I Will Always Love You {Spiri...

By owl-chan12

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Jaden and Jesse are in a relationship. What would happen if Jaden was pregnant team that has the same powers... More

Hyperactive Jaden
Sexy Kitty
Pregnant and The Fight
The Appointment
7 Months Down the Pregnancy Line
Deck The Halls With Newborn Babies
Shopping For The Twins
Morning Sweetness
Jesse's Problem
A Little Fun
The Surprised Date
Haou/Jaden's Little Neko
Saving Jesse
Jesse's Mood Swings
Johan's Pregnancy/ Foursome Punishment
Team Spirit Seekers Meets Team 5ds
Jay's Jealousy
Yusei's Pregnancy and Jack's Punishment
A Special Surprise
Sexy Cat Maid and Threesome
Twins Are Born
Enter Jessica Anderson
Fighting Supernatural Haters and Birth
Merry Sexy Christmas
Yusei's and Jessica's Birth
Jessica's Punishment
Wolf Mate's
Jack's And Luna's Birth
Dragon Hatching
Brotherly, Sisterly Love
I'm Pregnant!!
Love The Night
The Trial
The Surprise Baby
Family Safety
Scared Of Telling
Meeting My Brother
Family Night
Making Love
Birth Complication and Love
Supernatural Reserve
Secretly Dating
New Signers
Charlotte gets Cancer
Yusei Gets Charlotte Pregnant
Crimson Saves Crystal
Meeting Jim
Mating twins
Yusei's Pet
Vizor Tries helping Yusei
Being Adopted As Pets
Being Saved From The Catcher And Dog Pound
Yusei Chooses Zane To Be His King
Caged Freedom
Leaving The Pack
Trusting Zane As Alpha
Double Date
Zane And Chazz Gets Pregnant
Talking About Getting The Pack Back Together
Alphas Having Fun
Twins Getting Into A Bad Fight
Finding Females
Zane Gets In Trouble
New Pack Member
Pack Going To The Beach
Mating Season
Having Fun

Yugi's Pissed Pregnancy

174 1 0
By owl-chan12

I walked until I tripped and fell onto a boy with tricolored hair, Jesse watched their kids play with their duel disk "who win a duel, the twins or jay". Jack purred, Yusei smiled and snuggled to jack as he hid himself in jacks coat. Crow helped her up, Jaden thought "who knows". "Your to adorable" jack kissed him, "Sorry sweetie I didn't see you there, my names Jessica" holding my hand out. "I bet jay will be like you" looking at jay then jaden, yugi smiled "hey i'm yugi" he shook her hand. Jaden smiled, Yusei kissed him. "Sorry I fell on you, I was trying to clear my head of mine and my brothers bastard father" I said coldly rubbing my belly, "Yugi what happen" yami looks at everyone. 

Jack kissed back, Yusei smiled and hid somewhere. Yugi smiled "oh nothing dear and are you alright Jessica", "babe" jack looked for him. "you two are cute, and yes I just need to be careful I'm carrying his baby" pointing to crow, "thank you, I think this one needs to take a test he gets moody" Yami chuckled. Yugi growled and stomped on yamis foot, Yusei giggled and hid away. Crow chuckled, "see" Yami groaned grabbing his foot. "lets just make sure" grabbing yugi's hand and walking into a store, Yami foot still hurt. Jack used his nose to pick up his sent, Crow shook his head and sighed. Yugi followed her, Yusei giggled and waited. "what, help answer yamis question or pain, here take this" pushing yugi in the bathroom, Yami "OK". 

Jack checked under the bed and closet, Yusei giggled as he waited. Yugi went in and checked it then waited, Crow waited outside with yami. "I know one thing you can't resist" Jack bites his wrist and waits for him knowing vampires can't resist blood, "how's it coming" peaking in. Yami starts getting fidgety, Yusei smelled the blood ran to him as he jumped into his arms and drank the blood. Crow looked at him, Yugi looked at it. "knew you couldn't resist" he kissed yusei's head, "if he is pregnant he's probably going to kill me" hitting his head. I goin the bathroom leaving the boys outside "what's it say", Yusei drank happily and smiled. Crow "he won't kill you just lock you up in a cage", Yugi "it says pregnant come on let's buy a cage". 

Jack smiles, Yami was scared. "why" following him, Yugi "yami got me pregnant". Crow "don't worry you'll be fine", Yusei smiled and purred. "I think it's great but OK" opening the bathroom, "sorry" Yami hid behind crow. jack smiled watching yusei suck more, Yusei pulled away as he yawned and went to hide again. Yugi looked at yami, Crow got popcorn."no your snuggling with me" Jack hugs him, "love you babe" yami shook in fear.  "babe we should help them, maybe let them come over" smiling, Yusei giggled and kissed jacks face. Yugi got his hitting stick, Crow "hang on this just got good". Jack laughs, "Shit!!!" Yami runs. "Babe come on be for you get the punishment" running after them and they all somehow end up at yusei's place, Jesse opens the door and falls to the floor with yami on top "someone explain" growling as his ears and tail come out. 

Johan pins yami down with his arms tightly behind his back, Yusei came over and looked at them "yami and yugi what brings you two here" he got happy and pushed johan off as he hugged yami. Yugi "hey yusei long time no see", Jaden came and hugged yugi. Yami hugs him back gently "running from yugi because I got him pregnant and you've been busy" rubbing his belly, "You know them" me, Jesse, and Johan asked. Jack waved wrapping his arms around his lover, "Whoa you got jack too...finally" yami smirked. Jesse heard his little kitten say pharaoh, I picked jay up "pharaoh were baby", Yami chuckled "he means me little guy can tell and yes we know yusei and jaden".

Yusei "yeah we had a duel together a few years back", Jaden "yep and we kicked ass while doing it". "wait I remember, that bitch with the purple and blond hair stole my rainbow dragon" Jesse was still pissed about that kissing jays head, "I'm going to make cookies, bro your coming with before you have a cat-fight with someone" dragging him to the kitchen. Jack blushed when yami said finally got him, "I guess paradox was a bitch" yugi agreed with Jesse. Yusei "yeah he stole my dragon and almost killed jaden like 3 times", Jaden "yeah i would have been dead if it weren't for yusei". Yami "he also killed yugis grandpa", "Thanks for that" Jesse yelled. I was mixing the cookie dough, "Glade he's dead" yugi growled. 

The other three nodded "okay who wants to go shopping", Everyone raised their hand"Jack yusei do you know the gender of your babies" I asked. Yusei "the doctor wasn't completely sure but we do know we have at least one boy", "OK, I have a hunch that the second is a girl maybe" giving a guess "it would be cute jack having a girl and a boy Jackson and Jacklyn". "Sis calm down", Jack looks at yusei "she could have a point". Yusei shrugged and gave jack his bag to carry as the others did the same to the males, I sensed something odd but thought nothing of it. "Sis what's up" Jesse looked at her, "Nothing" she said as she thought nothing of it. "OK", The guys walked to the store and looked around. 

I saw guitars and grabbed one, accidentally rocking out and singing one of my songs called perfect two "You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly, You can be the captain and I can be your first mate, You can be the chills that I feel on our first date, You can be the hero and I can be your sidekick, You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split, You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin', Or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin'", The others looked at her and blinked as they were taken aback. 

Jesse smirked and grabbed another guitar and sang with her "Don't know if I could ever be, Without you cause boy you complete me, And in time I know that we'll both see, That we're all we need, Cause you're the apple to my pie, You're the straw to my berry, You're the smoke to my high, And you're the one I wanna marry". They chuckled and smiled as they continued to look around, "Uumm" I blushed and put the guitar down and followed. "I have one song for Crow, he'll love it" I whispered to Jesse, "What's it called" "Black bird", Crow and yusei were looking at cards and jaden was at the food court. Me and Jess was walking when someone called us, "Jesse and Jessica Anderson" the person said. 

we look and was scared, Jesse pulled me behind him, "lets split up and find the others" we ran and shots were heard. The others heard the gunshots and went to look for the two twins, Jaden got his duel disk and looked around. Jesse found jaden and hugged him, I ran but tripped, I saw the gun pointed "STOP!!!" I waited but felt nothing and looked up horrified "BABE!!!". "sounds like jessa" jack and yugi said, Yusei roared as he turned into his vampire form which was really hot and tackled the guy to the ground and the others came. I looked at crow seeing the wound grabbing him holding him close, Jack transformed into his werewolf form and attacked with yusei. 

Yugi call the ambulance, Jesse saw were the wound was and was scared wondering if he was going to make it. Jaden came and wrapped up crows wound, Yusei held the guy down and growled. "babe stay with me, don't die dammit" I cried, "the ambulance is almost here" yugi said to everyone. Jesse was worried for his sister, I got up and summoned a gun out of thin air "yusei jack move he's mine" pointing the gun. The two backed off and growled as they had his blood on their mouths, Crow coughed but was still alive. Jaden pressed on the wound to stop the bleeding, "I'm sending a message to my father, come and try to kill me, Jesse or the other I'll kill you" I shot the guy in the head. 

"ambulance is here" yugi and Jesse said, Yusei and jack turned back to normal and the doctors came and took crow. I went with them, Jesse and yugi hugged their lovers. Yusei was still in a murderous mood and passed around like an animal, Jaden held Jesse. Yami held yugi, "lets go to the hospital and check on Jessica and crow" Jesse said trying to lighten the mood a little. jack licked yusei's ear to try and calm him down, yugi nod not letting go of yami. Yusei growled and roared at jack as he was way too irritated to calm down, Jaden"someone will have to tranquilize yusei. Jack whimpered ears going flat and tail between his legs hiding behind jaden shaking badly and crying, "I got it, it's the same dosage they used on me it won't hurt the babies" Jesse grabbed a tranquilizer from his back pocket and walked up to yusei. 

"Don't hurt yourself" yugi was a little scared, Yusei hissed at Jesse as he got on a defensive position and tried to kick at him then bite him. Jaden looked at him "he's like a wild horse, Yami "hes a wild vampire". 

Jesse p.o.v.

I dodge the kick but was to slow when he bit me, I carefully inserted the dart, Jack was still whimpering. Yugi was shocked that Jesse was bit, Yusei roared but the bite wasn't to bad so Jesse would be fine but soon he fell to the floor. Jaden stroked jacks ears to calm him, I grabbed him before he fell. Jaden smiled. Yusei was knocked out, Jack purred at the feeling. Jaden smiled. Yusei was knocked out, "Let's go check on jessa and Crow" jack got up. I carried yusei, Jaden looked at Jesse "is he heavy". 

"it feels like I'm carrying you" I told him, Jaden "whats that supposed to mean". "he feels like you when I carried you to the hospital" smiling, Jaden smiled and they headed to the hospital. we walked in "how is he", "He is going to make it" "thank god how's my sister" sitting yusei down, "Shes calmed down so hows yusei". "Had to tranquilize him", He nodded. "can we see them", He nodded and led them to a room. "hey how are y'all" hugging jessa and then crow, Crow smiled "doing better how's the vampire". "had to tranquilize him, and got bit" showing the bite mark, "he's going to apologize for snapping" jack pouted. Crow sighed "he can kill someone but he's a cinnamon roll", "yeah, hope he didn't use his vampire venom when he bit me".

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