Your Cheating Heart

By whoisaheretic

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"I want to go back to my old ways." Ezra said in a monotone. It felt like he held no emotion. I stood dumbfou... More



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By whoisaheretic


I swear I have never seen Luke so restless in my whole life. He looked like life has been sucked out of him. He barely ate and talked to us. All through the day he was just lying in bed doing nothing but murmuring he was a dick.

"Dude you stink and so does your dick. So just get over yourself." Jack groaned.

We tried everything to comfort him but nothing worked. We tired playing Ps-II with him, made him watch porn; Jack even tried to make out with him. But things just didn't affect him anymore.

"Get up we're going out." Chase said sternly.

Luke didn't say anything. "You either get up now or I'm going to give Rachel's number to that chick you slept with." Jack threatened Luke.

Luke gave him a death glair "You wouldn't" Luke dared to Jack.

Jack gave him infamous smirk "Try me" he said and Luke stuck him tongue out at him.

Nonetheless he got out of bed only to rest his ass on couch. "I don't feel like going out. You guys can go if you want, no one's stopping you."He said smugly.

"Remember you asked for this.." Jack said smirking and took his sleek cell phone out and started typing something.

"I'm coming." Luke signed and gave up. He quickly changed and came out. Jack triumphantly smirk and made his way outside the dorm. We couldn't figure out where to go, so we decided we'd just watch a movie or something. As we entered the theatre, a girl with multi colored highlights came and smiled at us.

'Not again' I thought. Luke didn't even acknowledge her and went to find his seat. "Your ticket please." she said smiling. Jack gave her the tickets and she showed us our seats.

Luke was already settled as he stared blankly at the screen. "Enjoy your movie" she said eye raping me and I shrugged at the thought. Uh.. I can't even imagine how Leila handles all this men attention.

No surprise Jack had found himself a girl to make out with. That guy didn't even need to know the girl's name to get inside her pants. Halfway through the movie I glanced at Luke who was trying hard to kill time. He hasn't spoken to us since last night. And it was really weird because it's Luke we're talking about.

"What are you thinking right now?" I asked him in a hushed tone.

"Do you even have to ask?" he said annoyed.

"Just give her some time Luke.. She loves you and she'll forgive you." I tried to reason with him.

"I don't know man... I am such a dick" he signed. He was massaging his temples and it really did kill me to see him this miserable.

"What if she finds someone else like Leila did?" he asked scared. What an actual fuck! How dare he say that she had found someone else? I didn't say anything else as I abruptly got up from my seat and stormed out of the theatre. I walked towards the road. "Ezra..." Luke yelled from behind.

"Hey... wait up. I didn't mean it like that" he said panting.

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry... I" he started again but I jerked myself from his grip and took a step behind.

"That was exactly what you meant." I spat at him.

"How can you even say that? You for all people." I said. He gave me a laugh. Are you kidding me! He's seriously laughing?

"How can I say that? How can she do that? You should have seen the way that guy looks at her. I just wanted to warn you. Because by the looks of it, he doesn't need much time making her fall in love with him." he spat with same intensity.

As much as I wanted to control my anger bottled up... I tired thinking all the happy things, Leila's laughing face, my first bike. But nothing could keep me calm.

After a minute Luke was on the ground his nose bleeding profusely. I had punched him with all my energy.

"What the hell is going on?" Chase said running towards us. Jack shortly came behind him his hand slung around a girl's shoulder.

"Oh ho-ho don't tell me you just punched him" Jack laughed.

"What happened?" Chase asked angry with us.

"Nothing happened. He's not even worth it." Luke said and looked away.

"I'm not worth it? Says the guy who slept with another girl while his girlfriend was looking for him like a maniac in the party." I growled. That made me earned a punch in my gut. Luke tired to punch me again but Chase came in between us.

By the time a good crowd had gathered. And people were enjoying the show we were creating.

"Let's just take it elsewhere shall we?" Jack said. He said something in the girl's ear and she giggled. She then slipped her number in his pocket and kissed him goodbye.

Jack and Luke went inside car, Chase and I followed them. "Now... if only you can tell why you wanted to kill each other outside?" Chase asked calmly.

"He started it." I said and Luke scoffed.

"You punched me." Luke said raising his voice.

"That's because you were being a bitch outside." I yelled back.

"At least I'm not conflicted about it." Luke said smugly.

"Can I seriously punch him one more time?" I asked no one in particular. This guy was impossible.

"Okay... let's go someplace loud so we don't have to hear them PMSing." Jack said and Chase agreed.

"It's 10:30 already. Girls must be in dorm alone. We should head back." Luke said looking into his watch.

"Being a pussy are we." Jack said and I chuckled.

"You fucktard... Fine let's go then" Luke said and Jack smirked. We entered the pub. It was sick how Luke knows every pub within the states radar and it was even sicker that everyone knew him also.

We never had trouble in anything. Whether picking a girl or entering a pub. Jack was in full blast today. He ordered drinks for all of us. Which I sincerely declined.

These dicks are going to get drunk over their life, I decided not to drink so that at least one person can be sober enough to drive us back. Ear blasting music, the fresh smell of alcohol and sweaty environment made us loosen a little bit.

Jack had already started making out with a random chick again and Luke kept gulping his beer down. Chase was dancing with a girl or more like grinning I couldn't figure out what exactly he was doing.

"Hey...Stranger" a voice with thick Irish accent came from behind. I didn't look behind as I knew she will come in front to face me anyways. Like expected the girl came and that's when I saw her.

Her long legs looking even longer in that short red dress, curly blonde hair and smoky eyes. She was a complete 10 but it doesn't matter. I wasn't interested at all.

"Can I buy you a drink?" She asked me and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Don't you think it's where the guy comes in.?" I asked her.

She was doing a guys job which was rare and interesting too. "Ah... I thought you could really use a drink. You look tired and stressed." She said pouting her red lips.

"Or how about a little dance?" she asked me eying me and giving me a seductive look. I just shook my head no. "I see... girlfriend huh?" she asked.

"No... I'm just not feeling good right now." I said.

"Then let me make you feel good." she said her hand dangerously close to my glory.

"I said I'm not interested. Go and park someone else's dick in your mouth of an airport." I said and went ahead to find guys. Her mouth hung open shock.

I bet she had never have any guy reacted towards her like this. I didn't want to sound like as ass there but that girl just could not take the hint.

It's not rocket science to understand that someone is trying to ignore you. Around 2 in morning I was finally able to gather each drunken asshole.

I shoved them in car and drove towards our dorm. Leila had texted me earlier that Rachel had threw all Luke's belongings to our dorm and Leila had now moved in with Rachel. It pissed me off to no end but I had to play cool for now. Rachel needed Leila and Luke needed us.

I know what Luke said earlier about Leila could be true. She may fall in love with someone else. I shouldn't have lash out on him like that. It was Leila's decision not mine.

I have troubled her enough and I seriously don't want to be the reason of her broken heart anymore. I love her more than anything else. But I can't be selfish with her.

If she's happy with someone else then I have no right to interfere. I know I sound like a pussy right now... Trust me I feel like one too. All this was seriously too messed up to handle. I have no idea how Leila handle others shit.

I can't even handle mine. I pushed all these thoughts in the back of my mind and concentrated on driving. The last thing I want is meeting with an accident.

We reached our dorm in 3:00 in morning and I was tired as fuck. I made sure Chase and Jack went to their respective dorms before I supported Luke and headed towards now Luke and my dorm.

God... I haven't seen Leila since yesterday, I wanted to see her so bad. As much as I hate to say this we finally reached our dorm. I put Luke on his unmade bed. And that's when someone knocked on door.

Leila was the first person that came in my mind. Could it be really her? But why would she come this late. And importantly how can she?. There's no way in hell she would walk around in hallway at night.

Nonetheless half excitedly I went to open the door. And I saw the same red haired girl that asked me to change my dorm with her. I seriously need to ask her name.

"What do you want?" I asked her and my tone meant business. I slowly moved forward and closed the door behind me. I don't want Luke to wake up and do something stupid again.

She gave me side and starred at my feet while I looked at her. She was wearing one of those low cut top. And a cloth wrapped around her ass that you can never call skirt.

"I asked you something." I said bored.

She looked up at me and that's when I saw her teary eyes and stained cheeks. "Am I not beautiful? " she asked me. She caught me off guard and I stunned by her question.

"What? What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"Then why do you not want me?" she asked me looking away from me. "Umm..." I managed to say. I had no idea why and what she was talking about?

"Look... uh..." darn I needed to know her name but I too chicken to ask her anything right now. She was crying for god sake.

"It's Vivian" she said.

"Look Vivian... I think you're good looking." I said carefully managing my every word. "And anyone would be lucky to have you. What I mean is anyone not everyone. So stop throwing yourself at every other guy you see." I said and I could see the pain of rejection in her eyes.

I didn't use to care about anyone before I met Leila. But since I have met her... I just can't ignore things like they didn't exist.

"Yeah... easier said than done don't you think!" she spat at me.

"Just because you're the popular one. You have it all. You don't even have to try." she said shaking her head. She looked miserable.

I've never thought about others problem. I was always too involved in mine. Seeing her like this I really did felt bad.

So... I did what I thought would made her feel better. I took a step towards her and kissed her. She was surprised as her eyes went wide but soon she kissed me back.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. You deserve better okay?" I said and she nodded.

She gave me a thankful smile and walked away. I watched her as she abruptly stopped in her tracks.

She took a few steps back and said "it's not what you think." Who was she talking to now? I walked towards her and saw Leila looking at her then at me disgustingly. She opened her mouth to say something but then gave me a long look and stormed off.

Okay... I think I'm officially dead right now. I stood there; I couldn't even move a muscle. My throat went dry, I wanted to call her. "Leila" I meekly said.

She saw me kissing the girl who meant nothing to me. I don't even know her name for cryin' out loud.

"I'm sorry." that girl said and walked away. I was still glued to my place.

Leila came to meet me and this is what she saw me doing. I just ruined it. We were finally getting somewhere and I destroyed it all.



It was 2:00 in morning and Rachel and I were still awake. As much as Rachel was trying to show she didn't care but her expression and actions gave it all away.

The boys were still out and I was getting worried too. I was fighting myself whether should I tell her about the kiss that I shared with Damon or not.

She herself was dealing with too many stuff right now, I didn't wanted to bother her with mine. "Ugh..." Rachel groaned.

"You need something?" I asked her casually.

"Poison enough to kill me please" she said sarcastically.

"Oh... I'm not that bad of a roommate. Am I?" I said chuckling.

"No you're not. But I Am." she signed.

"Let's drown the fish" she said excitedly. "Rachel... babe we've talked about this." I said sternly like a mother.

"Fine" she huffed. I was thankful we were having normal conversation.

Because I can't see her all serious. That wild chick deserved every happiness. "How about we drool over George Clooney?" I asked and her eyes lit up with happiness.

"Only now I realized how much fun it is to share a room with your girlfriend." She said grinning. We watched some George Clooney movie. Gosh... This man just has his way with women.

Around 3 in morning "You think he misses me?" Rachel asked.

"I don't know...Rachel...maybe he does." I said removing a strand of hair from her face.

"You want me to go and check up on him?" I suggested. She gave me a confused expression but I knew too well she wanted me to do that. So I got up and went to check up on Luke.

It was dark and I was shit scared but I had to go and check up on him. I reached the corner of the hallway when I saw Ezra kissing a girl. I stopped then and there.

By the looks of it I can tell, that girl had been crying. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks were stained with tears. She was beautiful. But somehow I felt disgusted seeing them together.

I didn't even realize I had turn my palms into fist and my knuckles turned white. After a minute she started walking towards me. But I didn't move from my place.

When she saw me her smiling face turned white as if she had seen a ghost. "It's not what you think it is." she said scared but I didn't even said anything back.

Ezra came behind her and he froze when he saw me. I looked at her then I moved my gaze towards Ezra.

I felt like puking. There I was feeling all very guilty that I kissed Damon but then why should I? When I know that Ezra and I are going nowhere. How can I forget what he did to me? I felt a lump forming in my throat.

I tried to say something but nothing came. Only yesterday I saw this girl having the time of life with some random guy and now she having her way with Ezra.

I turned around and ran back to my dorm. I barged into my room and shut it with such force that it made Rachel jump in fear.

"What happened?" Rachel asked scared.

"Every fucking guy is the same. They all are same. Bloody whore fuckers. If you're expecting them to fucking change for us then you're up for expecting rain in drought." I spat.

"Babe..." Rachel gasped at my sudden reaction.

"I kissed Damon." I confessed.

"I mean he kissed me but it's the same thing because I didn't back out. And I was feeling guilty like I was cheating or something but I'm not because I'm single, but that bastard of a guy was kissing that girl and I don't know what I'm blabbering about." I said in ninja speed.

"I only got that you kissed Damon." Rachel said scared that I might kill her the next moment.

"Calm down will you... you're scaring me Leila" Rachel said and made me sit down beside her.

"It still hurts goddamit." I sighed.

I was trying to control my uneven breath.

"Leila... I hate to break this to you. But you will never be able to get over him. I know Damon is a distraction but you know yourself that even he won't be able to make you forget him." Rachel said and I knew what she said was right.

"But why don't you give it a shot?" she asked. I looked up at her and shook my head no. "I don't know Rachel.. It all seem so..." I trailed off. What kind of friend am I?

She needed me this moment but instead she was helping me out through my tough time. "I got to go. Don't wait up for me." I said walked out of dorm.

My mind was so clouded with thoughts. That scene Ezra kissing that girl was playing again and again in my mind like a movie and I hated every bit of it.

I was on my way to only one person I know who's not going to question me about anything. I wanted some ignorance. I wanted some time off.

I knocked six times before Damon finally opened the door. By the looks of it he looked pissed but as soon as he saw me his eyes went wide and gawked at me.

I looked at myself and realized I was in my night clothes that were really inappropriate to wear in front of anyone. I smiled sheepishly.

"Leila... are you alright?" Damon asked me as he gave me the space to enter his house.

I looked at him from head to toe and couldn't help but blush. He was shirtless and was wearing pajamas. It took a lot of my inner self to control the urge to check him out. I turned away and made my way towards his couch.

"I kind of need a place to crash for tonight." I said. I didn't even waited for his approval as I dropped my self on his couch and made myself comfortable.

He smiled at me and came too sat beside me. I quickly gave him the corner to sit as I lay down and kept my head in his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair and I felt somewhat relaxed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. I shook my no. Normally when I'm in a situation like this I eat a gallon of ice-cream and it makes everything better.

But it's been so long I'm handling every situation all by myself and this time I knew even ice-cream couldn't fix this. I closed my eyes and try to remember my Sara.

It would've been so much better if she was here. At least I didn't have to deal with it by myself.

"If there's anything I can do for you." Damon whispered. I got up and sat, facing him. By now there was no trace of sleep in his eyes, only concern for me.

"Make it all go away." I whispered back and hugged him.

I buried my face on the crook of his neck and kept my eyes closed. "I'm going to take care of everything Leila. I promise I will make everything all right." he said sincerely and I hugged him tight.

"You can't" I said and released him. It was selfish of me to be come to him when I needed him. How can act like a bitch? "I'm sorry I bothered you." I said and looked at my hands.

He leaned forward to kiss slowly but I turned my face so his lips instead crashed on my cheek. He smiled and pulled away.

"There's something bothering you and I know it's about us. So just tell me already." he said and I looked at him guilty.

"Yeah... well I kind of don't trust you." I blurted out and instantly put my hands on my big fat mouth to prevent saying anything further. Well it was partially true anyways. I mean by all means why would a Greek god looking guy like him would want a clumsy looking girl who have a diet of a dinosaur ?

The equation didn't fit right. He seem to notice my confusion, he snaked his arms around my waist. But my protest didn't affect him at all. With a little force he pulled me towards him and made me sit on his lap. My legs were wrapped around his torso and he had firm grip on my hands.

I looked at his green eyes and I could bet my cheeks were tomato red because he was chuckling like a maniac. He let go of my hands, he placed both his hand on my face and pulled my head towards his.

"I knew the second I met you that there was something about you that I needed. Turns out it wasn't something about you at all. It was just you." he signed.

"It's been three months I've come to know you and trust me it doesn't take me three hours to get a girl in my bed. Leila... you got me rethinking my future again. Three months isn't that long period but it's just... I don't know I can't explain how I feel." he said and smiled foolishly.

"You know the feeling when you think you couldn't be happier in your life and you have everything you need. That's what I feel when I'm with you. You just consume my mind. I don't know what it is about you, the way you laugh, your weird passion for ice cream, your witty sense of humor or your big heart. You're just you and that's what makes me go crazy. I just..." he kept saying but I abruptly interrupted him by smashing my lips on him.

And trust me I could have raped him then and there for being so sweet. Gosh... I was on cloud nine. There was a weird sensation in the pit of my stomach, like butterfly fluttering inside me and my heart doing caveman dance.

I snaked my arms around his neck as he supported me by pulling me towards him. There was no space left between us. He kissed me and I felt him smiling against my lips. He liked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I didn't allow him to explore me. We finally pulled apart when we ran out of breath.

"What you said was all true right?" I asked him and he laughed at me.

"Hey... don't laugh at me." I said hitting him on the arm. By the time I had completely forgotten about everything. Ezra, Rachel, My all worries.

"Please... just never lie to me. Okay?" I said and I saw his face getting serious as the beautiful smile from his face disappeared.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he just shrugged. "Nothing..." he said ignoring me.

"Okay..." I said thinking he must be feeling sleepy. I had disturbed him anyway. "Um..." I said trying to get his attention as I saw him thinking something hard.

He looked up at me, "I'm hungry" I said pouting and he chuckled. I jumped from his lap and ran towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out an ice cream bucket and a bowl of cherry.

Damon came behind me and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry I disturbed your sleep." I said mouth full of none other than American blue.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. He sat beside me taking my funny pictures as I finished my ice cream.

Around 6:00 in the morning sleep finally came to me. I sprawled on his couch my mouth blue color due to ice-cream and I looked like a smurf. I saw 29 miss calls from Ezra. First thing I had to do is put his number on block list. But that can wait. Right now I want to sleep.

For the first time I slept with a smile on my lips. It feels good when you are important to someone. When that someone goes through the trouble of winning you heart. When you know you can look up to someone and say that you messed up. And they will be there for you to fix things up. I hope Rachel is right. I hope I can give Damon a shot.


Guys... Please vote and comment if you liked the chapter... Please.

You guys can also give suggestions if you think the story should take another turn or twist. Feel free to tell me. Drop me msgs I'll surely listen to you.


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