Fire to Ice - A Drarry AU

By Panicattheverywhere

275 14 10

What if Ron had been in Madam Malkin's instead of Draco? What if Draco had been the one Harry sat with, findi... More

Chapter 2: Granger Danger

Chapter 1: Beginnings

172 8 3
By Panicattheverywhere

Harry nervously walked into Madam Malkin's robe shop. There was no one in there, except for a boy around Harry's age with fiery red hair. The boy glanced up, an indifferent look in his eyes. He was sitting, seemingly waiting for someone in the back. Harry sat beside the boy, avoiding eye contact.
"You could probably go to the back, you know." The boy spoke, a hint of anger edging into his tone. Harry glanced up at him curiously.
"I'm sorry?" Harry replied, surprised at the boy's apparent anger.
The boy scoffed. "You heard me. You can go to the back. My brother is back there getting fitted right now." He muttered under his breath. "Perfect Percy..."

Harry stood and walked to the back room. He didn't want to interfere with the boy and his anger at that moment. When he walked in, he saw a taller red haired boy, being fitted for a robe by a middle aged woman wearing magenta robes.
She glanced up at Harry. "Oh, hello, dear! Take a seat, I'll be right with you." Harry nodded before sitting on an armchair in the corner. He looked at the woman as she worked. Her brown hair had some silver strands in it and was pulled into a tight bun. She worked quickly, scissors moving up and snipping at the fabric. The boy who was getting fitted glanced over at Harry.
"You must've met my brother out there! How was that?" He smiled, before realizing he hadn't introduced himself yet. "I'm Percy Weasley, by the way. And you are?"
Harry blinked. "Oh, I'm Harry. Your brother didn't seem too happy..."
Percy rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry about him, I don't know what's gotten into him lately. He's become less like the Ron we all know and more cold and angry. The idiot need to step back and realize that he's overreacting."
Madam Malkin stepped back in that moment. "And you're done! Your mother already paid, so you're free to go, lad. Bye!" Percy nodded, and waved to Harry before leaving.

Madam Malkin turned to Harry. "It's your turn, lad. Step on up!" Harry gave her a small smile before stepping onto the small platform. Madam Malkin summoned some fabric and started working.

Fifteen minutes later, she stepped back, looking at her work. "I do believe you're done! All you have to do is pay, and you can go!" She stated cheerily. Harry smiled at her and pulled out his money pouch from his pocket.
Harry asked, "How much do I give you?"
She smiled and replied, "Two galleons, dear." Harry nodded and gave her his money, walking outside to where Hagrid was waiting with ice cream. The rest of the day continued, Harry got a wand at Olivander's, an owl as a gift from Hagrid which he named Hedwig, and school supplies. He went back to the Dursley's with a ticket and a promise that he would soon go to Hogwarts.

Soon enough, the time had come and he was at the station. Uncle Vernon all but threw him out of the car, speeding away as soon as Harry was out. Harry looked around in the crowd, seeing all the people rushing to get to their various trains. Harry rushed with them, along to platform nine. He looked to the next platform, but ti was just labelled Platform Ten. Where was Platform nine and three quarters? He saw a boy with platinum blond hair, around his age, and a tall man with long blond hair as well. With them was a woman with black hair. The man and woman were speaking to the boy, who looked mildly annoyed. "Mother, Father, will you hush? There's muggles about, I don't want to raise suspicion." The boy drawled. Harry's eyebrows raised. They were wizards,and they could probably tell him how to get to platform nine and three quarters! He made his way over to them.
"Hey, excuse me...Er, I couldn't help but notice that you're wizards... C-could you maybe tell me how to get to platform nine and three quarters?" He stuttered nervously. These people had a way of staring that made you feel ridiculous and small for even approaching them.
Suddenly, the boy laughed. "Oh my goodness. You don't even know? How? Didn't your parents tell you?"
Harry looked down. "Th...They died when I was young."
The boy looked surprised. "Oh, I'm so sorry... I'll help you get to the platform. You just have to run between platforms nine and ten. Run into the wall, and close your eyes tight. soon you'll be there. If you want, I can go first."
Harry smiled and nodded. "Yes, please!"
The boy's parents said goodbye to their son, and he beckoned Harry to come with him. He smugly walked to the barrier. He ran between platforms nine and ten and was gone. Harry screwed his eyes shut and ran towards the wall with his trolley. He ran, braced himself for impact, and... There was no impact.

He opened his eyes and saw a whole new bustling platform. There were people with many colored robes, scrambling to get to the train before it left. Speaking of the train, it was pulled up to the platform, all red and shining. Harry looked around, smiling at the place. The boy who had led Harry through turned around, his platinum hair glinting in the light. He, too, was grinning.
"We should get to the train!" Harry nodded and they ran to the train, pulling their things with them.

He and the boy found an empty compartment, sitting together. Once they had gotten settled, the boy looked to Harry with curiosity in his silver eyes. "So, I never got your name... I'm Draco, by the way. Draco Malfoy."
Harry smiled at Draco. "I'm Harry... Harry Potter." Draco's eyes widened, and he paled. He then smiled.
"Really? You're the Harry Potter? As in, the boy who lived? That's..." He trailed off. "Anyway, I hope my parents didn't scare you earlier. They tend to be kind of intimidating, you know."
Harry gave Draco a smile. "They didn't really scare me, I was just kind of nervous as it was."

As they were talking, a witch came by with a trolley full of sweets. "Anything from the trolley, dears?" Harry glanced at Draco before grinning.
"We'll take the lot!" Harry said, caught up in his feeling of euphoria from making a new friend.
"Woah, woah, woah. No, we will not." Draco interjected. "We will take two of each sweet, please." He looked to Harry. "No need to make all the other kids not get any sweets."
Harry nodded, a tinge appearing on his face. He felt rather foolish, realizing how rude he sounded. They purchased their candy, and the trolley witch continued on.

Soon enough, they arrived at Hogwarts.
Draco and Harry gathered their things and got off the train, talking the whole way. As Harry laughed at a joke Draco had made, someone stepped in front of them. Harry immediately recognized his bright red hair.
"So are the rumors true then? You're really Harry Potter?" The boy from Madam Malkin's asked, a slight sneer on his face. "Well, I'm Ron Weasley." Draco let out a small laugh, and Ron's eyes snapped to him. "No need to ask who you are. Blond hair, rodent face, and a prissy attitude: you must be a Malfoy."
Draco's expression darkened. He got a dangerous look in his eyes, glaring at Ron. Harry put a hand on Draco's shoulder, gently restraining him from attacking the other boy.
Ron continued. "I'd hate to see you hanging out with the wrong type of wizard, Harry. Come with me, together we'll accomplish great things." He held out his hand.
Harry frowned at him. "I think I can figure out the wrong type for myself, thanks." He said, turning from Weasley.
At this point, a woman wearing her salt and pepper hair in a bun and wearing a long robe walked in. "Hello, first years!" She called. "I am Professor McGonagall. Follow me into the great hall, the sorting ceremony will begin soon."
The first years followed her in, filing behind her. The hall was full of many older students, all peering intently at them. A few whispers came from the crowd, but it was otherwise silent.
In the middle of the room, there was a hat on a stool. The hat seemed very old, and it had many tears an patches. Everyone looked at it expectantly, and a tear in its middle suddenly opened, and a voice came from it.
"Oh, so you here to Hogwarts came,
What once was, not the same.
But in these times of trouble,
Whether witch, wizard, or muggle,
You may come to me.
For while I may be a hat,
I am purely smart, at that.
So you can keep your bowlers sleek,
Your tophats clean and tall,
For I'm the Hogwarts sorting hat,
And I can top them all!
Perhaps you belong in Gryffindor, where the brave dwell at heart.
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart.
Perhaps you belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal.
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil.
Or perhaps in Ravenclaw, if you're of ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning will always find their kind.
Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll find your true friends.
Those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends.
So in which do you belong?
You will know, just put me on.
Do not fear, for you're in safe hands (though I have none),
For I'm a thinking cap!"
The entire hall burst into cheers and applause. Eventually, it died down, and Professor McGonagall looked down at her parchment and read off the first name. "Abbot, Hannah."
People stepped up, and soon enough it was Draco's turn. Harry gave him a reassuring smile, and Draco walked up to the hat. After what felt like forever, the hat finally yelled out, "GRYFFINDOR!" Draco blushed and walked over to the table full of people in red robes. Other first years went, and then Harry heard Professor McGonagall read off, "Potter, Harry."
Whispers erupted around the hall. Harry took a deep breath and stepped up to the hat. He sat, and it was placed on his head. He heard the hat's voice, close to his ears. "Oh, lookie here... Lots of loyalty, plenty of cunning... And here's a lot of bravery... Oh, what to choose...?" all Harry could thnk was that he wanted to be where Draco was, in Gryffindor. All he wanted was one friend. Please... "Are you sure? Slytherin could also lead you to greatness..." the hat asked. Harry nodded. He was sure. "Well, in that case, you'd best be in..." the hat shouted, "GRYFFINDOR!"
Harry sighed with relief, smiling as he went to sit next to Draco. When he got there, Draco gave him a hug, whispering, "We're in the same house!"
By the time they looked up, it was Weasley's turn. He took a long time to be sorted, his ears turning red before the hat finally shouted, "SLYTHERIN!" Weasley looked ashamed as he slumped over to the Slytherin table.
After sorting was over, an old wizard stood from the front of the hall. He cleared his throat before speaking. "Hello to all of you, both old faces and new. To those of you that do not know, my name is Albus Dumbledore. I am the headmaster here at Hogwarts. Before we eat, I just want to say a few words. Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak. That will be all, you may eat." He sat, and the students applauded.
Food appeared on the plates, and Harry was quick to dish himself some food. He and Draco talked all through dinner, laughing at various ideas that came up.
After everyone was filled to the stuffing, Dumbledore stood again.
"Now that everyone has been fed, I would like to make a few announcements. First of all, the forbidden forest is still EXPRESSLY FORBIDDEN unless otherwise dictated by a teacher. Second of all, the third floor corridor is off limits, and if anyone goes in, they will receive detention. Lastly, we hope you all have an amazing year at Hogwarts. Now, before we all go to our rooms in a tired stupor, let us sing." Letters appeared in the air and students sang, but author is too lazy to write all of that out.
After everyone sang, Dumbledore dismissed everyone to go to their dormitories. When Harry and Draco got to their dormitory, they flopped down on their beds. Harry heaved a happy sigh. Things seemed to be going his way.

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