Back to the Start(nalu)

By shmmmmm

60.3K 2.2K 389

After a terrible accident leading to the death of someone he couldn't imagine losing, Natsu somehow wakes up... More

1- Prologue
2- The Broken Promise
3- Aftermath
4- Unwanted Visitors
5- Too Soon
6- Games of Grief
7- What Matters Now
8- Coincidence or Fate
9- Dream Guild
11- Wake Up Call
12- Answered Pleas
13- Gratitude
14- Loneliness and Hope
15- The Cause
16- New Path
17- No Motivation
18- Return
19- Strongest Team?
20- No Distractions
21- On Her Own
22- Luck
23- Sleepover
24- Crushed Dreams
25- Separated
26- How Things Changed
27- Everything's Fine
28- Lonely
29- Newfound Hope
30- Dark Guild
31- Just a Toy
32- Learn Something
33- A Stranger
34- Her Past 3 Years
35- Past Resurfacing
36- Threat
37- Weakness
38- Special

10- Eyes Open

2.1K 82 19
By shmmmmm

"You said you don't like trains...but is it really bad enough to where we're camping out in the middle of the woods tonight?"

I light a small fire to keep the other two warm while Lucy watches from a couple feet away. She sits on a log and has her chin resting on one hand.

"Natsu and vehicles don't mix. He's got terrible motion sickness."

She raises her eyebrows.

"Motion sickness? Geez you guys are weird."

Happy shrugs and I stand up and smile a little bit at her behavior.

Lucy notices me smiling and looks at me pointedly.


I sit down on the ground and shake my head.

"You haven't even seen the half of it."

Everything is so much different. Back then, I would have pouted or rolled my eyes after she called us weird but now...all I can do is agree and be happy with all of the reactions and things that she says.

"Everybody there is super weird. You'll fit in easily."

She nods her head thoughtfully but then snaps her head to look straight at me when she processes my words.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?"

I lean back and put my hands behind my head as I fall slowly into the ground and close my eyes.

"I think Fairy Tail is a good fit is all."

I open one of my eyes and sneak a peek at her. She's got a small smile on her face and her hands are clasped together in her lap.

"I sure hope so."

I close both of my eyes again. The corners of my lips are tilted up in a smile and there's a warmth growing in my chest.

"We should probably get some sleep, Lucy. We've got a long walk ahead of us tomorrow."

I hear some rustling around as she sets up her blankets on the ground.

"You'll wake me up in the morning if you wake up first...right?"

I nod my head.

"Of course."

Lucy seems content with my answer and I hear her wriggle into her blankets before it goes quiet.

Eventually both Happy and Lucy have both gone quiet as they both go to sleep.

I open my eyes and look around. Lucy and Happy are both asleep around the fire, curled up in their own blankets.

I look towards the sky.

This is all so confusing.

I don't know what's happening or if it's all just some twisted dream I'm having.

Even if it's unlikely, I just want to believe that I've been given a chance. Somehow, I'm back here to save her. She died too soon and she shouldn't have. So now I'm here to fix it.

I have to.

I tilt my head to the side. Lucy lies on the ground a few feet away, her head closest to me.

Her face is relaxed. Her features and her rhythmic breathing are calm and peaceful. Some hair falls over her face and her bangs cover her eyes like a curtain.

When we had first met, I didn't know anything about her or about her past. Everything she did she just...did. Now that I've learned so much, seeing the things she does now just makes sense.

She's not used to camping out. She grew up in a huge house and was there her entire childhood and it's noticeable in her actions. I could tell that she was a little uncomfortable but she still didn't say anything. And being back here, there's so much that I can understand that I never could have back then.

Deep down, she's a confused, lonely girl. That's something she hides well with her brashness and smile.

Her reluctance to go to bed was probably her fear of waking up alone, like she has for the last month or so, or waking up and it was all a dream...

Maybe...maybe it was all just a dream. Maybe I'll wake up in her apartment...or maybe even I'll just wake up to tomorrow.

I shake my head and crawl towards Lucy to be able to reach her with my hand.

She's breathing now.

She's alive.

It doesn't matter what could happen because right now all that matters is the current present.

The one with Lucy sleeping peacefully.

I'll do what I couldn't do last time, Lucy.

"I'll protect you."

My eyes slowly shut, a certain peacefulness in me.

I roll onto my side and in my last moment before I fall asleep I grab hold of Lucy's hand.

See you tomorrow, Lucy.

Merry Christmas everybody!
Took a while to update but I'll update another chapter later and I'll be uploading a chapter in my oneshot story!

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