Imallexx and friends smut one...

By roseimallexx

288K 2.3K 1.5K

⚠️TW⚠️ some chapters may be sensitive to some readers as some scenes may include themes of rape (i promise it... More

Love Bites
something like a summer, kinda like a hurricane
An invasion of privacy
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Inmate Elmslie
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Wet Dreams
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Church boys moan louder
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*not permanent* help
Hot and Wet
Morning surpise
how many?
I'm in control this time
Hi Guys

Daddy's little princess

44K 187 182
By roseimallexx

Author: elliesfics on Tumblr 

Pairing: imallexx & pyrocynical (nylex? impyro?imallexxcynical? fuck knows) 

Genre: Smut, Daddy!Kink 

Word Count: 4300 

Warnings: Explicit content, handcuffs, Officer!Niall, Punk!Alex 

Summary: When Alex is out late at night trespassing at his local park, it really is no surprise when the nearest officer interrupts his plans.
What those plans entailed? Well that might explain the massive problem Alex has to deal with when he gets stuck in the back of a cop-car. Not to mention a fucking gorgeous cop's car.  

Twigs crinkled underneath Alex's sneakers. If it were his choice he'd make sure to avoid them since he didn't appreciate branches impaling his $500 dollar shoes, but under the black night sky, Alex struggled to even see past his nose. 

"C'mon c'mon c'mon," Alex's teeth chattered. With every word leaving his mouth a puff of smoke escaped his lips into the cold air. Of course, that was a naturel thing breath did in late December, but in this case, the cigarette between Alex's lips didn't help the situation. 

Alex was certain his nose was frostbitten at this point; in fact he was nearly going cross-eyed trying to examine the pink tip. Before his eyes could pop from their sockets, Alex slid out his phone from his jacket pocket. 

Nothing. No texts. No calls. No messages. 

Alex groaned. He most definitely did not hike all this way to this specific park just so he could get stood up by some motherfucking stranger!

"Motherfucker," Alex spat. His phone flashed back 11:03. He'd been waiting around for an hour and now it was well past the parks visiting hours, anything now was considered trespassing. 

But alas, Alex camped out. Really, what were his options? He was a closeted teen attending a private catholic high school for Christ's sake! Where else to turn some sleazy hookup app? Speaking of, Alex opened up the app and stared at the message box. He definitely was in the right location, and now all he had to do was wait for this guy... well sort of. 

See, Alex was in a predicament where he was willing to take whatever he could get. And far too often that meant some thirty something year old man looking for a young teenage "twink". Alex groaned at the label. "I'm not a twink," he huffed to himself. Seriously though, he had ear piercings... that he maybe got done at Clair's when he was 16, but beside the point. He was edgy! He was not some pixie twink! He smoked! Alex looked down at the cigarette in distaste. All right, maybe he didn't smoke. Alex put out the cigarette. 

Regardless, Alex was ready to finally hookup with someone. Every other time, the furthest he got was some cheeky pics sent back and fourth with members of the app. But now, Alex's own fingers just weren't cutting it anymore. Alex flicked the barely used stick to the ground. That's when he heard it.

Sirens. Red and blue lights illuminated the park. 

Within seconds a police car pulled up on the dirt path Alex had been following, Leaving Alex standing in front of the drivers seat window. 

So Alex may have claimed he wasn't a twink. He also may have claimed that he edgy. But when a 18 year old is staring in the eyes of a police officer, it's a little difficult not to feel your stomach in your throat. But if there is anything closeted Alex learned, it was that he was good at hiding stuff. 

When the officer stepped out, Alex stood straight and gave a snarky, "Lights, really? Don't you think that's a bit much?" 

Of course it was a little easier since this officer was very easy on the eyes. Maybe because Alex was desperate, maybe because he was impatient, and maybe because he had been horny for over an hour, but Alex struggled to peel his eyes from the figure. He towered over Alex and had reflectively dark hair. Even in the night Alex could see he had striking blue eyes. He was so lost in thought staring at the man's lips that he didn't realize they were moving. 

"You're trespassing so we take precaution. Usually when someone is trespassing it isn't a young kid out for a stroll," the officer joked. "But now your littering which is a 500 dollar fine not to mention the fine for trespassing, so maybe lights are appropriate after all," the officer said sternly. 

When Alex heard the word fine he snapped out of his daze. "What? This is ridiculous! I'm out getting exercise, aren't you baby boomers always harping on us millennials for being lazy!" 

"Exercise? Tell me kid, where were you heading at this hour? And just so you know I'm well aware of the drug deals happening in this place around this time, I'd appreciate if you just told the honest truth, it would make this process a whole lot easier," the officer. 

Fuck, this was going to be a hard one. How was Alex supposed to tell this man that he was waiting around so that he could get fucked by a stranger he met online? That sounded more like a lie than when he told the teacher his dog ate his homework. As if on cue, that's when Alex felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Without thinking he reached in his jacket to grab it but before his hand could reach the zipper it was caught between the officer's grasp. 

"Keep your hands out of your pocket!" Before Alex knew it his hands were pinned behind his back. 

"I'm just trying to grab my phone! You're not honestly going to handcuff me? Are you serious! I'm not even causing problems!" Ironically, that's when Alex started to kick and scream. "Let me go!" He shouted. Of course, to Alex's defense, he wasn't in his right mind. In fact, as much as he'd hate to admit, he was becoming scared. If his good Christian parents found out about this encounter, Alex was sure to have his electronics taken away, and if that happened, Alex could kiss his hookups goodbye. 

"You're not under arrest, but I'm going to handcuff you for both of our safety since you're quite the kicker. Then you're going to get in this car and I am going to take you home," the officer said. Oddly, his voice wasn't entirely stern, almost disappointed. "Listen kid, my names Officer Niall, call me Niall for all I care, I hate seeing young kids like you throwing your life away. I don't think you're here for any conspicuous business, but you did litter and you did trespass so protocol is I take you home," Niall said. 

That's when Alex pushed against the side of the car and he heard the infamous sound he'd only ever heard when he played Grand Theft Auto, the notorious click of a pair of handcuffs. 

As expected, the metal was cold, maybe even colder from the outside air so they stung. Not to mention, the rings were sharp against his wrists. 

"Ouch," Alex winced. Immediately, feeling embossed Alex conjured up his bravado, "fuck this shit," he spat, though it was audibly forced. 

"Wanna tell me what you were really doing out here? You look a little old for the play ground," Niall said. 

"I told you I was just out for a walk  – " then Alex stopped.  Niall had started to pat down his sides. "Hey what are you doing?"

"Look, I told you, there been a narcotic bust here, so we've been warned to take precaution. You young kids like to carry around your switchblades, and Swiss army knifes and what's that new gadget? Chatsnap? 

"My god your such a dad," Alex chuckled. Then he stopped. "Uh sorry that was probably inappropriate," Alex cleared his throat. 

"Jeez, have I reached that age? I'm hardly thirty but I'm ancient to you kids,"

  "I'll stop calling you ancient when you stop calling me a kid," Alex teased. His smile quickly faded when he felt a jolt. Niall had grabbed his hips and moved him a few inches over so he could swing the driver door open. Alex was confused, and maybe his mind was beyond exhaustion, but there was something about being manhandled so effortlessly that brought a blush to his cheeks. Not to mention the restraints on his write sort of started to feel... nice?

Niall leaned through the passenger door and tossed contents from Alex's pockets into the cupholder.

  "My phone, really? How it that dangerous?" Alex's head craned over his shoulder as watched Niall empty his pockets. "C'mon that's just chapstick!"

  "You never know with these sort of things. You know once I found vodka in a tampon! I was a little impressed with that one," Niall laughed. 

Alex laughed too until Niall's hands were back on his body. They started at his ankles and grazed up his thighs. In efforts to hide a squeak Alex spoke over his embarrassing whimpers. "Can I get in the car now?" 

"Yeah you're safe," Niall said as he opened the backseat door.  Niall gently guided Alex into the backseat, "Watch you head, love" Once sitting, Niall leaned over to adjust Alex's seatbelt. 

The door closed in Alex's face and in the short seconds Niall took to walk over to the driver's seat Alex pondered how gentle Niall was for an officer. Also how being called love, typical vernacular where they lived, still made his heart flutter. 

Just then the car started. "So what's your name?" 

"Alex," Alex answered before he could contemplate giving a fake one.

  "Alright Alex, and where do you live?" 

"Do I haavvve to tell you? My parents are gonna be royally mad," Alex wined. He gave himself a metal scolding when he realized he had sounded so childish.

  "Tell you what. You tell me what you were doing at a park at midnight and maybe just maybe I drop you off and drive away before your parents can realize there's a police vehicle sitting on their driveway."

  Niall made a sharp turn and Alex's handcuffs pressed deeper into his wrists. "Fine it's 33 Aldridge...I was here to meet someone that's all," Alex caved. He wasn't going to lie, he just wasn't going to tell the entire truth.

  "Okay and?" Niall pressed for more. The car went over a speed bump and then- 

Alex sprang up. Oh this was awful. This wasn't good. Alex didn't like this. This was a bad idea. 

See, before Alex set out for his midnight hookup, he thought he'd be a cheeky experimental little shit and come prepared. So he bought a mini vibrator and tucked it neatly in his bum. Of course, its remote had been in his pocket. That was until Niall tossed it, mixed up with the miscellaneous items in his jacket, into the car's cup holder. And now, after going over the speed bump, the remote must have banged around just enough to switch the vibrator on. 

Hence Alex's panic. Between his bum, was a low, constant buzz. His hips buckled up only to be restrained by the seatbelt holding them tightly down. "Fuck," he spat under his breath. This was a new feeling. He'd never felt something of this caliber. It didn't seize, it was a persistent, relentless, arousal. "Uhhhh," Alex whimpered trying to keep the moaning in his throat. Despite his efforts, his hips continued to squirm against the seat. 

Niall looked up in the mirror view mirror to find Alex fidgeting in the backseat. "Listen Houdini, you're not going to be able to wiggle yourself out of those cuffs, if that's what you're trying to do." 

Alex pinched his eyes shut. Fuck this was embarrassing, now he had been noticed. As if to make matters worse, Alex's cock was quickly growing under his pants. Alex lifted his hips hoping that maybe it could help the vibe slide out a bit but all it did was push it deeper when Alex landed back on the seat. "Uhh, fuck, mmmmm," Alex moaned. 

Amongst all his wiggling, the handcuffs strained against his wrists. They hurt. And just like before, Alex liked it. He liked the way it stung. He liked thinking about the marks that would be left long after the cuffs were removed. He liked the feeling of his hands being pinned behind his back. Unfortunately, he didn't like all of that right in this moment. 

Alex pushed his legs together when he felt his dick twitching against his leg. His skinny jeans made it nearly impossible for his dick to breathe meaning it was left painfully aching in his pants. 

"Sir, I – I need your help," Alex finally confessed. He couldn't take it anymore. He'd never been full for so long so consistently. By now, he couldn't help but sob. He was overtired, overwhelmed and now by this point, over stimulated. 

Niall looked up through the rear view mirror, took one glance, and pulled the car to the side of the road. "Oh c'mon, don't cry. I know this whole thing is scary but I promise you're not in deep trouble," Niall reassured. He was certainly being sweet, but unfortunately, he didn't understand.

  "You know I really hate this part. Some of you kids don't deserve this, you know? You're little shits, yeah that's true. But to scare to the point of sobbing isn't fair. Listen I know you're a tough guy, you got the piercings, you're probably one of those strong silent types. But listen, it's okay, everybody gets scared Alex." 

Alex violently shook his head. Niall, realizing something was more than just wrong, quickly got out of the drivers seat and swung open the passenger door. "Hey kid, I'm sorry. This is procedure. Listen, I'll let you in on a secret. 80% of the time you're not in trouble, we're just meant to spook you kids so you don't go around terrorizing the neighborhood" 

Alex's breath hitched as tears rolled down the side of his flushed cheeks.

  "Alex, are you okay?" 

At this point, Alex had left his dignity at the park. "My vi-" his voice waved. All right, maybe he was more humiliated than he thought he could handle. He decided it would be best to confess all at once. 1. To get through the embarrassment faster and 2. So it would be less likely to get interrupted by a moan. 

"You have the remote to my vibrator- fuccckkk," Alex's breath hitched as the vibe just nearly rubbed the right spot. "You have the remote and it accidently turned on," Alex said never stopping to breath once. 

Niall looked at Alex blankly and almost all at once everything seemed to click. 

"OH! Oh geez," Niall reached in through the back seat to grab the miscellaneous items from the front cup holder. Within seconds, he successfully fished out a small remote. "Is this it?" Niall asked panicked.

"Uh huh," Alex moaned. 

Niall quickly pressed every button that he could. 

Alex let out a high pitch shrill. "Not that button- fuck" In one click, the vibrator no longer was a buzz but turned into a much more forceful pulse. 

Niall's brain had momentarily dethatched from all the nerves in his body. This boy in the backseat had really just moaned because of him. Not just a moan but an ungodly perfectly pornographic shriek.

"Sir, please I-" Alex's head craned back. 

There was literally only three buttons and a switch on the remote and yet Niall's fingers danced over the keys. "Hold on, I'll-" fuck, Niall's mind couldn't properly compute. Just then, in his frantic panic, the remote slipped from his nervous sweat fingers. The remote shattered against the ground. 

... Well that was one way to end the whole ordeal. 

Or so Niall thought.

  "Uh- make it stop- fuck," Alex whined. "S'too much. Too much," Alex's eyes had become rimmed red from crying. 

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Niall thought. Then he realized he was saying it out loud. There was only one way left to help Alex out and since Alex was still handcuffed it meant Niall would have to step up. 

He unclicked Alex seatbelt, grabbed Alex's ankles and pulled the boy on his back and across the seat until his bum hit Niall's thighs. 

"Ow, jesus," Alex hands were still locked behind him and now were crushing underneath his back. 

"Listen Alex I think I have to-"

"Just make it stop," Alex cried. 

Niall, with strength he didn't know he had, popped the fly to the young boy's skinny jeans and tugged from his hips. Alex boxers went with making his cock spring up against his tummy. It went without saying that Alex's lower abdomen was already coated in shiny a sticky mess.

  "Fast, please, I can't take anymore, get it out fast, jesus," Alex, now on his back, buckled his hips up wanting nothing more than to touch himself and rub away the longest arousal of his life. 

With one hand Niall pushed Alex's thighs up while the other cushioned Alex's bum. 

"Can I...?' 

Alex vigorously nodded. With that, Niall fished out Alex's vibrator. He pulled it out and dropped the toy on the car floor, as it thumped against the floor it finally stopped buzzing. Niall sighed in relief, feeling like a surgeon after an operation. His heart was racing, but Niall had a feeling it wasn't just from the anxiety of it all. There, spread out in front of him, was perhaps the most gorgeous boy he'd seen in all his life. Whimpering and whining, not to mention. "Better?" Niall stammered. 

"I- it was like so close to something. I don't know what but fuck- I felt it, so close, " Alex confessed in his hysteria. "Like I almost hit this spot, fuck" 

Niall knew exactly what Alex was saying. The fact that Alex was so innocent that he didn't know what a g spot was drove Niall so mad. That insanity is exactly what led him to his next statement. "I can help you get there." 

Alex sucked on his bottom lip trying to regain consciousness after his several minute edging. "Please," Alex's small voice quivered. 

"Alright love, let's take those cuffs off first." 

"No, keep them on," Alex confessed. 

Fuck this boy was filthy. First the casual use of a vibrator, now one use of handcuffs and he's into bdsm. Niall in record timing unbuttoned his pants. He pushed Alex closer so that his dick lined up perfectly to tease Alex's already stretched hole.

  "Are you going to be a good boy and take it all?" Niall couldn't help the dirty words spill from his lips. "Such a good twink aren't you?" 

Alex had a sudden change of heart. He didn't mind being called a twink. In fact Niall could call him anything and he wouldn't mind. The more degrading the better. There was this new amount of authority Niall was exerting over him and Alex relished in it. 

Alex was slipping into a headspace he didn't know he had and maybe that's what led to his next surprise. 

"Yes daddy," Alex moaned without faltering. 

Niall's eyes narrowed as his mouth adjusted into a smirk, his tongue grazing across his bottom lip. "And to think, just moments ago you were such a bad boy, huh Alex?"
Niall moved closer to Alex's mouth. His next words were whispered along Alex's jaw until Niall's mouth stopped at his lips. "But now you're going to be my good boy." 

Alex let out an audible gasp. "I-I'm so close, don't tease," Alex stammered. "My pocket- in my coat-" 

Niall looking momentarily confused unzipped Alex's jacket to find a hidden interior pocket. There, he pulled out a condom. "Such a little slut, aren't you," Niall said. As his hand grazed over Alex's torso he could feel the young teen sweating through his clothing. The overheating apparent in both his shirt and Alex's flushed cheeks. 

Without wasting time, Niall lined himself up with Alex. "S-sstop teasin' me. M'already stretched," Alex begged. 

"Of course you are, with that little toy incident I'm sure you usually are." 

Niall without any warning, pushed into Alex. Alex immediately buckled his hips up.

  "W-woah oh fuck fuck fuck," Alex's lips were spilling curses faster than his mind could compute. 

"Not quite like your toy princess," Niall whispered. Seeing Alex withering like this, seeing him buckle with such force had Niall approaching his high earlier than he'd imagined. 

"B-better," Alex moaned. Everything felt like a rush. Alex was seeing stars. Everytime his abdomen lurched forward, he landed back on the seats with such force the cuffs began to dig into his back. Still buried under his winter layers, Alex was sweating through his jacket but somehow it made it all that much better. Alex thought for sure this was it until- "Fuck! Oh – uh – Christ – Daddy – right there – daddy – more!" 

Niall knowing he was close and so was he, decided now would be a good time to show Alex what hitting that special spot felt like. And it went without saying, that it felt good. Alex's pornographic moans filled the car.

"Alex, does that feel good?" Niall began to drop his pace to a slow rhythm. He carefully pushed his hips making sure to hit Alex's spot every time but not too often, leaving the boy on the edge of his orgasm. 

Alex nodded his head that was already craning against the car seats. One of the buckles for the seatbelt dug into his neck but at this point the pain was just an added pleasure. Alex started to mumble under his breath in small whiny whimpers. "daddy daddy daddy..." With every chant, Alex came all over his stomach. Niall quickly pushed up the younger's coat and shirt as to not ruin it. 

Niall still persisted on grinding inside the young boy drawing out Alex's high for as long as possible. Alex's had never quite come like this. He felt so strong of a release, in fact he really couldn't feel anything anymore. His wrists were numb, his chest heaved so hard he really didn't remember what steady breathing felt like and his stomach was warm and tingling. 

"Love, do you want Daddy to come inside?" Niall's thumbs rubbed circles on Alex's lower stomach. He had been so good and Niall really didn't want to do anything that Alex wouldn't like. 

"No," Alex's small voice cooed. 

"Alright, that's okay love," Niall said as he gently pulled himself out.

  "No!" Alex sat up. Still covered in come, still coming down from his high and most importantly still handcuffed, Alex leaned forward and opened his mouth.

  "Oh," Niall was genuinely taken aback. He had said it once and he'd say it again. Fuck this boy was filthy. Niall backed himself out of the open door and placed his feet back on the ground. And if Niall was being honest, after this encounter he wasn't entirely stable. Niall, keeping himself steady with one hand on the car frame, used his other to slide off the condom. Almost instantly, Alex, at the seat closest to the door, wrapped his mouth around him. 

And fuck, was it ever a scene. Niall, outside of the car, was standing completely in public. Luckily it was well past midnight and no one was in sight, but the thrill of it all had him growing dizzier. Alex at this point had his mouth tightly around Niall's tip as his messy hips grinded into the seat.

  "Let's get you those hands back," Niall leaned forward towards Alex's cuffs but in the meantime pushed further down Alex's throat. Alex gagged on him until Niall stood back up. Alex numb, but now free, hands flew to Niall's shirt. Alex worked his mouth over Niall's length moaning the entire time. Niall was also a participant in this. 

"Uh, fuck, baby you're so good," Niall's head craned back. Alex's hand's desperately roamed Niall's torso and Niall realized he could be doing some handi work as well. Quickly, his hands were laced in Alex's hair. He made sure to be gentle, but he also made sure to give a few good tugs guiding Alex further down his cock. "That's it princess, just like that." 

Usually Niall knew when he was close, but with this boy around his length, Niall hit a surprising orgasm like never before. 

Alex swallowed some, well some ran down his jaw. Nonetheless, Alex enjoyed it. Niall switched from tugging, to rubbing circled into Alex's crown. "You did so good, such a good boy." 

The praise brought a flush to Alex's cheeks. He finally slid his mouth off and flicked his eyes up at Niall. And fuck, looking down at those wide puppy dog brown eyes, Niall wouldn't doubt he could come twice. But it was getting late...

  "Let's get you home love."


  Niall rounded the corner of Aldridge cresent and pulled up to house number 33. 

"Alright kid, you've got approximately 10 seconds before your parents notice a police car sitting on your driveway," Niall prompted. But when he looked up through the rear view mirror at the kid asleep against the window, he felt a pang at his chest. "Kid." 

Alex's eyes slowly lifted open. "Oh, we're here..." His voice sounded small and Niall suspected it wasn't entirely due to Alex being sleepy. 

"You never told me why you came to this park anyway" Niall said as Alex unclipped his seatbelt. 

"Oh, I was supposed to get fucked by some older guy," Alex said, clearly waking to his regular self. 

"Well, you did technically succeed in that." 

Alex opened his door and walked out, stopping at Niall's rolled down driver seat window. "Listen, I'm not saying that I'm going to be at the park tomorrow night at the same time, but I'm totally saying that I'm going to be at the park tomorrow night at the same time" Alex gave a sweet smile. 

"I'll make sure I'm on patrol. Someone's gotta keep you in line," Niall teased. 

"What can I say, I have a thing for punishment," Alex said with a dangerous wink before heading to his front door. As Alex walked away, Niall caught a glimmer of something shiny in his hands. There, in Alex's right hand, was a pair of handcuffs.

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