Starting Over

By Panda444444

24.2K 1.6K 4.3K

Highest Ranking: #3 out of 1.4K in Real World on March 3, 2019. #16 out of 6.91K in Help on February 10, 2019... More

Support Group
An Unexpected Surprise
Putting My Baby First
The Next Morning
Doctors Orders
Getting To Know You
My Story
Making Plans
Shopping Part 2
Morning Mishaps
A Playful/Restful/Work Day
Show Time
The Halloween Party
Little Did You Know
Talking It Out
Talking It Out Part 2
A Night Chat
The Talk
An Unexpected Guest
Making Plans
Meeting Maryse
Christmas Eve Morning
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Eve Night
The New Years Party
You Have The Right To Remain Silent
New Years Day
Magnus, Magnus Bane
The Realization
I'm Moving Out
Talking it Out
Are You Gonna Kiss Me or Not?
Hospital Visit
Hospital Visit Part 2

Shopping Part 1

475 35 125
By Panda444444


"I think I'm going to like you," Izzy laughs.

I nod "Me too," I reply.

"Let's go," Jace says. We walk to Jace's car. I arrive at the car first, but I wait to see where I'm supposed to sit. They probably won't want me to sit in the front. Perhaps the middle....maybe the back. I'm just a charity case. Alec was family, so they helped him. What am I? Some random girl, that's what I am. I need their help, but that doesn't mean I have to be a bigger burden than necessary.

"I already unlocked it," Jace announces.

"I, uhh, where do you want me to sit? I can sit in the back if you want," I reply.

Jace doesn't respond for several seconds. "I want you to sit where you feel most conformable," Jace finally comments. Where I'm most comfortable? Izzy and Alec sit in the middle while we're talking. I guess I'm sitting in the front then....

I open the door and sit next to Jace. We drive to the mall. As few songs Izzy likes come on and she sings with them. I wonder if I could ever be so carefree? To just sing along....calmly, content.

At The Mall

We get out of Jace's car. "I can't wait!" Izzy squeals.

"Just hold on for a second Iz," Alec comments. He turns to me. "Clary, at any time if you're feeling overwhelmed or panicked or anything, just tell us."

"Okay," I manage. We walk into the mall. Izzy leads us to a clothes store.

"This is one of my favorite stores," Izzy explains. I look around. I see a lot of......exposing clothing. I don't want to wear any of this stuff. Izzy looks good in it, but I' I don't have a chest, butt, or thighs.

I don't want to say anything or complain. I mean they're buying me clothes, but I won't feel comfortable wearing this. I feel someone close to me.

"Clary," I hear Jace behind me. I slowly turn around. He gets close, so no one can hear, but not too close. "One word from you and we're going to a different store. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable. Izzy will understand."

"I don't want to sound unappreciative," I hesitate. "These clothes are just a little more....bold than I feel comfortable wearing."

"So you want to go to a different store," Jace confirms. I nod.

"Izzy, this isn't going to work," Jace calls. Izzy comes back pouting slighly.

"You usually have a little more patience with me than that. Plus, this is for your....friend," Izzy counters.

"Izzy, can you take us to a place that's less....bold please," Alec intervenes, saving Jace.

"Sure, follow me," Izzy smiles. We walk into another clothes store. There are lots of different clothes here, but they seen more normal.

"What size are you?" Izzy asks bluntly. I blush. I don't want to say in front of everyone.

"We're going to be making quite a few shopping trips, since Clary will need new clothes as the baby grows," Jace comments.

"The baby?" Izzy asks curiously. "Jace, did you get her pregnant?"

"No, I didn't. Nevertheless, we're going to make sure she has everything she needs for her pregnancy. Does this store have a maternity department?" Jace asks curiously. So soon? I'm only a little over two months?

"You should be getting a baby bump soon," Alec explains. "Jace wants to be prepared." I nod.

"So, we're going to get both maternity and non maternity clothes today," Jace summarizes.

A man taller than Alex with glittery eyeshadow and a matching vest approaches us. "Hi, my name is Magnus. Can I help you find anything today?" Magnus asks us.

"Actually, we're looking for a wardrobe for Clary," Jace responds. Alec tenses behind me. Maybe Damien has made Alec apprehensive around men that are taller than him? Maybe it's because he's openly....not straight?

"This will be so fun. What size are you biscuit?" Magnus asks me gently.

"Right now, I think I'm a small," I reply. "But, I'm pregnant, so I'll be...growing."

"Which one of you is the lucky guy?" Magnus gestures to Jace and Alec.


"Neither," Alec grunts. "Can you just find us the clothes please?"

Magnus seems shocked, but he quickly plays it off. "Follow me," Magnus replies. I hang back and grab Alec's sleeve.

"What's wrong? He was being a little talkative, but he wasn't offensive or anything," I comment.

"I- it's nothing," Alec lies.

"How long have I know you? Our whole lives, that's right. Spill," I firmly reply.

Alec rubs his neck. "I haven't...been with anyone since....Him. Magnus seems cute, but I don't want to get hurt again, so I figured it'd be best to push him away," Alec quietly explains.

"It would definitely be safest," I comment. "But best," I click my tongue. "I guess that depends on who you're asking."

"I guess," Alec mumbles.

"Hey," I gently begin. "You do what you think is best. I'm sorry if that was....harsh."

"It's okay. Maybe we could he friends," Alec responds.

"Maybe, but you might want to try not being a dick first," I reply. We walk back to Jace and Clary.


Magnus has been helpful. I told him I don't want anything too....bold and he's respected that. He keeps calling me biscuit though. It's weird, but not bad.... Alec and Izzy catch up with us. "Here we are," Magnus announces with shirts in his hands.


I do not own any of the Mortal Instruments books, materials, etc. All credit belongs to Cassandra Clare.

Author's Note:
I hope you all like it! Please leave comments, votes, and feedback. I'm going to update, when I do and it'll be random.

Originally posted: 12/29/18

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