Wolfgang | 3 | {COMPLETED}

By repunzel0313

553K 17.8K 2.6K

So Fire, what would you like to drink?" "Fire? " She raised her eyebrows at me. I just shrugged. "Well yea... More

Mortimer series
Werewolf story?
Save the date
Thank you and other info
Her damon


6.7K 245 66
By repunzel0313

Song of the chapter: the other side by Ruelle

Freyah Kent:

I followed the corridor and kept my ears and eyes peeled for any sign of my grandfather. I heard footsteps coming my way so I turned into a door and laid flat against it. Waiting for them to pass but that's when I heard his voice.

Both Nevis and my grandfather were there talking to each other in a room further down from where I was hiding. They had walked into this room so I took my courage in both hands and walked to the door to see what they were doing.

They kept talking and were putting money in bags as well as guns. I was obviously at the side of the door so that they couldn't see me. I was about to peek my head in the door again when I was pulled back flat against a chest. I was about to yelp and blow my cover when a warm and strong hand was placed over my mouth to prevent it.

"Fire, it's me," Ollie whispered in my ear, my body relaxing in his hold.

He pulled his hand away and turned me towards him so that my back was facing the door where my grandfather and Nevis were.

"What are you doing? Why did you follow me?" I whispered, almost mouthed.

"Why did I follow you? I don't want my wife to die! I love you and we are in this together." he held my shoulders and looked deeply into my eyes.

"I love you. We will get them together," he spoke softly against my lips.

I hadn't even realised how close we had gotten until it was too late.

Everything after that was in slow motion as if I was an outside witness, a soul floating away from my body.

Wolf's eyes widened pulling me behind him in a protective manner, pulling his gun from behind his back where it was placed in his back pants.

He whipped it out and shot Nevis twice, once in the chest and the second aimed straight between his eyes in one slick movement, his body flying backwards and hitting the floor with a thud.

My eyes caught the ones of my grandfather as he was quick to retaliate, four times he pulled that trigger, each more painful than the last but I felt nothing because I was not the one being hit.

Oliver was, he took every blow and used himself as a human shield to keep me safe. I heard the end click of the gun meaning that it was dry and saw my husband slowly fall to the ground.

My scream echoed in the hall and Oliver's gun slipped from his hand and fell somewhere near us. My heart was thumping in my chest, my hands shaking as I fell to my knees and placed my hands over where I thought his wounds were but there was so much blood I had no idea where it all was coming from.

"Stay with me. Hold on Ollie please." I pleaded, seeing his struggle to breathe.

"I promised I'll protect you no matter what." he smiled up at me trying to lighten the mood, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

I smiled through my tears that were streaming down my cheeks when I was interrupted by His voice.

"What a touching moment." he fake pouted.

I slowly rose from the ground picking up the gun on my way up.

My breath heavy as my build up anger was washing through me once more as well as the adrenaline kicking in big time.

"What are you going to do with that Lassie? Shoot me? You don't have the guts." my grandfather smirked but that small glimmer of fear that shot through his eyes was enough to let me know that I was going to win this time.

"I have killed once, I heard your second time is a breeze. Congratulations, you created the monster you wanted me to be but I'm ok with that."

I kept the gun pointing in his direction, my blood stained the hands just got my heart beating faster. I need to get Wolf out of here before he bleeds out completely.

Without blinking I emptied all the content of the gun, bullet by bullet, into my grandfather's chest. I felt no remorse, no emotion whatsoever as I watched the life drown out of his ice blue eyes.

I was now surrounded by three bodies, two of which were dead and one not far off.

I threw the gun and made sure I could still find a heartbeat coming from Oliver.

I let out a breath when I found one, still, with shaky hands, I patted down his body to find his phone. I found the phone and started calling all the numbers I could to get his out of here as soon as possible.

"FREYAH!" I heard from behind me.

Ryder and Tony both ran towards me, I started crying again relieved to see the two of them.

Ryder saw Wolf and the colour drained from his face as he fell to his knees next to him. I stood up and rant to Tony who held me in his arms as the adrenaline came down, my body catching up with the events, all the aches and painstaking over me.

The ride back was a blur, everyone was yelling like crazy, Tadgh was trying to calm me down but I was in hysterics. All I could think about was if Wolf would make it or not.

Damon drove us to his new girlfriend's place since she was a doctor and could help. We couldn't go to the hospital there was just no time.

The boys carried Wolf into the apartment.

"Lay him on the kitchen counter." the blond woman instructed getting all sorts of things out.

"You are not going to operate on him here, are you? Are you mad? This will kill him! HE CAN'T DIE!" I yelled trying to stay by this side and shoving whoever got too close away.

"I need her out of here!" the blond woman who I assume is Damon's girl gave him a pointed look talking about me.

"WHAT? NO! I'm staying!" I protested shaking my head.

"Freyah darling you can't see this." I hadn't even realised that Everleigh was here.

She slowly unhooked my fingers from Wolf's hand and led me away. I was panicking, they were performing CPR on him, ripping his clothes up to see where his wounds were.

I had to be physically picked up and brought into another room. My heart racing, my thoughts running wild. He had to be ok, this is Wolfgang we are talking about, nothing can bring this man down. He is a Mortimer.


I fell asleep by his side. Oliver had made it, the bullets were extracted from his torso and he was all patched up. What was left was for him to wake up and be fine all over again.

I never let go of his hand since he was placed in this room we were currently in. Before he was brought into the room Everleigh forced me to get cleaned up and get the wound on my arm caused by the chair stitched up.

I was hearing voices in my sleep, the sound of his voice lulling me back into sleep.

"She hasn't left your side. She refused to leave your side, her dad and her brother had to physically drag her away from you." what seemed to be Ryder's voice rang in my ears.

"That's my girl, we are stuck together like glue." His deep chuckle vibrated all over my body but his laughter turned to coughing.

"Sorry, mate forgot you got shot." Ryder apologised.

"No problem, it feels good to laugh."

"The twins have been crying to see you and Frey. Your mum has so much patience I have no idea how she can handle their tantrums."

The same laugh started again.

"She had Rose, the queen of tantrums. Besides, the boys will have to wait a little longer because their mama decided to play sleeping beauty."

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I felt the ends on my hair getting played with.

"Hello, baby." Wolf's voice whispered in my ear.

My eyes shot open and I saw that I was laid on his chest, my arms draped over his stomach. I sat up straight and started assessing his injuries.

"Oh my gosh! I must have been squishing you! You should have shoved me off! What about your stitches?" I started to panic all over again not even realising that Ryder slipped out of the room.

"Saoirse, chill. I'm fine you were not hurting me at all. Only when you used me as a human teddy bear did it hurt." he pouted.

I gasped and he gave me a knicker dropping smile.

"I'm kidding baby. You didn't hurt me at all." he kissed my lips quickly but it wasn't enough since he cupped my cheeks and brought me closer leading me to straddle his lap.

"DADA NO TOUCH MAMA! SHE'S MINE" Wilder's little voice screamed probably waking up all the neighbours in the process.

I got off Wolf and took a seat next to him. Wilder quickly ran to the bed and with a little struggle climbed on the bed crushing his father's genitals in the process.

"Ouf. Man down." he winced lifting Wilder off of his, well bits.

I tried not to laugh but it was quite hard when Wilder was giggling away.

"You won't be laughing when a girl will so that to you my boy," Wolf warned getting Woody more comfortable next to him as Wilder climbed his way to me.

I slapped Wolf's leg telling him to quick it because Wilder didn't mean to crush his manhood.

We all snuggled up together on the bed.

"It's all over," I whispered after the twins fell asleep.

"I know." Ollie kissed the top of my head.

"I want to leave, go back to Ireland," I confessed not daring to look up and see his eyes.

"You want to go back after all this?" he asked perplexed.

"Yes. Is it really that bad?" my voice about to crack.

"No, I'm just surprised," he answered back clearly seeing that this is a difficult topic that I have been wanting to bring up for a while.

"I just want to go back home. Be with my dad, my friends, my brother and my niece. Be back there." I sighed.

"Don't get me wrong I love it here, this is where we started but–"

"Your heart is in Ireland. I understand." he cut me off.

"Yeah," I mumbled running my hand through Woodrow's curls.

"You have all your family here and I don't want to be the one that takes you away from them. But at the same time, I do. I want the boys to see where I grew up as well even if my childhood wasn't the best."

"Hey baby, look at me." his voice was soft and alluring.

"If you want us to go we will. I love you and I understand. It's not like we are short of jets in this family we can fly back and forth or my family can fly out. Carter flies back and forth from Russia all the time. We will make this work." he smiled down at me running his thumb across my cheek.

"What about your share of the gang?" I hadn't thought this through.

"Alex will take over for me, he'll be eighteen before we know it. I don't mind giving him my half. I'll do anything for you."


I took in a deep breath.

We're here.

Back home.


Tadgh greeted us with a warm hug in our new house. Wolf tore down my old house and build a new one in its place so that I could still have my mother's fairy garden and the willow tree where I hung an ornament in memory of our daughter.

"Welcome back pumpkin." Tadgh kissed my cheek.

"Papa!" the twins screamed when their grandfather came into view.

"Hello my boys were you good for your mama?" he asked an eyebrow raised to the both of them who nodded enthusiastically.

He put them back down and let them run free in the garden.

"We need to discuss something with you and your Wolf boy." Tadgh led me into the house where Wolf was having a stare down with Smokey that did not appreciate being in a cat crate for over ten hours.

I sat down on the sofa while keeping an eye on the boys who were playing with Trousers outside.

"What is it, dad?" I asked worriedly.

Ollie took my hand in his and sat next to me on the sofa as my dad sat on the seat opposite us.

"Since you killed your grandfather there is no one to take over this throne. I'm too old for it and your brother can't have it." he started leaving me confused.

"Why can't he take over? Granddad did train him." I showed my confusion.

"That's not how it works pumpkin. The rules state that the twin who has a set of twins during their first pregnancy takes over the throne. And that would be you, your brother had a daughter." he finished.

"And I had the twin boys." I realised he was right, it has always been like that. My grandfather had my dad and the other bastard, Tadgh had Osin and I, then I had Wilder and Woodrow.

"I can't take over. Can't we change the rules? I'm more than happy to let Osin take over for me."

Wolf gave my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"We can do this Fire. We can change things around. You are a Mortimer now, you are strong and you can run this legacy like the boss you are. Mortimer women are strong and tenacious. I'll be by your side the whole way, I know how to run a mafia, we can do this together." Wolf's little pep talk was making me agree to this with each word.

"You really think so? You both think I can do this?" I enquired again.

"Yes, pumpkin. You are your father's daughter after all." Tadgh chuckled lowly.

"It's all yours," he concluded standing up and kissing me goodbye before leaving the house.

I turned to Wolf and started into his forest green eyes.

"You promise you will stick by me?" I asked again wanting confirmation.

"Through all the crazy that is our life, until the end I will stay by your side. I love you Fire since the moment I saw you in that white dress dancing in my club." he kissed my lips slowly.

"I promise," he repeated.


Last chapter before the Epilogue....

Thoughts on this chapter?

Predictions for the Epilogue?

Also, I wanted to wish you all a very Happy new year! hopefully, 2019 will kick arse!


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