From Another World (PowerfulM...

By kdog2201

1.6M 36.7K 76.6K

Y/N, an inter-dimensional hero. Y/N has become a complete legend in thousands of dimensions. Whether it is fa... More

Champion of Worlds Uncounted
Chapter 1: Fish Out of Water
Chapter 2: Field Trip
Chapter 3: A Traveler
Chapter 4: In Motion
Chapter 5: Survival of the Fittest
Chapter 6: Plans for Tomorrow
Chapter 7: The Best Day Ever (Part 1)
Chapter 8: The Best Day Ever (Part 2)
Chapter 9: First Day of School
Chapter 10: Friends Like These
Chapter 11: Coward
Chapter 12: More to Me
Chapter 13: Inspiration
Chapter 14: A Good Heart
Chapter 15: Maritime Mayhem (Part 1)
Chapter 16: Maritime Mayhem (Part 2)
Chapter 17: Swords and Shields
Chapter 18: What Are Friends For?
Chapter 19: Food For Thought
Chapter 20: A Day Out in Town
Chapter 21: Firecracker
Chapter 22: Ice Cold
Chapter 23: Tired
Chapter 24: Prom Night
Chapter 26: Mountain Glenn (Part 2)
Chapter 27: Burning Skies (Part 1)
Chapter 28: Burning Skies (Part 2)
Chapter 29: Gone
Chapter 30: Be Our Guest
Chapter 31: Trial By Fire
Chapter 32: Down Memory Lane
Chapter 33: Upset
Chapter 34: All Quiet...
Chapter 35: Torn
Chapter 36: Among Thieves
Chapter 37: A Big Target
Chapter 38: The Great Escape
Chapter 39: Emotionally or Physically?
Chapter 40: The Smell of Freedom
Chapter 41: P-800
Chapter 42: Welcome Home
Chapter 43: The Nosedive (Part 1)
Chapter 44: The Nosedive (Part 2)
Chapter 45: There and Back Again
Chapter 46: The Lens Flare
Chapter 47: A Quest Begins
Chapter 48: A Journey of a Thousand Steps...
Chapter 49: Supernova Showdown
Chapter 50: Second Best

Chapter 25: Mountain Glenn (Part 1)

35.3K 742 1.8K
By kdog2201

The Following Day

Beacon Academy

After the Ball, instead of taking the day to relax and catch up on lost sleep, much of the academy and its visiting students were abuzz about what was planned that day. Today would be the day that all first-year students would shadow a professional Huntsman in the field.

Among those excited--of course--was team RWBY.

Yang: This is going to be awesome!

Yang, fully dressed, was energetically practice punching the air, completely pumped for the upcoming event.

Weiss: I can finally demonstrate the results of my training out in the real world.

Weiss was sitting on her bed, cleaning her rapier with a cloth.

Blake: This will be a great chance for us to investigate the southeast without drawing attention. If we can shadow a Huntsman going there.

Weiss: True.

Yang: You girls worry too much, of course we'll be going to the southeast.

Weiss: How can you be so sure?

Yang smiled.

Yang: We're team RWBY! We'll find a way.

Weiss: I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad about that...

Yang chuckled right as the door to their room opened up to reveal their leader, Ruby. Weiss, Blake, and Yang, looked at their leader with curiosity.

Yang: Well? What happened?

Ruby scratched her head.

Ruby: Well...

Ruby looked down for a moment before lighting up again.

Ruby: I told them to investigate the southeast!

Yang: Yeah!

Weiss: How you managed to convince professor Ozpin you knew nothing baffles me.

Yang: Did you use the "puppy eyes"?

Ruby: No... I don't think it would have worked anyway, Professor Goodwitch was with him. So was your sister, Weiss.

Weiss: Winter was there?

Blake: It makes sense, she is the representative of Atlas while General Ironwood is away.

Weiss: Now I'm even more skeptical on how you convinced them.

Yang: It doesn't matter now, we got them thinking about it! Good job sis!

Ruby: Thanks!

Yang: Oh! There's even more good news!

Yang grabbed a medium sized box on top of her bed.

Yang: We got a package!

Ruby: Ooooh! Something from home!

Ruby zoomed to her sister and tried to open it herself. Yang ripped the wrapping off of the box.

Yang: I bet Dad sent this! I wonder what it is.

Yang opened the box and looked inside.

Yang: What do we have- Huh?

Ruby: What is it!? What is it!? Let me see!

Ruby looked over her sister's shoulder and looked at the box's contents. She shared her sister's confusion.

Ruby: Huh? What is that?



Y/N's Dorm Room

Just like the rest of the academy, Y/N was preparing for the day ahead.

(Y/N): Finally, a non-combat assignment!

Y/N was organizing his room and packing his bag with some essentials for travelling.

(Y/N): I can't possibly imagine Dr. Oobleck doing anything dangerous, I mean, come on. Dr. Oobleck? Danger? I'm pretty sure it's more likely that Weiss will try on Yang's clothes.

Y/N finished packing his clothes and notebooks and zipped up his small duffel bag.

(Y/N): And the best part...

A huge smile formed on Y/N's face.

(Y/N): Team RWBY won't be anywhere near me!

Y/N celebrated his liberation in his head as he happily grabbed his bag.

(Y/N): This is going to be a great day! Oh, right!

Y/N turned to his desk and picked up the cylindrical package he received in the mail.

(Y/N): I wonder who sent this?

Y/N held the package up and pulled the top of it and looked inside.

(Y/N): ....

Looking inside, all that Y/N saw was a black fluffy pad.

(Y/N): this?

Curious,Y/N poked the pad with his finger. Y/N felt the package wiggle slightly.

(Y/N): Huh?

Y/N poked the pad again, this time he heard a faint barking sound.

(Y/N): What is-

Before Y/N could finish his question the black pad shook again and then. Darkness.



Team RWBY's Dorm

Weiss: What is it?

Ruby and Yang looked completely lost at what they were looking at.

Ruby: Uh....

Yang: It's... well... take a look.

Yang showed the strange package to Weiss and Blake.

Weiss: Huh? Who sends that?

Inside, was an assortment of dried berries of varying color and size.

Yang: Weird, right?

Weiss: That's for sure.

Ruby: I wonder why Dad sent that?

Blake looked curiously at the contents before an idea came to her head.

Blake: Are you two sure this delivery was addressed to you? Maybe you grabbed the wrong package.

Yang: Psh. Of course I di-

Yang looked at the delivery label on the package and instantly shut her mouth.

Yang: Oh. Oops.

Ruby: What is it?

Yang had a remorseful smile and laughed dryly.

Yang: Ehehe... it's addressed to Y/N.

Weiss face palmed.

Blake: Wow.

Weiss: I can't believe you not only grabbed the wrong package, but you opened it without reading the label.

Yang: Sorry...

Ruby took the package from her sister.

Ruby: Well, we'd better give this to him.

Yang: Yeah...

Ruby opened the door, and as she was about to walk to Y/N's room, she saw Y/N running around in the hallway like a headless chicken.

(Y/N): Mmmmf! Mmmmmh!!!

Ruby: Y/N!?

The commotion brought Weiss, Blake, and Yang out of their room and into the hallway.

Yang: What's going on!?

Weiss: What's happened!?

Blake: Is something wrong!?

(Y/N): MMmmmgh!! Mmmmmmmrgh!!!!

The four girls stared in confusion as Y/N tried desperately to remove something on his face.

Zwei: *bark*!!!

Ruby gasped and smiled brightly.

Ruby: Zwei!!!!

Weiss: What?

Yang: Oh yeah! It's Zwei, our dog!

Y/N continued running around and eventually fell to the floor in front of team RWBY.

(Y/N): Mmmmrgh!!! Mmmmmmfh!!! *definitely suffocating*

Y/N squirmed on the ground before falling still.

Zwei: *bark* *bark*

Ruby: Come here boy!

Ruby gently picked Zwei up and cradled him in her arms.

Y/N took a huge gasp of air.

(Y/N): *gasp* Oh my god! I nearly--legitimately--died there!

Zwei: *bark*

Yang: *giggle* Awww... He likes you!

(Y/N): That's no dog, it's a facehugger!

Weiss: What happened?

Y/N took deep breaths.

(Y/N): I received a package in the mail, and when I opened it, that dog flew out and covered my face!

Ruby: Heehee!

Zwei was licking Ruby's face.

Ruby: That means he likes you!

(Y/N): -_- Weird dog for a weird family...

Ruby and Yang: Yep!

As Ruby and Yang played with their dog, Blake had already retreating into her room and Weiss suspiciously looked at the dog.

Blake: Keep it away from me please.

Weiss: Your dad sent a dog in the mail?

Yang: Oh, he does this all the time!

Blake: Your dad or the dog?

Y/N sighed and got back up.

Ruby: Oh! Y/N we got your package by accident.

(Y/N): Oh, I actually did get a package?

Yang: Yep, here!

Yang handed Y/N the package that was originally addressed to him.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Ruby: Sorry, we opened it without thinking, though the contents are-

(Y/N): 0_o AAAAHHHHH!!!

Y/N jumped in the air and jumped into Yang's arms.

Yang: What is it!?

(Y/N): Berries!!! Friggen berries!!!!

Weiss: ...What's wrong with berries?

(Y/N): They're evil!! Evil!!!!!

Yang deadpanned and dropped Y/N onto the ground.

(Y/N): Ow.

Ruby: Who was it from?

(Y/N): I dunno, let's see.

Y/N carefully looked at the return address.

(Y/N): Oh hey, it's from Trist!

Blake: That small town you stayed at?

(Y/N): Yeah! And... *sigh* Of course it's from him...

Yang: Who?

(Y/N): Emilio Crane... -_- that Faunas guy is such an ass... no offense Blake.

Blake: None take- wait wha-?

Yang: Hey, isn't that the guy who ran that blacksmith store?

(Y/N): Yeah! He took care of me for a little while when I first got there.

Y/N glanced at the dried berries.

(Y/N): And he enjoyed messing with me back then too... -_-

Over the intercom, Professor Goodwitch addressed the students of the academy.

Glynda: (over intercom) Would all first-year students please report to the amphitheater?

Yang: That would be us.

(Y/N): Oh yeah, that's right, there's the Huntsman shadow thing today, right?

Yang smirked.

Yang: Hell yeah! Going out into the field for some real action!

(Y/N): Are you guys still going to do the whole 'investigation' thing you were talking about earlier?

Blake: Yes, our plan is to shadow a Huntsman that's going to the southeast, and-

Yang: Give them the slip by night!

(Y/N): That sounds like... a terrible idea.

Weiss: I don't see you coming up with any ideas that helps!

(Y/N): My plan is not to look for danger. In fact, I found the least dangerous assignment I could find!

Yang: Yeah? And what's that?

(Y/N): Floral Research!

Weiss: "Floral Research"?

(Y/N): Yep! All I'm going to be doing is studying and collecting samples from flowers and plants.

Ruby: That does sound pretty safe... and kinda boring.

(Y/N): Well, given all the things you ladies have dragged me into, safe and boring is exactly what I need.

Yang: What? You don't want to go on some awesome adventure? We even got you those sick arm guards!

(Y/N): And I'm extremely grateful, but it isn't exactly an offensive weapon. It's a shield, it's really there just to defend myself.

Weiss rolled her eyes.

Weiss: Well, good luck with your "safe and boring" assignment, Y/N. Let's go, we can't be late for the announcement.

Blake: Right...

Blake slid out of the dorm room, careful to avoid Zwei who was in Ruby's arms as she left.

Blake: Good luck Y/N.

Yang: Yeah, see ya Y/N!

(Y/N): Uhuh... Well, I'd better put this...

Y/N looked at the package of berries Emilio sent him.

(Y/N): my room.

Y/N picked up the box and began to head to his room.

(Y/N): See you around, Ruby.

Ruby: Yeah, bye!

After Y/N entered his room Ruby sighed and looked at Zwei.

Ruby: You know, Zwei, I was kinda hoping that Y/N would be joining us...

Zwei: *bark*!!

Ruby: You're right, I shouldn't let this get me down. And speaking of joining us... what am I going to do with you?

Zwei slightly tilted his head at Ruby.



A Little While Later

Beacon Academy Amphitheater

The large auditorium was filled to the brim with first-year students from the four different academies. Team RWBY made their way into the crowd of Beacon Academy students and focused their attention on the large stage.

Strangely, Ruby had a large backpack on her back.

On the stage, Professor Goodwitch walked forward and quieted down the room.

Glynda: Quiet! Quiet please. Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words before we begin.

Ozpin: Today we stand together, united. Mistral. Atlas. Vacuo. Vale. The four Kingdoms of Remnant. On this day, nearly eighty years ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, of greed, and of oppression. Which is why today, while the rest of the world celebrates peace, Huntsmen and Huntresses will work to uphold the very peace those before us died to achieve. As first year students, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be taken out of the Kingdom for several days. Others may work within the walls for the rest of the week. But no matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and remember to do your very best.

After the speech, the various students in the academy filed out of the auditorium and lined up around large terminals that displayed the different missions available for shadowing.

Yang: All right! All we need to do now is find a Huntsman that's going to the southeast!

Weiss: Let's check: "Search and Destroy".

Ruby scrolled through the different missions available before stopping on the one she was looking for.

Ruby: Here we go! Quadrant 5 needs Grimm cleared out!

Blake: Well, it's in the southeast.

Yang: Sounds perfect!

Ruby tapped the screen and entered her team's name, unfortunately the screen denied their entry stating: First years are not allowed to take this mission.

Weiss: Wonderful...

Weiss shrugged at their failed attempt to take the mission.

Blake: Any other options?

Ruby: We mail ourselves there.

Ozpin: Well, that's one option.

The four members of team RWBY turned to see Professor Ozpin approaching behind them.

Ozpin: Unfortunately, we determined that the concentration of Grimm was too extreme for first-year students. It seems that particular region is rather popular. In fact, I have the sneaking suspicion that you four will make your way there no matter which job you choose.

Weiss, Blake, and Yang glare at Ruby.

Ruby: Eheh... W-whatever makes you say that?

Ozpin: I'm still curious how you all found yourselves at the docks not long ago. I'm interested to know how you really learned about a hideout in the southeast. And I certainly wonder why witnesses reported seeing robots and rose petals in a dance club some time ago.

Ruby: Um... well...

Ozpin: I doubt I'll ever find the exact answers I'm looking for. So how about this, instead of waiting for you all to break the rules, why don't we just bend them?

Ozpin pulled out his Scroll and made a few adjustments to the mission roster. Moments later, the mission that Ruby failed to enter suddenly accepted their request.

Ruby: We won't let you down. Thank you, professor.

Ozpin: Do not thank me for this.

Ozpin sternly looked at each member of team RWBY.

Ozpin: Teamwork and persistence have carried you far. But you must understand, the things that await you beyond the protection of the Kingdom will not care. Stay close to your Huntsman at all times, and do exactly as he says. He will be leading you on this mission, and he can have you sent back to Beacon, if he finds your skills to be unsatisfactory. Good luck.



Beacon Academy Courtyard

After receiving their mission, team RWBY made their way to the front of the school and toward the drop-ship landing pad.

Yang: Well, that wasn't exactly uplifting.

Blake: But it's the truth.

Ruby: It's gonna to be tough, but I know we can do it! We've never backed down before, and we're not going to start now.

Blake: Right.

Ruby: Besides, it won't only be us out there! We'll be fighting alongside a genuine Huntsman!

Yang: Yeah!

The members of team RWBY were pumped and excited that for their imminent mission to the southeast. Even more so, they were excited to meet their Huntsman mentor for their mission.

That is, until they met who their Huntsman would be.

Oobleck: Why, hello girls! Who's ready to fight for their lives?

All four girls had expressions of horror, shock, and sadness, as they realized that Dr. Oobleck would be their mentor for the mission.

Weiss: P-professor Oobleck?

Oobleck: Yes, I'm afraid those bags won't be necessary, girls, seeing as you've opted to shadow a Huntsman on what is now essentially a reconnaissance mission.

The green haired, spectacled, Huntsman spoke at a quick pace, forcing the four girls to have to really concentrate to keep up with what he's saying.

Oobleck: I can assure you, we will not be establishing a single base of operations; rather, we will be traversing several miles of hazardous wasteland and making camp in any defendable locations we may stumble upon. I packed all of our essentials myself, plotted our air course, and readied the airship. And...

Oobleck spontaneously closed the distance between himself and Weiss.

Oobleck: It's Doctor Oobleck. I didn't earn the PhD for fun, thank you very much!

Weiss: Uh...

Oobleck: Come now, children; according to my schedule, we are already three minutes behind! ...schedule!

As quickly as he introduced himself, he dashed off toward the drop-ship.

Ruby: Well, alright, then! Looks like we're going to save the world with Doctor Oobleck- okay yeah when you say it out loud it sounds worse.

The four girls shrugged as Ruby finished her sentence, however, their attention was brought behind them when someone asked them a question.

Nora: Save the world!?

Ruby's team turns around to see team JNPR approaching.

Nora: You're going on world-saving missions without us!? I'm hurt... sad!

Jaune: Sounds exciting! Where ya going?

Ruby: Oh, just outside the kingdom...

Nora: Hey! So are we!

Pyrrha: Ren and Nora wanted to shadow the sheriff of a nearby village.

Ren: We set out tomorrow.

Neptune: Then you can party with us tonight! We're shadowing a crime specialist. All inner-city detective stuff. 

Neptune and Sun joined the group and showed off their badges.

Neptune: We get junior badges.

Jaune: Wow.

Jaune stared starry-eyed at the badges that Sun and Neptune had.

Sun: We normally go to the city with you guys, which means stuff's always exploding and junk, so we thought this might be a better way to check out the kingdom when it's, you know... normal.

Yang: Hey, Y/N said something similar!

Pyrrha: I think Y/N has a point...

Yang crossed her arms.

Yang: Hmph!

Oobleck: Four minutes, ladies!

Ruby: Well, uh... wish us luck!

Ruby gave a thumbs up and the group of friends went their separate ways.

Blake sighed.

Blake: Let's go, we aren't getting to the southeast by just standing here.

Team RWBY followed each other to the drop-ship that Oobleck was preparing for launch.

Oobleck: Excellent. Out expedition is assembled and we are just about ready to venture out.

(Y/N): Professor Oobleck-

Oobleck: Doctor!

(Y/N) *sigh* Doctor Oobleck, where am I putting your botanist journal?

Oobleck: Ah yes! Put it next to the journal please.

(Y/N): Okay...

Ruby: Y/N?

The four girls walked around to the other side of the drop-ship to find Y/N, loading things into cargo hold.

(Y/N): Huh? Oh hey guys! You guys come to see me off?

Blake: What are you talking about? This is the ship to the "Search and Destroy" mission.

(Y/N): No, this is the research mission with Professor-

Oobleck: Doctor!

Y/N rolled his eyes.

(Y/N): Doctor Oobleck.

Y/N leaned in to team RWBY.

(Y/N): (whisper) Between me and you, I don't think Professor Oobleck actually has a PhD.

Oobleck: I'll have you know that I do!

Oobleck, hearing Y/N's whispering, leaned out of the drop-ship and held out his doctorate.

(Y/N): You carry your PhD with you?

Oobleck: Of course I do, I even made copies.

(Y/N): I don't think you're supposed to do that...

Oobleck: Nonsense! I made photocopies of my PhD in case any of my students wants a framed picture!

(Y/N): ...Do any of your students want a copy?

Oobleck thought for a moment.

Oobleck: A fair point! Carry on!

(Y/N): -_- So... did you guys want to join the research mission?

Ruby: Doctor Oobleck is leading a search and destroy mission to quadrant 5. We're shadowing him.

(Y/N): You're funny, you expect me to believe that Doctor Oobleck...

Y/N pointed at Oobleck who was carefully inspecting some documents.

(Y/N): ...that Oobleck, is leading an incredibly dangerous and action filled search and destroy mission?

Weiss: It is kind of hard to believe...

Ruby: But it's true.

Y/N placed the last of the cargo onto the ship and dusted his hands off.

(Y/N): Okay, let's find out together, and I'll prove to you four that you're in the wrong place.

The five students approached Oobleck together.

(Y/N): Professor Oobleck, this is the floral research mission, right?

Oobleck adjusted his glasses and drank from his thermos.

Oobleck: Doctor! And yes, yes it is.

Y/N smiled smugly at the four Huntresses-in-training.

(Y/N): See? Told you.

Oobleck: And a search and destroy mission.

Y/N slowly turned to face Oobleck.

(Y/N): ...What?

Oobleck: Being the efficient and intellectual Huntsman that I am, I was able to organize and arrange to complete two missions at once.

(Y/N): ...What?... 0_o

Oobleck adjusted his glasses once more.

Oobleck: Team RWBY is in the right place, and so are you. This is is a double mission!

Yang: So... we're doing a search and destroy mission and a research mission?

Oobleck: Two missions completed at once! "Two birds, one stone"! As the saying goes!

Ruby: Hey, we'll be mission buddies! Isn't that great Y/-

(Y/N): Welp! see you guys!

Y/N had grabbed his bag and was preparing to leave.

Weiss: Wait, you're leaving?

(Y/N): Yep! I'm not going on a dangerous mission!

Yang: Come on! It'll be fun!

(Y/N): Nope!

Y/N waved to the four girls.

(Y/N): See ya lat- ..... 0_o

Mid sentence, Y/N stopped talking and froze in place, like a statue. The four members of team RWBY were caught off guard when he stopped moving.

Ruby: Uhhhh.... Y/N?

Blake: Are you okay?

Y/N seconds later, Y/N fell face first onto the ground with six darts in his back.

All four members had expressions of confusion and shock on their faces.

Oobleck: Ah! The Mark IV. Atlesian tranquilizer! Each highly concentrated dart is capable of even bringing an enraged Ursa to a halt! I do believe that there is no scientific researcher out in the field would ever be caught without one.

Ruby: o_o Uhhh....

Weiss: o_o You shot Y/N with six darts.

Oobleck: Oh... 

Oobleck inspected the gun, a slight jump was the only indication of his suprise.

Oobleck: ...quite...

The members of the party looked at Y/N.

(Y/N): *foaming in mouth*

Oobleck: He'll be fine. Ladies, please bring Mr. (L/N) into the drop ship please, we are already behind schedule as is!

RWBY: o_o Uh....



Skies Above the Outskirts Of Vale

On board the dropship, Oobleck, team RWBY, and Y/N, flew to their destination. Mid-flight however, the girls couldn't help but worry about Y/N, who was still very tranquilized.

Blake: Is he going to be okay?

Yang looked Y/N over.

Yang: I'm not sure... I think?

Ruby poked him with her finger, causing Y/N to twitch slightly.

Ruby: I mean... he's still breathing at least?

Oobleck: Not to worry girls, the sedatives currently running through Mr. (L/N)'s veins will dissipate in time.

Blake: How long does it usually take?

Oobleck: An excellent question!

There was an awkward silence in the ship. The four girls blinked.

Weiss: You didn't answer the-

Oobleck: Alright ladies! Let us go over exactly what our assignment shall entail!

Oobleck pulled out a map of the southeast quadrant of the outer territory of Vale.

Oobleck: The southeast quadrant outside of Vale is home to wild forests and deep caves, but it is also the location to one of the kingdom's greatest failures!

Ruby: Mountain Glenn.

Yang: That's right! It was an expansion of Vale... but in the end it was overrun by Grimm and fenced off from the rest of the city.

Oobleck: Correct! And now it stands abandoned as a dark reminder of our past.

Blake: And a likely place for a hideout.

Oobleck: Precisely!



Southeast Quadrant Outside of Vale: Mountain Glenn

The drop-ship approached the ruined and abandoned city of Mountain Glenn and hovered just above the ground.

Team RWBY hopped out of the drop-ship and each Huntress-in-training readied their respective weapons.

Followed directly behind them, Oobleck gently landed on his feet and sipped from his thermos.

Last and (arguably) not least, Y/N came out of the drop-ship. By dropping onto the floor. Face first.

Blake: Uhh... you okay, Y/N?

Y/N shakily and slowly got to his feet, still very sedated.

Oobleck: Remarkable Y/N! You have quite the metabolism to be able to counteract the effects of the tranquilizer.

He leaned from side to side and his speech was barely recognizable.

(Y/N): Blrgh.... Pshhh... Flaglll...

Weiss: What did he say?

Yang: Oh! I know! He said: "Oh my god, why did you shoot me with six tranquilizer darts?"!

Weiss and Blake blinked.

Weiss: How... could you possibly know what he's saying?

Yang: Oh it's no big deal, our uncle would come home super drunk sometimes, so me and Ruby would have to take care of him.

Ruby: Yep! We kinda picked up the whole "Gibberish" language.

Weiss: That's not something you're supposed to be proud about...

Oobleck: Ladies!...

Oobleck's sudden shout startled the students to attention.

Oobeck: ...and Y/N.

(Y/N): Brrrgh....

Oobleck: You still may be students, but as of this moment, your first mission as Huntresses has begun! From this point forward, you need to do exactly as I say! Do you understand?

The group of students nodded together until Oobleck noticed Ruby had a large backpack with her.

Oobleck: Ruby! I thought I told you to leave all of your bags back at school.

Ruby: But, uh, you hadn't told us to listen to you yet. So I didn't.

Oobleck: Hmm... She's not wrong...

(Y/N): Flaagel... dshhhhh.... Faaaah....

Yang: Yeah, you are pretty unlucky, aren't you?

Y/N sighed.

Oobleck: Very well, Ruby; leave your bag here, we can pick it up upon our return.

Ruby: But I, well uh-

Oobleck: Young lady, what in the world could you possibly have in that bag that could be so important to bring it with...

Oobleck stopped mid sentence when the bag's zipper opens and Zwei's head popped out. Everyone stared in silence at the dog that Ruby brought.

Ruby: (whisper) Get back in the bag.

Zwei: *bark*

Oobleck: We're here to investigate an abandoned urban jungle teeming with death and hostility, and you brought... a dog?

Ruby: I, uh...

Oobleck: Genius!

Oobleck speeds past the group, sweeping up Zwei from Ruby's backpack.

Oobleck: Canines are historically known for their perceptive nose and heightened sense of sound, making them excellent companions for a hunt such as ours!

Zwei: *bark* *bark* !!

Ruby: You guys hear that? I'm a genius!

Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Y/N, face-palm at their grinning leader.

Blake: So, what are your orders, Doctor?

Oobleck: Ah, yes, straight to the chase; I like it!

Oobleck dropped Zwei as soon as the question was asked.

Oobleck: As you've been informed, the southeast area has been marked as a recent hot spot for Grimm activity. Now, there are several possible explanations for this behavior, one of which being... Grimm.

The group of students looked at Oobleck, confused.

Ruby: Uh, what?

Oobleck: Grimm. A creature of Grimm approximately one hundred yards from us at this very moment.

Yang: What?!

The group turns to look at the lone Beowolf wandering into the street.

(Y/N): Q_Q Blllrrrgh!!!

Y/N jumped into Ooblecks arms, while the girls prepared to unleash their weapons.

Oobleck: Stop!

Blake: Huh?

The Huntresses-in-training lower their weapons and glance back at their teacher.

Stepping forward to get a better look, Oobleck dropped Y/N onto the ground.

(Y/N): Gow....

Oobleck: There are a number of reasons why Grimm will congregate in this particular area, the most likely of which will be their attraction to negativity: sadness, envy, loneliness, hatred. All qualities that are likely held by our hidden group harboring ill intent.

Ruby: So... What now?

Oobleck: We wait. We track. If this specimen leads us to its pack, that pack may subsequently lead us to our prey.

Blake: How long do we wait?

Oobleck: It's uncertain. Hours, days, weeks. Why, lone Grimm have been known to stay isolated from the pack for months - and there's the whole pack.

The group turns to see the lone Grimm suddenly joined by a group of ten other Beowolves.

(Y/N): Urgh?

Oobleck: And now they've seen us.

(Y/N): Q_Q Urgh?!


Ruby: I take it tracking them is out of the question?

Oobleck: An accurate assumption, yes.

Yang: What's the plan, then?

The team turns to their teacher as the creatures close in.

Oobleck: Show me what you're capable of.

Ruby: Cover your ears you two!

Zwei hops onto Y/N face and the two cover their ears.

The fight begins with Ruby firing her Crescent Rose at the charging pack and taking out two of them.

Immediately after, Yang grins as she runs towards a Beowolf and, with a fiery explosion, uppercuts the creature into the sixth story of a ruined skyscraper.

Blake pulls the attention of three Beowolves, but instead of charging head first she puts a hand on her hilt and waits for them to get closer. When one of the Beowolves is close enough, it swipes at Blake with its claw, only to find out it swiped at an after image. The real Blake appears behind them, slicing her attackers in half.

Behind Blake, Weiss creates a gap between herself and two of the black-coated beasts before jumping in the air and taking one down with her rapier. She then dashes towards the final one with her rapier held high and slays it with ease.

In the midst of the fighting, Y/N tries to pull Zwei off his face as--once again--the dog is suffocating him.

The final three Grimm are met by Ruby, who uses the recoil of her sniper rifle to cleave the three charging Grimm in a single swing.

The area, now clear, the girls put away their weapons, satisfied with their success.

Ruby: Heh. Piece of cake!

Oobleck: Do not celebrate yet, for I am certain this is the first bout of many. Shall we continue?

(Y/N): *gasp* Dishh dog ish shrying tho khill meh...

Yang: Nah, he just likes you!

Zwei: *bark*

Zwei happily barks and wags his tail in response.

Y/N sighed and looked at Zwei.

(Y/N): Youuu'ree lukieee yor kwute...

Zwei: *bark*

Zwei happily barked at wagged his tail.



A Little While Later

The group began to journey throughout the ruined city, systematically searching the area as they did so.

The search, while turning up nothing, was interrupted by the often skirmish of Grimm that only temporarily stopped their progress. In charge of counter-attacking the Grimm were the four girls of team RWBY.

Fortunately for Y/N, the tranquilizer had worn off for the most part and--true to his word--Oobleck tasked Y/N with recording and collecting samples of local plant life.

Oobleck: Outstanding Y/N! Archiving this plant will go a long way for the future!

Oobleck and Y/N were squat down next to each other, looking at a peculiar red-ish flower with orange edges.

(Y/N): What's this one?

Oobleck: Hmm....

Oobleck pulled out his journal and started flipping through the pages.

Oobleck: Ah! The "Tagetes erecta"!

(Y/N): Neat.

Oobleck: Indeed.

The two flower gazers continued to study the flower, completely ignoring the fact that a mere few feet behind them team RWBY was having an intense battle with another pack of Beowolves.

Ruby: Watch your left!

Weiss: Blake behind you!

Yang: Yeaaaaaah!!!!

The four students worked together to cut down any Grimm that came too close.

Oobleck: Let us collect a sample.

(Y/N): Sure.

Just as Y/N put away the sample, the final Grimm hit the floor, dead.

Oobleck: Excellent work, girls!

Oobleck stood up and approached the victorious team.

Oobleck: Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector. Oh, well! Moving on!

Oobleck started walking down the street, followed closely behind by Y/N. The girls sheathed their weapons and started following as well.

Yang: Hey, Doc, y'know, I was actually looking forward to seeing a "pro Huntsman" in action. Like, fighting, or at least, helping us fight?

Oobleck glanced over his shoulder.

Oobleck: Ah, but I am in action! Scouring the ruins of this once-great city for any signs of irregularity!

Oobleck stopped and turned to face Yang.

Oobleck: Not every mission is filled with daring and heroism, girls. Sometimes it's just a heightened form of extermination! Remember, this is a job, and you all signed up for it.

(Y/N): I didn't.

Oobleck, still looking at Yang, showed his Scroll to Y/N. Displaying on the screen was the form that Y/N signed when he was in Ozpin's office.

(Y/N): -_-

Oobleck: I do hope you understand, Yang.

Yang: Well, yeah... O-Of course!

Oobleck: Hmm...


Some Time Later.

After spending some time scouting and collecting, Oobleck left Y/N alone to continue his mission. In the meantime, Oobleck began talking with the individual members of team RWBY.

Oobleck merely asked the girls for their motivation in becoming Huntresses.

Yang revealed her reasons were for adventure and thrill-seeking.

Weiss claimed it was for family honor and duty.

Blake's original goal was to help right the wrongs of the world, until she was asked: How?

The brief discussions caused the questioned team members to go through silent inner-reflection.

Y/N was not exempted from Oobleck's questions. After talking with Yang, Weiss, and Blake, Oobleck returned to Y/N as he wrote some notes.

Oobleck: You must have a reason for doing what you do.

(Y/N): Hm?

Oobleck: Your motivation, incentive, inspiration. What drives you each day?

Y/N thought for a moment and looked at the Huntsman with confidence.

(Y/N): I wanna be a baker.

Oobleck: A baker? Is that all?

(Y/N): Yeah? Is there something wrong with it?

Oobleck shook his head.

Oobleck: Of course not. Careers in culinary pursuits is just as noble an occupation as any other. But, I can't help but feel that your actions contradict what you tell others.

(Y/N): What do you mean my actions?

Oobleck: Hm. Fair enough.

Oobleck adjusted his glasses and dashed away, leaving Y/N to continue his work.

Turning back around, Y/N filled out the worksheet he had and filed it away in his bag. Before heading back toward the group, Y/N noticed a lone flower growing in a building nearby. Y/N glanced back at where the group was and decided that they were close enough so that he wouldn't lose them.

The building was just like the others, ruined and abandoned. Y/N approached the flower and began to take write down what he was observing. Inside the building was mostly dark, the only light coming from the open door and the cracks that led outside.

In that darkness something began to move, slowly skittering toward Y/N. Almost completely concealed by the darkness, the scorpion-like Grimm stalked closer and closer to Y/N.

Y/N's attention was drawn to a very faint skittering sound right next to his ear. Y/N turned his head to see a row of ten eyes a mere few inches from his face.

(Y/N): ._.




Beacon Academy

Ozpin stood in his office, facing out the window in silence. Ozpin quietly clenched his cane as the voices became louder outside his door. Ozpin sighed as he mentally prepared himself for what was about to happen.

Outside of his office, a different ship was docked at the landing port for Beacon Academy.

The voices outside of Ozpin's doors became louder and clearer.

Glynda: You can't just come in here like this!

Ironwood: I can and I will.

The door dinged and then opened, revealing General Ironwood, who stormed into Ozpin's office.

Ozpin: General Ironw-

Ironwood: Save it! If you value our friendship and loyalty you are going to tell me...

Ironwood stood in front of Ozpin's desk and glared at him.

Ironwood: ...where he is.



Mountain Glenn

After the final Grimm of the area fell, the group gathered together. Surveying the area, Oobleck decided it was time to set up camp.

Oobleck: I believe that will have to do for today. It's going to be dark soon.

Oobleck pointed to Weiss, Blake, and Yang.

Oobleck: You three, set up camp in that building.

The three girls nodded and started heading toward the building.

Oobleck: And Y/N...Y/N?

Oobleck glanced around for his missing student.

(Y/N): Over here!

Y/N came running down the street.

Oobleck: Please do stay together. We certainly don't need people getting lost.

(Y/N): I know... I just found a flower I missed.

Oobleck: Hm. Very well... please join Weiss, Blake, and Yang, in setting up camp.

(Y/N): Okay...

Oobleck watched the four students enter the building before looking back at where Y/N came from.

Oobleck: Hm.

Ruby: Uh... Dr. Oobleck?

Oobleck was brought out of his focus when the unassigned student spoke up.

Oobleck: Right. We are going to secure the perimeter, let's go.

Ruby: Got it.

Back at the building that Y/N ran from, the flower fluttered gently against the breeze from outside. Next to the blossom, was the crushed carcass of the Death-stalker.




(1-1-2019): Happy New Year! 

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