Is Love Worth To You

By Real_Shouto

23.9K 511 165

"Hey Half-half! Did you just reject Momo?" "Because love isn't my first priority." More

I'm Here For You, Bro!
Jealousy Strike

Remembering The Past

7.5K 164 93
By Real_Shouto

[No One's POV]

THE 1-A classroom was filled with talks as their teacher was sleeping at the ground totally knocked out.

But there's a boy that was just scowling as he watch a certain green haired innocent boy talking to his friends, one was a girl with a brown haired, round cute face, and a cute blush in her cheeks watching the green haired boy with a tint of admiration in her eyes, the other one a tall blue haired boy with a glasses as he strangely moving like a robot, and the last but not the list, the enemy in his eyes to win every competition, the boy has a strange half white and half red hair also his teal colored eye in the left side of his face matching his red hair while brown eye that matching his white hair in the right side. Also the huge scar that covered his forehead down at the above of his cheeks.

'That damn Deku.' He though as he look away at the scene as he tched.

He didn't have a choice but to look outside of the window to ignore the voice he hated so much. But he didn't know that a eyes was focus on him as he watch the leaves falling down on the trees.

"Hey! Bakugou!" He narrower his eyes as he heard someone called his name making him harshly turn around and glared to the one who break his peace.

"What the ****, do you want?!" He shout at the two-color haired boy who just look at him blankly. His other classmate shiver looking at the scene infront of them and there's only thing in their minds. 'Don't do anything that would make him angry, Todoroki!'.

"There's none." This answer make the whole room engulfed by silence as the spiky haired boy shiver in anger as his palm creating a explosion into it as he slowly give the two-color haired a death glare, gritting his teeth.

"The ****!" He said as he launched himself towards to the two-color haired boy with a intent to kill him but as his palm make a contact with Shouto's face, it quickly disappear making him dumbfounded.

"What the ****, just happen?" He question but the answer quickly click on him, so he look infront to see their Sensei activated his quirk but still laying down looking at them tiredly.

"If you two want to fight, go outside and not here." He said as he let out a yawn, sleeping again making their other classmate sigh in relief. 'Thank you Aizawa-sensie! You're really a hero!' that's what the other student though.

"Tch! Better, shut up Half-half, I didn't want any of you call me or anything especially you." He glare at the green haired boy making him shiver. "Deku" He growled angrily as he walk off to the room didn't even bother that someone shouting his name.

"Why did you even call him in the first place, Todoroki-kun?" The two-color haired boy look at a black haired girl in high ponytail looking at him confuse at what just happen.

"I didn't know either." He answer quietly making Momo get confuse more. "It's kinda weird, you know?" He look at Momo and sigh while nodding. 'Something's wrong with me, I wonder what is it.' he though looking at the door.

"Are you okay, Todoroki-kun?" He look at the green haired boy looking at him worriedly making his eyes soften as he nod. "Yeah, I'm totally fine, I'm thankful that Aizawa-sensie quickly inactive his quirk, I really catch off guard and if Aizawa-sensie wasn't fast enough maybe now, I get my face burned again." He said as he look at the window sighing.

"Yeah, you're right, but why Kacchan acting like that, I know he's hot-headed and can quickly snapped but what happen early is a bit surprising." This make Todoroki narrowed his eyes looking at the spiky blonde hair boy walking outside of the Academy.

"Yeah, something was really wrong with Bakugou." He state as he close his eyes sighing. 'What's the reason why he acted like that?' he though.

"Tch! Damn all of you." The spiky blond hair boy mumble angrily, but his eyes was screaming because of sadness. He stop on his track taking a deep breath as he look up to the blue clear sky. 'Why's everyone leaving me?' he though sadly remembering his parents.


"Listen here, brat. We're really sorry for leaving you alone, we didn't want this but it's for your own good, to make you safe from someone." A woman said to her 6 years old who trying not to let his tears fell from his ruby eyes as he glare at his mom.

"But why?!" He whined angrily as he look to his mom who frowning. "To make you live longer, I know you know that you didn't understand what am I saying now but, when you grew up, you're going to understand why me and your dad doing this, don't whine anymore, be strong like I want you to be, create many friends but it's okay if you have just five that you can truly relay on and you can truly thrust." Her tears start to flow as she cup her son's face smiling sadly as she look at his ruby eyes that same as hers.

"And.......find the one who will truly loves you and be with you forever, I really love you, even I didn't oftenly show it to you but I really really love you, Katsuki." His parents was now crying even him but the time has came and his parents quickly leave the house without turning back to look at him.

"Mom, Dad, please don't leave, I don't want to be alone." He mumble as tears keep falling from his ruby eyes as he keep sobbing.

End of the Flashback

He frowned as the sudden flash of worst scenario ever happen to his life, he let out a light sob as he wipe the tears that escaped from his eyes. 'I get strong, I have friends that I can truly thrust and rely on but I didn't find the last you want me to do. To find someone who's gonna be with me forever, and make me think that love was really worth it.'

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