The Blending of The Blackbour...

By wraithprincess

177K 7.7K 341

*** Disclaimer I don't own the Cl Stone Academy * * *Pure Fan fiction **Spin Off of Healing in the Arms of Th... More



2.7K 124 1
By wraithprincess

Once the two jerks were removed from the gym , North and I worked out together.
He made me push myself to do what was asked of me
Once we did our Cardio workout and weight training which thanks to Papa Raven I could lift more than Uncle North thought , Papa Raven and Daddy Marc and Papa Brandon all believed that us girls should work out just like the boys so what North was putting me through was a little more than what they did .

North was fixing the boxing gloves on my hands he had to adjust them to make them fit since my hands are much smaller than what the gloves were. Morgan has joined us he had worked out too and damn he looked good even though he was all sweaty.

" Okay Harper we are going to work on throwing punches first we are going to start off with hitting the punching bag then we will move on to hitting a moving target " North said

Two hours later I don't think I could raise my arms to hit anyone at this point my poor knuckles were bruised and two of them were busted open from hitting so much . When I busted them open Morgan wasn't happy but North told him I was fine but Morgan called Sean and had him come to the gym
Which that brought Owen too

I had ice on my knuckles when Sean came in he gave them all a look that said he wasn't happy
Then he moved the ice off my hand

" Good God North have you seen her knuckles one is dislocated Can you move them " He asked me
I moved my hand just fine well minus the pain that shot through it and I tried not to let on to that .

" Did you just see her face , Harper tell me the truth are you in any pain " Owen asked in that tone that said I better tell the truth

" A little but it's no more that what it would be if I was hitting Jacks or Grey the only thing that hurts the most is my arms from hitting that damn punching bag and that's not really a hurt it's more of a I need a massage and a nap " I say to him

" Harper Jane why didn't you say anything " North asked me
" Because I need to defend myself and being sore is going to be apart of it, and to be honest this is no worse that what my daddies and papas put me through it's just be a while " I tell him

The whole time we were talking Uncle Sean popped my knuckle back in place did a quick stitching on the cut and wrapped my hand up

" I want you to keep ice on it through out the day and night , I want to see you tomorrow to check the swelling and I'll have Victor set you up an appointment for a massage " Sean said

" No need for that Uncle Sean I can get a Massage from one of the guys and I can soak in the hot tub back at the apartment " I tell him

" Alright " Sean concedes

" I'm sorry Harper " North said

" No Need to be Uncle North your still my favorite" I say with a smile and laugh

" Hey wait I thought I was your Favorite " Nathan said with his hand over his heart acting all wounded

" Shhh Don't tell everyone " I say back

I was lifted up and spun around by Uncle Nathan i couldn't help but laugh even more

We left the gym and headed home to the apartment

Feeling something tap my leg I opened my eyes to see Morgan staring at me smiling

" What" I said
" You fell asleep its only a 15 minute drive "
" Yeah and Between last night and the workout North Gave me I'm a little tired " I say as I yawn
Morgan just shook his head at me , he got out and came around to the door opens it and helps me out then scoops me up carrying me to the elevator.
He puts me down in the elevator but hold me close to him

Arriving at the apartment I headed straight for the shower but I had to unwrap my hand first the swelling had gone down a little .

Standing in the shower letting the hot water run across my sore body I closed my eyes

You think you can just flirt with anyone and think I won't do anything Harper , Your Nothing But a Whore just like your Mama

My Mama isn't a whore

Yes she is and so are you


I was thrown to the floor a foot hit me in the ribs several times then stops I look up Todd is standing there eyes are glassed over he then grins and I feel the punch to the face then every thing goes black

" Harper ,Harper Mi Amor Bello look at me he's not here it's me Sammy Mi Amor Bello "

I feel the freezing water hitting me I immediately realize I have been in a flashback and for a long time since the water is now freezing
Reaching for the knob I turned the water off
" I'm sorry " I say as the emotions wash over me

" No need to be sorry Mi Amor Bello I got you" he says as he wraps the warm towel around me then lifts me up caring me out of the shower his clothes are wet

He takes me to the bed sits me down on it
I look up at him , he looks down at me lifting my chin up laying a soft kiss on my lips
" Let me get you some clothes and then we can cuddle under the covers until you warm up " he says

Sammy goes around getting my clothes for me, a pair of pajama pants and he took his shirt off and pulled it over me I inhaled his scent it began to calm me down even more .
He helped me put my bottoms on

" Wait you didn't get me panties " I say as move to take the pants down

" No need for them at Home " Sammy says as he winks at me

" oh"

" Oh " I said louder when it registers what he means
He just grins even more I playfully slap his arm

" Come on let's go snuggle in my bed " he says

Sammy takes my hand and I follow him to his room .

He goes to his bed flips the covers down and pats the bed " Get in"

I lay my head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat and his breathing

" When you want to talk about it what sent you into a flashback I'll be here " Sammy says

" How did you know "

" Because you had been in the shower for over 50 minutes and neither myself,Morgan or Mason were in there with you doing naughty things to you , And when I came in and saw you were standing there staring at the wall not moving at all and ever now and then you would wince or Whimper "

" Yeah I did have a flashback it was one of the many times he hit and kicked me , He said I was a Whore just like my Mama and I told him She wasn't a Whore and I wasn't either he smacked me then tossed me to the floor kicked me several times then he punched me and knocked me out , It wasn't until I heard you say he wasn't here that I came out of it " I tell him

Sammy had adjusted me to where I was now basically on top of him with my head laying on his shoulder

" Mi Amor Bello I'm so sorry you had to go through this but I can tell you that We three will be here for you always it will get better and the Flashbacks will either become less frequent or Stop with our help Mama's nightmares happen every so often but She said that with the help of all of my daddies she has made it through them and I know your Mama is the same way with your Daddies and Papas You have several strong women in your life that have been through things too that understand and are great listeners too " Sammy says

" I know they are it's just difficult to talk about it brings up so many bad memories and pain "

" I know Mi Amor Bello Just Know we all love you " Sammy said

" And I love you too all of you " I say

" Just rest for now I'm not going anywhere " Sammy says
I fall asleep in Sammy's arms

" You founder in the shower "
" Yeah the water was ice cold she evidently was having a flashback it took me a few minutes to bring her out of it "
" Did she tell you what brought it on or anything about it"
" She said he had called her Mama a whore and then her one then threw her down kicking and punching her knocking her out "
" That fucking Bastard "
" Easy not so loud "

" It's okay I'm awake " I say
I felt Sammy move it felt like he threw something
So I opened my eyes and I saw Mason standing there with a pillow

" Did you throw a pillow at your Brother " I asked Sammy

" Yes I did "
" That's not nice Sammy " I said
" He woke you up " Sammy said trying to defend himself
" It doesn't matter I was up anyway it's kind of hard to sleep when something is poking me in belly " I say with giggle

" Hey you can't blame me I have a beautiful woman laying on me " 

I shift to straddle him and sit up on his waist

Sammy lets out a slow groan

" Oh Sammy am I making you uncomfortable" I asked with a giggle

The next thing I knew he flipped us and I was now under him my legs wrapped around him

I looked up at his handsome face to see his eyes full of love and mischief

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