Deeper | Beyoncé & Onika

By idyllicwrites

129K 5.1K 3.1K

High school AU: Onika and Beyonce are best friends that start having a sexual relationship after a spanking i... More



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By idyllicwrites

"What the hell Onika?"

Beyonce glared at the large hickey on her neck. They both stood in front of the mirrors now, refreshing themselves back up after their rump in the stall. Onika only stifled a laugh from next to her as she reapplied her lip gloss.

Beyonce glanced at her with a glare before looking to the reddish mark that was starting to take on a purple color. "This shit isn't funny!" She yelled, how did she not feel Onika sucking on her neck like a fucking vampire?

"I'm sorry. I guess I got lost in the moment." Onika turned to her with a tilt of her head and a pout on her lips. Beyonce scowled as she turned towards her as well.

She's known Onika for a long time and though it took her awhile to catch on she could now tell when Onika was lying, especially when they started having sex.

"Please. Looks like an act of possession to me." Beyonce said as her eyes narrowed. Onika's eyes narrowed as well and her mouth dropped as if she was offended by Beyoncé's words.

"You're one to talk." She started with an airy giggle as she brought her eyes up from the floor to look at Beyonce once more. "Who's pussy is this?" She whispered, mocking Beyoncé's words and causing the older girl's eyes to widen.

"You're not usually so possessive when we're... having fun. Looked like an 'act of possession' to me but who are you jealous of?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

Beyonce frowned and felt her hands ball up into fists as Aubrey quickly came to her mind. He had been all over Onika this morning, more than usual. But the thing that really pissed her off was that Onika appeared to be returning his advances.

"No one." She growled out through her teeth. Onika didn't look convinced but fake smiled and nodded her head anyways.

"Okay, Beyonce." She scoffed rolling her eyes in annoyance before she picked up her book bag and moved towards the door. Beyonce watched her unlock it before sneaking out.

What the fuck was that?

Her day continued on as normal with no more meetings with Onika in the bathroom. She tried to use her hair to hide the hickey that Onika had given her but by the look on Candi and Thembi's faces when they saw her she knew it wasn't working so well.

She did her best to avoid Shawn but when he eventually saw it, he began to distance himself from her again. It pissed her off, first at Onika because what the hell? Secondly at Shawn because who was he to judge her?

Her stupid friends made her mood sour so she went storming around the school for the rest of the day and terrorizing anyone that got in her way. She was currently shoving the books she didn't need into her locker while getting ready to leave the school. She slammed her locker shut and glanced over to find Aubrey walking Onika down the hall towards the exit. She was giggling at his dumb jokes and smiling up at him as she twirled a lock of her hair between her fingers.

Beyoncé's eyes narrowed as she watched them walk pass her. She wasn't jealous. She didn't even care that Aubrey and Onika were getting close because at the end of the night it was her that Onika ended up under. She tried to push back the voice in her head that kept whispering 'for now'. She gritted her teeth as she kept it together while watching them walk out the building together.

Candi and Thembi walked pass her next. "Hey!" She shouted and both girls jumped before turning around to face her. Candi offered a hesitant smile because it wasn't often that Beyonce willingly tried to talk to her.

When she did it often had to do with some rude insult or an empty threat of some kind and Candi couldn't think of a reason as to why Beyonce would be mad at her.

"Hey, Bey. What's up?" She asked. Beyonce shifted slightly on her feet while glancing towards the door that Onika had just went out of. She didn't want it to look like she cared but she really wanted to know.

"Where are Aubrey and Onika going?" She asked with a small shrug of her shoulders. Candi looked slightly shocked and confused at the question.

"Um... I think Aubrey is taking her to get ice-cream." She said with a small shrug of her shoulders.

"Oh." Beyonce frowned. She wanted to ask if it was like a date but she didn't want Candi to think she was interested in whatever was going on between the two of them. Candi stared at her with a slightly raised eyebrow and Beyonce rolled her eyes because she really just had to know. "Are they like, on a date?" she asked. It was like word vomit. Her mind was against asking but her mouth just didn't listen. The urge was too strong.

"Um... I don't think so?" Candi chuckled lightly as she glanced at Thembi. "Aubrey offered to take her to get some after school." She said with another shrug of her shoulders and Beyonce nodded her head, feeling herself relax slightly at Candi's words but only slightly.

"Would that be wrong if it was a date? I mean, we all know he's head over heels in love with Onika." She said with a knowing smile.

"Please. Don't make me throw up." She said as she felt her stomach turn at the thought of Onika and Aubrey being a thing.

"Let's go Candi." Thembi whined from behind her, over listening to this conversation and being ignored the entire time.

Beyonce sighed after watching them go before following soon after. She jumped into her car and barely had her seatbelt on before her phone began to ring. She quickly pulled it out hoping to find Onika's number but was only slightly disappointed when it turned out to be Shawn.

"Hello?" she answered as she pulled out of the parking lot.

"Hey. I was hoping we could talk."

"About what?"

"Well I was hoping that we could talk about getting back together. I'm kind of over this break but with that hickey I don't think your quite ready."

"It wasn't a hickey." She gritted through her teeth, gripping her steering wheel tightly. Onika was a manipulative little bitch. This is what she had wanted. She gave Beyonce the hickey in hopes that it would keep Shawn from getting back together with her. She knew that once she got back together with Shawn then the sex they were having would stop. She and Shawn were always on and off so that meant the sex she had with Onika was always on and off but this was the first time Onika tried sabotaging her getting back together with Shawn.

"Sure looked like one to me."

She could hear the disbelief in his voice and she rolled her eyes. "Well it wasn't. It was a burn." She heard him sigh.

"But it wasn't there this morning, Beyonce. It showed up after lunch. You must really like this guy because you rarely made out with me in school."

"The only guy I like is you Shawn! Stop trying to accuse me of shit I didn't even do! We're not even together so why the fuck do you care?!  Can't you just believe me when I say it wasn't a hickey." She didn't know why she was lying in the first place. She had nothing to be ashamed of or hide because she was single. She could hook up with anyone she wanted. She just didn't want them to know that it was Onika.

"Okay. Sure, Beyonce." She scuffed. She hated it when he was so short with her. "Well maybe we should just not get back together right now... not until you learn to stop burning your neck."

She hung up without another word, tossing her phone into the passenger's seat. "Fuck!" She shouted as she turned her attention back to the road. She was livid. Who the fuck did he think he was? He acted like he could get back together with her whenever he wanted to. Just like that, and granted he probably could because she loved him that much, but damn it made her feel like a piece of shit, Well fuck him.


Onika smiled as Aubrey finished his joke. He smiled and his cheeks tinted pink. "Aubrey, you're so funny" she laughed and his smile grew.

She put in a spoonful of sprinkled vanilla ice-cream into her mouth. Some of it missed and ran down her chin. She reached up to wipe it away but Aubrey quickly beat her to it.

"I got it." He said as he rubbed his thumb up her chin, wiping it until he reached her lower lip. He smiled bashfully and she returned it before someone cleared their throat loudly. They both looked up to find Beyonce standing in front of their table. Aubrey frowned and Onika's smile faltered slightly only because of the expression she wore on her face.

"Hi, Beyonce" she said hesitantly with a wave as she forced it back into place. Beyoncé's cold eyes looked over the both of them before she reached out for the empty chair at their table.

"Mind if I join you?" She asked though she had already sat herself down and got comfortable. She reached over and took Aubrey's bowl.

"That was rude" He sneered but shrunk down in his chair when she turned to glare at him. "I was done with it anyways." He mumbled as he turned his eyes down towards his lap. Beyonce looked back at Onika who was already watching her.

"So what were you two talking about?"

"Aubrey was telling me some of his jokes. He's really funny." Onika said with a small smirk upon her lips as she looked over to the boy. He smiled at her in return and Beyonce rolled her eyes.

"I bet he is. Tell me one, Aubrey." she looked to him and he swallowed thickly.

"Um... okay... well knock, knock!" He perked up with a grin.

"Who's there?"

"Cows say."

"Cows say who?"

"No silly, cows say moo not who!" He laughed and Onika immediately joined in with him. Beyonce glared at him instead.

"You're not fucking funny." She grimaced and they both immediately stopped laughing.

"Why don't you stop trying to get into Onika's pants, huh?" and she heard Onika gasp at her words and Aubrey's face flush red as his expression dropped.

"Because it's not going to happen and even if it did you wouldn't know what to do with it if you had it." She said as she stood back up. "Let's go, Tanya." She ordered and walked out of the frozen store. She didn't have to look back to know that Onika was right behind her.

She climbed into her car and Onika slid in beside her. "Bey, why do you have to be so mean to our friends all the time? Aubrey is nice..." She pouted as she looked over to Beyonce who had pulled out onto the main road.

"He just wants to fuck you." Beyonce leaned back in her seat, her eyes glaring at the road. "and like I said before he couldn't handle it if he had it." She mumbled and Onika allowed a small smile to come to her lips.

"But you can?" She asked with a smirk of  amusement only to have Beyonce give her a pointed look. She chuckled and turned her attention to her window where she consumed herself for the rest of the ride to her house. Beyonce parked outside and followed Onika inside and up to her room. She tossed her bag aside as Onika sat down on her bed, smiling up at Beyonce whose eyes narrowed back at her in response.

"Hands and knees." She demanded, the deep raspiness of her voice had only made Onika wet. She turned towards Onika's dresser looking over the things that rested on top of it. She hadn't forgotten why she sought Onika out. She was pissed at her for the hickey she left on her neck that stopped her from getting back together with Shawn. She was here to punish Onika.

She picked up Onika's hair brush and looked over it before looking up in the mirror to find Onika in the position she asked of her. She licked her lips and spun around to face her. She walked over to the bed and climbed on it to be kneeling behind her. She yanked her skirt and panties down roughly.

"Bite your pillow." She mumbled and watched as Onika bent slightly to slowly bite down on her pillow. "I talked to Shawn after school today." She said as she allowed her eyes to drop back to the smooth skin of Onika's cheeks.

"He told me we shouldn't get back together until I stop burning myself with the curling iron." Her first hit followed once she was done speaking and Onika cried out as she jerked away, Beyonce caught her hip quickly and pulled her back into place.

Onika buried her face into the pillow as the second hit quickly followed. Beyonce had never used an object to spank her ass, just her hand, and the difference was a large one. She had only been hit twice and she was ready to tap out, her ass cheeks already on fire. Beyonce soon found a rhythm and Onika kept her face buried in her pillow, fighting to breathe as she fisted her sheets in both hands until her knuckles were turning red.

Though it was almost unbearably painful Onika somehow found the pleasure hidden underneath. Moans tore from her throat but were muffled into her pillow. She felt the wetness run down her thighs and her walls clench every time the hairbrush hit her ass. She wanted to beg Beyonce to go faster but beg her to stop at the same time. Her body was conflicted so she didn't do either and it wasn't long before the knot in her stomach became too much, and with the next hit she was coming.

She sobbed at the pleasure and the pain and finally jumped away from the brush before it made contact with her again. Beyonce immediately pulled it back knowing when Onika had had enough.

She watched her with a raised eyebrow and slightly out of breath. She really shouldn't be surprised. It wouldn't be the first time she had made Onika come without actually touching her. But she wanted this to be a punishment, not a reward. She tossed the brush aside and looked to the space in between Onika's legs, watching as the wetness ran down her thighs.

"Hmm Princess. You're a real masochist aren't you?" she snorted as she gathered some of the juices off her thighs onto her fingers. She brought it to her lips and sucked it off as she watched Onika try to calm her sobs and catch her breath. Beyonce sat down next to her on the bed. "Onika, as much as me and Shawn fight I still love him. He's who I want to be with. You're my best friend and this thing that we're doing is fun but we'll never be more then friends. Got it?"

Onika nodded her head slowly as she sniffled into her sheets. Beyonce reached up to wipe a stray tear from Onika's cheek.

"Stop crying okay?" She mumbled and Onika nodded once more. Beyonce had never seen Onika cry during a spanking so she knew it must have hurt pretty bad even though she came from it, but maybe she'd think next time before placing a hickey for the world to see on her neck.

"No more leaving hickeys were Shawn can see them. No more sabotage." She reached her hand back and placed it on Onika's red butt causing the younger girl to hiss in pain. "Want some ice?" Onika nodded her head and Beyonce leaned down to kiss her temple before getting out of the bed and leaving the room.

Onika took in a deep breath and allowed her body to relax at Beyoncé's departure. She wiped the rest of the tears from her face and glanced back at her red butt. It really hurt and she bit her lip in embarrassment at the fact that her center was still throbbing from the pleasure of her release. Something that painful shouldn't have turned her on like this. It shouldn't have made her come so hard. There must have been something really wrong with her. It had her thinking maybe she should get Beyonce mad at her a little more often.

Beyonce returned with a bag of ice. She flopped back down on the bed and placed the bag on Onika's ass making her jump slightly at the cold before relaxing once more. Beyonce watched her for a few moments before she turned towards her phone. "Well, now that we've cleared that up, I'm gonna head home. I'll see you tomorrow. Do you need a ride to school?" she asked as she stood up and picked her bag up.

"No. Aubrey is picking me up."
She watched as Beyoncé's eyebrows came together in confusion and a hint of anger.

"Hmm ok." She mumbled after a few moments of silence. Onika offered a sad smile and a wave as Beyonce walked out of her room.

If Beyonce was allowed to have a boyfriend, then she was allowed to have one too, right?

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