Falling for Riddle

By sparkleshine123

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Tom Morvolo Riddle. The most mysterious boy in school. The "evil" one. The handsome one that no one could hav... More

Falling for Riddle
Chapter 1: Going to Hogwarts!
Chapter 2: Hogwarts Express
Chapter 3: Hogwarts!
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15: Tom's P.O.V
Chapter 16: The Ball
Chapter 17: The Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21 :) ;)

Chapter 20

4.3K 103 6
By sparkleshine123

His heart was soaked with the venom of evil. His eyes were the definition of clever. And his mind, was the reflection of the devil.

After a good nights rest, I woke up and immediately felt lonely from the empty-ness of the dorm. It's only the second day without my friends, and I am so not used to them not being here.

And I don't have anyone to talk to! Max might've been one person I would like to talk to, but I think I warded him off... maybe I should go apologize?

Well, I guess it was kind of rude of me for leaving yesterday. Also, I can't have Max suspicious if me, I could just say that that topic makes me nervous. Yeah I think he'll buy that. Plus it wouldn't really be lying, that subject does make me uncomfortable.

But aside from having someone to speak with, I'm actually OKAY with have some alone me-time!

So after slipping into my robes, I casually walked out the Gryffindor dorm and towards the Ravenclaw tower.

Halfway there, I heard my stomach grumble. Hmm... It wouldn't hurt to get some breakfast first. So I change routes and head towards the Great Hall instead.

I walk into the room that's usually crowded with students and teachers, but now was just empty wooden seats.

I feel a cool morning breeze against my face and I sighed as my stomach flipped from side to side from the unbearable silence. I took a seat in front of a small array of food plates which was set neatly on the Gryffindor table. I grabbed some grapes, toast, and eggs, and finally I poured myself a cup of tea. After finishing the delicious meal, I lifted my self up and started walking towards the door, but something rather odd caught my eye.

It was a some sort of journal or diary, just lying unattended on the floor. I kneeled down to pick it up, and as I grabbed it by its leather spine and turned it over, I spotted a name on the cover, "Tom Marvolo Riddle".

My hands quickly let go of the diary as it fell back onto the stone floor.

After taking a few deep breaths, and mentally persuading myself that that I should pick it up, I picked it back up and stroked the cover to make sure I was actually holding HIS diary.

This can come in so handy. I could read this and find out what he's actually up to! I smile and slip the diary into my cloak's pocket, along with my wand.

Then I make my way toward the Ravenclaw tower.

Once there I just took a seat outside their entrance, and decided that I would just wait till he came out.

And while I was waiting, might as well catch up on some reading. So I brought Tom's diary out of my cloak pocket, and set it neatly on my lap.

I open the diary and flip to the first page.

My eyes scanned the pages as I flipped through the diary. But l they were all BLANK! Empty! Nothing! Nada!

Okay, change of plans. I'll talk to Max later, I gotta get myself to the library, and see if I can figure this out. Tom is much more important than me apologizing to Max, I could do THAT anyday. But Tom, who knows what he's planning to do next, and somebody's gotta take action before it's too late!
And ugh! Call me nosy but I can't stand the fact that I don't have access to this!

With that I stood up, feeling confident as ever, thinking, 'That persons gonna be me. I'm gonna figure out what he's up to, then I'll be able to save a bunch of people, and best reward of all; outsmart Tom...for once anyways.' I march over to the library, swing open the door and let the warm air swarm around my senses, calming me down. I just wanted to take the aroma of the room and wrap it around myself like nice fluffy blanket...No, no, it wasn't the warm air, it was the scent inside the warm air...a specific cologne...Tom was in here not that long ago...his scent was fresh. Okay that sounded really creepy, but seriously, his cologne...

"Uh- Are you okay?" says a voice.

I open my eyes and clear my thoughts as I look at Max, standing in the middle of the library, holding a thick dark green text book next to his chest.

"Um, yeah," I smile at him clearing my thoughts from a few moments ago.

"Actually I wanted to speak with you... I wanted to apologize...for how I acted yesterday." I let out.

"Oh no sweat. It's all good. We all have those days." He says looking at me with a forgiving look on his face. He gives me a quick smile, but then focuses his attention on the book he was carrying.

"What's that?" I ask curiously, rocking myself back and forth on my feet.

"This? Oh uh, it's nothing. It's just some extra studying... you know for the actual exams coming up after the break." He replied awkwardly.

"Right." I nod like I totally believed every word he was saying. I've spent too much time with Riddle, to not be able to tell the differences between lies, and the truth. Still working on figuring out what the truth is, but I totally know if someone is lying.

Just to run this conversation smoothly, I decide to avoid this whole topic. Wouldn't want to bring up another thing for both of us to get mad at.

After a few minutes of awkward silence I ask, "So, uh, why aren't you home for Christmas like half the school?"

'Or like all the girls that adore you to bits' a voice in the back of my head says.

"Oh- um... My parents, yeah uh they were out of town."


"Oh, well, do you know why I'm here?" I ask gently as I take a few steps towards him.

He shakes his head 'no'.

"That's easy! I chose to!" I exclaim not as proudly as I would have wanted.

He gulps and then says, "You chose to be here, instead of home with your family?"

"Well, it definitely wasn't easy deciding whether to go or not, but yes... who wouldn't? Especially at a time mysterious and curious as this!" I smile widely full of energy.

"Yeah I know right?!" He nods agreeing.

Then I just wait patiently for a few seconds until his cheeks turn to a slight shade of pink.

"I-uh...I-" he starts but gets cut off by me.

"I know. You chose to stay too, because who wouldn't right? And since we both decided to stay for the same reason, to figure out this whole 'mystery'...we've got to work together. So, I ask again, whatcha got there" I say pointing at his book as I smile brightly.

He takes in a deep breath and let's out a long continuous sigh and then speaks up, "It's a textbook written several centuries ago on the dark arts. It explains a whole lot of dark magic, and how it is used."

I take a few steps closer to him and take a peek at the cover, there was no title. "Wait, what's it called? There's no title."

He chuckles and takes out his wand and points it at the cover and whispers an unfamiliar enchantment and the text appears. 'The History of the Dark Arts'

It was a rusty old text book that had probably been gathering dust for the past century.

"Woah how'd you do that!?" I gasp.

"Easy. The spell is, revelirso."

"Oh thank you! I'll have to remember that!" I said without specifically saying why...Tom's diary.

"So where'd you find that?" I point at the book again.

"Oh uh. I found lying on the floor."

I laugh at his remark and reply, "Who in the world would leave something as dangerous as that just lying around! How silly!"

"Well, to be honest...it did have an owner. It's just that it was only his back I could see. Not his front. Whover it was, they were leaving in quite a rush. Anyways, I came out just in time to see them exit, and looked down and saw this book." He said with a tense of disappointment, as he directed his attention from my face to his shoes.

Deciding it was a good time to say goodbye, I said, "Well, it was great talking to you, and I'll uh, I'll let you know if I find anything."

"Yeah, okay. " He smiled again, and waved.

I walked towards the doors, waved and left.

I was headed towards the Gryffindor Common Room, I need a place to think, and come up with more plans. I am so thankful for this week of freedom from most people, I get this time to come up with a scheme. And the cold truth I know too well, if I'm using my time wisely, then so is Tom.

Hey guys! Hope you liked it! Thank you so so so much for all the votes and comments, I'm so thankful for all of you amazing readers!

And so sorry for the delay, I'm so busy with all the school work and UGH ESSAYS. 😒😪


So maybe I'll write another chapter before the end of this break, but if not, there will be many new chapters WINTER break, where I have 2 weeks off. 😊

Anywho! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Love you all!

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