Green Lantern (Gay Wally West...

By childofcomics

178 4 0

Hal Jordan's nephew, Alex Jordan is chosen to become a Green Lantern. He must leave his friend and crush, Wal... More


178 4 0
By childofcomics

September 26, 2011

Alex's P.O.V.

I finally entered the space sector I was assigned to, thankfully! The guardians so graciously assigned me to earth so I would be close to my uncle Hal. I had become an official Green Lantern not so long ago. I never thought that I would ever become anything close to an actual hero but as fate would have it I was chosen to be a Green Lantern. Flying threw the cosmos I couldn't contain my excitement! I had just become a Green Lantern and got to be apart of a team. Before I left Oa my uncle Hal contacted me saying that I was going to be apart of a team of young heroes. As I entered the earth's atmosphere I made my way for happy harbor, specifically mount justice.

As I approached Mount Justice I saw my uncle waiting for me and got automatically happier. "Uncle Hal! I shouted. He flew up and met me for a hug that lasted a good thirty seconds. "You look good kid! I see you stuck with the basic uniform" He commented as we broke apart "Actually I tweaked my uniform a little bit" I informed him. I did a little twirl and a green glow covered my body and revealed my new look. I had a mask just like Hal's, an emerald skin tight shirt that had the green lantern symbol in the center of my chest, black sleeves all the way to my elbow then turned into green fingerless gloves from the elbow down, and black leggings with green boots.

"I like it, it suits you" he complimented "Thank you! And you we're right, training with Kilowag was brutal!" I say rubbing my shoulder remembering the exhausting training sessions. "I did warn you, how about you meet your new teammates?" He suggested "Sounds good!" I agree. We floated down to the beach where I saw my new teammates, they weren't in costume and I didn't recognize any of then except for Wally.

I had met Wally about a year ago, I had known my uncle was the green lantern for a while and one afternoon went over to his house and found Wally and his mentor Flash unmasked. Wally freaked out saying "Who is this guy?! He knows our identities! We need to take him out!" but my uncle and Barry calmed him down and we started talking. I feel in love with his bright green eyes the first couple seconds of meeting him. We would have late night conversations in real life or over the phone and just talk about life. He was with me when I was chosen.


"Your like a bottomless pit that only eats junk food" I comment as Wally was now on his third bag of chicken wizzies. "I told you I burn a lot of calories when I run" he chuckled. "I know but still there are better things to eat than those" I say standing up and looking at the view from the mountain. Wally had called me earlier saying he wanted to hangout so I got a blanket, headed to the gas station, got some of those unhealthy snacks for Wally, hopped on his back and he headed to our spot. Our spot was this area of a mountain in the middle of nowhere. There was a little town not to far away but besides that it was in the middle of nowhere. And I liked it here because you could see the stars clearly from out here.

"Look! A meteor shower!" Wally shouted getting up. I looked up and saw dozens of meteors lighting up the sky, it was breathtaking. I step back and felt something graze my hand. I looked down and saw wally's pinky ever so slightly grazing mine. I looked up at Wally and was met with his green eyes staring back at me. He started to slowly fall backwards "Wait what are yo-" he grabbed my hand and pulled me down with him. I chuckled looking down at him smiling brightly. I decided to push all my fear aside and tell Wally how I truly felt about him. I took a feel breath "Can I tell you someth-" "What is that!" Wally interrupted.

I looked up and saw a bright green... something flying through the sky and it looked like it was heading straight for us. "Shouldn't we" "leave" Wally finished. I quickly packed the blanket into my backpack "Alex watch out" Wally yelled, he used his superspeed to get in front of me and pull me close to him to shield me from the green glowing object but it didn't hit him. I peeked over Wally's shoulder and it had come to a halt right in front of us. I tapped Wally's shoulder and pointed towards the thing. He turned to look at it giving me a better look at the thing which looked like a green ring, to be more specific, a Green Lantern ring.

"Alex Jordan of earth you have been chosen." The ring spoke I looked at Wally and back at the ring "Wait... I'm a Green Lantern?" I said in disbelief "Correct" the ring responded "Alex..." Wally uttered "Your gonna be a hero!" He shouted in excitement. He hugged me and spun me around "Ok, ok put me down so I can put it on" I giggled. He set me down and had a sheepish look on his face. I walked up the ring and put my hand out, it slipped on my right ring finger and fit perfectly. All of a sudden bright green energy wrapped around me and somehow gave me a green lantern uniform, minus the Green Lantern symbol "This is so cool! I can't wait to tell Dick!" Wally cheered. I smiled at him "Wally? Wait... Alex?" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned around to see my uncle Hal in his Green Lantern uniform and the other Green Lantern of earth floating down to me. "You know this kid?" The man next to Hal asked "Yea... he's my nephew" Hal answered in shock "I can't believe the ring chose you" he paused "I'm so proud of you!" He yelled giving me a big hug. "This will be great! You'll like Oa! And I can't wait for you to train with Kilowag! Forewarning you, it'll be brutal" Hal continued. "Congratulations kid. I'm John" the man next to Hal introduced himself "Alex" I reply shaking his hand "We gotta get heading to Oa. You have a lot of training to do." John informed "Wait... right now?" I asked "Yup. Gotta become an official Green Lantern" he added. I looked at Wally with a sad expression and walked over to him "I guess I have to go and become an "official green lantern" I tell Wally "Wait really? When will you be back?" He questioned "I'm not sure" I answered rubbing my shoulder "You'll be back soon and ready to kick some bad guy butt!" He exclaimed "Just promise not to forget about me" he said pointing a finger at me. "Never in a million years" I giggle.

~End flashback~

Wally's P.O.V.

Green Lantern and Alex landed on the beach. The moment me and Alex made eye contact I was overcome with emotion. I haven't seen him in six months and he looked great! He looked much more toned and his suit fit him perfectly, I was attracted to him. I never really felt any attraction towards another guy, but when it came to Alex it was different. Not only was I attracted to him physically but I kinda loved him for who he was. He always seemed to have no fear, radiated confidence and was ok with who he was. Sadly I never had the guts to tell him how I felt before he left, so those feelings faded away a little. Until now.

Using my super speed I ran up to him giving him a hug "Aw did you miss your junk food supplier?" He asked looking up at me with his usual bright smile "Of course I did! Not just cause you buy me junk food. Although that is a plus" I joked "Better be!" He said playfully hitting my shoulder "Missed you" he confessed.

"Yea. Ok." We heard Green Lantern finish "So. Get to know the team, I'll be pick you up in a couple hours. Remember we have a dinner with your parents later. They wanna know all about your training, Oa and scream at me for the hundredth time" Green Lantern informed "I wouldn't miss that for the world" Alex joked "Ha ha" Green Lantern said floating away. "You've changed a lot! It's a good change! Not that you weren't great before just... You look great" I mentally slapped myself. "Thank you Wally" Alex chuckled. I just smiled and looked into Alex's beautiful eyes. It's like they were the perfect mixture of blue and green. I could swim in his eyes for days. "Uh Wally? Don't you wanna introduce me to your friends?" Alex snapped me out of my little trance. "Oh right!" I blushed.

Alex's P.O.V.

Wally blushed and led me to the group of people who have been watching us the entire time, I even started to blush. A green girl levitated over to me "Hello! I'm M'gann M'orzz, pleased to meet you" She said shaking my hand "Alex Jordan" I introduced. I looked at my hand and realized I was still in costume "Oh sorry" I said taking my hand. I made a fist and my ring glowed green, my uniform turned bright green and went back inside of my ring. I was back in my normal clothes which were black skinny jeans, white tee shirt, a black jacket.

"I felt a little extra with my suit on" I confess. "I'm Aqualad, the leader of this team but you may call me Kaldur" a tall blond boy introduced. "Artemis" a girl with blond hair waved "Robin" a smaller boy with black hair and sunglasses introduced. "And the one who is probably more broody than Batman is Conner" Wally jokes. Conner just squinted towards Wally. "So what now?" I asked "We could give you a tour of the cave?" M'gann suggested "I'm down for that, can we make a pit stop at the kitchen though?" I say grabbing my stomach "Flying millions of light years at top speed leaves a guy hungry" "Sounds good!" M'gann said grabbing my hand and flew us into the mountain.

I took a bite out of my sandwich "Wait" I swallowed "You don't know what that thing is or where it came from?" I asked Conner about his Sphere "Nope" he answered. I was in the kitchen eating and talking with the team when Wally mentioned Conner likes to take in "strays" and I asked if I could see them. I was not expecting a mutated wolf and a literal Sphere. I hummed and positioned myself towards Sphere "Ring scan and identify" I made a fist and held it out to Sphere reviving a couple beeps from it. A green light glowed from my ring and scanned Sphere "Initiating scan." The ring responded. "Processing." It scanned a couple more times "Unable to identify." The ring answered. I furrowed my brows "That's weird. The ring knows everything the guardians know and the guardians know everything" I comment "Well as long it's not hurting anyone it should be ok" I said patting Sphere.

"Yea. Hey since you've known Wally a little longer than us you must have some embarrassing stories about him right?" Artemis asked asked placing her elbow on the table and her face in her hand. "Of course!" I exclaim "Has he ever told you about the time he was at wet n wild and went down the water slide the wrong way and his-" "Hey hey hey hey! Let's talk about something else huh?" Wally interrupted "M'gann don't you wanna finish your tour?" Wally asked her. "Oh yea!" She said snapping out of her conversation with Conner. "I need to show you the waterfall room!" M'gann gasped and headed out of the kitchen. Artemis grabbed me by the arm and walked me out saying "You are so telling me the rest of that story later" "Deal." I chuckled

I swiftly dodged Kaldur's punches and managed to punch him in the face making him stumble back. He ran his thumb above his lip to check if there was blood, luckily there wasn't. "You were right, you are pretty good" he complemented "Trained by one of the greatest Green Lantern's ever!" I replied lunging at him. He caught me and slammed me against the causing it to light up floor. "That may be true but I was trained by one of the greatest King's ever" he said lending me his hand "Touche" I say grabbing his hand. "Conner! Your turn" I shout conjuring a bright green bow staff and spinning it behind my back.

Wally's P.O.V.

I watched Alex spar with Conner, I still wasn't used to his costume. It suited him so well and I loved seeing him in it, he somehow looked even happier when he wore it. Out of nowhere I hear "You like him don't you" I jumped and saw Dick beside me "Wha- what do you mean?" I ask trying to keep my composure. "The way you look at Alex. It's the same way you look at Artemis and Miss M" he answered "And it's no big deal. So your bi. That's ok." he reassured "Yea, I really don't know how to feel about it" I confess. "That's ok, I'm sure nobody figured it out right away" Dick comforted. "You won't tell anyone right?" I ask "Of course not, it's your choice when you wanna tell people" he replied "Thank you Dick" "Anytime Wally"

"Green Lantern 05" the computer announced, Alex let Conner out of the hold he had him in and walked up to Green Lantern. "Time to go kid" he said to Alex "Really? Time flew by fast!" Alex stretched. We all gathered to watch Alex go "Well it was nice meeting all of you, nice seeing you again" he said conjuring a bright green fist and slugged me in the arm with it. Green Lantern typed something into the zetatube "Now that your apart of the team you should be put in the zetatubes system" Green Lantern spoke. The zetatube scanned Alex and asked for a codename "Let's be original" Alex said sarcastically and typed his into the computer "Recognized Green Lantern B08" the computer spoke. Alex looked back waved goodbye and was gone in a flash of light.

~Three hours later~

I was getting ready for bed when my phone went off

Alex: "Hey. Meet at our spot"

Smiling to myself I put on my goggles and raced out of my house and to mine and Alex's spot. When I got there, there was no sign of Alex so I sighed and sat on the edge of the cliff and let my feet dangle. I heard something land softly and looked behind me to find Alex in his Green Lantern uniform with a bright green box and a bow tied on top. "Alex it's not even my birthday" I say getting up only for Alex to stop me. He sat down beside me and handed me the box "I know. This is just a gift to make up for all the time I missed hanging out with you" he explained.I untied the bright green bow and opened the box to find a bag of chicken wizzies and a note that said "I.O.U 6 months worth of junk food". I chuckled and opened the bag offering some to Alex. He took some and I gasped "Is the health nut who always judges my unhealthy eating habits really taking a chicken wizzie?" I asked "Yea yea eating alien food for six months changes a person" he said dramatically looking out into the sunset "Shut up" I chuckle nudging his shoulder.

Alex's P.O.V.

I set my hands down next to me and stared at the sun set with a big smile on my face. I felt something touch my pinky so I looked down seeing Wally's pinky ever so slightly get on top of mine. I looked up at to see Wally looking at the sunset and was certain he was blushing. I smiled even more and continued to watch the sunset. I didn't want to ruin this moment. I just wanted to be here, with Wally.

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