outcast - bts (book ver.)

By dimples_child

8.8K 582 69

- completed! ; in which your life depends on your decisions in a game. ' [ started; 31 . 12 . 2O18 ] [ ended;... More

- epigraph -
Night 1: the begining.
save him
Night 2: missing cases
no choices.
Night 3: update.
Night 4: invalid actions.
corrupted files.
the news
epilogue: never ending cycle

Night 5: the truth.

335 30 2
By dimples_child

In the same night, Yoongi had texted Hoseok for maybe the last time. He wanted to clear up something. He wanted to make sure that, if the game was as dangerous as he thought it was, he would say his last words.

He had described how his life had been ever since he had met Hoseok in the hospital. He had apologized and he had listed up the highlights they have had ever since they had known each other.

He had no clue who the anonymous was. Seokjin or Taehyung. Both had been corrupted files and he hadn't seen neither of their faces. He had only heard a voice. But which one it was, was a wrecking question. A question Yoongi had no answer to.

The next night Yoongi and the anonymous had decided to play the last round. They were now up against each other. Yoongi was now going to fight against Hoseok.

He wasn't sure if he could handle this much pressure but he would give his best and endure the pain and pressure of maybe messing up and killing everyone including himself.
"One last game. A fair game. Set everything the way it was. Give me my abilities back and follow the damn rules. No cheating and no tricks."

"isn't that too much? You're being a little greedy, don't you think? Very well then, let's begin"

The game had started. The house had turned bigger and Yoongi was currently controlling Namjoon. The purple haired was in the dining room

when Yoongi's eyes met a brown-haired male with a vase in his firm hands. Hoseok. He commanded Namjoon to run. The male had passed a few good hiding spots but Yoongi wasn't up for hiding. Each time he would, it always ended up bad.

Hoseok had ended managed to catch up with Namjoon's fast runner ability.

"I'm sorry Hoseok.." Yoongi had no choice but to command Namjoon to punch his best friend straight in the face, in order to avoid a bloody fight.

Injuring any of the characters deeply was the last thing Yoongi had in mind. In fact, he hasn't even considered that an option. Namjoon had immediately started running after punching Hoseok without Yoongi even commanding him to.

That was the sign for Yoongi that Unknown had lied again and lured him into a trap. The game wasn't fair. Namjoon was moving on his own behalf, meaning that his opposite had more tricks to pull out. Not much later, Namjoon had sent one of his famous hidden messages, telling Yoongi to not hurt Hoseok.

42852: NAMJOON wants to switch characters. Change to JUNGKOOK. ACCEPT or DECLINE?       


42852: JUNGKOOK is now in the game! JUNGKOOK is upstairs. RUN or HIDE?

There was nothing seeable on the screen. No Hoseok, no Jimin and no black figure which was probably his little anonymous friend. He wanted to hide and wait, until he knew that the hallways were save enough for Jungkook to run straight through the whole house towards the exit.

Hoseok had ended up finding Jungkook. He had pulled the black-haired male by his collar, dragging him towards the white marble stairs. Yoongi froze as his face slowly stared approaching the computer screen. Hoseok looked pained. He looked like he was holding in something. He wanted to scream in agony but he couldn't. something was holding him back.

Something or someone. Someone with enough power to make all of them shake in fear by just looking at them.

Yoongi had realized by now that anonymous wasn't alone. He couldn't be alone and possess such power on his own. He had had help by someone.

Hoseok had thrown Jungkook down the stairs. Yoongi watched as the raven male hit all his bones on the sharp edges of the white marble stairs, leaving blood on every edge.

Jungkook had surely broken some bones by the look of his groaning face. His painful groans that could make you cry. The strong groans turned into painful whimpers as Yoongi watched the male on the floor reach out for something to pull himself up again.

42852: JUNGKOOK wants to escape.

This message had followed every time Hoseok placed his foot on the next stair, approaching Jungkook slowly. Yoongi had accepted the other male's will but it somehow didn't seem to work. Yoongi knew that this would come at some point.

He knew that anonymous couldn't be trusted in the first place but he still went on, giving the other boy a chance to prove Yoongi wrong.

What had Yoongi expected? He had been played and screwed over ever since the beginning of this game. He had always been the creator's target but Yoongi didn't know that. He didn't know anything. He had no clue that the whole think was a set up for him. He hadn't found the game by accident, no. someone made him think that. But actually, he had been watched by someone for over three months.

Hoseok had switched places with Jimin. Jungkook was healing way too slow and it was impossible to even protect himself with those injuries. The white marble floor which once looked white and clean, was now covered by a bright red liquid. Blood.


A chill went down the blue-haired male when his ears caught a noise coming from the hallway. He slowly made his way towards the window that seemed to be open even thought he could have sworn he had closed it before. That was the last thing he saw before it had turned black. The last thing Yoongi felt, was a soft handkerchief being pressed on his nose. He felt someone lifting him up and that was all. After that he felt numb.

Was he dead? If not, then it sure felt like it.

Yoongi groaned. His eyes slowly fluttered open as he tried to move. The room was covered by a dim light coming from a broken lamp on the ceiling. The teenager's head was literally about to explode and yet he endured the horrible pain. His blue head shot up by the sound of a voice that he had expected the least. "Sleeping beauty decided to wake up!"

He then had realized that his well-built yet fragile body had a strong rope around him. He was tied to a wooden chair. In front of him, a bleeding Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon, which were sitting on the floor, unable to even flinch. They looked horrible. Their clothes were shredded, their hair was messy, blood spilled everywhere on their clothes and the worst was the smell. The whole room smelled really bad.

It smelled like rotten flesh, which Yoongi assumed came from the whole blood and sweat everywhere. Next to them, was the black figure he kept seeing on the screen. The male was clearly taller than Yoongi. All the 24-year-old could see, was the black men's eyes. They were the only thing that wasn't covered in black silk.

"Took you long enough to wake up. Now let's finish the game, shall we?" Just as the male in black had moved his head to look at Jimin and wrap his slim, long fingers around the other's collar, Yoongi was able to take a short glimpse of his hair. Silver grey.

A loud punching sound was heard and Jimin's small groan followed not even a second later. Yoongi watched as the smaller male fell onto the cold floor. "Stop" Yoongi wanted him to stop. It was the first time had been this mad. And only now had he finally fully realized that this was really happening.

Another punch was heard and the groan followed again. Yoongi flinched in his chair, unable to do anything to help Jimin. "Send a LIVE?" the silver haired had said, clearly enjoying the sight before him. "Make me stop, Yoongi! Send a live!"

The blue haired was struggling in his seat. He wanted to get up and help them but he couldn't. Of course, Yoongi's first thoughts when he woke up, were; why was he here and where was he anyways. Now his only thoughts were on how to break free from this rope and punch the hell out of the boy's face.

Yoongi' eyes had shot wide open when the black male had taken out a sharp knife, holding it firmly against Jimin's throat. Why was he letting it out on Jimin? Why was he even doing this in the first place?

The second the black male was about to slice the knife against the blonde model's neck, Yoongi had had enough.

He had wanted to put everything on the line if it meant that he would help the other teenagers which looked worried about Jimin. Yoongi guessed that they couldn't do much either. Their hands were tied and they were clearly too weak to even move and get up.

"Give a Live?" – "Yes! Give my life for them all!"

"What...? No, no, no, no, you were supposed to keep it!" the male in black dropped the knife. "Why... You're not the Yoongi I remember, you would've kept it."

And because of that simple line, Yoongi's head made click. Everything made sense now. The corrupted files and now this.

"Kim Taehyung, it's over... I remember again. I'm sorry for letting you alone. I should've saved you when I could, instead of being a coward and leaving you behind in the last night of the game... I'm sorry. You took over the place as the creator and Seokjin was forced to help you out with your wicked plan just because you wanted revenge on me. I must have hurt you badly for you to turn the game into a horror version and I sincerely apologize... I had no idea."

Just as Yoongi had said that, the well-known sound of his phone rang from his pocket. His phone's battery had reached 0%. He had lost.

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