Wishing Well

By Kitkatcait36

138 0 0

Because although I understand that most things that happen in stories, need to happen for plot purposes or ch... More

Aphmau; Phoenix Drop High: Graduation Days Ep. 2- Will She Notice Me
Just Add Magic; Season 2 Ep. 11: Just Add Betrayal

Descendants; Family Day: When Is It Enough?

20 0 0
By Kitkatcait36

A/N Because I really wish someone had spoken up. 

    Desdemonda was fine with gritting her teeth through this day. Okay? She had a plan. Politely smile and nod her head, just like she did when her mother went on her rants, or any of the teachers at Auradon like she was stupid. She'd stick by her brother to make sure nothing bad happened to him and everything was going to be fine. Everything was going to be just. fine. And then Audrey had to open her stupid fucking mouth. Setting off her grandmother. Des was fine with gritting her teeth, after all, the woman lost her daughter for 100 years, She would've been bitter too.

"You remember don't you? The poison apples? And the spells?" Des's grip tightens on her crossed arms as no one stands up for them. They might've been villain kids, but they were still kids. Auradon was supposed to be better than the isle. Audrey's grandmother turns away, tears in her eyes. Mal moves forward to apologize, only to be stopped by Chad.

"They were raised by their parents. What do you think villains teach their kids? Huh? Fairness? FairPlay?" And Des was done. She storms forward angrily and shoves him away from Mal, he stumbles.

"That's funny coming from you." Desdemonda sneers, before tapping her chin in a sarcastic false-thinking position. "Wasn't it your mother that was raised by those same villains?" She smiles sweetly. "Wasn't Rapunzel raised by Mother Gothel? What about Snow White? Jasmine was raised with Jafar. My own mother was close friends with Anita Radcliffe. Are you saying they are villains?" She steps in his bubble, forcing him to take a step back. "Huh?" She asks. "And since we're on the conversation, who the hell do you think you are, judging us as if you know a damn thing about us." She sneers, before turning to the watching crowd. "You know, its almost funny. You sit there, watching as this boy," she sneers at him, spitting at his feet. "Emotionally attacks us for who our parents are. For who we supposedly are, as if the guy who emotionally manipulated my friend has any right to judge us."

"I never-"

"Oh? So you didn't tell Evie that if she did your homework you'd have more time to take her on a date?" She asks sarcastically, making an over exaggerated confused face. "You didn't try to get her expelled when she told you no?"

"She was cheating!"

"You sure as hell didn't mind when she was doing your HOMEWORK! Now, did you?" Desdemonda smiles sarcastically. "And for all of you watching?" She turns to him. "All of you claiming to be the good guys? The ones who agreed to send CHILDREN to an island, surrounded by the worst kinds of people? Fuck you." The crowd flinches and whispers grow at her harsh tone. "Take your hypocritical 'goodness' and shove it. Because you wanna know what?" She yells, "The only thing being Good ever got me was locked in a closet for days. The only thing Good ever got me was being surrounded by children, who are too spoiled and self righteous, who would rather I burn in hell for things I have't even done yet. So, fuck you, fuck you and you and you and you. Let's go, guys."

"DESDEMONDA DE VILLE!" King Beast roars, face turning bright red. She ignores him and continues walking, pulling her brother away, as Evie, Mal, and Jay follow, refusing to meet the crowd's eyes. "I WILL SEND YOU BACK TO THE ISLAND!" Des scoffs, whirling around and storming towards him.

"GO RIGHT THE FUCK AHEAD! YOU'LL JUST BE A BIGGER HYPOCRITE THAN YOU ALREADY ARE! WHAT MORE CAN YOU DO HUH?" She screams back. "Let's compare villains, why don't we? Locking a child up? Check. Taking away our voice? Well you sure as hell don't care what we have to say, so let's go ahead and check that off." She rails on, ignoring how he tries to speak up to defend himself. "Tried to kill 101 dalmations for accessories? Well, you actually tried to have a bunch of children killed by starving themselves and leaving them with abusive parents, so I actually think you're a little worse. Kill your uncle to have the ultimate power? You sure as hell are sitting on a thrown and ruling us without giving a damn about us, but HEY you didn't kill your brother, so that's a step up. Ordered a hunter to kill a girl because she was prettier than you? No, but you did kill any chance we had to have a normal childhood. Treat a girl terribly and probably abuse her? Well you sure as hell watched as Cinderella's twerp emotionally attack us, and didn't do anything. DId you cast a curse on us to sleep forever? Actually, you cursed a baby to an island full of people who didn't give a damn about her, and you wanna know what happened your majesty? She died. Did you try to kill what you viewed as a monster because he stole your girl? No, instead you decided to let those 'monsters' have children and abuse them. So, tell me, your majesty," she bows in an over exaggerated way "What makes you so different? Who got to decide you get to escape the island? Hm?" He stares at her in shocked silence. Birds chirp through the pin-drop silent courtyard. "So, now, I have a question for you, your majesty." A tear falls from flooded eyes. "When is it enough?" She asks, another tear falling. "When are you going to be the Just King you claim to be? When are you going to be the hero, you and those people claim you are? When. Are. You. Going. To. Care? And not just about your friends and their kids. When are you going to care about us? The children who spent their childhood wondering what was so special about an orphaned girl who was just as abused as us, that she got a way out and we didn't. What was so special about a cross dressing girl, joining the army, and getting rewarded, even if she should've been punished as her own laws claimed. When. Is. It. Enough?" She waits, looking in his eyes. He opens and shuts his mouth a few times. She scoffs, turning away and walking back to her friends. "Isn't this hilarious guys? We're going to be punished for becoming the monsters they helped make. While they sit in their castles with their fancy titles, telling others that it was alright, they were just villain kids anyway. They always knew we were going to go bad. How funny is that?" She asks, smiling sarcastically. The five Villain Kids turn away, silent. Jay wraps an arm around her shoulders in a comforting way as Carlos hugs her arm close to him, glad that his sister, who basically raised him, loved him.

The courtyard is silent, and no one can find it in themselves to speak, too shocked to answer the girl. Her rant running through their heads. And they couldn't help, but wonder, when was it enough?

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