My lovely husband

By mariaminkpopmems

21K 409 13

In which yoongi and jin are a married couple and those are their days More

Working together
Our child
New home
Kids ask/photos
This is our baby
Im hurting

Just having fun

1K 27 1
By mariaminkpopmems

Jin pov
I woke up early went and made everyone breakfast and set it on the table when my mom came "oh you made breakfast I'll call them" I nodded and went to wonwoo's room and woke him up "good morning sleepy head go wash up" he nodded and went to the bathroom the hole family was sitting i just had one thing to do wake up yoongi oh god "yoongi rise and shine" "5 more minuets" "no the hole family is their" i had no choice I carried him "you're more comfortable than the bed" he wrapped his legs around me and barried his face in the crook of my neck i took him out "a little help" his brother took him of me "thanks" he nodded "ah come on rise and shine" I ruffled his hair we ate breakfast while talking I went and put some food for the dog they finished and our moms did the dishes i sat on the sofa and being hugged i saw yoongi I chuckled and kissed his head "why are you so tired?" "I had dreams and I kept waking up" I stroked his hair gently I pulled his to my lap "awww look at how sweet they are" said my mom I smiled "you do love each other alot" I nodded "I'll take him to the room" i said I carried him bridal style and layed him on the bed and covered him and closed the light and left "shhh be quite yoongi is sleeping" they nodded when someone rang the door bell I went and opened it "oh hey guys" "HYUNG I BROUGHT YOU A GIFT" "shhh yoongi is sleeping okay" they nodded and went in silently "okay gimme gimme" i said "no wait until yoongi hyung wakes up" "what do you mean" a sleepy yoongi came I pulled him to the others I gave him a peck on his little nose "why do you like my nose alot?" I chuckled "because it's just so cute" I told him "hyung were is wonwoo?" "In his room over there" jimin and hoseok ran there jungkook gave us the gift we opened it "oh my jeon jungkook" i said and yoongi laughed "go try it" we went to the room and took off our shirts and put the hoodie that was connected to each other we went out "oh god that's so cute" Said yoongi's mom "you like it" Asked namjoon we nodded "okay let's change"

Time skip

We were playing truth ir dare "Okay jin hyung truth or dare" Said hoseok "dare" "i dare you to kiss yoongi sooo rough for two minutes straight" "why?!" "You have to" I signed and pulled yoongi into a rough kiss yoongi doesn't like those kisses but he kissed back it's been two minutes and I broke the kiss yoongi was panting more than me "you okay?" He nodded "got it on camera" said jungkook "appaaaaaa" yelled wonwoo me and yoongi got up and ran to his room "are you okay" he ran to us "a bad guy crashed the window and took some of my toys and he took....." he pauses their "and what?" "Im sorry but he took your engagement ring that you kept in here" i saw yoongi hurt and upset and teary eyes "im so so so sorry appa" "no it's okay it's not your fault" yoongi hugged wonwoo I hugged them both "wonwoo how does he look like?" "Tall brown hair blue eyes and nice face" I knew who that was and i got mad "chanyeol!" I got mad so did yoongi "I'll get back what is for us" "the kid again what have I done to him" me and yoongi got up and changed quickly "mom we will be back" she nodded we went out and in the car "why does he hate me this much!" Yoongi said gripping his hair i took his hand and interweend it "don't worry we will get everything". We reached the place i immediately knock on the door "well well well look who we have here" "chanyeol just give me what's mine" "that will not be easy "chanyeol please" yoongi came "hmmm maybe for one thing" he said smirking he lead us in my face was hard "sit here" we sat and my hands and legs was trapped "jin" "nope you are coming with me" chanyeol pushed yoongi to somewhere "don't you dare hurt him" i said trying to break free.

Yoongi pov
Chanyeol pushed me to a room and locked it and pushed me to the bed "w-what are you doing?" I said he smirked and tied my hands to the bed so my legs "leave me alone!" "No way baby boy" he said as he unzipped my pants and pulled them down a bit and then took my boxers off "don't!!" He grabbed my dick and rubbed it "ahhhhh mmmm stop" he then started licking my tip "mmmmmm please stop" he swallowed me and started bouncing his head and sucking my dick "please just stop!" "Im not finished just wait a bit baby boy" he kept on sucking on me "STOP YOU JERK!" I heard someone say I look it was jin "oh no way I'll take his virginity first" Said chanyeol "I already took his Virginity from you" said jin chanyeol got mad and got up "fine here!" He gave jin the things and untid me I pulled my pants up and went to jin he was so mad i can see from his face we went in the car jin was super mad when we reached he went in and gave wonwoo his stuff and went to the room storming "what's wrong with jin?" "Yoongi honey go check on him is my son okay" I nodded and went in "hyung" i sat next to him on the bed " im sorry if you're mad at me im sorry i was so weak that I cou-" he cut me by saying "yoongi im not mad at you im mad at him" he pulled me on his lap and gave me several pecks on my lips "i love you I'll never be mad at you baby" I nodded and hugged him "wait!" I looked up he took my hand and slipped the ring "i want to get married to you again" he said I laughed and we just cuddled then sleep.

Hope you liked this story i love you keep smiling

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