Just Kidding || Jeon Jungkook

By Achillesheelsx

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"If I had a face like yours, I'd sue my parents!" Tears. "Hey, it was just a joke- "Well it wasn't very funny... More

Guide for Group Chats


187 16 12
By Achillesheelsx

Jinae stuck to her word, she never spoke to Jungkook again, well, not directly. She was still friends with the boys, she would usually see Namjoon every Monday, Monday with Monnie. The others would meet up at the weekend at Joon's house, I mean mansion. Turns out when you're as smart as Namjoon, you can have a successful company.

It's been five years since that day, the day that changed Jinae for the worst. After that day she never took off that mask when she was with others. Jinae moved out from her family home when she was seventeen and attended a different high school. Her father stopped working full time and only does a few days in the week. He made enough money to stop working all together but he figured he'd die of boredom if he did.

She lived in a studio appartment in the city, her father made her move out, not because he hated her in any kind of way. It was because Jungkook did not give uo as easy as you think. He would go to her house and try to see her. For months he tried, Jinae didn't know about this, she stayed at school late everyday for a club.

Jungkook used to knock on the door and wait for the girl he loved to open the door, that never happened. It was always her father, he would always chase Jungkook away. Eventually after so many months, he lost hope. The past few years have been hard on Jungkook. He lost all the friends he had in school, except for the boys. He would hear things about Jinae from Joon and the others. He wouldn't go to see her on the weekends, more so Namjoon wouldn't let him.

Back to the present, you'll hear more about the past few years later. Jinae was at a coffee shop, on a break from school, she was training to be an English teacher. Her father was supporting her through school as she is the smart one out of her siblings. Her sister, Jinkyong, is a presenter on television and Li Jing was a model. She didn't know any of this because when she moved out, she only spoke to her father.

Jinae was having a normal day of not showing her face to society, as a result of Jungkook's torment. She felt ashamed and embarrassed to show her face around others, that she is si ugly that people that she doesn't know will somehow be embarrassed of her. Her doe eyes were a giveaway, Namjoon and the boys would know it was her instantly, just from those doe eyes.

She took a hold of her drink from the cashier and thanked her queitly. She stepped outside the store and was met with a familiar face.



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