Munteanu If You're Nasty

By baldheadeddemon

70.5K 1.7K 275

Mini stories with Mr. Big Nasty himself More

Big Nasty
Love You
Secret Admirer


4.5K 129 24
By baldheadeddemon

This was suppose to go up Christmas day but here we are! Part two of cafe and I hope everyone had a great Christmas!
Florian looks at Kimora who is sitting in her apartment, reading a book while wearing one of his hoodies and thigh high socks. She looks up and raises an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?"

Florian swallows before walking over, settling between her legs as he hugs her waist, head on her chest as he cuddles with her. 

"It's nothing."

She closes her book and shifts, rubbing his head as he closes his eyes, enjoying the warmth of her. He rubs her back as he relaxes in her arms.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Filming is almost done for Creed."


"That means I have to leave soon."


He sits up and looks at her, rubbing his neck. 

"I don't want to leave you."

"We could do long distance."

"But...I'm not staying in the US."

"Where are you going?"


"Wow. Okay. That's far. Really far. Across the pond far."

Florian nods as he looks at his hands. 

"I...I don't want to lose you but I know I'll want to see you. And hug you."

Kimora chuckles as she moves over, sitting in his lap as she kisses him, nuzzling his nose as he smiles at her. 

"How about we take it one day at a time? We won't know if we can do it until we try."

Florian smiles at her, kissing her softly as he hugs her. Hercules barks and they look over at the pitbull who barks again.

"Come here," Florian says as he jumps onto the couch, joining them as they laugh, petting his head as he smiles brightly.
Florian checks his luggage in at the counter before walking back over to Kimora and Hercules. He kneels to pet Hercules who licks his face, whimpering as Florian hugs him. He stands as he wipes his face with a baby wipe before throwing it away. He hugs Kimora who smiles up at him, kissing his cheek before kissing him. 

"I'll call you when I land."

"I may be asleep by then."

"I know...answer for me though?"

"You're lucky I like you."

Florian grins before kissing her again.

"Bye Barista."

"Bye Boxer."

Florian walks off as Hercules and Kimora leave.
Florian watches as Kimora gets ready on FaceTime. He had gotten an iPhone (unwillingly) so he could FaceTime and text Kimora. She had cut her hair and Florian loves it. He told her that it reminds her of Rihanna which made her laugh and say "I'll Take It". He looks over at his mother who comes into his room.

"Who is that?" She asks, peaking into the screen.

"This is Kimora Mama. She's my girlfriend."

"Oh. Hello!"

"Hi, Mrs. Munteanu."

Kimora sprays her face as she switches her hair wrap, using a black, purple, and white printed scarf. She paints her lips purple before applying a gloss over them. She changes her top and Florian sees she's in a black skater skirt and has put on a crop black cable knit sweater with thigh high black socks. 

"How do I look?"

"Good. Where are you going?"

"It's "Date Night" aka I am about to be the third wheel to my friends."

Florian frowns.

"I wish you were here. I miss you."

"I miss you, too Baby."

"Are you going to be out long?" Florian asks.

"Probably not. Once my friends start drinking they get frisky and well," she looks at Florian as she pulls her boots on. "I don't need to be reminded that my man ain't here."

"You're about to make me fly you out."

"You ain't got to fly me out. Just come back to me."

"I will. Soon. I promise."

Kimora smiles as she sits back down and looks at Florian.

"You got a cut."

"Yeah...I needed it."

"You look so good. I could sit--"

"My Mama is still in the room."

"I'm sure Mama has heard or said worse. Right Mrs. Munteanu?"

"How do you think Florian came about?" She says with a wink as Kimora laughs and Florian flushes red.


"Sorry! Sorry! I'll leave."

She leaves the living room and Florian covers his face. Kimora chuckles before her phone dings.

"I gotta go. My friends are here. Text me! Well, I'll text you."

"Te Iubesc." 
(I Love you.)

"Si eu te iubesc."
(I love you, too.)

The call ends and Florian goes to the kitchen where his parents are. He sees a mug waiting for him and he sits.

"So how long?" His mother asks.

"Since April...It's December now so eight months?"

"Is she nice?"

"Yes Mama. You would love her."

"Why didn't you invite her to Germany for Christmas? Is she not German?"

"Her mother is and she can speak Romanian but I never asked her if she knew German."

"I think you should invite her to Germany. I'm sure she would love it."

"Mama...I don't know."

"Ask her. Ask her," His mother says. Florian is about to reply when his phone dings. He looks and sees it's Kimora.

I wish you were here to have been my excuse to stay home.

He types back.

What's wrong?

Creep keeps hitting on me.

Florian frowns as he calls her. She answers.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I guess. I mean--" Her look crosses her face and she turns, showing Florian a man who is at least 6'2" and grinning. What Kimora does next shocks Florian and his parents. She Punches the man in the neck before storming off. "Sorry. Sorry. He just touched my ass and I heard you saying just punch."

"You taught her how to box?" His father asks.

"Yes. He would drag me to the gym with him at 4 in the morning. Like I nearly punched him the first time."

Florian blushes as Kimora stands outside the club and begins to order an uber.

"I am so pissed. I should've stayed home. Fly me out to Germany babe. Or Romania. Either works: I know both languages."

"I told you!"

"Mama," he whines.

"What? What happened?"

"Mother told him to fly you out here. To German."

"Listen to your mother Florian!"

She gets into the car and says Hello to the drive as he drives off. 


"When are you free?" His mother asks.

"I have the week off of Christmas and New Years."

His mother types on the computer as she looks for seats.

"Let's put her in first class. It is a long flight."


"I like First Class. Do Jet Blue! I love them."


"Florian just sit this out," his father says as he hands his phone to his mother who speaks with Kimora, the women chuckling and laughing as they make plans.
Florian runs to Kimora, picking her up and hugging her. SHe hugs him back, kissing him softly as he puts her down. 


Florian kisses her again as he puts her down. He grabs her suitcase as they walk towards his parents.

"This is my father Alexandru and my mother Aurora."

"Hi Alexandru! Hi Aurora!"

She hugs them and smiles.

"Well, let's get home! I'm sure you're tired and want to bathe."

"I do. Thank you for booking my flight."

"It was nothing! Florian won't admit it but he was very happy we made the plans. And you get to experience Christmas with us!"

"And Florian didn't want me to come."

"What? No! I did!"

"I'm teasing pumpkin."

He blushes as he follows them back to the car.
The couple is on the recliner, well more like Florian fully takes up the recliner and Kimora is just curled up in his arms. They're looking at her phone when they hear a click and look up to see Alexandru with the camera who smiles. Florian smiles up at her and kisses her cheek making her smile as she sticks her tongue out.

"Florian! Kimora! Can you two run to the store for me? I need a few more things."

"Sure Aurora. Come on Florian."

Florian nods as they pull their boots on and she puts on her coat. She has her hair wrapped in a black scarf as they go outside, headed to the car. Florian gets in and pulls off, the two headed to the store. Kimora's phone rings and it's her mom.

"Hi Momma!"

"Hello Baby! Did you settle in?"

"Yes, I did Momma. Say Hello Florian."

Florian waves and they hear a bark as Hercules jumps into the frame. Her mother lowers her phone to see the happy pitbull.

"Hi, baby! You being good for Nana?"

He barks.

"Is he?"

"Yes, he's being very good."

"Good. Ask Nana if you can open a present early for being good."

He barks and her mom laughs.

"Okay go take one." 

He runs off and they chuckle.

"Is it cold?"

"Yes but not as bad as Romania last year. I nearly hopped on a plane to Trinidad last year."

Florian and her mother chuckles. 

"Where are you going?"

"The supermarket."

"What are you getting?"

"Florian what are we getting?"

"Some supplies, wine, and booze."

"Get the sparkling wine!"

"You know itttt," she says with a smile. "And some coffee."

"My mother would kill me if I buy you coffee."

"But-But-But!" She gives Florian puppy eyes and he groans.

"I'll leave you two to shopping! Text me!"

"Will do Mama. Bye!"

Kimora hangs up and looks at Florian. 


"You are going to be the death of me woman."

She grins as she leans over, kissing his cheek.
Kimora sips her coffee as they walk around the supermarket, getting what Aurora asked for. Florian picks up a bottle of sparkling wine and puts it in the cart as Kimora looks at something. 

"You Muslim bitch!"

She turns and looks around as Florian blinks.

"You! I'm talking to you!"

Kimora looks at the angry German man and begins to laugh.

"I'm not Muslim...I'm Black."

"You have on a turban!"

"I have on a hair scarf and I'm not Muslim. I'm Black. Now, you need to move on before my husband punches you."


Florian grins and waves.

The man swallows and scampers off as she turns to Florian. 

"Let's go. I'm tired."

Florian nods as they walk to the checkout line.
Florian enters his room and sees Kimora curled up in bed. He puts the wine glass on her side before getting into bed and hugging her. He kisses behind her ear.

"Are you okay? Mama is worried since you went to bed once you came home."

"I'm fine."

"You sure?"


"Do you want me to stay hugging you? Since Hercules isn't here to cuddle with you?"


She rolls over and presses her nose to his pulse. He rubs her back.

"I'm sorry about earlier."

"It wasn't your fault."

"I know but you're upset and so I'm upset."

Kimora is quiet as he kisses her forehead as they lay together, hugging each other.
Florian looks at the two gifts in his lap from Kimora. She smiles as he begins to open them. The first is a box with new Apple products--laptop, watch, and iPad along with cases for them-- and he smiles, standing as he kisses her cheek. 

"Open the small one."

He begins to open it and blinks. Inside is a key.


"It's my apartment key. I got a new job remember? I moved and I want you to have a key."

Florian blinks before kissing her, making her giggle as he presses kisses to her face.

"Thank you. Thank You."

"You're welcome, baby."

He smiles as she sits, Florian, putting the four boxes in her lap as she begins to open her gifts.
Kimora smiles at Florian who is sleeping, soft snores leaving him as his head rests on her shoulder. She kisses her forehead.

"Merry Christmas Baby," she whispers as she pulls the blanket up, dozing off as the fireplace crackles. 

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