Bleeding Rose

By SweetAngel7

192 11 5

He moved a stray hair away from my face. "I am in you. In your mind, your heart, your blood. Tell me, isn't i... More

Bleeding Rose-- Prolouge
Chapter 2

Chapter 1

45 4 2
By SweetAngel7

I lifted my dress with one hand as I made my way down the staircase. In my other hand, I held my book, Romeo and Juliet tightly, careful not to lose my place. When I hit the landing, I walked hastily past the maids, nodding and smiling at each one of them. I pushed the door that led to the kitchen and tried to avoid eye contact with Martha, the head maid and cook.

“Patience Rose!” she bellowed “Your sister…”

“Is eagerly awaiting for me in the parlor and I mustn’t dawdle, Martha!” I yelled over my shoulder starting to run. I didn’t feel like hearing her lecture me today about being a lady.

I pushed the parlor door open and there sat my sister practicing her sewing. Her beautiful brown hair was pushed away from her face with a headband and her sharp eyes looked calm, yet eager. She looked up, surprised from her work, and smiled.

“Reading again? Lost track of time?” she said with a smirk on her face.

I made my way to the piano and placed my book on top of it. “I was in the most interesting part of the book. Romeo had found out that-!”

She motioned her hand to stop me while examining her work.. “Please, Patience. I cannot stand to hear another word about your crazy stories!”   

I rolled my eyes and began to play a small melody. “They aren’t crazy.” I murmured. “Where is Father?”

“In his study. An invitation came today by messenger. He told us to continue with our lessons anyways and to meet him in a several minutes.” She made her way towards me and sat down. She looked very excited which could only mean one thing.

“Let me guess. A ball invitation?” I sighed, not taking my eyes off of my fingers as they danced across the keys

“For once sister! Attend a ball with me please!” My sister Elizabeth said to me pleadingly. I only smiled and shook my head.

“No. You are the oldest, you go with Father. You know how to represent the household better than I.” She joined me at the piano and we played a song we both learned to play when we were younger.

“Oh come on, Patience! You are nineteen. That’s old enough to attend a ball! If its father you are worried about--.”

“I am not worried about Father, Liz. And fine, I am old enough to go. I just…can’t represent the family like you can.” I stressed once more.

She stopped playing, stood up and crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes grabbed my book and started to walk out of the parlor, she of course followed behind. Elizabeth was the smartest and prettiest woman I knew, aside from my mother who had passed on when I was very young. Since 16, Elizabeth had gentleman callers all wanting her hand in marriage, and at twenty-one, she still had many asking for her hand. She has turned everyone down because she feels SHE will meet the right man, fall madly in love with him, and get married.

Not a man who will come to our father first winning his approval.

Although father becomes impatient with her, he respects her wishes. But as time marches on, I can see father isn’t going to give her much of a choice at all anymore.

Me you ask? I am the quiet more reserved one. Always having her head in the clouds, always reading, always just being…Patience. Careful, kindhearted Patience Rose Wilkes. Nothing like my carefree, beautiful, intelligent sister.

“It’s ok you know. To be nervous, but Patience you are missing out on so much! And you are missing out on the people you can meet.” She placed her arms around my shoulders and smiled. I looked at her impatiently. “Let make a deal.”

“Go on.” I said.

“You come with me the the Neltivan Ball. If you like what you see, you will promise me you learn to get out more.”

I nodded slightly. “And if I do not…?”

She sighed, held up her right hand like she was giving an oath. “I will let you live your life the way you want to. And will not bother you with this affair ever again.”

We had reached Father’s office as I looked her over for a few seconds and sighed, “One question. What do you know about Neltivan?”

She smirked. “No one knows. He stays in his house and never leaves. Has been living there for a long time now. Some say he is crazy. Others say he is suffering from very bad depression.”

“Then…why would they attend a party of a mad man?!” I questioned

“People are nosey these days, Patience.” She said shrugging. “Now that I think about it, no one has ever seen him.”

I sat on the window seat outside Father’s office and crossed my arms. “And you expect me to attend the party of a potential mad man?”

My sister got on her knees and put her hands together, “Please Patience…Pleease!”

I sighed and nodded. “You are pathetic. Fine, but…”

“Yes!” she jumped up and down and clapped her hands. I shook my head and chuckled, opening my book.

“Elizabeth? Patience? Are you two out there? Come in! There is someone I want you to meet.” Father yelled from his office. My sister and I glanced at each other curiously and made our way towards his door.

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