The Hunter of Remnant (RWBY x...

By codwarhero98

108K 1.1K 1.5K

As a guardian, your job is to deal with the dark forces that wish to destroy all life in the galaxy. On a mis... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
1K Reads
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 (Lemon is here)
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Christmas special
Chapter 15
Vote End
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Lemon)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Support my Sis
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Prepare for sadness)

Chapter 16

1.6K 29 61
By codwarhero98

Pyrrha POV

I soon felt the sun beaming down on my eyes. I looked over, and I see the most handsome man in Beacon. Well, I would say Jaune, but he's as sharp as silly puddy. I feel him start to slowly move, but he rolled right into my chest, making me blush a bit. I never thought he would be able to do what he did last night~. Makes me horny just from thinking about it~. I rub the back of his head, as he slowly starts to wake up. He looks up at me and smiles.

Y/N: Hey, Spartan~.

Me: Hey daddy~.

He kissed me, and his lips tasted sweet, but probably from me kissing him a lot.


I look at the most beautiful girl so far in my harem, and I can't help but chuckle at what I'm seeing. Even Pyrrha is confused from what I'm laughing about.

Pyrrha: What's so funny?

Y/N: You should look in the mirror and find out.

She looks in the mirror, and her hair is royally messed up. She rushes to the bathroom, and turns on the shower. I decided to sneak in behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

Y/N: Thank you for last night~.

Pyrrha: I should be thanking you~.

I chuckle and kiss her deeply and passionately. She immediately melts into the kiss as her hands are on my chest.

Y/N: Come on, we both smell like sex~.

Pyrrha: I smell like you~.

Y/N thoughts: now where have I heard that before~?

We both step into the shower, and get ourselves cleaned up. After a while, we step out, and I swear, she intentionally wrapped herself up slowly for me to get a better look. I kissed her cheek, and we got dressed. She had me help put her armor on, and I asked her to do the same. I think at some point, she made sure that the armor around my crotch wasn't too tight because I felt her adjusting it, or just wanting one last feel before we went back. We checked out, and went back to Beacon holding each other's hands, but I had a better idea. I summoned my sparrow, and we mounted on it, and I think she intentionally grabbed my crotch instead of my waist. I shook my head and went along with it. I revved it up, and sped off towards Beacon.

Time skip brought to you by a chibi guardian and chibi Pyrrha on a small sparrow

We arrived at Beacon, and both RWBY and JNR were standing outside, waiting for us. RWBY looked pissed and worried, while JNR was just a neutral face. We arrived, and I got slapped by all of RWBY.

Y/N: *slapped by Ruby* I deserved that. *slapped by Weiss* That too. *slapped by Blake* Probably that. *punched by Yang, crashing into my sparrow and flipping over it* Not sure... if I deserved that much of a hit...


Y/N: Do I need to do a repeat of yesterday for yelling?

They instantly turned pail, and they bowed apologetically.

Y/N: Another thing, I'm surprise you recovered as fast as you did. Anyways, I'm going to the library. I'll see you guys later.

I walk off, heading towards the library since I need to do some research that I remembered Ozpin assigning me to do during my free time.

Timeskip brought to you by a chibi guardian sleeping on top of a pile of books with Blake

After a while, I hear RWBY playing a card game, and I walk over. I see that Weiss is holding Ruby while they cry. I'm guessing shit happened, and they lost. Soon, I see Sun walk in with a guy with blue hair.

Y/N: Hey Sun.

Sun: Hey Y/N. Hey everyone. I wanna introduce you to my friend Neptune.

Neptune: Sup?

I see Neptune looking at Weiss, and I immediately shoot a glare at him, but I don't think he sees it.

Neptune: And what's your name, Snow Angel?

Weiss: Uhh... I'm Weiss.

I walk up behind Neptune, and I hold a knife just under his chin, aiming for his neck.

Y/N: And my girlfriend. So, if you have any ideas about flirting with her, you best keep on walking water boy.

He turns pail when I say water, and an idea flashed in my head.

Y/N: Hey Neptune, a tidal wave!

Neptune immediately ran behind a bookshelf, and he crouched into a fetal position. I couldn't help but laugh at that.

Yang: So how's the research coming along?

Y/N: Well... I had to ask for some help.

I look back at where I was, and I point out Zavala and Ikora.

Y/N: They were more than willing to help me on this.

As I finish that, I see Blake get up and leave. I watch her as she walks out of the library, and I look over at Zavala and Ikora.

Y/N: Can you guys let me and Ozpin know when you find something?

Ikora: You'll be the first to know, Guardian.

Zavala: We can handle this, Guardian. Be with your girlfriend.

I nod, and I follow Blake. I see her walk into the dorm room, and closes the door. I wait a few seconds, and I knock gently, but loud enough to be heard.

Y/N: Blake? May I come in?

She opens the door, and lets me in. She sits on her bed, and I join her by her side.

Y/N: You wanna talk about it?

She just leans her head against my shoulder, and I wrap an arm around her waist.

Blake: I just don't know why everyone can be so calm...

Y/N: Who said I was ever calm? I could be mean, I could be angry, or I could be just like you and shut everyone out, but I'm not. (The first person to point out the reference I made gets a cookie.)

Blake: It's just... after all that happened, nobody's doing a damn thing about it.

Y/N: What do you think Ozpin had me researching?

She looks at me with a face of confusion.

Blake: What do you mean?

Y/N: Ozpin had me research how much dust was taken and where the robberies were held at.

I pull out a map with marks all over Vale, and I pin it against the wall with thumb tacks. As I get the last tack in, the rest of the team walks in. They look at me and Blake, and I can almost bet Zavala 10 glimmer who was gonna ask the first question.

Weiss: What's going on with you two?

Y/N: Called it. To put it simply, we were worried about all that's been happening recently with all the dust robberies, and how the police haven't found Torchwick.

Blake: Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it. Nobody's doing a damn thing about it.

Y/N: Blake, we're doing something about it. We're planning, and adapting to all that's happening. At the moment, we don't have a lot. And odds are, we may not have enough data to get a concrete plan.

My ghost materialized over my shoulder.

Ghost: What he's trying to say is we're not ready to pull off a counter offensive maneuver.

Blake: AND WE MAY NEVER BE READY!!! They're out there... planning something, and it's coming... whether we like it or not.


She flinches and looks at me. I have my knife stabbed into the photo of Roman.

Y/N: Just be glad we have what we have so far... we have the locations of the robberies, and have a rough estimate of how much dust was taken... be glad for that.

I walk over to Blake, and I hug her. She flinches for a second, but wraps her arms around me.

Y/N: Don't worry... we'll get more information on this, I promise you.

Ruby perks up, and says something really fast that I kinda lose track of. I remember something along the lines of bringing down an organization.

Y/N: Well, no doubt you have my vote on that... whatever you said.

Yang: I love it when you're feisty.

Y/N: Excuse me?

Yang: Don't worry, I can rock your world later~.

Ruby: I forgot my game board.

Weiss: We're doomed.

Y/N: Don't worry, I'll go get it.

I leave the dorm, and close the door. I sniff the air, and I smell a very pleasant smelling perfume.

Y/N: Fiery Pink Pepper... a lovely aroma for someone who's looks can only be described as...

I turn around and I see two familiar faces along with a face I recognize.

Y/N: Cinder... and her lackeys...

Mercury tries to rush at me, but Cinder stops him.

Cinder: So... you know my name.

Y/N: I know a lot more than just your name, beautiful.

She blushes a bit as I approach her.

Y/N: I know you work for someone... to be precise... Salem. I know you orchestrated all the robberies across Vale, and you're responsible for what happened to the Fall maiden.

As I say that, she slowly forms a sword of glass, but I beat her to it by bringing out Trust and aiming for the back of her head.

Y/N: Never bring a knife to a gun fight, Cinder...

Emerald looks at me with wide eyes, and back at Cinder. I notice this, and I pull the hammer back, making an audible click.

Y/N: I don't know why you're doing this Cinder, but I wanna ask you to give up on what you're doing... this is bigger than both of us, and right now, I only see one way for you to end up, and it's the same for your lackeys... dead on the ground, and then six feet under. So... Emerald... Mercury... Cinder...

I disarm Trust, and I holster it. I walk in front of Cinder, and I see tears streaming down her cheeks. Who knew the one who wields glass has a fragile heart.

Y/N: Please... leave this life behind... you can still find redemption in life...

I extend my hand towards them. Emerald is the first to take it, and then Cinder right after. Mercury looks at the with disgust, and leaves the building. I pull out a smaller knife, and I throw it.

Y/N: YEET!!!

Mercury looks back, and the knife lands between his eyes. I can tell he didn't activate his aura because blood dripped down from the blade.

Y/N: Some motherfuckers are always trying to escape their bill...

I look down at the girls, and they look at me with honest eyes.

Cinder: I didn't want this life... but... Salem promised me power, and now look at me...

Emerald: Wherever Cinder goes... I go as well, but I don't like hurting people...

Y/N: You two made a good decision tonight... and it shall be rewarded in the future. Your dorm building is east of here by the way.

Emerald: Thanks, Y/N.

Y/N: Anytime. Oh, emerald?

Emerald: Yes?

I toss her wallet back, and she catches it.

Y/N: I'm surprised you didn't notice me grabbing your ass as I walked away in Vale~. Very firm if you don't mind me saying~.

Emerald blushed as I said that, and Cinder gave an evil smirk at Emerald. I walk towards the Library to get Ruby's game board.

Uldren POV

I approach Salem's castle, and the sheer sight of it sends chills down my spine. I walk in, and I walk towards the main room. After a while, I find the door, and I push it open. Inside is a long table, and four people sitting at the table. The one on the far end has to be Salem.

Sov: You must be Salem.

Salem: And you... must be Uldren Sov.

Sov: Indeed I am. Whale a proposition for you, Salem.

I walk towards her, and I slowly pull out the Ace.

Salem: And what would that be?

Sov: New leadership.

I pull out Trust, and I pull the trigger right against her chest. The others try to attack, but I aim for Salem's head.

Sov: One more step, and the next shot is fatal.

They look with fear, and they sit back down as Salem struggles to breathe.

Salem: Why are you doing this?

Sov: Simple... this world is now mine.

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