She's The Only One I Want (A...

By shestheonlyonefanfic

101K 2.7K 125

South London born and bred, your singing career took off when you were just 13 years old and you had to move... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 29

1.7K 52 4
By shestheonlyonefanfic


*Saturday Night*

The party had started and it was in full swing already, it was only just gone 10:30pm. Spin was already doing a great job with the music and my house looked amazing with all the decorations my friends helped my buy I was standing in the middle of the living room watching as everyone came in and talking to anyone who came in the door for the party.

All the rooms upstairs except two of the bathrooms, were locked and only Kasia had the keys to them. The kitchen, garden, pool and living room were available to anyone to party or converse in.

I saw Kylie, in a blue dress, and Anastasia, in shorts and a shirt, and Pia, in a football Jersey and jeans, come through the door, slowly followed by Kendall who was wearing black trousers and a white crop top. I immediately ran over and hugged Ky, Pia and Ana.

Y/N- Kylie!!! I haven’t seen you in what, 6 months?

Kylie- It’s been so long! *hands you 3 large wrapped boxes* Happy Birthday!!

Y/N- *takes presents* Thank you so much! *to her friends* You must be Pia and Anastasia, I’m Y/N, Kylie’s friend! It’s so nice to meet you too!

Pia- Hi! Happy Birthday! 

Y/N- Thank you so much, you guys go and enjoy the party, I’m gonna put these down… 

Ana- Okay! We’ll be over there! 

They walked over to the alcohol table that Kasia had set up earlier. Kendall followed them and walked past me folding her arms and gave me this glare that was so rude! She’s in my house, at my party and you’re gonna try and ruin my evening? “Bitch please!” I thought to myself and stacked Kylie’s presents on top of the ones that I’d already got from the other guests. 

Soon enough, Jacob Latimore, Stella, The OMG Girlz, Lil Twist, Zendaya and Selena all walked into my party around half an hour later. There were even more people here now and my house was half full!

I showed Kylie and Kendall to my girls and introduced them all to each other. Kasia wore the green Sherri Hill dress I wore to my concert, I wore a custom made yelloow verison of Kah’s dress, Monica wore a red lace skater dress, Natsasia wore a black and white striped bodycon and Ade opted for blue denim shorts and a plaid shirt.

Y/N- Guys this is my friend Kylie and her sister Kendall!

Kasia- Hi! How are you?

Kylie- I’m fine! The party is great by the way!

Ade- Thanks, we helped put it all together!


We were having a good conversation, Me, Kylie, Stas, Monica and Ade. Kendall stood there just staring at us like we were disgusting. She folded her arms and barely spoke and if she did it was just “yeah” or “mm-hmm” at every other thing we said. She didn’t even want to be here, so why come? 

I shrugged it off by going to the alcohol table and unloading some more alcohol, fizzy drinks and juices onto the table. People saw me restocking and almost knocked me over! I escaped and saw Roger looking at me from across the room. I waved and walked over to him.

Roger- Hi! 

Kah- Hey Rog! Enjoying the party?

Roger- Yeah, yeah it’s really good. You look really beautiful tonight…

Kah- Thanks, you look fly yourself *looks him up and down in approval*

Roger- *laughs*

Kasia- Listen, i have something to tell you…*beckins him to come upstairs*


I followed her upstairs to a bedroom, she unlocked the door to the bedroom and walked in and sat down on the bed and I joined her. She looked down at the floor and sighed before she spoke. 

Kah- This was really hard for me to admit but…

Roger- *looks in her eyes* What?…What is it Kah, tell me….

Kah- I really like you *looks in Roger’s eyes* Okay? I think I sis form the moment i saw you, you’re so sweet and so funny and handsome and you’re great to be around, and since I’ve been in New York and in Cali, I’ve really gotten to know you….

Roger- *smiles* You wouldn’t believe that I’ve felt the same way…

Kah- *smiles* Really?

Roger- Yeah, I really like you too Kasia…your eyes, your smiles, the way you carry yourself. You know how to make anyone in the room jealous that they aren’t you or that they can’t have you…

Kah- *small laugh* I never knew that I could do that…

Roger- *sighs* Kasia…would you be my erm…my girlfriend?#

Kah- I’d love to…*hugs him*

I wasn’t expecting a hug, but it felt nice. It was just the two of us, the music was muffled because of the walls and all we could hear is our breathing. She broke the hug first then kissed me on the cheek. I smiled at her as she blushed and looked to the floor.

She looked back up at me and I took the chance to kiss her and she didn’t reject it. Sweet kisses, I tried using tongue, at first she was reluctant but gave in happily. We kissed for about two minutes until she broke the kiss and took my hand in hers. We were just sitting together holding hands until the music stopped and we heard shouting and screaming. We jumped from the bed, ran out the room and looked over the balcony in the hallway over to the living room…


One minute Spin is playing the music, and the next it just stops and all I hear is Kylie shouting at some other girl.

I walk closer to where some people have gathered and it’s Stella Hudgens that she’s shouting at. 

Stella- You hoe! You’re such a boyfriend stealer, I can’t believe how quick it took for you to worm your way in and take Jaden

Kylie- Who you calling hoe? Says the girl with the cheap hairstyle and no friends and who sleeps around with any guy she has her eyes on

Stella *scoffs* Why does your boyfriend keep running back to me and calling me then?

Stella- Watch where them words come from, cause your sister’s the one who slept with a guy, made it famous and made you famous. You come from a family of whores, I mean *laughs* look at their track record…

Kylie- *screams* That’s it..!

Just like that, Kylie lunged for Stella and grabbed her, she was tearing out her hair and punching, scratching and wrestling her to the ground. When Stella was on the floor Kylie was beating the shit out of her, kicking her and stabbing her with her heels and clawing her face and tearing her hair and clothes. Stella was screaming in pain and was crouching on the floor, defenseless. Ana and Pia were trying to drag Kylie away from Stella and Jaden was behind Stella trying to pull her away from Kylie’s grip

Y/N- *storms through everyone and stands between Stella and Kylie* THAT’S IT! STOP! Right now!

At that second they pulled apart and all anyone could hear was Kylie and Stella’s breathing. Kylie was angry as fuck and Stella was torn to pieces, hair out of place and all over the floor, clothes torn, blood on her legs, make up melted on her face. Kylie really could fight.

Y/N- I swear to God, if I need to kick any of you guys out, so help me God, I will do it. It’s either one of you goes, both of you stay or you both go…*to Spin* Spin, put the music back on bruh!

*Spin continues playing music*


As soon as the music came back on, I was furious. If Y/N hadn’t interfered, Stella would look a hell of a lot worse than she does now. Anyone can say what they want about me, I can take it, but insult my friends or family and you’re dead. 

Jaden- What was that?! *puts hand on Kylie’s shoulder*

Kylie- Don’t even touch me! *Jaden takes his hand away* What is all this? Her saying you’re calling her and going back to her?

Jaden- It’s nothing…

Kylie- Don’t lie to me Jaden not now…tell me..

Jaden- I can’t…

Kylie- *getting angrier* Why not?

Jaden- I just can’t…

Kylie- Alright. Well I’m not playing games, I don’t do that. So from here on, we’re done..

Jaden- What…?

Kylie- Like I said, we’re done…I’m not in this anymore, I just need my friends and myself…*walks away*

Jaden- *grabs Kylie’s arm* But Kyl—

Kylie- Leave me alone Jaden..*pulls away and walks off*

I walked right over to where Pia and Ana were standing. I was so angry right now, I was careless and wreckless from this point. The lemonade I’d been having all night wasn’t cutting it so I went over to Ana and unintentionally grabbed her drink from her hands and gulped the whole thing down

Ana- Hey! What the hell Kylie?

Kylie- Mmm, that was good. What was that?

Ana- Cranberry and Vodka, now I have to get another one…

Kylie- I need loads of them, hit me up…

Ana- Oh god…*pours drinks*

Kendall- *walks over* What are you doing Kylie?

Kylie- Having a drink..

Kendall- You said you weren’t gonna drink, that;s what you told everyone

Kylie- Well I lied..

Kendall- Do what you want, I’m done.. I’m going home *leaves*

Kylie- Why is she being so annoying *drinks*


I couldn’t find Kasia after that,  I went around searching for half an hour. I stood by the alcohol table and poured myself some vodka..and some more…and some more…and even more until I was drinking straight from the bottle, I guess I’ll be here a while…


I just came in the door and the party was really going! I saw a white table stacked high with wrapped presents and put mine ont he table and walked over to Spin who was DJing

Spin- Hey bruh! You made it! You missed a huge fight man

Diggy- Was it good? 

Spin- Two girls, that Kylie one and Stella Hudgens…

Diggy- Oooh, who won?

Spin- Kylie of course!

Diggy- *laughs* Have you seen Y/N?

Spin- I think she’s outside man…

Diggy- Aite, I’ll see you later *daps Spin*

I was about to head outside when I saw Spin drinking Vodka straight from the bottle at the alcohol table and he was getting really drunk…He looked at me and laughed and I just gave him a “what the fuck are you doing drinking from the bottle” face. 

Roger- *drunk* Diggy!! Wassup mayne!

Diggy- Hey Rog…you’re drunk…

Roger- YEAH and it’s goooood! Here try some *tries to force bottle in Diggy’s hand*

Diggy- *pushes bottle back into Roger’s hand* Nah I’m alright bruh…what happened with Kasia?

Roger- I-I-I asked her out and she said yeah *drinks* and now I can’t find her…

Diggy- Well I’m going out to find Y/N…don’t do anything stupid

Roger- *drunken laugh*

I went outside and across the other side of the pool I saw Y/N outside talking to Zendaya and Monica. I walked over to them and tapped Y/N on the shoulder

Y/N- *gasps* Hey baby! *kisses him*

Diggy- *looks in Y/N’s eyes* Hey…

Zendaya- You guys are so in love

Monica- Tell me about it…

Y/N- *laughs* 

Diggy- I want you to meet Justin, he came in with me with his new girlfriend I told you about…

Y/N- Oh yeah, where are they?

Diggy- *looks at them on other side of pool* Over there *waves at Justin*


Justin was walking over to us with his new girlfriend, damn she was beautiful! She looked like she was a Latina, but form what I remember, Diggy told me she was Portuguese. She had light but tanned skin, long wavy dark hair and exotic features. I could tell she was about 5’7 without heels and 

Justin- Hey guys, Happy Birthday Y/N! *hugs you*

Y/N- Thank you! Is this your girlfriend?

Justin- Yeah, everyone, this is my girlfriend Claudia!

*everyone says hi*

Claudia- Hi everyone *smiles* Y/N, your house is beautiful and we put a present down on your table„

Y/N- Thank you so much Claudia

After we were all in group conversation, it was just me, Monica and Claudia while Zendaya went to talk to some of The OMG Girlz. 

Claudia was so pretty a bit shy at first,but like Kasia, she just needed to get out of her shell for us to see the real her. She was a bit like Stas as well with her straightforwardness and she’d say things whenever and she wanted to. I loved her already.

She had beautiful brown eyes, when the lights hit them, they glowed with this orange colour like a sunset. Her lips were full and she had only mascara and pink lipstick on, the rest of her was natural, she looked so pretty, I was so envious!!

She told us she’d been dating Justin for 8 months and she’s from Portugal and her family moved to LA for a better life. She said she has two brothers, Bruno and Daniel who live with her parents.

Y/N- So Claudia, what do you do?

Claudia- I’m a model and I’m trying tp pursue a singing career as well…

Monica- That’s awesome you certainly have the looks for it, what kind of modelling?

Claudia- Thank you, I do photography mostly, but I’m doing runway lessons so VS will consider me

Y/N- If they don’t then they’re crazy…you’re beautiful!

Claudia- Thank you!

Monica- What do you wanna do if they consider you?

Claudia- Preferably a VS Angel and be amongst people like Miranda Kerr, she’s stunning.

Monica- Isn’t she just!

Claudia- *laughs*

Y/N- What kind of music do you like?

Claudia- Old school Hip-Hop…the old Tupac and Biggie days, Nas, the old Jay-Z albums, everything post or in the 90s

Monica- I love you already!

Claudia- *laughs*

Y/N- Do you live with Justin?

Claudia- Erm no but we’re both in Long Beach and not that far from each other

Monica- Ah that’s good. What did your parents think of him?

Claudia- They weren’t so keep with the whole, weed thing, but yeah eventually they liked him.

Y/N- I love you so much already

Monica- Me too, you should meet everyone else!

Y/N- Dig! Let’s go show Claudia to the others!

Diggy- Sure…*walks with you*

We walked over to Rog, Spin, Kasia, Ade and Stas who were all drinking in form their cups in the living room

Y/N- Guys, this is Justin’s girlfriend, Claudia

Spin/Kah/Ade- Hi!

Stas- You’re so pretty, are you a model?

Claudia- *small laugh* Yeah, I am..

Stas- Good because you’re beautiful, I love your face!

Claudia- *laughs and smiles*

Roger- *drunk* Damn…you’re hot!!

Claudia- Erm, thanks…

Roger- I would so— *Stas kicks him* Argh! Shit that hurt!

Stas- *whispers* Good, it should’ve, now shut up!!


Roger was being so embarrassing in front of Claudia, asking all these personal questions like, about her sex life and how Justin is in bed…was he drunk or just being annoying?

Kah- *pulls Roger aside* What are you doing? Why are you being like this?

Roger- *drunk* Like what baby?

Kah- Oh my God *sniffs*…you are drunk! Urgh! You’re disgusting! *walks off*

Roger- What? Kah, Kah where are you going?!

Kah- Talk to me when you’re sober!

Roger- *sighs and walks off somewhere*


I went to find Justin after Diggy and Y/N introduced me to their friends. I found Justin in the pool outside- one hand with a bottle of Cognac in it and his other arm around some blondish girl who looked about 15 years old, he was whispering in her ear and she was laughing and kissed him on the cheek

Claudia- Oh my God…What are you doing? Justin? Justin! Listen to me…

Justin- *drunk* Wha-what?

Claudia- Seriously? This again? You’re drunk again?

Justin- I ca-I can explain Clau—

Claudia- There’s nothing to explain, you can’t take care of yourself!

Justin- Let me…let…

Claudia- You can’t even go 5 minutes without a drink can you? You promised me that today you wouldn’t drink *starts crying* and now look at this…

Justin- Wha—-

Claudia- I always run back to you, no matter how hard you mess up, I’m so stupid and I always give you a second chance to not make the same mistake and now you’re here with another girl..?….I’m done…*walks off*

Justin- Clau-Cla—- *tries to get out but falls back in swimming pool*

Claudia- *looks back and hears blonde girl laughing and sees Justin at the side of the pool* *continues walking off*

I needed something to take my mind off of Justin, I needed a drink or a bottle..I grabbed the Smirnoff from the table and poured it in my cup. I then poured another and another until I was drinking from the bottle and it was almost gone. But not even that made me drunk enough. 

I went upstairs to find a place to cry and I saw a room with its door open so I went inside and I was surprised to see Roger standing next to the bed silently. 

Claudia- *half-drunk* Oh sorry, I—

Roger- *Roger* me..I need to..sit down..*falls forwards*

Claudia- *catches him and sits him on bed* Woah there *starts giggling*

Roger- Whe-where’s your boyfriend…?

Claudia- Oh me an—

I was interrupted by Roger’s tongue being forced into my mouth. I broke the kiss. I stared at him for some seconds, it was my drunken brain taking over, I was more drunk than I thought. I leaned in and kissed Roger with the same force.

Soon enough we were rolling and kissing on the bed. He was on top of me and wasted no time in undoing his pants. I sat there and watched him as he did so, the removed my underwear and felt my skin and looked me in the eyes…

I wasn’t getting Justin’s attention, I was getting it from someone else..but the sober me with my morals was gone, the drunken person inside was enjoying everything and I couldn’t stop it if I tried..

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