
By obsession_tc

322K 10.2K 1K

To a human, werewolves don't exist, and you're crazy if you believed in the myth. That is what Alana thought... More

Before you begin...
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Alana Smith
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Its been a while...
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part One)
Chapter Twenty Nine (Part Two)
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three (Final Chapter!)

Chapter Twenty Two

6K 209 46
By obsession_tc

4050 words in this chapter. I hope you love the drama!!!


His face was emotionless, jaw set and teeth grinding against one another. His eyes started glowing, turning bright red again and he nudged me back slightly so he could see me properly.

Now, he was standing at full height, towering over my smaller frame looking intimidating and dangerous. Although I knew he wouldn’t hurt me, a powerful male like Michael was making me a bit uneasy.

‘It was that bastard who did it? He didn’t deserve to fucking live before but now, now his just a disgrace to the fucking world. A waste of fucking space he is.’ He spoke through gritted teeth.

A hand softly brushed over the bruise, his touch gentle and soft making me relax instantly. ‘I’m going to kill him,’ Michael said, his rough voice a complete contrast comparing to the smooth touch. ‘His not going to see another day.’

‘No,’ I whimpered quietly. ‘Don’t kill him, just stay here. Please?’ I attached myself around his torso and his arms instantly wrapped around my waist in a protective way.

‘I’m still angry at you.’ He said with a sigh after a moment’s silence.

‘I know,’ I whispered into his chest, my voice being muffled slightly.

‘You have to tell me these things.’ He stated again.

‘I will,’ I said absent mindly, agreeing with him so he wouldn’t get angry and go on a killing rampage until he found Richard.

‘What did he say?’ he questioned hesitantly. Anyone could tell he was waiting for my answer, anticipating weather I’m going to back away scared or stay in the comfort in his arms.

‘He said that you’re the one who attacked him.’ I said quietly, looking up and into his beautiful brown eyes. ‘He’s the one who was on the news. He was sent to a therapist for believing in werewolves and had 4 major operations to save his life.’ I told him. He sucked in a sharp breath but his arms tightened on my waist.

The action was to prevent me from running away but I wasn’t planning on it. I would hear him out but I was done running scared from him.

He didn’t say anything, so I led us up to the wall to lean against while we discussed the situation.

Once we were sitting and staring out onto the ocean, I asked him the question burning on my mind and invading every thinking spot available that my brain had to offer.

‘Is it true?’ I asked, almost scared to hear the answer.

‘His a hunter. He had it coming.’ His tone was emotionless and when I looked up at him his face was the same. ‘His lucky he even got out of there alive.’

I stared at him wide eyed. Even though he didn’t say the words exactly, he admitted that he did it. My brain was running with so many thoughts I didn’t know where to even being.

‘Hunter?’ I questioned weekly.

‘He was raised to hunt were wolves. It’s his job. He was tracking the pack down but found me instead. He raised the gun at me and I shifted and attacked him.’ He said still gazing at the sea and not looking down at me. His eyes were blank.

‘It was either him or me, so I attacked but Reece stepped in. He doesn’t believe in killing, his a fucking hippy and wants the world to be at peace and all that shit. So he anonymously called someone to pick him up. He had his pack clean the place spotless, leaving no trace of what happened.’ He shrugged.

‘You need to promise me to stay away from him.’ He said finally turning and looking at me. His gaze was piercing and told me that there was only one acceptable answer. ‘His bad news, especially now that he knows you’re my mate. Using you to get to me will happen if you’re not careful. I want you always with someone, preferably me. I guess Tanner can or Lenard will do when I’m not around.’

‘Lenny,’ I whispered under my breath correcting him.

‘Yeah Lenard, that’s what I said.’ He grunted.

I couldn’t help but crack a smile. I looked up at him and he was trying to hold a smile back himself. Even with all the information I got and the events that had just played out, he still managed to be utterly perfect and caring towards me.

And that’s what I really like about him.


‘You’re lying,’ I stated dryly.

‘Why would I lie?’ Michael cocked his head curious on why I would assume something like that, genuinely looking confused.

‘Because you want to prove I’m gullible or something like that. I’m not falling for it.’ I stubbornly said and crossed my arms over my chest.

He raised an eyebrow at me. ‘Really?” He questioned, but his lips didn’t move a millimetre.

I opened my mouth in shock, not believing what just happened. ‘How?’ I questioned.

‘Mind link,’ he stated once again not using opening his mouth. ‘Once marked it’s another benefit that comes from it.’

‘Shut up,’ I yelled and threw my hands over my ears.

What the hell. This is ridiculous! I thought to myself.

‘Ridiculous good or ridiculous bad?’ Michael questioned with a smirk. Once again his mouth didn’t move and with my hands covering my ears I was starting to believe this wasn’t a joke.

‘How did you,’ I questioned, trailing off not knowing what to say.

‘You have to learn how to block your mind off or else I can read some of your thoughts.’ He said, this time opening his mouth to say it.

‘And how do you propose I do that?’ I questioned. As cool as this was, I honestly didn’t want Michael reading my thoughts every time we were together. That is the definition of embarrassing.

He frowned slightly from thought in concentration, lightly bighting his lip and making my stomach flutter like crazy. ‘Imagine there’s like a mental wall so to speak.’ He said slowly. Obviously he had never taught this to anyone before because wolves are born with the ability to mind link once accepted into the pack. It’s like a second nature to them.

‘Pretend you’re putting up a barrier of some sort.’

I did what he said, focusing on putting up a ‘mental barrier’. Frowning my eyebrows in concentration, I put all of my focus on that. I imagined a brick wall in front of my brain, almost as if it was a brick door that led into the passage way of a brain compartment.

‘Picturing a brick wall will do nothing sweetheart,’ Michael said amused which instantly made my cheeks flare up.

‘Shut up,’ I muttered childishly. Prick, I thought in my mind knowing very well that he would hear the thought.

‘That’s not nice,’ Michael growled playfully, turning his body and facing mine completely.

We were both sitting with our legs crossed, completely facing one another with our knees touching. We weren’t that far from each other and with the light hitting his face on the perfect angle, he looked like a god.

Just seeing him like this, playful and joking around made me smile on the inside. He was practically perfect, as Mary Poppins would sing, and it made the decision of staying with him and possibly being murdered or breaking it off and staying safe an extremely hard choice.

I didn’t know whether to be selfish and think about my safety, or to follow my heart and be with Michael. I know we can be happy and make it worth, but is being in danger really worth it?

Keeping my face straight and my mind blank, I turned and mirrored his posture. I crossed my arms and made myself sit taller, but as soon as I saw the small smile playing on his lips, I realised my goal to be intimidating was failing miserably.

‘You think you can scare me?’ he questioned with a raised eyebrow. Even with Michael sitting slouched and me sitting up straight and tall he still managed to be taller than me.

‘Just because you’ve got some muscle on you,’ he said huskily, trailing his eyes up and down legs and lightly running a finger along them. My face slightly burned at this. Although I learned that I would never had a perfect body and thicker legs from natural muscles that ran in my family, I still was slightly self-conscious about them.

They aren’t hideous, in fact there quite toned and they are probably as thin as they will ever be, yet they managed to be thicker than most of the girls legs out there. My arms were like that to. They were slightly thicker than most girl’s arms but they weren’t fat. Just muscular.

As if he was reading my mind (and probably is), all signs of his playfulness dropped instantly.

‘Just because you have thicker legs doesn’t make you any less beautiful,’ he said softly. ‘It means there only more of you for me to love.’ He gazed into my eyes as I gasped.

Did he just say he loves me, or that he loves my body? My breath hitched in my throat and I stared wide eyed at him. His beautiful face was staring down at me with so much pride in his eyes I had no clue what to say.

I know I’m slightly overreacting here. When girls say that when guys tell them they love them and get all butterflies in their stomach, I finally get how they feel.

‘Stop thinking everything over in that pretty little mind of yours,’ he said sweetly and tapping my temple lightly. ‘I do love you Alana.’ A small smile graced his lips as he stared down at me lovingly. There was no other emotion, just love.

He didn’t look like he was expecting me to say it back, he wasn’t worried about me leaving him. He just seemed glad to have it off his chest.

‘I-I’, I stuttered. Taking a deep breath I looked up at him shyly through my eyelashes. ‘I really like you Michael,’ I said quietly.

Nervously playing with my fingers, I opened my mouth to keep speaking but Michael’s large hands clasped over mine and made my mind go blank.

‘You’ve only known me for a few weeks,’ he stated. ‘Knowing you care for me a lot is more than I could ask for at this point in time. The bond is strong and humans take longer to accept it to the point of love. You’ll love me one day, its fate so you have to. But until then, don’t say it until you mean it.’

The words he just spoke should have made me happy. I should have jumped for joy and I slightly did. But only a few of the words screamed out at me.

You’ll love me one day, its fate so you have to.

I looked down at my lap where Michael’s large hands were entwining our fingers. He played with my fingers, letting me think over what he had just said, not looking affected by my silence at all.

He was just confidently sitting there, passing time by playing with my smaller fingers with a small smile playing on his lips.

‘You’ve put a barrier up,’ he stated quietly peering down at me. ‘I can’t hear what you’re thinking.’ I couldn’t be too sure, but I think he sounded almost sad that he couldn’t pry into my thoughts. I tried to pay 100% attention to what he was saying, but one thought just took my focus from him.

‘Fate?’ I questioned quietly. I peered up at him, who was now looking down at me cautiously. ‘I know I’ve never really had a choice about my feeling towards you because of the bond, but.’ I shook my head slightly.

I was mentally shooting myself for thinking it over to much and making a huge deal but I couldn’t stop it.

‘I honestly have no control over it. I have to love you,’ I said, emphasising the word have. He frowned at me, his eyebrows furrowing together in confusion.

I boldly looked up and into his deep brown eyes. ‘If I wasn’t your mate, you wouldn’t even take a second glance at me.’

As soon as the words left my mouth I instantly regretted them. A low, threatening growl left his lips and he stared down at me, sitting at his full height. His eyes flashed the well known bright red and his breathing increased.

‘Why would you say that?’ he growled. I gulped and shuffled back slightly so I could look at him and not bend my neck to see his face. I have come to learnt that being smaller gave the dominance he wanted and I wasn’t going to back down.

‘It’s true.’ I said looking him in the eye. ‘If there was no such thing as mates, you wouldn’t go out with me. I know this is out of the blue and not worth arguing about but it’s true, isn’t it?’

A silence hung in the air, both of us not knowing what to say next until he broke the silence.

‘I probably wouldn’t,’ he admitted with a small sigh. I knew it was true but his words still stung a little bit. I gently pried his hands from mine and turned my head and looked out to the sea.

‘If there wasn’t such things as mates, I wouldn’t date anyone. I’d stick to the usual one night stands if I needed a girl for a short period of time then leave them after it’s done. No strings attached, no emotions included.’ He stated defending himself, however my mind just swirled.

‘The usual?’ I chocked. Instantly his eyes widened at his choice of words and I finally saw what Michael looked like when he panicked.

‘Not anymore, they ended as soon as I lay my eyes on you.’ I kept my head turned out to sea, not knowing what to believe. Slowly turning my head, I saw how desperate he looked at me. His eyes were pleading at me to believe him.

‘You promise?’ I asked. He blinked straight away and hesitated in his answer and tears instantly sprung to my eyes. ‘You,’ I couldn’t even finish my sentence I had so many thoughts running through my mind.

‘Once,’ he croaked. ‘When I lost you and I saw how scared you were of me. It was the second time we met, in the car park here and you were there with Tanner.’ He stuttered. ‘I got pissed how you ran from me again. You were so scared. If you know how to, I knew you’d reje- ahh, not want to be with me, and she was there. Jess I mean.’

As soon as he said her name, my eyes widened. I had met jess when I visited Michael’s house.


‘Michael!’ a voice shouted happily. Both Michael’s and my head snapped towards her and we were greeted by a stunning girl. Tanned skin, perfect body. Long black hair that was straight as a pin and bright blue eyes that just popped out. Her shorts showed off her thin legs that were well defined from many hours of hard work.

‘Jess,’ Michael greeted with a small smile and gave her a one armed hug. ‘This is my mate, Alana.’ He beamed proudly looking down at me. ‘Alana, this is my friend Jess. She, helped me out, with some stuff when we were rocky.’

Jess smiled at me and gave me a hug which I returned with one arm. Michael refused to let me go which I found cute in his own possessive and protective way.

‘You’re just a pretty as Michael described you,’ Jess beamed down at me. That was all she said to start a three hours long conversation.


‘Jess? The one I met at your house?’ I asked in disbelief. I considered her to be a friend and now all I felt for her was hatred. And what makes things worse was I couldn’t pick a fault with her. She wasn’t sluttly, she wasn’t fat. The only thing was she looked too tanned but that isn’t a valid criticism.

Looking back on it, there was some very subtle hints. She hugged him for a tiny bit longer than is considered friendly and he said she ‘helped him out with some stuff.’ I felt shocked, just speechless.

‘Yes,’ he said with a lowered head. ‘When I went back to where I was staying I saw her. She was visiting Torquay to see friends and it just happened. I was pissed and told her what happened and one thing led to another.’ He was rambling on and didn’t know when to stop talking.

I was instantly on my feet and walking away from him.

‘Alana, wait!’ he shouted at me. He roughly grabbed my arm and spun me to face him.  He was angry, but I could tell is wasn’t directed at me. I could see how much he hated himself at that moment and it almost killed me.

‘It meant nothing, I swear.’ His eyes were searching mine for anything but I was blank. ‘It just happened, you know how it is.’ He stated before correcting himself. ‘No you don’t, you don’t even know what sex is like.’ He muttered himself his head.

I stared at him, wide eyes and mouth gaping. ‘You say I sleep around, and then you say I’m a virgin.’ I asked shocked at him.

‘You are a virgin, right?’ he asked. He practically pleaded with me, praying that I would say yes.

‘Of course not you idiot! I’m 23 and I’ve had boyfriends. Of course I’ve had sex!’ I exclaimed. As soon as the last sentence left my mouth, his eyes were bright red and he was fuming. I had never seen him so angry in my life.

His jaw was clenched and I felt his nails digging into my arm. When I looked down, I saw that the end of his fingers had turned into his claws, sharp and deadly claws that were starting to draw blood.

‘Your mine!’ he growled. ‘You’re lying. Nobody else can touch you but me.’

‘No I’m not.’ I protested. ‘Don’t get fucking angry at me here. I didn’t know I had a mate like you did. I lost it to someone I loved Michael! For fucks sake. Don’t be such a hypocrite and be angry at yourself.’

‘You found me, your mate. The one you tell me you’re supposed to love unconditionally and love with all your heart.’ I said mocking him. ‘Yet here you are, sleeping with someone else after we met and you pissed at me for sleeping with someone before we met!’

With each word I spoke. His grip tightened. More and more blood was seeping out of my arms and Michael’s yelling only made it tighten me.

‘I’m sorry alright!’ he exclaimed. I let out a small whimper and tried loosening his grip but it only frightened the more I tried to free myself.

‘But your mine! My mate, not anyone else’s and you most certainly did not love some prick!’ He shouted.

‘Michael,’ I said quietly. Tears spilled from my eyes as I tried to keep a string face but it didn’t work.

‘You’re fucking mine, and I’ll kill any male who comes near you, including Tanner and Lenard. Blake can stay away from you to while we’re at it. Until were fully mated you not going near any boys unless you want me to rip their throats out. Don’t think I’m lying, because I am perfectly capable.’ He was growling and his bright red eyes looked frightening.

It looked like he would snap at any moment and I wouldn’t have any way to defend myself.

‘You’re hurting me,’ I whispered quietly, not trusting my voice to speak loudly without breaking.

His eyes went back to the deep brown and his hand snapped away from my arm. ‘Alana,’ he whispered in shock.

‘I didn’t, I didn’t mean to. It just-‘

‘It just happened.’ I spat, mocking his poor choice of words. ‘It always just happens, doesn’t it?’ I surprised myself from the amount of venom that came from my every word.

Michael visibly flinched as I spoke. He looked so worried, but I was pissed at him. I don’t know if I could do this or not.

‘I’m sorry.’ He said. ‘I didn’t tell you because I was scared you’d react like this. It was stupid, selfish, yes I know! I regret it so much. I hate myself for cheating on my mate but the past it’s the past. You can’t rej-, leave me.’ He said, cutting himself of before fixing himself.

‘I can’t what? Reject you?’ I questioned him with a raised eyebrow. Instantly his face paled and we went to reach for me, dropping his touch as he realised the situation he was in.

‘You know?’ he questioned weekly.

‘Of course I know.’ I snapped. ‘Maddie told me all about it. The official words that break the bond, ending the mating process.’ I let out a sigh and hugged my bloody arm to my chest.

Looking around, I found myself surprised to see that we had drawn no attention from any people on the beach. Most had left because the sun was setting soon.

‘No,’ he whispered.

‘I’m sorry Michael. You’re too protective. You threaten my friends, my family. You get pissed from stuff that happened before I met you. You’re too possessive. You go on about how I’m yours yet you practically cheat on me.’ I whispered the last part.

‘I’ll change,’ he said frantically. ‘Alana, anything for you. I’ll change my ways. I’ll let you hang out with Lenard. Tanner can come over for movie night or whatever makes you happy, hell we can even eat popcorn with salt, just the way you like it. We won’t ever complete the mating process if that’s what you want. Fuck! Even teach me how to surf because you love it so much. I’m desperate Alana. You’re my mate and I need you. Please, I’ll do anything, but please, just don’t reject me.’

‘I’ve got some man who will kill me if I stay with you.’ I told him. ‘I don’t want to die.’ I told him. ‘I want to live until I’m 80, and I want to live my life without fear of you cheating on me or some crazy guy that wants to kill me for telling you about him or for staying with you. I know I’m being selfish, but you have to see this from my point of view.’ I pleased to him.

‘I’ll kill him. He won’t be a problem and we can grow to 80 together.’ Michael closed the distance and held my hands tightly in his. ‘We can turn grey, and get wrinkles. Look after each other when our legs don’t work as well as they used to.’

‘I’m sorry.’ I said. Tears were now on streaming down my cheeks. Michael’s eyes were slightly glossy and he was staring at me shaking his head.

‘Don’t Alana. I’m sorry.’ He pleaded, his voice breaking slightly.

‘I, Alana Jane smith, mate to Michael Black,’ I started stating weekly and staring at my feet.

‘No,’ he whispered shaking his head in disbelief and tried to pull me in closer to him as if it would change my mind.

‘Reject Michael Blake, rogue with alpha blood of being my mate.’ I took a shaly breath and looked him in the eye.

‘In the name of the moon goddess, may the mate bond be broken.’ When the last word left my lips, I immediately felt like a weight had been lifted from my heart.

I watched as Michael stumbled helplessly backward, clutching his chest in pain. His eyes were wide and looked broken. When I stared at him, I felt pity for a man but nothing else.

What I wanted from day one I had.

I have no mate.

‘It’s best for us this way,’ I said quietly. ‘We won’t get hurt. And with that I walked away.




Please vote and share, but more importantly comment.

i would love to see what you guys are thinking when Alana rejected Micahel? Was it the right move? What do you think will happen?

Love you all <3

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