Unexpected Late Night

By rachel_dulay

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{completed} cover by @ mahgadahling Chloe Fisher, The radiant, talented up and coming ballerina preparing fo... More



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By rachel_dulay

📍Toronto, Ontario
chloefisher Thank you Bloch for sending me a beautiful new pair of pointe shoes and for choosing me to be your newest ambassador.

"Doesn't it feel great to have the afternoon off?" Lucie asks me. I roll my eyes at my sister, instead of allowing me to come home, shower, eat and fall asleep. Lucie being Lucie pulled me out and now here we are, walking the busy streets of Toronto. No it wasn't that I didn't enjoy spending time with my younger sister, it's just I had planned to sleep considering my sleeping hours were well on there way to not even existing.

"I don't necessarily have the afternoon off all day, I've got to meet up with my private ballet coach"

"I know, but still"she says "it feels good Don't it?"

"It would've felt better if you had allowed me to stay in and sleep Lucie. Why aren't you at school any how?" I ask my sister. Alexander was at school at the University of Toronto.

"Day off" I stop her as we began to head towards St Lawrence Market.

"You positive?"


"I don't want to get my head chopped off by mom"

"You won't"she waves her hand around.

"I believe you Lucie" she nods. Our parents did believe in staying home for mental health days, they believed that was just as important as education. Eduction, mental health, and family are their top three believes. Especially for a family who is very competitive and works hard on school and sports. Like with Alexander, it's football and school, with Lucie it's soccer and school and as for me, well it's always been just ballet. I'm not saying that I didn't find school important, I did. I always just seemed to strive fairly easily at school that I was able to put a lot of focus into ballet. I do go to school, wanting a degree in history but took kinesiology for sports therapy. But ballet was always my first plan.

Lucie and I step into St Lawrence Market and both sigh, breathing in all the different smells. It was beautiful and magical some people may say.

"Will you be able to come home for Alex's birthday?" Lucie asks me. He was turning twenty one this year, how exciting. Even thought my parents lived just a little bit away from downtown Toronto and more in the suburbs of the city which was just an hour away from downtown Toronto. I had my own apartment here in downtown. Finding it easier that if I worked late I could just immediately crash instead of driving an extra hour, I'd be driving like five minutes. It sounds so stupid and privileged but when your whole body is aching after hours of ballet, you'd understand my dilemma.

"I'm not sure, I have yet to figure out the schedule for that week"

"Well you should try to come because we're taking him to a leaf game" I nod.

"Okay, I'll see"She nods and I watch her peer down to a glass case of goodies. I looked around carefully as I shoved my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket. It was warm today in Toronto for a mid October day but still a bit windy. I had thrown on a long grey shirt, a pair of blue skinny ankle jeans, black wedges and a black leather jacket. And of course my sunglasses.

It wasn't that I was very famous in Toronto, I would get recognized from time to time, a good amount on the days I would walk the streets. Mostly people who have the same inspiration of ballet as me, and others know me because well this is my home and because people like to label me as a well Instagram model, when really I just try to make my Instagram feed very aesthetically pleasing.

"Hmm, What should we have for a late lunch?" I laugh as I swing an arm around my sister and drag her further down the aisle of food.

"Nothing big, Because than I will hear from mother on how bad it was of me to give you such a big late lunch"we make talking noises and fall into laughter.

"Oh my god, your Chloe Fisher"someone says. I turn around, practically making Lucie turn around with me.

"Oh Jesus Cassidy, really? I'm sorry. She didn't, I didn't. We didn't mean to disturb you"An older girl says beside the girl that just called out my name. I smile with a light chuckle.

"It's alright, I really don't mind"I smile and walk forward a bit.

"No, please we didn't want to interrupt your day"the eldest girl says, I look down at the girl who had called my name, Cassidy is what her sister said I think. She was starring up at me with big eyes.

"I'm Chloe Fisher"I smile and we shake hands.

"I know"she blinks and shakes her head. "I mean I'm Cassidy, Cassidy Lane"we continue shaking hands and I laugh.

"Lane? Like Lane?" Lucie asks. The two sisters turn to my sister now. "Like Joel Lane?" I look at the sisters, they nod.

My sister squeals and it was now my turn to say I was sorry. Lucie grabs onto my arm and squeezes it "Lucie"I mumble.

"Oh my fucking god"I cover her mouth and everyone laughs.

"Small world huh"The eldest sister says to me and I nod "I'm Samantha by the way"

"Nice to meet you"I smile at her.

And that's how our afternoon was spent, our little sisters gushing over the fact they've got famous siblings. Samantha and I just tagged along for the ride basically.

Later that afternoon, Lucie and I walked into my apartment and I had let go of Lucie's mouth. I had to keep my own hand over her mouth on the way back home, seeing as she just wouldn't shut up about that whole experience.

"Will you shut up, please?"I beg my sister.

"These are nice pointe shoes, I can't believe your an ambassador this year. That's been like your second dream"I chuckle as I make sure I have everything in my dance bag.

"It's pretty crazy. I have to do like a small documentary with them or something sometime this week"

"Cool!" I check my phone and realize that my private coach had texted saying she couldn't make it because her kid fell sick, I told her it was no worry and to wish her son back to health.

"Looks as thought I'm free, what you wanna do? Your staying the night are you not?" I gesture to her overnight bag. She nods.

"We can go out for dinner than come back and chill"

"I'm okay with that"I nod as I enter the kitchen area where she had been sitting at the counter. Her phone goes off and she squeals.

"What?" I ask her.

"Cassidy, Joel Lane's younger sister just texted me!"

"Do you have to say his full name like that?" I ask.

"Oh come on, when Auston Matthews was new, everyone called him Auston Matthews. Everyone still does!" I roll my eyes at her.

"Okay, contain your happiness and pick a restaurant you want to go to. I'll call Alex if he wants to come"she nods and I step out of the room.

"Wanna come to dinner with Lucie and I?"

"Where are you guys going?"

"I'm not sure, just swing by the apartment and see because I'm letting Lucie pick"

He groans and I smile "why did you let her pick, knowing her she's going to pick like McD's"

"And your complaining because why?" I ask.

"Fair point. Alright I'll come, give me ten minutes to get there"I hear the tv go on in the main area of my apartment.

"Fine by me"we hang up and I walk over to my sister, sitting beside her.
Lucie has picked to go to Jack Astor's, Alex and I didn't mind that decision, seeing as she probably and would've picked McDonald's.

"When do you have another game?" I ask my brother after we had ordered. I hadn't gotten to speak to him about his previous game and on his win last night because when I got home, everyone was asleep.

"Next week, just before my birthday"

"Chloe said she'll try to make it for the game"Lucie announces. He nods.

"No pressure, it's not a big deal"

"Yes it is, my big bro is turning twenty one. That's pretty huge"I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Not necessarily, but okay"he shrugs. "How are you doing? Enjoy your day off?" He asks looking between me and Lucie. I nod.

"It was quite refreshing before I have to go back and get yelled at by Michelle"

"You shouldn't let her get inside that pretty little head of yours"

"It's a tough world and sometimes you just gotta roll with your punches"

"Are you sure you aren't the eldest?" Lucie asks. We chuckle.

"I'm just saying, ballet can be very competitive to some people, like me. But I don't show it on stage whilst performing a professional piece"

"Spoken like a true poet"he hits my water glass and I laugh.

"Holy Jesus, Mary and the camels" Lucie says from beside me. I look to her and raise and eyebrow. Suddenly the whole restaurant erupted into more noise, I look past my brother to see a group of people but couldn't point them out. Lucie suddenly grabs my hand "I'm going to faint"she mumbles. I see a waitress coming our way and my eyes widen.

"I've missed so much, damn why didn't I just skip class"Alex mumbles.

"Lucie! Chloe!" Cassidy suddenly says. "Hi!" She says again. She was full of energy and always smiling, I was starting to love this girl.

"Hi Cassidy"I smile "and Samantha"they both smile.

"Are you guys here by yourself?" Lucie asks her.

"No we're here with" a male comes up behind the two girls.

"Hey, ready to eat because Mitch and Ben are becoming kids and Chloe?" I finally notice the male as Joel Lane. My brother spits out his water, spraying it all over Lucie and I.

"Alex!" We both whisper yell.

"I'm sorry but did you just say my sisters name? How the hell"

"Hi Joel"I cut him off.

Joel was amused by the situation happening "small world huh?" He ask. I nod slightly embarrassed.

"Can we eat"Someone groans, coming up to them. "Oh hey Chloe" I smile at Auston.

"What the fuck"Both my siblings say.

"Someone hold me"I roll my eyes as I get Lucie to get out of the booth

"How are you?" I ask Auston as we hug.

"I'm great" he smiles once we pull away.

"Confused"Cassidy says.

"When Auston and Mitch did that ballet thing back a few years ago, I had met them and like well helped them I guess"Auston nods.

"My brain hurts" Alex mumbles.

"Is it just you three?" Cassidy asks. I nod. "Why not just put a table together?" She smiles. I look between both groups, all of us unsure.

"We'd love that"Lucie smiles, answering for everyone I guess.
"Alex you look familiar? Have we met?"Mitch randomly says.

"I mean I intern at Sportsnet"Mitch nods immediately.

"Do you have a job there?" Samantha asks, she and I were sitting beside each other, Alex to my left.

"I'm hoping for one"

"You've written a few articles on the team haven't you?" Ben asks, another rookie on the leafs team.

"A few, not many thought mostly about the Argos"

"And what about you Chloe?" Mitch asks. I roll my eyes at his nosiness. He's always been this noisy but how can you not love him. "How's ballet?"

"I um in a new production"I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

"She's sugar coating herself. Look at the table around you Chloe"Cassidy chuckles form beside Joel. "She's Snow White in the National Ballet of Canada's production of Snow White" Cassidy smiles at me.

"Woah, id but you a shot"Auston chuckles. I roll my eyes.

"It's nothing"

"Becoming the lead in a ballet production is not nothing Chlo. She's been training for this moment her whole life"Alex smiles, I hit his shin with my foot and he glares at me.

"She's really good"Lucie nods, smiling at me.

"Alright anyways"I try to switch the topic "Samantha are you still in school?" I found out earlier this afternoon that she was only a couple years older than me.

"I am, I'm going to school for journalism"she leans over the table a bit to catch my brother's eye "Alex looks like I'm coming for you"

"I'm counting on it" Alex chuckles.

"I'm really sorry to disturb but I was wondering if I could get a picture with chloe and Joel?" A small girl asks, smiling nervously. I look over at Joel and we shrug.

"Of course"I nod as the two of us stand up.

"What happened to us being famous for pictures?" Mitch asks Auston quietly. Auston shuts him up.

"Thank you!" She says after we take a picture "my brother would never believe I met Joel Lane"she giggles.

"Well you tell your brother that your the favourite child now"Joel jokes, she nods.

"Chloe I'm coming to the opening show of Snow White! I can't wait to see you perform. You've been a huge inspiration to me"I awe as she hugs me a bit. I hug her back.

"Thank you that means so much"I laugh. We say goodbye to the little girl and her parents thank us, afterwards Joel and I sit back down.

"Stop pouting Marner"Joel whacks his head.

"I'm sorry, I can't help be feel jealous because Matts and I aren't as famous anymore. But we get it, Chloe Fisher and Joel Lane, Toronto's hottest up and coming stars"Mitch rambles. I kick Mitch under the table and he groans.

"Ouch"he hisses.

"Shut up"the table choruses together, Mitch rolls his eyes.

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