Flower Crown

By minsugaforever

11.9K 919 262

"God, I hate the stupid prince. Don't you?" "...Y-Yeah." Or in which Kim Seokjin is secretly the prince of K... More



2K 173 63
By minsugaforever

“Everyone! The night has just begun!” The man at the microphone yelled. The crowd cheered.

Seokjin blinked. The prince was still a bit fazed after that performance. How couldn't he be? He’s seen performances of all kind, but that. That was definitely different. He had never seen a performer look so powerful, as if they owned the stage.

Seokjin was about to take a step forward to go and see if he could possibly speak to this performer, until he suddenly saw Jimin slip by him and start walking the opposite direction.

“Jimin?” Seokjin called out for. He quickly glanced toward the direction RM had left before he decided to follow his friend who seemed to be walking away in rather a rush.

“Hey! Jimin, where are you going?” He called out to.

Seokjin finally stopped chasing his best friend when Jimin came to a halt. By the time Seokjin was at Jimin’s side at the bar, sitting in the stool beside him, the younger already had a shot glass in his hand.

“Hey, what happened? Why’d you leave? Don't you want to go talk to them?” Seokjin asked with a confused expression as he watched Jimin take in the shot glass.

The younger suddenly coughed and almost choked on his drink.

“What?” Jimin asked, not believing his ears. “Talk to them? Me? Talk to them?” He asked. He gave Seokjin a scandalous look after mildly regaining composure.

“Yeah. Didn't you say you had a crush on...what was his name? J...dope? J...hoe?” Seokjin asked as he tried to recollect the name.

Jimin’s ears turned red.

“J-Hope, hyung.” The boy corrected with a red face.

“And I can't just go...talk to him!” Jimin spluttered out.

“What? Why not?” Seokjin raised an eyebrow.

“Because he’s J-Hope, hyung!” Jimin seemed rather scandalized.

Seokjin didn't seem impressed. “And you're nothing? You're not Park Jimin? Son of Park Airlines, the most famous airlines of-”

Jimin spluttered again and put his hand over Seokjin's mouth. The bartender had looked up from where he had been wiping the counter. It was a scrawny teenager that seemed to be forcefully working there. Jimin made sure to give him a look as to make sure that he hadn't heard anything, or else. The bartender looked back down as quickly as he had looked up, wiping a lot faster.

“So what? I’m not Park Jimin here, hyung. I'm not Mr. Park this and Mr. Park that. I’m just Jimin. And he's J-Hope.” Jimin emphasized the difference between the names again.

“He’s definitely out of my league.” Jimin mumbled before taking another shot.

Seokjin stared at his best friend for a couple of seconds before he let out a sigh. The prince knew his friend was head over heels for this guy. It was displayed all over his face. Seokjin had honestly never seen anything like this on his best friend. He usualy had mere week crushes. Seokjin wanted Jimin to at least talk to this guy.

But, being a great (or not by some people’s standards), Jin let it be. He didn't want to force the younger into things. He’ll just let it...play out.

A few minutes passed by in silence for the two of them. Seokjin kept himself distracted by looking through the dancing crowd. And maybe he was trying to see if someone would pass through. He didn't have such high hopes though.

Suddenly, he felt Jimin stand up from the stool he had been sitting at.

“I have to go look for Jaebum hyung. He’s our ride and I have to make sure he’s not wasted or anything.” Jimin commented. “You wanna come?” He asked as he adjusted the leather jacket he had on. The younger was surprised to say the least when Seokjin shook his head.

“I don’t feel like walking through the crowds of these sweaty drunk people. I’ll just wait here.” He commented.

Jimin bit his lip nervously, but eventually nodded. “Alright, just call or text me if anything.” He unsurely responded.

Seokjin nodded. He watched Jimin squeeze through the crowd in a hurry to search for his friend.

“You're new here, aren't you?”

Seokjin turned his head over his shoulder. A man with longer hair than most men sat on the stool beside his. He seemed older than the prince himself but still hella handsome. Seokjin tried not to blush under the man’s examining stare as well.

“Yeah...my friend forced me out of my room after a bad day. He thought taking me here would be fun.” Seokjin said loud enough for the other to hear.

The man hummed. “And he was wrong?”

Seokjin was taken aback. “No, I mean, yes? Not exactly-”

“Would you like a drink?” The bartender interrupted.l the two.

“Yeah, sure.” Seokjin used the man as an excuse to look away from the handsome man beside him. He did not need to know how red he was becoming.

“I don't know if that would be such a great idea.” Seokjin heard the man speak to him again.

He found the will to turn to him again and saw the man having a little smirk at the end of his lips. He was staring at Seokjin with a knowing look before taking a shot himself.

“Who are you exactly? Last time I checked, I decide if I want to drink or not.” Seokjin challenged. He was done being intimidated by this man.

“My name is Kim Heechul and I’ve been coming here long enough to know how to spot heavy drinkers, light drinkers, underage drinkers.” The man gave Seokjin a pointed look.

“And judging by your look, you seem to be a light and underage drinker.” Heechul smirked at Seokjin’s taken aback look.

Seokjin paused for a second until his eyes narrowed.

“I am not a light drinker.” He angrily answered back.

“And I'm sure a third of this club is underage too. I’m allowed to do whatever I want.” Seokjin responded back. And with that, he gave a challenging look as he brought the shot glass to his lips and downed it in one go.

It took his entire will to not make a face at the taste. Honestly, Seokjin had never drank once in his life. He just didn't enjoy knowing the fact he was poisoning his health. But he held more pride in himself than care for his health at the moment under the man’s stare.

Heechul scoffed and stood up from his seat after watching Seokjin take his third shot.

“Well, it was nice meeting you. I hope you start slowing down, kid, or you'll be throwing up all night. Make sure to not leave until your friend comes back.” Heechul advised the younger. He felt bad for leaving, but he really had to be on his way now.

Seokjin simply hummed. He was blinking rapidly after his last shot had made him a little dizzy. Heechul’s words had went through one ear and out the other.

Heechul frowned at the drowsy respond he got in return. He didn't know the boy would be that much of a light drinker. With one last worried look, Heechul made off his way. He would be sure to inform Seokjin’s state to his friend if he saw him on his way out.

Meanwhile, Seokjin was left alone to fend for himself. After taking another shot that the bartender had left him, he inhaled deeply and sighed out. Seokjin closed his eyes as he took in the music and rolled his head around.

The prince’s head seemed afloat and the world lay beneath him. The feeling was weird but oddly calming. He remained like this for a while. In a floating state while still taking in shots remotely at the same time. Seokjin didn't know if simple minutes had passed or long hours. He felt like he had lost concept of time. Maybe he should ask Jimin.

“Jimin.” Seokjin opened his eyes. He should go look for Jimin.

Seokjin stood up from the stool with staggering legs, as if this was his first time using them. He stumbled a bit but fortunately he had caught the edge of the bar counter in a tight grip. He giggled a bit at the action. He began to make his way on his search.

“Sorry.” Seokjin mumbled for the upteenth time as he bumped into another person yet again.

It's funny. He had been mumbling the same exact word just a few hours ago but for an entire different reason. He laughed. How funny.

“Sorry.” Seokjin almost lost his balance entirely when he ran straight into a rock chest.

“Wow. Where's a precious doll like you going?” A deep voice asked.

It took a couple of seconds for Seokjin's eyes to adjust to the person in front of him. It was a tall man. A man that honestly didn't look the very least bit attractive. He looked a bit drunk himself with disheveled hair and he was definitely overweight.

Seokjin’s nose scrunched. “Sorry. I'm looking f-for my friend.” He managed to respond back. He started to make his way around the fat man until arms suddenly grabbed each of his shoulder. He winced.

“Why don't you come stay with me in my room? You can find you friend later.” The man smirked as he licked his lips. He stared at Seokjin like if he was a perfect meal.

Seokjin had been forced awake after being forcefully grabbed. His face displayed the pain he was in as the man’s nails dug into his shoulder. The teenager desperately glanced around but everyone seemed to be too busy with themselves to realize his situation.

“L-Let go of me, you fucking bitch.” Seokjin managed to say through gritted teeth.

“And let you go, beautiful?” The man snarkily smiled. He bent down to Seokjin's ear. “Not a chance.” He whispered.

Seokjin was disgusted when he felt the gross hot breath so close to him. But Seokjin was absolutely horrified when he felt his ear starting to be nibbled.

“Get off me!” Seokjin showed more panic than anger now. He was pounding on the guy to let him go and attempting to thrash out as well. It didn't solve anything because the man only seemed to grip on tighter, all gentle holds forgotten.

“He said to get off him, you fucking fat-ass.” A voice snarled and almost gave Seokjin chills.

Seokjin felt himself be pushed away from the man by strong muscular hands. He stumbled a bit and had to hold himself up by holding on to one of the wall pillars. His head had went dizzy and was having a difficult time adjusting to the man who had saved him.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” The man who had previously harassed him yelled back.

Seokjin had by now managed to bring his head up with stabilization. He blinked once. Twice. Oh my fucking god, he gasped the second he realized who his hero was.

“My name is RM and you better ingrave it into your skull.” The rapper grabbed the man’s shirt collar and pulled him close.

The man’s previous angry eyes quickly dropped at hearing who he was talking to.

“And if you ever lay a finger on him or anyone else other than your fucking sluts then I’ll make sure you’ll never want to wake up again.” RM spat at his face. The man he held onto gulped.

“S-Sorry.” The fat man bowed his head. As soon as he was let go, the man practically ran away from the two.

Seokjin didn't move and still leaned against the pillar with lips parted in shock. RM seemed completely different from the dimpled smiling boy who had winked at him on stage.

Unfortunately, Seokjin couldn't dwell on the fact any longer because he felt his stomach suddenly be clenched in pain. He wasn't given much of a warning before he doubled over onto his knees on the ground, his legs completely giving out. He gagged and could feel all the previous alcohol wanting to escape, his body getting revenge. The dry heaves did nothing but upset his stomach even more.

“Hey, are you alright?” Seokjin could hear RM’s voice calling, he seemed distant. “Come on, get up. Let me help you.” The voice panicked for the prince.

Seokjin rapidly shook his head. Bad call because the action had triggered his stomach. The teenager threw up the night’s content on the spot in front of him.

Seokjin couldn't bring himself to neither cringe nor be humiliated because the pain was excruciating. His head pounded and he could feel the sweat on his body falling because of the stuffy club. His nauseous state was no help at all.

Seokjin flinched when he felt a large hand on his back.

“Sorry.” RM retracted his hand. “Here, let me help you up. I’ll take you to a quieter place. You shouldn't stay here on the ground.” The rapper persuaded.

Seokjin managed to look up to the face crouched beside him. Through dizzy vision, he could see the worry plastered all over the rapper. RM seemed to be like the boy who smiled at him before, a completely different facade from a minute ago once again. Seokjin couldn't help but feel reassured at the thought.

Unfortunately, that was the last sight he was able to see before his entire vision began to blur again.

“Hey!” RM moved quick to make sure the handsome man's head wouldn't crash onto the hard ground.

“Hey! Can you hear me?” RM shook the unconscious man that leaned against his chest. Please be okay, he worriedly thought.

RM didn't move for a minute, too stunned and panicked on what to do. He felt wrong to take the handsome man away to his room without any consent, but he definitely couldn't leave him alone on the floor. He had passed out after just throwing up.

Without much of a plan, RM decided to do what he thought would be best. He carefully brought Seokjin's arm to hook around his neck and made sure to get a strong hold under the boy’s knees.

RM stood up carefully in order to not jostle the boy too much who obviously had too many drinks for his own good. Once he was fully up, he took a couple of seconds to admire the person in his arms.

The handsome man, as he had generously nicknamed for the time being, looked absolutely gorgeous in such close proximity. His face was pale with a light tint of red to his cheeks, his eyes looking peacefully relaxed, and plump shining red lips. He was absolutely breathtaking.

RM cleared his throat and blushed at realizing how long he had been staring at the boy. He finally took a step forward and began making his way towards the exit of the club.

He glared at everyone who glanced his way. The people don't do anything when someone is being harassed but the second they see pretty faces everyone turns their head.

Bastards, RM could only snarl.

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