jungkook

By Achillesheelsx

12.3K 576 547

"If I had a face like yours, I'd sue my parents!" Tears. "Hey, it was just a joke- "Well it wasn't very funny... More

Guide for Group Chats


149 8 17
By Achillesheelsx

Jungkook and Jinae entered Starlight and the music was blaring through her ears. She hated clubs and parties because of the noise. She didn't really drink alcohol and doesn't really party. Jin was outside waiting on Namjoon to arrive. Jungkook and Jinae sat down at the bar and ordered drinks. "Hey Jinae, lighten up! Have some fun." He said in her ear. "I'll try Bunny." She smiled and he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

Their friends all came in and hugged eachother. "MAN PERIOD BLUEBERRY!!" Jinae ran and hugged Yoongi. "Hello my lil bean." He gummy smiled. "Hey! Gimme a hug babe!!" Hoseok whined. "Babe? Sunshit, I ain't your babe, but I love you so much!" She jumped up and hugged him. "Jungkook, when were you gonna tell us that you were dating Jinae?!" Jimin yelled.

"We're not-" "No-" "We saw you kiss her just then~" Jimin hummed. "Well- I- uh-" Jungkook was speachless. "Thought so, LET'S PARTY!!!" Jin yelled and ran into the crowd of people dancing. He most likely wouldn't be drinking much as he would have to take the others home.

About an hour passed and Jinae was still sitting at the bar. Jungkook approached her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Jinae, do you want to go dance?" She looked up into his eyes, a little but of his blonde streaks fell onto his forehead. "Ok." She smiled and stood up. He took her hand in his and started to spin her around and hold her. They both used to dance together in highschool.

This was bringing memories of them together back, not bad memories. These were the days before Jinae wore the mask, before she was embarrassed of herself. "Jinae," Jungkook pressed his lips to the corner of her mouth, over her mask. "I'm sorry." He looked deeply into her eyes. "Jungkook?" She felt her heart rate increase. He leaned in and their lips were about to touch but,

"I'll cut in." Namjoon said and took Jinae away from Jungkook. "Namjoon hey-" "dance with me." He smiled. "I don't wan to, I'm gonna go sit, I feel a bit sick." She walked away and went back to their seats. Jungkook came and sat next to her. "Hey, Jinae? Are you ok?" He asked.

"I'm alright, Jungkook." She looked up at him. "I need to tell you something-" "hey Jinae?" Joon sat down next to her. "One sec-" "no, it can't wait." He said nervously. "Sorry Jungkook, what's wrong Joonie?"

"I love you."

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