Toxic Divide: A Jacky Vincent...

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Nothing can stop Lex's intentions of pricy drinking, and partying every night. Not even herself. With the dea... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

421 18 7
adoxogr4phy tarafından

Almost two hours had passed by with no words spoken between the two of us. It's almost like you were led to believe that Jacky was a mysterious person but actually hes just very awkward. Something about him made me want to just strangle him and demand him to talk. Where was Ronnie and the rest of the band anyways? I was starting to get hungry. I decided to break the awkward silence and try to talk to Jacky at least. I mean, I was going to be with the boys all summer and I sure as hell wasn't going to be best friends with Ryan. I turned to him, but was met by the sight of him already looking at me. "Um... Do you want to watch another movie or something?" I asked, un sure of what to say to him. I didn't know what he liked or did. He was like a rock. Didn't say much of anything, and didn't really seem to care about his surroundings. He shrugged his shoulders and mumbled something but I couldn't make it out. "I have an Xbox, or my laptops right there if you want. There's food in the fridge, I mean help yourself it's only me who lives here anyways." I rested my head back on the arm of the couch and started to hum a song I had stuck in my head. "I'm supposed to be babysitting you, not the other way around." My nose crinkled and I sat up. "What did you say?" I snapped. 

"Nothing I guess." He said softly while he chewed on his fingers. I rolled my eyes and laid my head back. 

"So are you always this quiet?" 

He didn't answer me. Was he ignoring me? Just by doing nothing at all he managed to push all of my buttons, and I was having second thoughts about spending my summer touring with them. "Hello?!" I yelled, as I shot up and opened my eyes. As I looked up, I found that he wasn't there anymore. "What the.." I looked around distinctively before jumping to my feet to investigate. I walked down the massive corridor and stopped when I seen Jacky sitting in the office by himself. "Did I pull a Ryan Seaman and scare you away or something?" I laughed, trying to seem more approachable than before. 


"What are you doing then?" 

He sat comfortably with the guitar intertwined in his hands and arms. He traced his fingers along the guitar strings as he looked out of the window at the rain and began playing. I sat down on the floor and watched him carefully, his eyes never looking at the guitar. I watched as I seen him put his lips together and hum a song. But the song he was humming sounded so familiar. "Hey, that song. What is it? Is it..." 

"It's AFI." 

"Yeah! I was just hu-"

"You were humming it."

"I was! You know how to play it on guitar?!"

"No, i sort of just like, listened to you. Almost like learning to play by ear or something."

"Wow, that's really cool."

He smiled at me and continued to play. 

"I like AFI. I have a couple of AFI tattoos." He said softly as he laughed to himself and blushed. I sat patiently and watched him play. "My dad bought me one of their records when I was younger." I told him. "AFI taught me how to write a song. Are you still close with your Dad, Alexis?" 

His words shot through my head abruptly as I shut my eyes slowly and felt my forehead tense up. The thought of my Dad was an uneasy subject for me. I could feel him looking at me again. Why did he have that effect on me? I pinched my arm and bit my lip trying to take my mind off of the situation. Suddenly I could tell he wasn't looking at me anymore. I opened my eyes with blurry vision caused by a pool of tears I desperately tried to hide from Jacky. I excused myself and crossed my arms as I left the office and tore off. I felt tears raining down my pink cheeks. Looking back on the times where my Dad and I lived in this house together, with big plans and expectations for my future was too difficult for me knowing that I had turned out exactly the way he didn't want me to. I booted open the cellar door and found the liquor cabinet in no time. Without hesitation I let my hands do all the work with grabbing a hold of the first bottle they could. I popped off the top with ease and let the cold fluid run down my throat and drown my thoughts. Within no time, the bottle was finished off and I was onto the next. I grabbed it and took it with me on my voyage back to my room. I lazily trotted to my room and shut the door. I rested my head back on the door and shut my eyes as a smirk ran across my face.  I let my eyes open again as shimmied over to the massive glass doors leading to the balcony and lead myself out onto the cold cement. I laid down on my back and enjoyed the feeling of the cold raindrops dance on my face. I felt nothing inside as I emptied another bottle. Pure calmness reloaded in my system. I felt alone, and thats how I forced myself to believe that's how it should be.

   Suddenly I couldn't feel the glass bottle resting in my hands anymore, and my eyes opened slowly. I seen two feet standing before me, and I looked up to see Jacky's pale face frozen in fear. I forced myself up and brought myself to my knees, but the rain had weighed down all my clothes making it more challenging to stand up. I tried to convince Jacky I was fine but he wrapped his arms underneath of mine and put me over his shoulder. An oceans worth of water spilled off of me. "Jacky! Just stop!" I screamed and kicked. When Ronnie found out about this I was sure to get an ear full. The glass doors slammed shut, and I was quickly being hoisted away by Jacky. He took me to the bathroom where he sat me on the counter. He turned around and got two big towels from the closet. I huffed and puffed being out of breath, but I still tried to convince him I was fine. Jacky stripped away my hoodie and sweatpants, leaving me in just my panties and a t-shirt once again. My eyes shut and I rested my head against the mirror. I almost couldn't feel my body shaking from the cold rain. "Keep your eyes open Alexis."

"Stop it! Stop calling me that okay?" I said. He took my face in his palms as he looked me straight in the eyes. His eyes burning into mine. "I'm fine!" I screamed, as warm tears fled from my eyes. Jacky grabbed the two towels and wraped them around me secruily. He picked me up like a child and carried me into my room and sat me down on the bed where he wrapped 20 pounds of blankets around me. "Why did you do that?" He asked. I couldn't look at him. I was so ashamed. "I did it because I was upset, okay? I'm fine, thanks for doing all this but you should leave. Ronnie should be here soon so you can tell him all about what happened since you're such a good babysitter." 

"Why do you think i'll tell him?"

"Why wouldn't you?!"

"If you don't want me to I won't. Just say it."

"Why should I trust you?" I snapped. I kicked off all of the blankets and towels and searched my drawer for something to put on. Downstairs I hear the door open and heard people talking. I turned around and seen Jacky putting the towels in the bathroom and hiding the bottle of alcohol from the balcony. I stood there in shock as I watched him strategically covered up all the evidence of the events that just took place. Once he was finished he took a seat in the leather chair in the corner just as Ronnie came through the door way. "Woah, what were you two doing?" He laughed, trying to pretend like he was kidding. I ignored him and walked past him carrying my wet clothes down the the laundry room. I walked past the living room trying to ignore the other guys, considering they were much more outspoken than Jacky was. "Hey Lex!" I heard Ryan shout. I groaned and kept walking. "LEX!" He shouted louder. As if i didn't hear him the first time. I cringed my teeth together, stopped in my tracks, and backed up just far enough to stick my head around the corner and see them. "What do you want?!" I shouted. "Did you and Jacky watch this movie together?" Ryan asked, snorting in an attempt to hold back laughter. "Yes, why?"

"Cause it's his favorite movie..." Derek said. 

"Awww, did you guys have a little date?" Ryan laughed. They all laughed together and turned on the Xbox. I dug my nails into the wall and walked over to shut off the Xbox. The three guys looked at me, and I stood there and stared at Ryan. He was still chuckling to himself. I closed my fist and I walked over and punched him the hardest I could right in jaw. Ron and Derek started laughing louder than before. I made my way towards the laundry room again before I stopped and turned towards the guys one more time. "Tell me how could I go on a date with someone who doesn't talk at all!" And with that I stormed to the laundry room. 

I slammed the dryer and let my head fall below my shoulders as I exhaled. I could taste the alcohol on my breath still, but I remained in the same position. My eyes shot open as I felt someone standing behind me. I let my guard up, but still didn't move. I heard whoever it was clear their throat. I turned around sharply. It was Jacky. "Jesus, that's twice in one day! Can you stop creeping up on me like that?" I let my muscles relax. He smiled at me, and I felt more relaxed. I leaned my elbows back on the dryer and waited for him to say something. Ares ran on his stubby legs into the laundry room and hopped up and down at Jackys feet. He smiled and glared his teeth as he bent down and scooped up the Greek god. This was the first time I had ever seen his teeth when he smiled, and they we're perfect. I tilted my head and studied his face structure as he laughed like a little boy and held Ares. His accent was smooth and calming. I shook my head and rubbed my temples. "Jacky, what do you want?" I snapped narrowing my sharp eyes onto him. His mood change immediately as I became more aggressive. His eyes lowered, and he resembled the same Jacky I seen earlier. The quiet, and shy Jacky. "Uhh... Nothing, I guess." He placed Ares back down and left the room. I sighed, and slumped back down against the dryer. "Shit." My eyes fell to the floor, and I watched my feet as I left the room. Just before reaching door, I smacked into something, and looked up to see Ronnie. He towered over me. "Wow, you're cold." He said.

"I hope you mean that temperature wise and not personality wise." 

"Well..." He said as he rolled his eyes and looked off into the distance. The both of us were silent. He snorted and laughed trying to remain serious. I'm just kidding! Common we're going out to eat." He left the room and I stood in the poorly lighted room by myself. I realized that maybe even with all of this company I might end up being alone all of my life. Especially with this attitude. I shook it off and headed back to my room to get ready for dinner. 

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