Amelia Davenports Not So Seri...

By Jess_P99

127 22 7

This story isn't your typical stupid, pompous, rich, pretty girl meets dark, mysterious, loner dude after rea... More

Chapter 1: Not So Serious Issues
Chapter 2: Not So Serious Relationships
Chapter 4: Not So Serious Plan
Chapter 5: Not So Serious Thoughts
Chapter 6: Not So Serious Caelynn

Chapter 3: Not So Serious Sutter

9 3 1
By Jess_P99

When searching for the perfect nobody there are a few things that must be taken into account: ones ability to blend in with the people around them, the level of communication that they deem as acceptable, and an average almost bland personality.
And nobody fits this description better than Sutter Abraham.

However, just like every other mysterious loner dude, there is more to him than meets the naked eye. He has an innate ability to hack into anything and everything, he's practically a natural born genius. I guess that's why he works as an employee at Best Tech, working his way up to his dream career of becoming an IT Technician. He works long grueling hours in the afternoons and evenings to help make ends meet for his middle-class family. Between picking up extra shifts whenever he gets the chance to bring in a little extra cash and taking college courses for computer science and computer engineering, along with the IT courses he takes on the weekends. The dude practically barely has any time to think.

It's also a widely known fact that his dad passed away after his ten year old brother, Shay, was born due to the result of a massive heart attack. Through the tragedy his family has grown closer and continue to cling to each other for support when times get tough.


God I hate going to tech stores to buy electronics, it's like a nerdy worm hole that you can't escape from. I don't understand half the things any of these people talk about, it's like they speak a completely different language... Okay so that's actually a lie. I'm not that stupid blonde bombshell that everyone so desperately wants to believe I am. It's an act just like the rest of my life. Any idiot could figure out technology, but it takes a true genius to know everything there is to know about technology and some. I'm smart but not that smart.

I walk over to the phone section, I have to figure out how to deactivate the tracking device my parents installed on my iPhone years ago. On my way I get distracted by the newest phone cases, they are so cute! I love the neutral more muted colored cases and the minimalist ones. They just go with everything, no matter the outfit or accessory!

"Hey there... Is there anything I can help you find, miss?" One of the tech employee's finally asks.

I turn around to face him. Bingo. "Hi! Actually yes there is. So you see I have a dilemma. My parents have this rule where they always need to know where I am and what I'm doing even though I'm an adult and they don't need to be in control of my life anymore..." I word-vomit until the employee decides he has something more important to say.

"Woah wait a second. Amelia Davenport, right? You're her." He interjects.

I shut up real quick before saying "Uh yeah. That's me! Have we met before?" I ask politely.

He looks down and shakes his head and then sort of smiles and nods. "Yeah... We went to school together, actually we were in the same graduating class. I think we had a few classes together too." He explains, rubbing his stubbly chin.

"Oh really, well now I feel bad!! What was your name again?" I ask, immediately feeling insecure.

He kind of smirks and chuckles. "No no don't feel bad at all, I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I just recognized you that's all, I wouldn't have expected you to recognize me I wasn't the most popular in school."

"That's okay. I'm just trying to put your face to a name. And your name is what again?" I ask again.

"Oh uh right, Sutter Abraham."  He scratches the back of his neck.

Holy shit!! Sutter Abraham! I remember that guy, well barely but somewhat. He was always SUPER DUPER smart but somehow still flew under the radar. Too busy to participate in clubs or sports, instead always with his mom and little brother. More of the quiet type but he had a good group of friends from what I remember. We had a math and science class together and Bennett was always trying to copy off of him because he knew absolutely everything. That was the only way that Bennett was able to become valedictorian, dude doesn't have any real brains of his own.

"Oh yeah! Sutter! I remember you!" I squeal in excitement. "How fun!"

"You do?" He questions.

"Yeah! We had umm Mr. Orwell's science class together, and a math class."

"Yeah we did." He assures rocking back and forth on his feet.

"How's you mom and little brother doing?" I inquire.

His eyebrows raise as if he wasn't expecting me to remember those details about him. "They're doing good!"

"Well good! I remember your mom was always the kindest lady. She did a lot to try to help the schools in the PTO. I remember my mom talking about her... She really should've been in charge instead of my mom."

"Yeah she has a heart for kids and education that's for sure." He says, shaking out his legs as if he's getting a muscle cramp.

"Yeah. So how have you been?!"

"Oh you know... Good. Just been working a lot and all that." He informs me.

I cross my arms under my chest pushing my already perked breasts up even more in my tight black crop top. I see his eyes wander down as I do that before quickly glancing away and at anywhere else in the store.

"Yeah! Sounds fun. You've always been a really hard worker."

"Oh uh ha yeah. I do what I can. I like working. It's fun."  He says awkwardly and then shoves his hands into his deep navy blue pant pockets.

I giggle at his nervousness because he is nervous, right? How could he not be? I mean I'm me and he's himself. This is his dream come true since high school, right? So then... Why am I feeling a little nervous too? Am I nervous? Giddy? Noooo it's just an adrenaline rush, schmoozing and flirting to get my way since I haven't done it in so long. I mean Sutter does look well to put it lightly mega yummy. Oh the things I'd like to do with him... What the hell am I saying? Amelia! Stop it! Cut it out! You are just staring at him right now, not talking! That's weird! Say something! You were doing so good!

"But where are my manners? Um what have you been up to? I'm sure a lot of stuff. You've always been super busy yourself." He blurts out, breaking up my mess of thoughts.

Thank God he said something. "Oh yeah I've been doing a lot of..." I take a second and think for a moment before sighing and saying. "A whole lot of nothing actually, none of it really important."

He seems shocked by my response. Small talk turns deep when your sick of going through the motions and feeling numb to the world around you.

"Ahhh yeah I get that... Um going back to what I can help you with here. You said something about getting a tracking device off of your phone, correct?"

"Oh yeah. Yes! I'm not sure how to do it. It's not an app like any normal person uses, it's like an actual tracking thing built into my phone." I explain.

My parents sure are a special kind of insane.

"Hmm that's weird to do something like that I'd have to use my own equipment at home because the process is..." He trails off glancing around the store to make sure no one is listening in, "Well kind of illegal."

"That makes sense."

"And it's a lot of work. It might be easier if you just buy a new SIM card for it and get it registered. I mean your parents won't have the new information for the SIM card so they won't be able to track it anymore."

"I understand. I don't know if the SIM card thing would work though, they would most likely find a way. Maybe I should just get a new phone all together." I enthusiastically suggest.

He nods and claps his hands together. "Even better. That works too."

"Okay I'll pick out a new phone and case and meet you up at the counter to check out."

"You want me to check you out?"

"Yeah... You've been so helpful so I'd appreciate it. I mean unless you're busy and aren't able too but it doesn't look like your busy to me."

"No yeah I can do that for you. I'll meet you up front then when you're done I guess." He tells me before backing up and walking away towards the front.

I let out another sigh and find the newest version of the phone that I already have and pick out a cute cream colored phone case with different muted colored smiley faces all over it. I head up to Sutter's counter and put it all up there for him.

"Find everything okay?" He asks checking everything out and totaling it all up.

"Yup! All thanks to you!" I gleam.

He glances up at me and smirks but looks actually unimpressed. I pay for my things and grab the small bag out of his hand, "Actually do you think you could set the new phone up for me and help me transfer all the important stuff over?" I inquire before he gets the chance to walk away.

"Uh sure. Yeah I could do that. Let me see it."

I hand him the new phone and SIM card. He gets to work right away. "Could you unlock your other phone and hand it to me too so I can transfer from it?"

"Oh yeah! Silly me, of course you need that." I giggle unlocking it before handing it over to him.

He is not amused instead he's totally and completely focused on the task at hand. He takes his tech things seriously. In a matter of minutes he finishes setting everything up and hands it back to me.

"Wow that was so fast! You're like a tech wizard!"

He half smiles and shrugs.

"Well thank you! What do I owe you for helping me with all of that?"

He shakes his head and puts his hands out in front of him. "Nothing. It wasn't difficult, just apart of the job."

"Okay well thank you again Sutter, see you around." I say taking my things back and walking out the door.

I put my new phone into the case and toss it into my purse as I approach my car. I unlock it and set my bag inside. Now I have to get rid of this old phone. I throw it on the ground and get into my car. As I'm backing up out of the spot I run it over, then I pull forward and run it over again, before actually pulling out and leaving the parking lot.

That should do it! Completely destroyed. Step one complete and even better I've found the perfect nobody to help me execute my plan and it's none other then the smarty pants himself, Sutter Abraham.

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