If We Could Only Turn Back Ti...

By SeducingZouis

5.3K 30 19

What would you do when the love of your life leaves to chase his dreams? What would you do if he completely f... More

Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter One

1K 5 1
By SeducingZouis

You put on a fake smile and congradulated your best friend. "Congradulations Harry! You'll go far!", you told him. You knew you should have been happy that he was going to be attempting to make his wildest dreams come true, but you just couldn't wrap your mind around the fact that he was leaving you behind.

Harry and yourself had been best friends for the longest time, and lately you've been slowly falling more in love with everything he did. His smile, the way he talked, his beautiful green eyes that had always seemed to glitter when you looked him in the eyes; and now he was leaving for X-Factor auditions. Your heart felt as if someone had sucked it dry. Harry was the only one who knew everything about you; all your fears, all your weaknesses. He was the only person who knew about how your mother and father mentally abused you. Harry would spend endless hours either on the phone or with you in his room comforting you the nights where you just couldnt handle it anymore. Not having Harry around was going to be the hardest thing you'd have to live with.

"I have a feeling that maybe someone will actually recognize me now if I do this. Just imagine everything that I can do if I get signed Cheyenne, it'll be amazing!", he said holding your shoulders with the biggest smile you've ever seen on his face. You felt so horrible for not wanting him to leave. "I'm glad for you Harry, I really am", you managed to slip out of your mouth with a half smile. He glanced at you, now with a sadened face, "What's wrong Cheyenne? ". You looked over to Harry, unable to come up with an excuse to not make him feel bad. "Cheyenne, tell me what is bothering you", he persisted. "It's n-nothing Harry, really", you stuttered turning your head away from Harry's gaze. He grabbed your chin and returned your gaze back into his, "We both know that's a lie, love. If you don't want me to leave for the X-Factor audition, I won't go. Your opinion means everything to me Cheyenne, you mean everything to me, and --". You cut him off with tears in your eyes, "Harry, noo. I won't let you stay here when your chance of being everything you ever wanted is just a small step away. You deserve this Harry. Don't let me hold you back. Yes, I need you Harry, but I'm not going to let you throw your dreams out the window. Go Harry, go audition, you deserve this."

Harry then grabbed your wrists and took your hand and threw them over his shoulders, embracing you in a hug. You couldn't get enough of it, sulking in every second you could of Harry's hug, as for you knew it would be one of your last you would ever get because he was leaving tomorrow morning.

He smiled at you, letting go of the hug, "I've got to start packing, I leave tomorrow morning. I call you so you can drive me there, love, and say goodbye for what might be for a long time." "See you tomorrow Harry", you said with a half-smile as you close the door behind you. You sighed and headed for your room.

When in your room you jumped onto your bed and logged onto your laptop. You began sifling through all the pictures of you and Harry, and began to tear up. You quickly turned your body to grab the teddy bear Harry had got you for your birthday a month ago. Begining to feel even more emotional you cried into the bear. Luckily your parents weren't home yet from their date to throw their harsh words at you like they always had done involving you and Harry being friends.

Your phone began to buzz as you recieved a new text message. You got up from sobbing into the bear to begin suffling through your blankets to find your phone. Once you found your phone you sat back up and opened the message. It was from Harry. You smiled wide and read the text to yourself. It read 'Goodnight beautiful, call you in the morning. Sleep tight love xoxo'. Harry was always the charmer.  You couldn't help but blush and smile to yourself. You replied 'Can't wait to hear that morning voice of yours,haha. Night Harry, don't let the bed bugs bite(: '.

As you set your phone on the side table and plugged in to the charger you heard car doors close, knowing it was your parents. You had glanced out the window for a second to see Harry waving good night to you with a smile on his face, and he then shut his wondow and turned his lights off. It was a ritual you and Harry have had for months now, and another reason you kept falling for him; his adorableness. You then shut down your laptop, turned off your lights, and crawled into bed knowing if you seemed like you were alseep, your parents would leave you alone.

You began to doze off, soon into a deep sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

You quickly jolted up to the sound of your phone ringing. Still half asleep, you picked up the phone and noticed it was Harry. You answered, "Hello...". "Goodmorning sunshine, be ready in an hour? I need to be at the airport by 8:00.", he said in a cheerful tone. "Ummm...yeah. I'll meet you at my car at 7:15", you replied wiping your eyes. He quickly answered with a thank you and hung up.

You got dressed, put your make-up on and did your hair. After you had finished, you grabbed your phone and car keys and walked downstairs. As you headed for the kitchem to grab some water before you would leave for your car, a laugh scared you.

"Hah, where you going now cinderella? To take your prince to the airport so he can leave your stupid ass for good? Never understood why he would like a person like you, and I'm glad he's going to be gone, he made you make us look bad, made you look like a whore being at his house all the time." You looked at your mother who had the biggest smirk on her face, like she accomplished something, "I look like a whore? How could you say that to your own daughter? You make me look like a chairty case for god's sake. Harry is my best friend, and I'm with him all the time because I refuse to be around you!". You walked into the kitchen, your hands shaking. You quickly grabbed the water bottle out of the fridge and headed back through the living room to the front door. A pair of hands firmly gripped your shoulders, not allowing you to persue your way out of the house. "Why don't you just run away then? Because that's all your good for, and that's all you ever do", those were the last words you heard from your mother as you broke yourself from her grip and walked out the front door, slamming it behind you.

You walked down the front steps and to your car. Angrily, you opened the driver dorr and got in. You sat there still shaking with not only anger but embarrassment that you keep putting up with this.

You heard talking in a distance and looked up to see Harry saying goodbye to his mother, father, and sister. You recollected yourself and got out of the car. You walked over to his front steps and said hello to his family who then continued back inside of their house. "Need help with those bags?", you asked him smiling. He had atleast 6 bags and you knew he would need help with them. "Haha, yeah looks like I overpacked, who even knows if I'll make it through any rounds to even need all of this crap", he replied laughing and handing you the lighter of the bags. You two carried the bags to your trunk and loaded them up. Two bags didn't fit so Harry threw them in your backseat.

After loading all Harry's bags in, you two got into your car. Harry looked at you knowing something happened before you met up with him, "Are you alright Cheyenne?". "Oh.. uh, yeah. Why are you asking?", you said turning to him. You didn't want to ruin his exciting moment to be leaving for a chance to live his dreams. Harry looked at you suspiciously, "Because you don't look yourself..". You turned back to the wheel and started the car, "Nothing, my mom just thought she should put her say in this before I came out, I'm fine, let's just get out of here, the sooner the better". You turned back to him and smiled, then pulling the car out of the driveway.

The entire car ride to the airport was filled with blaring music so that the whole highway could hear, and screaming out the lyrics to every Britney Spears song you had on your IPod with Harry. The car filled with your laughter of knowing how ridiculous you both were acting, but this is how you and Harry were always like. You guys could be yourselves around eachother and not care because you knew you two accepted eachother for who you were.

You arrived at the airport pulling into a spot extremely close to the entrance for this hour. Harry had a bag boy take his bags to the check-in point and be carried off to the jet awaiting for him, except his carry on bag. You and Harry walked into the lobby. You stood in line with him while he waited to go through security.

The security guard was almost about to call Harry to be checked next when Harry turned to you and said, "Well this is goodbye Cheyenne, atleast for now. I'll text you when I land safely and promise to text and call you all the time. I'm going to miss you, love". "Oh, Harry. I'm going to miss you so much", you quickly got out before the guard called Harry up. Harry turned and smiled at you before going through the gate.

You quickly regretted never telling how you felt about him, and tears began to fill your eyes. You turned back to see Harry grab his bag, his phone in his hand. You quickly took out your phone and texted Harry, 'I've been meaning to tell you this for months now, but, I think I'm in love with you Harry Edward Styles. I regret never telling you this before, but your my everything and I love you.'

You looked up to see that Harry had stopped walking to check his phone. You walked closer to the glass separating Harry and yourself, while keeping a distance from it as well. Harry looked up in search of you and met your eyes. You smiled at him, but he didn't return one. Instead you could see the shame and sadness upon his face. He started to text back. You recieved it within seconds, Harry still watching you with sadened eyes full of guilt. You opened the text 'Cheyenne, I've known. I've just been waiting for you to finally admit it. I love you too, but with me leaving, It just won't work. I shouldn't have gone through this knowing how you felt. I'm sorry I have to go, but Cheyenne, I love you too and truly mean it'. You returned your gaze back to Harry who had now started crying himself. You broke down and fell to the ground as Harry shook his head and began walking towards the flight gate.

You watched him walk through the gate and onto his flight, regretting never telling him sooner.

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