Laceration (Camren)

By qweens22

10.9K 437 191

The world has finally come to an end. It's every man for himself. You'd be lucky to find friends along the wa... More

Chapter 2: Game On
Chapter 3: Now or Never
Chapter 4: Revenge
The Characters:
Chapter 5: Secrets
Chapter 6: 24 Hours
Chaper 7: Go Time
Chapter 8: Friend Or Foe
Chapter 9: War of Faith
Chapter 10: Azrael
Chapter 11: May We Meet Again
Chapter 12: To The Moon
Chapter 13: And Back
Chapter 14: Far From Home
Chapter 15: Home
Chapter 16: Wicked
Chapter 17: Truth Be Told
Chapter 18: Fight Night pt.1
Chapter 19: Fight Night pt.2
Chapter 20: Fight Night pt.3
Lacerate (book 2)
Kinda a Update !

Chaper 1: If You're Lucky

1.5K 32 20
By qweens22

We meet the people we're supposed to when the time is just right. Weather that is at the mall while you're looking for new shoes or at the corner store while you're getting snacks. Unfortunately my friends and I don't have that type of luck. The world decided it wanted to end days before my best friend Ally was due to have her baby. We were terrified cause let's be real Ally and I are the last two people who need to be stuck by ourselves during the end of the world.

When we found out the world was ending we were on our way to the hospital because Ally wasn't feeling well. It happened out of no where when a random person ran in front of our car. I quickly slammed on the breaks, but I now wish I hadn't. We were able to make it to the nearest clinic, and we stayed there for awhile.

While we were there Ally started having contractions. I was freaking out because 1) I had no idea what to do and 2) I didn't see a doctor anywhere. Lucky for us the clinic had two on call doctors there. They guided Ally to the back and allowed me to go back with her. I asked Ally if she wanted me to call Troy but she said no. Now here we are a year later, Ally and I along with the two doctors that helped deliver Ally's baby. Harry and Zayn agreed to come with us to look for a safer place. I couldn't be happier that they agreed to come with us. They were able to make us laugh and even for a little while forget that the world was ending, or had ended I'm still a little confused about that part.

"Hey, mila could you hand me Ryan's blanket?" Ally asked me. She was holding Ryan while walking in circles. I smiled and nodded my head. He had been having trouble sleep the last couple of nights.

"Need any help?" I asked. I loved to hold Ryan any chance that I got. She looked at me and smiled.

"You know one day you're going to have kids of your own." She said while handing Ryan over to me.

"That's never going to happen and not because the world is ending." I laughed Ally is always a optimistic person when it comes to the future.

"Mmhm." She said while looking for something to eat.

"Harry and Zayn left to go find something to eat." I inform her. Zayn and Harry were a huge help to us and we couldn't be more grateful.

""Oh right. I guess we'll just wait til they get back." She smiled. Ally walked over to me and sat down.

Maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all.

Two hours later:

Harry and Zayn still hadn't showed back up. Ally didn't want to say it but she was worried. We had no form of communication with them which reminds me we need to work on that. Ally was about to say something when there was a knock on the door.

"Should we open it?" Ally asked. I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Hell no!" I whispered shouted. I didn't want the person on the other side to hear me.

"What is they need help?" She asked. I shrug my shoulders.

"To bad." I said. Ally rolled her eyes and walked to the door.

"Allyson if you open that damn door I will hurt you." I threaten. There was another knock this time it sounded urgent.

"MILA! ALLY! OPEN THE DOOR!" I hear Zayn yelling. My eyes widened and Ally quickly opens the door.

Zayn, Harry and three girls come running into the house. My eyes are trained on the three new people.

"Oh my goodness! What happened?" Ally ask. That's when I notice one of the girls is bleeding and Harry has a cut on his arm.

"Harry here tried to play hero." Zayn says while laughing. I smile cause I'm so use to their little banters it's almost comforting to know that nothing serious happened. Harry rolls his eyes at Zayn.

"Shut up. I was trying to help." Harry argues.

The girls were now standing together and looking at the little interaction smiling. I looked each of them over before asking who they were.

"I'm Normani, but everyone calls me Mani." The brown skinned girl says. I notice how beautiful she looks and I smile.

"I'm Dinah, Normani's girlfriend." The tallest one says. She has caramel skin and is just as beautiful as her girlfriend.

"I'm Zendaya." The girl with light curls in her hair says. They were all beautiful and I was a little intimidated.

"I'm Ally and this is Camila." Ally introduces us. She must have sensed my nervousness. The girls smiled.

When we were about to continue our conversation Ryan comes running (or trying to run it was more like a drunk person trying to walk). He goes straight to Zayn, they have this weird bond.

"Hey little man." Zayn greets him.

"Ba bah ba." Ryan says back. He hasn't said his first words yet but we're waiting. We even have a bet on who's name he says first.

"So I guess you can stay with us if you'd like?" Harry says. I notice his eyes lingering on Zendaya a little longer than necessary.

"Umm sure if you wouldn't mind." Normani says.

"Of course not we have plenty of room." Which wasn't a lie. I mean we are in the woods but it's a big cabin. We show the girls to their room but inform them that their is not how water.

I guess it's true what they say. You meet the right people if you're lucky. Ally and I meet Harry and Zayn. Now Normani, Dinah and Zendaya meet Harry and Zayn. I guess they're like little angels.

Hallo lovely people🙈 so of you probably hate me from my last book but let's be honest it was trash. The story was all over the place.

This one will be better I promise.

Shall we meet again

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