Strangers (Solby au) {Complet...

By SavageStxrlight

14.4K 690 95

The zombie apocalypse began five years ago. Sam and Colby have never met but they soon will when their groups... More



751 43 1
By SavageStxrlight

*Sam's POV*

Colby wasn't talking to me and I could see something was troubling him. I want to help but how can I if I don't know what's wrong. I barely know the guy and yet I want to protect him at all costs. Is the term 'Love at first sight' real? Because I think I might be in love. Is that weird? He probably doesn't feel the same way anyway. We finally finished getting ready and we ran downstairs. We were the last ones and I could see the annoyance on Davids face. "Where the fuck have you two been?" David shouted which made Colby flinch and cower.

"Probably fucking." I heard to people whisper and giggle behind us. That comment really seemed to upset Colby.

"Just because you new, doesn't mean you can get away with everything." David scolded Colby. 

"It not his fault. It's my fault we're late sir." I stated so David would leave Colby alone. David snapped his head towards me and I gulped. He walked over to me as I tried to think of an excuse. He raised and struck me across the face. He hit me with so much force that I fell to the floor. Colby tried to rush to my side but David stopped him and whispered something in his ear, probably threatening him. I stood up and held my cheek as I kept my gaze on the floor. 

"Right, Samuel. You can show the newbie around. I'm posting you and Colby at the north gate." David informed. "Well go then!" He shouted in my face.

"Yes sir." I whimpered before I started to walk away with Colby following me, I think. I walked to the north gate in silence. My cheek hurt so fucking much from where David had hit me, that jerk. I climbed the ladder up to the platform that was on top of the gate, the night team where still there. "Hey Nate, hey Alex." I greeted as they turned to look at Colby and I.

"Hey Sam." They both said in unison as they smiled at us.

"Im guessing you taking over on this position?" Nate asked as he walked over to us and Alex followed him.

"Yup." I sighed with a smile.

"Better give you these then." Alex suggested as he handed me his bow and arrows.

"Thanks." I smiled as Nate gave me his rifle as well. When walkers would approach the gate, it would be the patrol's responsibility to 'take care of them'. Noises attracted more walkers so we tended to use bow and arrow on them but the rifle was for humans that were threatening the safety of the camp. David's rule was, don't shoot the rifle unless absolutely necessary.

"Who's the newbie?" Nate asked as he looked at Colby.

"This is Colby." I said as he slightly smiled and waved.

"Doesn't talk much, does he?" Nate giggled.

"Anyway, we'll let you get to work. Don't want to get David mad at you." Alex joked as he and Nate walked off.

Word Count: 511

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