Take My Heart

By Miss_Bertany

49.5K 258 34

A little fanfic about Mariah and Tessa More

"You need me too"
"I'm glad you are here for this one"
"I just want you to remember how much you mean to me"
"The girl you were talking to,is she someone to you"
"I'm not giving up, until Tessa is back with you"
"Don't ever let me go"
"It wasn't a nightmare,It was real"
"I don't deserve you"
"I think I'm going to like it here"
"Are you too exhausted for me"
" Come find me when you stop listening to your head"
"Until you wake up Mariah I'm going to be there for her"
" I need you Mariah"
"Wait what are you doing here.....did I die"
"This one would love to put me in a bubble"
"I want you to become my wife and I'll be yours because I love you"
"All I wanted was to come home to you"
"So if you want to call off the wedding.I won't stop you"
"I'll be the one in the dress"
"I just want to do this for the both of you"
"I thought you didn't want this kind of distraction"
"And if I have my dream now why can't you"
" I can't fall asleep without being in your arms"
"That is the cutest sound I have ever heard"
"Our baby is in there "
"Then I guess we are finding out"
"I will always have your back and make you feel like you are beautiful"
"They got lucky in the Mom department,Hey they are getting two amazing Moms"
"Maybe your Mama has a point"
"I hate seeing her like this and I can't do anything to help"
"No you need me to be strong for you"
"The day you became mine"
" I can't imagine my life without you in it"
"I want to be in your life and in my granddaughters lives"
"I want it to be just you and me"
"I can't believe how much I already love them"
'I can't remember what my life was like without them"
"Things will get better from here I promise you"
"You haven't called me that in a while"
"Goodbye Genoa City"

"I mean this is the first step to our baby"

1.1K 9 0
By Miss_Bertany

Its been a couple weeks since the wedding everyone left the day after the wedding while Tessa and Mariah stayed another week for their honeymoon.Now they arrived back home. They walked in the apartment

"Home Sweet Home"Tessa said dragging their suitcase in

Mariah walked in the quickly turned around"Nope going back to paradise"she said 

"I know it's sad coming back to reality"Tessa said as she pulled Mariah back 

"But it was amazing there and its so gloomy here"she pouted 

Tessa leaned in and kissed Mariah"Where ever we are it's amazing"she smiled and placed her hands on Mariah's hips and pulled her closer

Mariah wrapped her arms around Tessa's neck"You are right"she said she kissed her

Tessa pulled away"And if we were in paradise we wouldn't be able to start our family"she told her 

"We'll we could, but our family is here  "Mariah looked away

"What is it"Tessa said trying to get Mariah's attention"You having second thoughts about trying for a baby"

"No"she looked back at her"Are we moving to fast though I mean we got married five minutes ago"

"True but some couples get pregnant on there honeymoon..so we can think of it like that"

Mariah giggled,she laced fingers with Tessa's"You still want to do this"

"Of course"she squeezed her hand"The next thing we need to discuss is how we going about this"

"Right"Mariah let go of Tessa's hand and sat on the couch 

"Do we want to adopt  foster  or one of us have the baby"she asked sitting next to her"I'm open to all"

"I am too""But if foster the baby or child won't be ours permanently. So maybe we can table it for now and we can do that in the future"

"Alright how about adopt"she asked 

"That's an option but we could be on a waiting list forever"Mariah said 

"So I guess we have our choice"Tessa told her

"Awesome"Mariah got all excited and hugged Tessa"but now the real question is who"Mariah asked pulling out of the hug

"Good question"

Mariah got off the couch and walked over the counter and leaned against it

"Mariah"Tessa went up behind her"You ok you were excited a second ago"

"Ya I still am"she turned around

"I'll do it"Tessa said

"Tess, are you sure because it's asking a lot I mean you would have to put your career on hold for this,I can't ask you to do this when you just started"

"I want to do this,I don't mind"

Mariah hugged her"I love you"

"I love you too"she said as she held her tight"So I'll make an appointment first thing in the morning and then we can go from there"she told her 

"Alright"Mariah walked away and went into the kitchen"Do you want some wine"she asked 

"Might as well it could be a while before I can have it again"she laughed

Mariah came back with two glasses and handed one to Tessa"To our future"she toasted

"To our future"Tessa said as they clinked their glasses together.Tessa put her hand on Mariah's chin and pulled her into a kiss"Technology we are still on our honeymoon"she told her as they kissed

"You are right"Mariah set the glass down"And it is our first time as a married couple"Mariah said unbuttoning Tessa's blouse and ripped it off her 

"Wow who are you  "Tessa said 

"Your wife who wants you right now"Mariah said

Tessa didn't waste anytime she grabbed Mariah and carried her to the bedroom not breaking the kiss.Tessa couldn't wait she leaned Mariah against the wall,she pulled Mariah's hands above her head.She deepened the kiss,as she kissed Mariah she took one hand and went up her dress sliding her hand in between her  causing Mariah to moan"Really that is all it takes for you"she said with a laugh

"What when its you it doesn't take much"she told her as she combed her finger through Tessa's hair"Go on"she told her

"As you wish Mrs Copeland Porter"she said she picked her up and took her to the bedroom.She got on top of Mariah an proceeded to pleasure her


The next day Mariah was getting ready for work when Tessa came in the bedroom

"So they can see me today"she told her

"What that was fast"

"I know so it's at noon so maybe we can meet up for lunch"

"I come with you"Mariah told her 

"No,it's you have the show to tape"she said looking at her through the mirror

"I can cancel it,I mean this is the first step to our baby I want to'

"It's just a check up you can come to all the other appointments I promise"

Mariah walked up to her and wrapped her arms around her"Fine"she kissed her 


Tessa walked into the doctors office

"Tessa Copeland Porter I have an appointment with Dr Maine"she told the nurse and sat down to be called back'

A few minutes later a nurse called her back and did all the usual stuff with her and then told her the doctor would be in soon.Tessa sat on the bed and waited She didn't wait long the doctor came in shortly after

"Good afternoon Tessa"She greeted her 

"You too Dr Maine"she smiled at her 

"I see you called about having a baby"she said looking at her chart 

"Yes,Me and Mariah just got married and we want to move to the next step"she told her "And I offered to do it"she smiled 

"Well congratulations to you both"she said 


"So I'm going to check everything out and then we can go from there"she told her 

"Sounds great"


Mariah was waiting for Tessa at the club when Kyle came up to her

"So you finally pride your way away from your wife"he said

"Ha ha very funny"she mocked laugh him"She had an appointment"she told him 

"Oh right the first step into where I become Uncle Kyle"he sat across from her 

"Not so fast mister"she said giving him a look"Yes it is the first step to it she is meeting me here afterwards"

"I'm happy for you both"he held her hand

"Nothing happened yet but thanks"she smiled at him"So how are you and Lola,I saw you two at the wedding.And I saw her at work she is in love"she said 

"Love is taking it to far,we are just enjoying ourselves"

"Well now I'm happy for you,finally you can have your own love life and stop getting into mine"she laughed 

Kyle's eyes moved over to the door"Well if it isn't your wife now"he said pointing to Tessa 

Tessa put a smile on her face when she saw Mariah and Kyle

"Hello,Kyle"she said coming over to the table"Hi Babe"she said kissing Mariah's cheek

"So how did it go"Mariah was eager to know what happened

"It went well"she said sitting down"So did you order yet,Kyle are you going to join us"she asked 

"No I have meeting so I'll see you two later"he said knowing something was off with Tessa"Bye you two"he kissed Mariah goodbye then left 

"That was odd of him he usually joins us,maybe he is going to go see Lola"she said looking at Tessa

"No I think he knew I needed to talk to you"

"Oh is everything ok""Did something happen at the doctors"Mariah got worried

"Maybe we should go home and have this conversation"Tessa said getting up

Mariah followed"No"she pulled her arm and sat her down on the couch"Tel me now"

"It didn't go so well at the doctors"

"I can tell go on what happened"

"They did some tests to see if everything was good and"Tessa stopped 

Mariah got worried"What is it,is it cancer"Mariah asked 

Tessa had tears in her eyes and shook her head"No"she took Mariah's hand"But I can't make your dream come true.I can't have children"

Tears slid down Mariah's face"Oh honey"she pulled her intro her arms"I'm so sorry"

Tessa cover her face as she cried on Mariah's shoulder

After a few minutes of them both crying they pulled away

"I feel so bad because I told you I would carry the baby and now I can't"

"No it's ok,I'm concern about you are you alright"

Tessa nodded"I should have went with you"she caressed her cheek

"You are her now"she placed her hand over Mariah's"So we can go on a list for adoption if you want"Tessa told her 

"No"Mariah shook her head"I'll do it"she looked at Tessa"I'll have the baby"


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