2 Parents 6 Teenagers {✔}

By CJ_Fanfics

100K 3K 2.1K

тнє ѕєqυєℓ тσ 2 ραяєитѕ 6 кι∂ѕ!! They are now older and most are in their teenage years. Y/N tries to live he... More

2) Boyfriend?
3) Nightmare
Not An Update!
4) Don't Fight Please!
5) Oh God...
6) Real Family
7) Be My Valentine?
8) School Camp
Answers to Questions!!
9) Suspension?!
10) Another Bad Dream
11) Girlfriend?? Bad Dinner!
12) Chores
13) Babysitting and Worry
14) Girls Day
15) Bullying
16) I Smell Friendship
17) The Park
Not an Update!
18) Day At Dads Work Pt 1
19)Day At Dad's Work pt.2
20)Day At Dad's Work pt 3
21) Please...
22) Secret Admirer
New Cover!!
23) IT'S YOU?!
24) Is Love Blossoming?
25) What Did The Dream Mean?
26) He's Home
27) Thoughts
28) ⚠️ Date Night ⚠️
29) The Figure In The Dark
30)A Life Lost
31) Grief
32) Confrontation
33) Stranger
34) Aftermath
35) Graduation Days
Character QnA
Character QnA: Answers!
36) The End

1) Y/N's Party

9.3K 157 450
By CJ_Fanfics

Yoongi: 16
Hoseok: 15
Jimin: 13
Y/N: 13
Twins: 10


I woke up cuddling into my big brothers chest. Yes I had slept in their room again, it's kinda a habit now. Yoongi groaned in his sleep as I cuddled in even more into his chest, not wanting to leave the comfortable warmth surrounding me.

"Y/N get up we need to get dressed for school" Yoongi mumbles to me. I shake my head, eyes firmly closed as I placed my head in the crook of his neck. "Wake up! It's your first day of high school Y/N" Yoongi complains, shaking me slightly.

"Nooo... you're too warm... please five more minutes Oppa?" I sleepily respond.

"Nope!" Yoongi replies before pushing me off the bed.

"Oww!! What the— AHHHH!!! BLOOD!!! IM BLEEDING!!!" I screamed as I noticed the blood that stained my sweatpants.

"Nooo it's in my bed also..." Yoongi pouts. The door busts open with Jin standing there.

"YOU'RE BLEEDING!?! WHAT HAPPENED!?! WHAT DID YOU DO YOONGI!!" Jin asked frantically as he ran into the room. "WHAT HA— Oh" Jin stops mid sentence as he saw the scene. He smiles gently at me before helping me stand up.

"Dad.. my stomach hurts..." I clutched my stomach that felt like it was going to combust from the muscle cramps.

"Yes, that's what's gonna happen Y/N, you're on your period" Jin gently says as he walks me back to my room, Yoongi following behind. "I need to get the others ready can you tell her what to do Yoongs?" Jin smiles gently at Yoongi, he nods. Jin exits the room leaving Yoongi and me alone.

"What's happening to me Oppa...?" I asked worried.

"Don't worry, all girls go through this at some stage in their life" Yoongi smiled before leading me to my bathroom. He grabbed some clean clothes and underwear before telling me to sit on the toilet seat. It wasn't awkward seeing as all my brothers gets me clean clothes and sometimes my undergarments if I was as an example, in the shower and forgot my clothes.

"So this is a pad, you put it on your underwear like this" Yoongi informed me, holding up a pad that he found in the small cupboard in my bathroom. He demonstrated how to put it on before explaining what's happening to me. "You're going through a stage called puberty, you're chest has already started to grow so it was only a matter of time before this, you will grow hair in places like your armpits, so just shave every now and then" Yoongi smiled at me whilst I nodded.

"Everyone goes through puberty, me and Hoseok already have, Jimin has yet to come but it is different for everyone, boys normally don't go through it the same time as girls the same age so it's normal that Jimin hasn't gone through it yet, the reason why you are bleeding from that area is called the menstrual cycle also known as your period, it's just how your body processes things ok?" Yoongi asked making sure that I am getting all this information. I nod smiling slightly, glad that someone is explaining what the hell is going on with me.

"Boys and girls go through puberty differently so that's why I'm explaining this to you, umm, your pad you'll haven't to change a few times a day because if it gets full it will leak, and that's really it" Yoongi shrugs. I nod before smiling.

"Can I get changed now please Oppa? I am literally sitting in my own blood" I smile awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, um take a shower, get dressed and I'll get some pain killers for your stomach" Yoongi smiled, ruffling my hair before leaving the bathroom, returning a few minutes later to hand me a towel.


I walk downstairs and saw everyone's eyes on me. Yoongi smiles apologetically at me before I was harassed by hugs. I was asked questions like "are you ok?" "Does it hurt" "will you be ok" and things like that. I pushed them away from me gently before walking over to my chair, taking a seat.

"How are you feeling honey?" Namjoon asked as looked up from his phone, probably answering an email.

"My stomach hurts" I pouted.

"You don't have to go to school today if you don't want to, also after you finish eating you can have your pain killers for your stomach" Jin smiled at me knowing that I really wouldn't want to go to school when I am on my first period. I nod slightly before Jimin starts talking.

"I will get all your homework and everything Y/Nie don't worry" Jimin smiled from beside me and I quickly thank him, a wide smile creeping onto my face. I smile as I shove some of my Dad's delicious home made breakfast into my mouth, ignoring how unladylike it was, after all I live in a house with seven guys.

I wince slightly by the pains I was feeling but shrugged it off. When I had sat up from my seat Jimin squealed yup, squealed. I looked down and pouted seeing that I had stained the chair. I felt my eyes water slightly and ran upstairs into my room, closing the door shut before running into the bathroom. I turned around to see my butt, and it was red.

Why did I wear a white skirt..? I mentally facepalmed myself. I sighed before hearing the door to my bathroom open, turning I see Yoongi popping his head inside.

"You ok?" He asked as he let himself inside. I felt my eyes water again and broke down in tears. Yoongi, without hesitation, wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my head. "It happens Y/N it's ok" Yoongi swayed us slightly, trying to calm me down.

The door opened not long after revealing Taehyung. He smiled as he joined in the hug, swaying along with us. I smiled as I hugged the two of them before coming to my senses.

"I need to change Taehyungie and Oppa" I chuckled whilst they nodded before leaving. I quickly change my skirt into pants and change my pad. I quickly run downstairs as I heard everyone was leaving.

"Wait!" I yell as I rush down the stairs. I quickly hug everyone saying goodbye to them all.

"Ok Y/N I'll be back soon, your Dad has to leave to work so you'll be home alone for about 20 minutes is that ok?" Jin asked as he looked at me.

"Ok Daddy, I'll just be in my room until you return! There's this book that I am really interested in on this website so I'll just read that!" I smiled.

"Well, if you are ok with being alone can I just head out for a quick few errands? There's plenty of food in the fridge if I am running late" Jin asked as he unlocked the car for the others.

"Mhm! My friends actually sick so I could just call her if I get lonely!" I smiled, reassuringly.

"Ok bye honey" Jin quickly placed a kiss on my forehead before closing the door. I ran to the living room and waved out from the window. I smiled as I saw Jungkook and Taehyung wave back at me. I watched as the car drove down the street, fading out of few.

I ran back upstairs into my room, looking at myself in the mirror before calling this guy I really like.

Italics- Chanyeol bold- You

"Hey Chanyeol Oppa! It's me Y/N"

"I told you not to call me unless you are having another party, remember Y/N?" He rudely responded, not even bothering to say a 'hello'.

"Hence why I am calling, I am home alone right now so... want to come over Oppa?"

"Sure, ima invite some of my friends as well k? Cya in 10" and with that, he hung up.

I jumped around before rethinking my decision. I changed my clothes into a cute red crop top, black beanie, black jeans and white and red converses. I smiled as I looked into the mirror. As I was fixing my hair I heard a ding! I had gotten a text. I picked up my phone and saw it was from Dad.

Daddy J ❤️
Hey Honey, I might not be home until after lunch, these errands might take longer than I anticipated.

Honey Y/N 💜
Ok Dad, that's fine I'm talking with my friend right now so I'll be preoccupied for a couple hours!

Daddy J ❤️
Great, I love you, don't do anything your younger brothers would do, or any of your brothers in fact that I won't like.

Honey Y/N 💜
Ok Dad! I love you Byee! ❤️

Shit. I just lied to my Father... I thought to myself, completely ignoring the thought when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran downstairs and open the door revealing a lot of older boys and girls, not much older just a few years. There was a lot of them and they had... ALCOHOL!?! WHY DO THEY HAVE ALCOHOL I AM ONLY 13!!! I look through the crowd of people, finally finding Chanyeol.

"Um who are these people!?" I ask, my voice raised so I would be heard over the loud music that blasted through the house.

"A few friends, come and chill with us Y/N" Chanyeol smirked patting the seat next to him. All around him were a bunch of guys with some girls clinging onto him. He didn't want to ruin his reputation, hence why knowing I'd would follow what he says in a heart beat motioned for me to sit with him. His smirk falling when I did the exact opposite.

"No! I want these people out of my house! Also you are 15 Oppa! You shouldn't have alcohol and—" I was cut off by Chanyeol's lips on my own. That was when I had fallen, hard... making three mistakes. My first mistake on letting him. My second mistake was not pushing him away. My third mistake was kissing him back.


I was so thankful for Yoongi coming home earlier than he was actually meant to, which also confused me. He yelled at everyone to get out and they did, leaving behind presents for me to clean up. I was currently sitting on the couch, watching as everyone left the house, still drinking a beer or two.

"Hey, this was a killer party Y/N, can't wait for the next" Chanyeol smirked as he gently pecked my lips before leaving, earning a huge glare from Yoongi whom had seen the kiss. Yoongi walked over to me, hands on his hips before he sighed.

"Explanation before I get pissed" he hissed at me.

"I-I called Chanyeol over be-because he never goes to school a-and he invited other people over and it got out of hand and I-I'm so sorry... I'm the worst daughter and sister in the world" I cried, holding my face in my hands as tears started to fall down.

"Chanyeol isn't a good guy Y/N, I know from experience, I've been to some of his parties before without Dads knowing, he has you wrapped around his finger doesn't he? He's playing you" Yoongi asked as he looked down at you with his poker face.

"No! He isn't playing me! If he did then he wouldn't be kissing me or anything because he knows you're my Oppa—" I was cut off.

"That's why he's playing you, because he knows you're weak, he knows that you're an easy target to get revenge on me Y/N! When will you get that through your stupid head! For someone so smart you sure as hell are dumb!" Yoongi groaned.

"Well I don't see you doing anything at school either Oppa! You're always going to parties being all emo and act like you care about me, but when I do something the slightest bit wrong or I actually take interest in a guy you turn into a huge fucking jerk Oppa!!" I yelled, the pinned up anger rushing out of me before I could stop it.

"Because I am trying to protect you!" Yoongi argued.

"No! You are just protecting yourself Oppa! You are protecting your image at school because no one wants the sad emo guy, but a guy who is caring and kind and you are none of those things Oppa!" I yelled grabbing a beer bottle. But before I could take a swig it was removed from my hands.

"You are underage Y/N you cant drink." Yoongi glared at me.

"Well I don't see you following the law! You skip school all the time, sneak into clubs and drink to your hearts content and when I want to take one fucking sip I get "oh you can't do this Y/N you're underage" Oppa! Is that how it is?! Why are you even here!?! You should be at school!" I yelled, my eyes probably showing flames.

"I'm not at school because #KimY/N'sParty is trending ON TWITTER!!" Yoongi yelled, causing me to flinch, my eyes brimming with tears. "Wait Y/N I—" I cut him off by running up the stairs, the tears falling down one after another. "Shit." Yoongi cussed, running his hands through his sweaty hair from running here.

A few minutes later Jin had arrived earlier than he had expected. He was extremely mad seeing that the house was destroyed and that Yoongi wasn't at school.


"It wasn't me!! It was Y/N she through a party!!" Yoongi defended himself. I heard the ruckus so I walked downstairs, my acting skills coming in handy.

"Oppa..? Dad..? What's going on?" I asked 'sleepily'. "Oppa I thought you were at school.. and why is the house destroyed!?" I asked, my eyes widening as I looked around the place, seeing beer cans, chip packets, red plastic cups, etc. all around the house.

"Yeah, Y/N through the party, Kim Yoongi why would you blame your little sister for this! She is 13 and is going though an emotional, well more physical but she is going through an importantstage in her life!" Jin disappointingly looked at Yoongi whom had wide eyes and his mouth parted.

"I didn't do it!!" Yoongi yelled after finally coming to his senses. Jin only shook his head sighing.

"Y/N Honey, I hate ask this but can you please help clean up Yoongi's mess?" Jin asked as he glared at Yoongi whom only scoffed. I didn't say anything but slightly nodded, going around to pick up some things. Yoongi only shook his head, coming to help me.

"I'll be upstairs if you need anything because I have work to do" Jin informed us. I quickly shouted an "ok Dad!" Before continuing with the clean up. Once he was finally out of sight I quickly hugged Yoongi.

"I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry!! I didn't mean to get you in trouble Oppa" I hugged tightly. Yoongi didn't say anything, only pushed me away and continuing to clean up. I sighed as continued to clean as well.


The day went on and Jin was now getting the others, meaning that he had left the two of us alone. We both sat on the couch, far from each other whilst Yoongi ignored me. I remembered something which made me smile.

I rushed into the kitchen, searching through the freezer. I smiled as I grabbed out the ice cream Dad tried to hide away from us kids. I grabbed two spoons before walking back in front of Yoongi.

"Rule 10 of the Sibling code" I smiled.

Rule 10: If you and a sibling fight, you must make up if one of them bring ice cream to you.

The sibling code was something the six of us made with just a couple of rules. Don't worry there is only 40 something of them.

Yoongi smiled and chuckled, shaking his head and grabbed the tub of ice cream. He pulled me in so I was seated next to him on the couch, my head resting on his shoulder. I handed him a spoon which he took before starting to eat.

"I'll tell Dad that it was me that had the party, that I invited a guy over and he invited everyone else... I'll take responsibility of what I did wrong Oppa" I informed Yoongi whom only shook his head.

"No you won't, it's alright, but as long as you've learned your lesson and won't do it again then that's fine with me" Yoongi averted his gaze towards me, smiling.

"I did Oppa, I won't ever do that again" I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his arm, snuggling closer to him like we always did when I was in the wrong. (like how when Yoongi and Taehyung are disagreeing how they hold hands)


A/N: Annyeonghaseyo!!~

everyone here is he first chapter!! Ahhh!! Also I'm pretty sure I'm going to just write this book through Y/N's POV, I tend to do that anyways so it'll just be easier for me! Anyways I hope you enjoyed!!

Salanghaeyo Annyeong!~

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