
By elizpua

137K 4.5K 847

The girls come up with a plan to send Caroline back in time to kill Klaus before he ever arrives in Mystic Fa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 4

5K 155 46
By elizpua

Klaus had given her a quick rundown of the rules of this new deal before they left Gretchen's. He told her about the doppelganger and the sun and moon curse and all the gritty details of breaking his curse. Things she already knew, but she had to pretend she was hearing them for the first time, just to humor him. His eyes glimmered as he described to her exactly how close he was to breaking the curse.

"There will be enemies of mine, who will try to kill the doppelganger before I can complete the ritual," he said, "so you will protect her with your life. Once the sacrifice is complete, I will take you here to Gretchen and she will send you home."

Caroline had no choice but to obey, she mused as they walked through the forest back toward Klaus's home. Honestly though, how hard would it be to protect the doppelganger? She already knew how that story ended.

Suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. The doppelganger! Katherine! How could she be so stupid? Again she remembered that the ritual never came to pass in this lifetime. That Katherine escaped and became a vampire and Klaus didn't have another chance to break the curse until he found Elena. Shit! What would she do? If Klaus never broke the curse then he wouldn't allow Gretchen to send her home. He'd probably just kill her. She would have to make sure Katherine made it to the sacrificial alter this time.

But then Caroline shook her head. No, she couldn't do that. If Katherine died, then Stefan and Damon would never become vampires, and neither would she. Which would all probably be ok, but then she also realized that Elena would die. Stefan had saved Elena from the accident that killed her parents on the Wickery Bridge. If Stefan wasn't still alive in 2009 to save her, then she would die.

Caroline pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger and squeezed her eyes shut. All this time stuff was so confusing. She was going to screw something up, she just knew it, and ruin everyone's lives. Oh why did she and Bonnie and Elena come up with this completely stupid plan?

Things that are meant to happen always do. Caroline remembered Gretchen's earlier words. She took a deep, calming breath and opened her eyes, nearly jumping out of her skin when she saw Klaus in front of her. He had his head cocked at her, staring in amusement.

"Anything the matter love?"

Caroline brushed the hair out of her face and rallied herself. "Nothing. I'm fine." She stepped forward but Klaus grabbed the crook of her elbow, holding her back. Something about his fingers on his skin made her shiver.

"Not thinking about going back on our arrangement are you?"

Caroline frowned. "No. I'll play your stupid game and keep the doppelganger safe. You have my word." She tried to move forward again, but his hand on her arm prevented her from escaping.

"I wonder if compulsion is now an option," he said, his eyes flicking across her face. "I assume whatever you ingested before we met is now out of your system or did you manage to drink some of that water while you were down in the pit?"

Actually, she had thought of that. Through the haze of the pain, she did remember that she her goal that night had been to discover a source of vervain. The liquid had stung her throat unbearably and burned her from the inside out in addition to the damage it had been doing to her skin.

"I told you I'd stay and protect the doppelganger and I'll do it," she said turning slightly toward him, "you have some serious trust issues don't you?"

He licked his lips and gave her a smirk. "You haven't given me much of a reason to trust you so far love. I suppose you wouldn't mind a little test then."

Caroline gulped, but tried to remain nonchalant as she shrugged her acquiesce. "Fine. Compel me if it makes you feel better."

She could pretend to be compelled. Hopefully he didn't ask her to do anything too horrible.

Klaus considered his options. He could force her to break off a branch and stake herself, the sun would be up soon and he could force her to stay outside as it rose without her ring. There were endless ways he could compel her to torture herself, and even if she were on vervain, she would pretend otherwise and still do it. Klaus was a master of torture, a true artist really at causing pain. He always knew how to get the most out of someone. A grin spread across his face as he realized exactly which pressure point to push on Caroline.

"I want you to kiss me," Klaus said slowly. He watched Caroline's eyes for a reaction. She was very good. Not even a hint of surprise crossed her features.

"What?" She replied as flatly as she could.

His pupils dilated and his voice dropped half an octave.

"Kiss me Caroline."

Caroline hesitated only half a second before stepping into him and planting her lips on his. But that half a second was long enough to prove his point. She had drunk the vervain. Then, all thoughts were immediately whipped from his brain as Caroline wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned her body into his.

Her lips were soft and warm. At first she had been stiff, frigid even, but then she sighed into his mouth. He slipped his tongue past her lips, letting it dance with hers, as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Her head tilted to the side as he invaded her mouth. Klaus was completely lost in the kiss, his hands beginning to wander across her back. He could feel the laces of her ripped dressed under his fingers and he fought the urge to rip them apart as he continued kissing her.

Immediately reality slammed back into his thoughts as he remembered she was only acting. He shoved her away harshly, her mouth leaving his with a pop. She stumbled back a bit and he didn't bother to reach out and steady her. If he touched her again, he'd haul her body up against his and never let go.

"Enough," he growled. He was supposed to be torturing her, not the other way around.

He spun on his heels and continued stomping in the direction of home. The sound of Caroline's footsteps followed behind him. He didn't look at her for the rest of the walk.

Klaus locked Caroline in room again after they returned. Apparently her little escapade had cost her roaming the castle freely privileges. Jumping out the window again wasn't an option either, seeing as dawn was just breaking. As soon as the lock clicked into place, Caroline let out a loud yawn and sluggishly walked toward the bed. She slipped out of her tattered dress and under the covers, the silken sheets feeling like heaven against her bare skin.

Caroline fixed one of the large feather pillows under her head and wrapped her arms around it, cuddling it closely. It had been days since she had gotten any real kind of rest. For the moment she didn't mind being locked inside her room. All she cared to do right now was sleep. But as soon as her eyes closed, all she could think about was the kiss in the woods.

It had thrown her off when Klaus had compelled her to kiss him. But she had to pat herself on the back for not giving away even a hint of her surprise. That wolfish grin he had sported as she leaned toward him was enough to make her want to slap him but as soon as their lips connected she had felt the world drop away.

The taste of his mouth had left her reeling, just like drinking his blood had, and the feel of his arms wrapped around her. For a moment she had forgotten that he was a killer and her enemy. The kiss was that good. For that moment all she felt was desire. Desire to have him hold her tighter, to feel his hands everywhere, to feel what it would be like to have his mouth on the rest of her.

But then he had broken away roughly, a cold look in his eyes, and she remembered exactly who he was. He was Klaus. He was evil. There wasn't a sincere bone in his body and he was obviously just toying with her. The memory of his kiss made her stomach clench. She rolled over on her side and squeezed her eyes tighter, willing sleep to overtake her so that she could just forget about it all. She almost wished he had just compelled her to stake herself instead.

Elijah was outside of his room when Klaus returned. He had deposited Caroline into her chamber and then turned to address his brother. Elijah looked at him with a curiosity that made him uncomfortable.

"Another long night?" Elijah ventured. Klaus brushed past him and into his bedroom. He sat down on his large bed and removed his boots, tossing them aside, and then removed his shirt.

"What do you want brother?"

"I've been to see the witches," Elijah said.

Klaus groaned loudly at Elijah dramatic pause. He had no patience left. "Out with it already!"

Elijah extended a scroll toward his brother and Klaus took it, unrolling it carefully and reading the inscriptions.

"It's the exact rules of the ritual," Elijah explained, "every detail spelled out. Nothing left to chance."

"Fantastic," Klaus grinned, "it says I need to sacrifice a vampire and a werewolf...this is new."

"It symbolizes each side of the hybrid," Elijah said indicating the symbols below the writing. Klaus's eyes continued to scan the page. "Who shall you choose to sacrifice?"

Klaus shrugged. "A werewolf won't be difficult to rustle up. As for a vampire...I'm sure someone will present themselves as the perfect entrant." Meaning that someone would anger him enough to warrant his killing him or her.

When he was done reading, Klaus rolled the scroll up and placed it in a locked chest under his bed.

"Well I'll leave you to get some rest. Don't forget about the Midnight Feast tonight," Elijah said walking toward the door. He stopped and turned just as he reached it. "Any more developments with Caroline?"

Klaus tossed back the covers on his bed. "I took her to see Gretchen. The damn witch is holding out on me, again, but she did tell me that Caroline is spelled to remain at my side for the time being."

Elijah cocked his head. "Remain at your side? What does that mean?"

"She can't leave me," Klaus retorted.

"But nothing about where she is from or who sent her?"

Klaus shook his head.

"Why haven't you killed her yet?"

"Would you prefer that I did?" he asked rhetorically. He knew Elijah wasn't actually encouraging that Klaus kill Caroline. Elijah was so moral. He only killed when absolutely necessary.

"Good morrow brother," Elijah said leaving Klaus to his sleep.

Caroline had hoped to sleep all the way until the full moon, when Katherine inevitably escaped the sacrifice and Klaus inevitably takes it on her and kills her. Instead, three bustling maids, carting what looked like a huge brass tub into her room, woke her up. Caroline sat up and pulled the sheets up around her naked chest. Steam rose from the tub. It was a bath, Caroline realized.

"What's this?" She asked as the ladies shuffled around the room.

"Lord Elijah sent us to you," one of the younger girls said, keeping her eyes toward the floor, "he says we are to help you prepare for tonight."

"What's tonight?"

"The Midnight Feast," the girl replied. "In honor of his Lordship's birthday?"

Caroline cocked her head. "Elijah's?"

"No milady. Lord Klaus."

The maids walked forward and took her from the bed. Caroline felt a little awkward as they pulled the sheet from her, leaving her in just her birthday suit, but they guided her to the tub. The hot water felt so good on her skin. Much better than the vervain water of course. One of the maids began pouring scented oils into the water, while the other began brushing out the tangles in her hair and washing it thoroughly. The third took Caroline's hands and began filing away at her nails. It was like some sort of medieval spa treatment.

Once they were done, they helped Caroline out of the tub and dried her off, fitting her with a silk robe that swept all the way down to the floor. Then they wheeled out the tub and left Caroline alone again.

A while later, Elijah knocked on her door and let himself in, Caroline felt a little awkward in front of him, wearing nothing but a robe. He always managed to carry himself with such grace and elegance, she was sure she would feel slightly frumpy no matter what she was wearing when standing next to him.

"I hope you enjoyed your bath Caroline," Elijah said politely. Caroline started to stand up from her spot on the bed, but Elijah motioned for her to remain where she was. "I take it the servants informed you of tonight's festivities."

"Only that there is something called a Midnight Feast, and that it's for Klaus's birthday," she replied.

"That's the sum of it," he explained, "some of our closest vampire friends will be in attendance tonight. The celebration is for vampires only. We've planned a larger celebration for Klaus next week on his birthday."

"Sure likes to party doesn't he?" Caroline replied sardonically.

Elijah smirked and continued his speech. "As I said, the vampires tonight are a part of our usual circle, Klaus trusts them, but only up to a certain point."

Caroline shook her head in confusion. "Meaning?"

"For some reason my brother has allowed you into further into our home and our lives more than anyone else in a very long time. It would be... unfortunate if you somehow betrayed the trust that my brother and I have placed in you."

"Trust?" Caroline challenged, "Klaus doesn't trust me. And judging by this conversation I'm guessing you don't either."

Elijah gave her a polite smile. "There are different forms of trust Caroline. Sometimes it is tenuous and born from a mutual need."

Here he was again with his subtle threats. Elijah was so different from Klaus. Where Klaus was brash and blunt, Elijah was cool and cunning.

"Keep my mouth shut. Got it." Caroline replied.

"I'm glad we understand each other," Elijah said making his exit, "I really do like you Caroline. I would hate to have to end our new friendship on unhappy terms."

As Elijah reached the door, Caroline asked him, "You're very loyal to Klaus. Aren't you?"

Elijah thought for a moment before answering her question. "Our relationship is complicated. But I do love my brother. I want to see him achieve his goal."

Caroline wondered for a moment how many times he threatened others on Klaus's behalf. She wondered how many "friendships" he had ended on unhappy terms for the sake of brotherly love. She thought of Damon and Stefan and how much they seemed to hate each other sometimes, but also how they would die for one another without a second thought.

Just then one of the servants returned with a new gown for Caroline and Elijah left her to dress.

The guests began to arrive an hour past sunset. Caroline watched from her tower window as other vampire lords and ladies entered the castle. She could hear them talking a laughing. Klaus greeted each one of them as they wished him a happy birthday. His eyes flicked up to where Caroline stood in the window. Her eyes met his and then she quickly backed away and out of sight. He smirked to himself, his thoughts returning briefly to their little interlude in the woods. Perhaps he would indulge in something extra at tonight's feast; a second taste of Caroline. What harm could it possibly do?

Klaus and his guests entered the great hall, assembling themselves around the table, with Klaus at the head and the usual space left for Elijah to his right. Elijah had gone to fetch Caroline from her room. Based on Caroline's reactions to drinking human blood, Klaus already knew the girl would be testy tonight. But for her sake, he hoped she wouldn't show too much of her antagonistic nature in front of his guests.

Elijah appeared at the door with Caroline behind him. He placed one had behind her and ushered her through the door.

"May I present, the Lady Caroline Forbes."

The all turned to face Caroline, with smiles and nods. Klaus watched her from his seat, taking in her appearance. She looked stunning. The red gown that he had picked out especially was perfect for her. It clung tightly to her body, sweeping down and spreading out along the floor. The neckline hung just off her shoulders, and the gold chain belt accentuated her waist perfectly. Her hair hung in soft, natural curls, clipped back artfully on one side.

Klaus gave a nod as she took a seat in the middle of the table, next to a vampire called Rose. He heard the woman introduce herself to Caroline and ask her a few cursory questions about where she was from and how long she planned to stay with them. Caroline returned her questions with perfectly vague answers. Klaus appreciated her good sense in not revealing any truth of herself.

Soon the wine was brought in, along with a spread of fruits and cheeses, for the guests to dine on before the real feast began.

"I have heard rumors," one of the vampire, called Nathaniel, announced dramatically, "that the Destroyer is headed toward England."

"What does it matter," another, called Trevor, said, "someone like Klaus needn't worry about the Destroyer."

Trevor gave Klaus a conspiratorial look. Klaus smirked in return. Trevor and his companion Rose, were the only other two vampires at the table, aside from himself, Elijah, and now Caroline, that knew of the doppelganger. In fact, it was Trevor that discovered her in the first place and agreed to bring her to him.

"What's a destroyer?" Caroline asked, joining the conversation.

"It's an urban legend," Rose replied.

"He's real!" Nathanial insisted, "He is the oldest vampire hunter in history. He has existed since the birth of the vampire species."

"And he knows every vampire in existence," another female vampire chimed in, "he comes to a vampire when he deems them too old to exist any longer. Tears their hearts from their chests with his bare hand."

"Klaus, you're one of the original vampires and it is your birthday...do you think it a coincidence that the Destroyer is headed this way?"

Klaus took a sip of his wine in attempt to hide his annoyance with Nathaniel. The man was beginning to irritate him. He didn't care to hear all the legends of Mikael at his table. None of them knew the truth. None of them knew of his real connection to their so-called "Destroyer."

"I fear no one," Klaus said ominously, "man or beast or legend."

The laughter died from Nathaniel's eyes as he unconsciously gulped, finally realizing that his teasing was not appreciated. The vampire man quickly returned to his wine. A few moments later, the conversation moved on, as the vampires around the table continued to drink and nibble on the food.

At a quarter to midnight, the guests drunk on wine and excitement, one of the servants popped into the hall to announce that things were ready outside. The vampires all glanced at each other with anticipation as they rose from their seats and followed the servant out of the hall.

"What's happening outside," Caroline asked, but no one answered her. Klaus appeared behind her, holding out his hand.

"The hunt," he replied mysteriously. Caroline looked down at his open palm and back up to his face. She scoffed, and brushed past him, following the others outside.

Klaus grinned to himself. He did so love the chase.

It was completely dark outside, except for a couple torches held up by servants. They were in the back of the house, past the gardens. The vampires gathered around. Caroline stood next to Rose, feeling a bit comfortable around her, more so than the others. At least she kind of knew Rose. Or would. She had never met her, but the girl had been a friend of Damon's before she died of a werewolf bite. Rose looked different now. Instead of her spunky, cropped her, she had long brunette waves that stretched down past her waist.

"What are we doing?" Caroline whispered to Rose as three humans, two boys and two girls, where brought out in front of them.

"This is your first Midnight Feast," Rose questioned. Caroline nodded. "Those humans are to be the prey. Watch." Caroline glanced over at the humans in front of them. One of the vampire men stepped forward and unsheathed a knife from his belt. He grabbed one of the human men's arms and slowly dragged the blade across his skin, opening up the vein on his forearm. The scent of the blood assaulted Caroline's senses. It had been days since she last fed, her only blood coming from the animal that Elijah had given her.

"They bleed the humans and give them a running start, then we hunt them down and feed on whoever we catch," Rose explained.

Caroline gaped, horrified at this tradition. Once all of the humans were cut, they were sent off running into the woods. The vampires standing around taunted and teased them with their impending deaths. Caroline couldn't keep the disgust from her expression.

"I prefer to hang back and let the men have their hunt," Rose said to her, "you may walk with me if you'd like."

Caroline smiled, accepting her offer. She didn't like what was going on here and she wished she could stop it, but she didn't think she'd fair well trying to save four humans against a dozen vampires. Especially since her last rescue didn't go very well in the end. Soon the party flashed into the woods, headed after their prey, and Rose led Caroline after them at a slower pace.

"You must come visit while you are staying with Klaus and Elijah. It would be so nice to have another female around. I've been with only Trevor for so long and the female company he usually keeps well..." Rose let her sentence die away.

Caroline smiled and nodded even though she knew it would never happen. "That would be nice."

The two of them walked together, chatting a bit, but mostly strolling along in silence. Caroline could hear the screams and laughs as the vampires hunted and the humans ran. A girl burst through the woods in front of them, blood running down her neck and arm. She tumbled right into Caroline's arms, her eyes widened in pure fear. Caroline held her in place firmly.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you," Caroline said, but their girl was shaking so badly, it was clear she didn't comprehend a single word Caroline said. Caroline let her eyes dilate and her voice drop as she spoke again, "stop shaking. You don't have to be afraid of me. I want to help you."

"Caroline, what are you doing?" Rose asked next to her.

"We have to help her," Caroline said, "we can't just let them kill her."

Rose shook her head. "That's the way the game is played Caroline. There's nothing to be done."

Caroline looked at Rose and saw another type of fear in her eyes. Different from the fear she saw in the human girl. It was fear of challenge. Rose may want to do the right thing, but she wasn't going to step out of line to do it. Caroline looked back at the girl, wondering what to do. She couldn't just let her off into the woods. That hadn't worked out so well the last time she had tried it.

"Well well, what have we caught here," Nathaniel's voice said behind them. Caroline spun around, pushing the girl behind her. "Care to share darling?"

He sauntered over to them.

"Stop," Caroline commanded, "I won't let you kill her."

Nathaniel laughed. An evil cartoon villain laugh that almost made Caroline roll her eyes. "I'll do whatever the hell I want with her. Fuck her, drain her, kill her. And there isn't a thing you can do about it."

Caroline narrowed her eyes, quickly considering her options as Nathaniel walked toward them. There was only one solution, and she hated herself for it, but it was better than the alternative. In the blink of an eye Caroline had whipped around, grabbing the girl's neck between her hands and snapping it to the side. The human girl's body dropped to the ground. Dead. Caroline's chest clenched guiltily. She hoped with every fiber of her being that she had made the right decision.

Nathaniel yelled, "You little bitch!"

He launched himself at Caroline, throwing her to the ground. The breath flew from her lungs as she hit the forest floor hard. She recovered quickly and flipped herself back to her feet, readying herself for another attack. It was clear she had pissed off the wrong vampire. Nathaniel's eyes were black with fury as he hissed and ran at her again. She managed to dodge his attack and whirl away from him. He spun around quickly and threw himself in her direction once more. Thinking quickly, Caroline reached into her boot and pulled her dagger out, aligning it with his heart, as he plowed into her. She patted herself on the back for thinking of carrying it with her to the feast. The blade entered his flesh and his eyes went wide. He stumbled back from her and fell to the ground, his skin graying over. He didn't move again.

As if things couldn't get any worse, Klaus appeared out of nowhere, walking into the clearing where they stood.

"I must say love, you really can hold your own in a fight. It might be useful to have you around," Klaus chuckled, walking up to Nathaniel's corpse and crouching next to it, "he wouldn't have been around for much longer anyway. Damn fool was getting on my nerves."

Klaus reached forward and grasped the dagger, plucking it from Nathaniel's chest. He held it in his hands, inspecting the weapon, the amused expression falling away from his face. His head snapped up.

"Where did you get this?" He growled at her, his voice low and menacing.

Caroline gulped. "I—"

Klaus rushed toward her, backing her up against a tree and holding the dagger at her throat. "Where did you get this?" He roared.

Caroline squeezed her eyes shut and turned her face away as his black eyes bored into her own.

"A witch gave it to me," Caroline managed to say.

"What witch?"

"You wouldn't know her."

Klaus grabbed her arms and gave her a shake. "Don't play coy—"

"Stop it!" She cried, finally opening her eyes and facing him again. She almost wished she hadn't. His eyes were black with rage, but something else too. Something she had seen a lot of over the past few minutes, in all of its different forms. Something she could probably recognize now in an instant. Fear.

"Don't toy with me this time. Tell me where exactly you got this dagger."

"Bonnie. A witch called Bonnie. She made it for me."


"To kill you."

"And how do you and this witch know about these daggers?"

"Because I'm from the future!" It was out before Caroline realized what she was saying. It wasn't even a good excuse. There was no way he would believe her. But it worked. The declaration had startled him and Klaus's anger faltered a bit. He shifted back and forth, replaying her words in his mind.

"What do you mean?"

Caroline took a breath. "That's the spell. I was sent back in time to kill you before you could..."

"Before I could what?"

Caroline tried to speak but for some reason was unable to. It was as if the words were stuck in her throat.

"What happens in my future?" Klaus demanded. Caroline tried to speak again and again something was preventing her.

"Answer me!" He yelled.

"I can't!" She shouted back. "I'm trying and I can't!"

Klaus squeezed her arms slightly. "Well try harder love."

Caroline concentrated on him and her answer, but she couldn't make the words happen. Something was blocking her.

"The spell," she said in sudden realization, "it's not letting me talk about the future."

Klaus's gaze narrowed. "How convenient."

"I'm telling the truth!" She demanded.

Eventually his anger began to subside and he released her. Caroline let out a small breath in relief.

"Gretchen knew," he laughed to himself, "that damn witch knew! This will be the last time she keeps secrets from me."

A branch snapped behind Klaus and his head whipped to the side. He was on Rose before she could react, his hand wrapped around her throat, holding her slightly off the ground.

"Go. Forget what you've seen here. Forget you know Caroline. Take Trevor and go home and never enter my sight again."

Klaus dropped her to the ground and she scrambled up quickly, flashing away to find Trevor and to never remember the secrets that she learned of Klaus and Caroline that night.

He stood there for a few silent moments, staring at the ground. Caroline watched him stand there, his tensed shoulders moving up and down as he breathed. She saw him glance at her out of the corner of his eye and he let out a slight laugh.

"You keeping finding ways to avoid me killing you," he smiled.

Caroline shrugged, her mouth twisting up slight. "Maybe I'm just lucky."

"We'll see how long that luck lasts sweetheart," he replied, slipping her dagger into his boot and taking off into the forest.

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