The Things I've Seen (A RWBY...

By MartinGraf98

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(DISCONTINUED) "Don't claim that you know me, 'cause you know very well that I have seen through it all." ... More

Welcome To Haven
Dread In The Air
Unforseen Complications
Lighting The Fire/ A necessary sacrifice
Known By Its Song
Rest and decisions
Bad Blood
Together Alone/ A Perfect Storm/ True Colors
The More, the Merrier / Vault Of The Spring Maiden/ Downfall
Volume 6 Kain Character Short
Argus Limited
The Lost Fable
On Hiatus

Haven's Destiny

42 1 0
By MartinGraf98

The Faunus resistance keeps going as the White Fang slowly gets taken down, group by group. It started when one of the generals said to cease fire and Ilia Amitola, a chameleon faunus, takes out another one of the Fang. Haven is in chaos at the moment, but all this will hopefully soon be over. It is only that Blake Belladonna and Adam Taurus face each other. This doesn't seem to be the first time and certainly won't be the last. 

Adam:" I'm going to make you regret ever coming back."

Blake:" More police are on their way, Adam. Huntsmen too."

Adam:" Still too afraid to face me on your own."

Blake:" I'm here for Haven, not you."

Adam:" You are still afraid and you should be. I've made powerful friends while you were away."

Sun:" Oh yeah? Where?"

Adam:" Tell me, does Blake make all of her classmates fight for her?"

Sun:" Nah, it's a volunteer gig. I'm just sayin', for someone who clames to have such great friends, there doesn't seem to be a lot of people willing to fight for you."

And that is the truth as Adam looks around, only to see that most of his soldiers have been disarmed and taken down. A feeling of slight worry overcomes him as some rage comes out in him. 

Blake:" You can try and  make me regret coming here, Adam, but honestly I've got more important things to deal with."

The bull faunus tries his best to attack the duo, but they got the upper hand easily. His attacks are blocked the moment he delivers and so he runs from the fight, showing that he isn't the greatest leader he wants to be.

Blake:" Sun, wait."

Sun:" But he's getting away, we can take him!"

Blake:" No, we can't. He wants to lure us away so he can pick us off. We need to protect the school and the people here. he can see what it's like to run away. Thank you."

Sun:" Eh, we all need help sometimes."

They then nptice that the fight in the academy itself is still going on as Hazel is thrashing and bashing everything he comes across. 

Sun:" I think there's a few people who could use yours."

Blake:" Be careful."

Sun:" No promises."

Abyss:" Also he has me at his side still. I'll make sure banana brain is getting out of here in one piece and fully well."

Blake nods and heads off towards the fight while Sun and Abyss aid their faunus friends. The battle is really taking a great toll on everyone as the Lancer Weiss has summoned before is still helping them against Hazel, Mercury and Emerald. Ren and Nora don't look like they are still in good condition as their aura slowly begins to dwindle.

Jaune:" You okay, guys?"

Ren:" Surviving."

Nora:" I don't know how the big guy is still standing. He recharges his aura faster than I've ever seen!"

Oscar and Qrow seem tired as well from the whole shifting and fighting and blocking everything possible. It's not a lost battle yet, but the chances go down on both sides. Kain isn't awake yet either, so their bigger support has failed so far. 

Qrow:" He's sheer willpower."

Oscar:" We just need to get him to his limit!"

Meanwhile the Lancer has seeked out Leonardo as his next target and shoots some of its spikes at him, hoping to finally get some damage done. But it gets pushed back by a fire blast and then disappears by another blast from Hazel. What he doesn't expect though is a kick coming from Blake who knocks the guy over and labds in full view of everyone. 

Blake:" Are you hurt?"

Weiss:" N-no! I just remember you being the more quiet one."

Blake:" Not today."

Weiss:" Alright! W-what's the plan, Ruby?"

Ruby just smirks and shoots a bullet at Leonardo who gets distracted by the impact. A strained and raspy roar can be heard as the debries Kain was burried under shift and the big man is getting up. His face is covered in dust and blood as he looks at the terrified headmaster, making Leo his target.

Kain:" Lionheeeaart!!!"

That animates the headmaster to run from his enemy and towards his office while being chased down by Kain. It took him a lot to finally wake up and now being back in action he's ready to fight again.

Mercury:" You gotta be kidding me."

In the exact same moment, Hazel roars out as well, expecting the next fight. Ruby gives the order for Blake and Weiss performing their team move.

Ruby:" Checkmate!"

And with that, the fight restarts.


Meanwhile in the vault, Yang and her mother Raven are discussing with each other. It has been years since the two ever exchanged words with one another, so there is venom in the teens' voice.

Raven:" I warned you, Yang. I gave you every opportunity to walk away from Qrow and Oz. So you can believe me when I say it wasn't personal."

Yang:" You opened the vault."

Raven:" Thanks to the chaos you and your friends caused upstairs. I knew you could handle it. You're my daughter after all."

Yang:" Qrow and Oz told me how the Maiden powers are transferred. The girl you found...she would've had to have trusted you if you were in her final thoughts, cared about you alot."

Raven:" I'm sure they told you plenty, and you only sat and obeyed."

Yang:" No, I'm starting to ask question, like you said. So tell me: what happened to the last Spring Maiden?  Did she die in battle? Was it sickness?"

Raven:" What does it matter to you?"

Yang:" I can already see the answer. It's all over your face. How could you?!" 

Raven:" She was scared when we found her! Weak. No matter how much training I put her through, she never learned! She wasn't cut out for this world! And with those powers, she would've been hunted for her entire life. What I did-"

Yang:" - wasn't personal."

Raven:" It was mercy!"

Yang:" Which is it, mom? Are you merciful, or are you a survivor? Did you let me walk into that trap because you knew I could handle it or because it meant you could get what you wanted?"

Raven:" It's not that simple. You don't know me, you don't know what I've been through, the choices I've had to make!"

Yang:" You're right. I don't know you. I only know the Raven Dad told me about. She was troubled and complicated, but she fought for what she believed in, wether it was her team or her tribe. Did you kill her too?"

Raven:" I've stared death in the face over and over again! And every time I've spat in that face and survived, because I'm strong enough to do what others won't!"

Yang:" Oh, shut up! You don't know the first thing about strength. You turn your back on people, you run away when things get too hard, you put others in harm's way instead of yourself! You might be powerful, but that doesn't make you strong!"

Raven:" Who do you think you are, lecturing me?! Standing there, shaking like a scared little girl!"

Kain:" I believe this girl is your daughter, who is the only one to talk some sense into that bird brain of yours!"

The two look at the man who just arrived at the lower level of Haven. He's visibly marked from the torment he endured up there, but he can't pass the opportunity to stick it to Raven.

Raven:" What are you doing down here?!"

Kain:" I am here to help Yang make you see the things that are all your fault in this world. She has stated quite a good amount of things and yes, she may stand here shaking. But that proves that she has more inner strength than you. It's true that you run away from responsabilities and when things get too hard, isn't it?"

Raven:" You don-"

Kain:" I do understand. You, me and Qrow know about stuff the kids are not prepared for yet, but I believe that they can become stronger and smarter than our generation. So who really is the woman behind the name, Raven Branwen?"

Raven:" She is a-"

Kain:" I was asking Yang. This is important for her and everyone else. You are her mother and you abandoned her because of your tribe. She may have had Tai and Qrow and Ruby, but she didn't have a mother. She didn't have you nd I know all this thanks to your brother...Raven, you really think that strength is the only thing keeping humanity alive? Are you so narrow-monded? Remnant is a world where we must co-exist with each other in peace as good as we can. Your mantra of the weak dying and the strong living is so senseless that it hurts. Trust me: when our generation dies, nobody will remember what we did. You will be as important as a stone."

Raven:" Shut up!"

Kain:" Yang, this is your moment. Please make your mother come to her senses after all those years."

Yang:" Thank you...And mom. I'm not like you. I won't run. Which is why you're going to give me the relic."

Raven:" And why would I-"

Yang:" Because you're afraid of Salem! And if you thought having Maiden powers put a target on your back, imagine what she'll do once she knows you have a relic. She'll come after you with everything she's got. Or she can come after me. And I'll be standing there. Waiting for her."

Raven:" You don't want to do this, Yang."

Yang:" Nope. But I'm gonna do it anyway."

Then Yang walks past Raven, towards the open vault. She stops for a moment while a tear falls from Ravens' face. The older one seems a bit conflicted about what is happening, but she keeps her composure. 

Raven:" I...I'm sorry."

Yang:" Yeah...Me too."

When Yang turns around, she notices that only a black feather is left from Raven. It took a lot out of both of them abd the feelings were boiling over at so many points, but in the end they are still family.

Kain:" You did the right thing, kiddo. Trust me, there will be a day when Raven and you will be reunited as mother and careful."

Yang:" How are you processing all of this? I mean even you heard everything in the house, you heard everything here, you even had Qrow to inform you."

Kain:" It's alot actually. All the Maiden stuff, the magic and so on. Then Raven just revealed that she is the Spring Maiden, something I should have seen coming from miles away. I mean c'mon: I was friends with her until she and Qrow went to Beacon. She wasn't much older or younger than me...Now the vault is open and we're gonna take the relic with us...I still don't know what Oz is planning, but it better helps us to unite the whole of Remnant."

Yang:" Is this the mature side of you? Or are you just masking what you really think?"

Kain:" Yang please. Whenever I say something like this, I really mean it. If it gets me in trouble, then so b it. I don't believe in strength being the primary skill in people, I believe that united minds and actions speak louder than anything else. I know that out there are more and more obstacles awaiting us, so we can grow stronger in every way. As a team, a group and a family."

Yang:" You take the greater good for everyone pretty seriously. How so?"

Kain:" I'm 42 years old and saw the majority of the world. Whenever I was joined by other huntsmen and huntresses for a longer period of time, I was out to bring everyone of them home alive and well...I didn't want their families to suffer..."

Yang:" I see...Wait in the elevator for me. I'll go get the relic."

Kain nods and walks towards the elevator while Yang walks into the vault and makes her way to the altar the relic is placed on. It's not easy for anyone, but it has to be done. If a relic gets into the wrong hands, Remnant may be done for sooner than expected. For Yang, it's difficult to accept that her mother is still the way she met her in the tribe's camp. Kain looks like he isn't dazed at all, but his mind is running wild with thoughts and possible outcomes in the future.

When Yang finally grabs the relic, she starts to cry. She knows that there is still so much time and in all this time, there is so much that can happen to each and everyone of them. The burden of mybe being hunted by Salem and her goons is a heavy one to carry, but someone has to fulfill the role.


Mean while Leonardo has finally reached his office, not noticing that he heasn't been followed anymore. The terror is easily displayed in his eyes. He quickly reaches his desk and look through the drawers as a noise get his attention away from whatever he needed to find. The Seer Grimm Salem uses to communicate with him stands in his doorway as the terror increases again.

Salem:" And where might you be going?"

Lionheart:" Uh, your grace! I was just looking for something."

Salem:" Leonardo, do you have something you wish to tell me?"

Lionheart:" It was Cinder! She altered the plan! Huntsmen showed up here! Qrow! Several students, one with silver eyes! The White Fang attack, it was stopped! I don't know if they'll be able to recover the relic...And then this other man showed up. He has black and dark golden hair, he's half blind, but he almost stopped me from opening the vault!...Your Grace, I can still be of assistance. If I leave now, I-I can avoid the authorities and come find you, I'll do whatever it takes!...Your Grace?"

After a moment of silence, he tries to attack the Seer, but the approach fails as a tentacle knocked off his weapon, leaving the man unarmed. He then tries to run away, but another tentacle grabs his leg.

Lionheart:" Please, ma'am! I'll do anything."

The poor man is trying to get out of the Grimms' grasp, but more and more tentacles wrap around him and pull him away. He can be heard struggling against it, but in the end his last breath escapes his lungs.


The fighting in the entrance hall stopped for now as all participants seem to be out of breath. They all await the return of their own partner with the relic.

Ruby:" That's enough! Just give up."

Emerald:" It's not over! Cinder will come back, she'll have the relic and she'll stop all of you! She won't let us down."

A moment later, the elevator comes up and reveals Kain and Yang who is holding the relic in her hand. Pure joy overcomes the good guys as the rest of Cinders' team are in shock. 

Ruby:" Yang..."

Emerald immediatly begins to cry and break down because she doesn't want to believe that Cinder is dead. 

Mercury:" Emerald, get up. We need to go.....Emerald!"

But she doesn't listen. She wants their enemies to suffer for what they did to Cinder. The girl literally breaks down and within seconds, she created a giant illusion of Salem. It makes its way around and towards the bigger group, giving Emerald, Mercury and Hazel time to escape. The ten look around, realizing that it was just another trick.

Blake:" Wha-what was that?"

Ozpin:" An illusion. But an accurate one. That...was Salem."

The tension then breaks up as Sun and Blakes' parents, Kali and Ghira Belladonna, enter what is left of Haven. The family reunites in a  loving embrace as Sun watches with a proud smile.

Kali:" The police rounded up the remaining White Fang members. Haven is safe."

Ghira:" Unfortunately, it appears that Adam has escaped."

Ilia:" It's okay. He was the only one to escape tonight. Those in the White Fang that followed him? Won't support a leader that abandons his people. He won't have their help after this. He'll have no one at all. And the White Fang will be left devided."

Ghira:" We've been fighting amongst ourselves for too long. Perhaps it's time for a new brotherhood. A new family for Faunus truly working towards a better world."

Kali:" And they'll need a new leader."

It's a nice moment while it lasts as Sun greets Team RWBY, the remains of Team JNPR and the rest. He turns Blake around as well, making the young girl walk towards her friends. Meanwhile Qrow takes the relic from Yang, wondering how she got it.

Qrow:" What happened?"

Yang:" I don't know exactly. When I was down there, Cinder was gone, and Vernal was dead."

Qrow:" And Raven?"

Yang:" Gone."

Kain:" But not before we talked some sense into her. I hope she finally sees the truth about herself."

Qrow:" Well, we're all glad you're still here, firecracker. And you too, lonesome rider."

Kain:" Back at you, bird brain."

Suddenly Ruby falls to her knees from exhaustion. Of course it gets noticed by everyone as Weiss rushes to her aid. 

Weiss:" Are you okay?"

Ruby:" I feel like I should be asking you guys....So Blake, what are you doing here?"

Blake:" I..I was gonna ask you three the same thing."

Ruby:" That's...a long story."

Blake:" Well...I'm not going anywhere."

Ruby:" That's all that matters. That we're all here together. Right?"

It takes Yang a moment to answer as she remembers what happened after the Fall of Beacon. People died, the school was destroyed and Team RWBY was disconnected. Ruby and Yang were brought back to Patch, Weiss was brought back to Atlas and Blake just ran. She ran from Beacon, from the chaos, from everything, trying to at least get back to her family.

Yang:" Yeah."

Then at this very moment Team RWBY is whole again, embracing each other in a hug. It makes everyone smile and feel better as Qrow decides to check on Ozpin.

Qrow:" I don't know how, but we did it, Oz. You okay?"

Oscar:" I'm alright."

The surprise on Qrows' face was big as the kids' voice rings in his ears.

Qrow:" Kid?"

Oscar:" He's resting. Too much energy fighting."

Qrow:" Hey, don't strain yourself!"

Oscar:" No. He had...a message. We must...get the lamp to... Atlas."

After Oscar falls unconscious, Kain gets involved again. He seems to have recovered a bit and looks at everyone.

Kain:" So...Haven is safe. We have a relic in our possession. This is a big step for us. All of us...I advise you all to rest and reconnect with each other, because it looks to me like you all haven't seen each other in quite some time..."

Blake:" May I ask why you are here, Mr. Phoenix?"

Ruby:" You heard of him?"

Ghira:" Actually we all did. He is a big help over in Menagerie. I'm honored to be in your presence, Mr. Phoenix."

Kain:" Ghira, what did I tell you last time? Cut the formalities, I'm a friend of the family and not some super important hero."

Sun:" Sorry, but who is this?"

Ghira:" I will explain everything to you later. Come, let them have their moment."

Then Ghira, Kali and Sun leave after saying goodbye and Kain turns back to the rest.

Kain:" Well, what are we waiting for? We should get back the house and get a load of sleep. I know all of you are either tired from fighting or from talking..."

The teens get up and recover whatever they brought with them while Qrow takes a look at the lamp and sighs. It still seems like he knows a few things he doesn't want the kids to know, but he also knows that he can't hide everything from them. He only folows the others when he notices Kain waiting for him with crossed arms.



And that brings me to the end of Volume 5. I hope you ladies and gentlemen enjoyed the story so far, but it's not over yet.

Like I said in the begin, it will also involve Volume 6.

And I will do a character short for Kain before Volume 6. I will explain how he got his new semblance and what it does.

I have to say: i didn't expect to write so much for Volume 5, but in the end I'm proud of it. I know there are some mistakes in it, but hey nobody is perfect.

Anyway, I hope you guys stick around. There is more coming from me in 2019, so be prepared.

Happy New Year to everyone! Have a nice celebration!


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