Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

514 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 4

13 3 0
By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV


"Ahhh!" I felt the cold liquid all over me.

"Finally, you're a wake." It's Miss Sally.

"Why do you have to splash me with water?" I murmured.

"Why don't you ask yourself, sleepy head?" She replied. She crossed her arms and made a thumping rhythm from her toes.

It's morning already? I looked through my window. It's morning already. It's early and I'm already soak 'in wet at my bed. I thought me and my parents would live peacefully after we move that we will have an adequate home intended for ourselves; that I may be entering a new school with new classmates; that I may make new friends; that I may perhaps do what I want without hiding myself from anyone; that our family will have so much time laughing and bonging; and mostly, I may possibly live my new life meaningful. I was looking forward for that day but then again I guess it'll not to come. I'm always wrong. Next time, I will not assume on anything.

"Well?" –Miss Sally.

I looked at her. I didn't heard what she just said.

Because of that, she formed her face like she's going to eat me.

I back myself off.

"IRRESPONSIBLE! I'm not going to say it again, Miss sluggish." She threw me a book then turned around and she's leaving my room.

"Ouch!" I said. I been hit by a thick and big book that she thrown to me.

I let myself recover the pain first before asking.

"What should I do with this?" I asked.

She turned to me, red headed.

"MEMORIZE EVERY WORD!" She yelled "I'll be back. Eat your breakfast!" And she slammed the door close.

What's wrong with her?

Instead of thinking about her, I beheld the book on my hands. I flipped the cover and went to the first page. I flipped it again.

Is she kidding me?

This book contains about flowers. Its name, properties, advantages, disadvantages, and etc...

And I'm going to memorize it every word? For what?

I closed the book. This is ridiculous!

I went to the bathroom, taking a shower. Then I dressed the clothes that Miss Sally ordered me to wear since yesterday, the time when she discourage my dress.

I'm going outside. I'm going to explore this place.


I don't know where I am right now. I'm walking in the lobby, cannot find a door on the way to an outside world. I'm walking and walking-

"Watch out! That's dangerous." I turned to see who warns me.

It's Annie.

"What are you thinking?" She asked. She runs towards me.

"I was just looking for an exit." I replied

"There's no door for exit there."

"None?" She looks worried.

"Come." She drags me.

"Why you look pale? What's with that area?" I asked.

"That's the west wing" The west wing. I heard that before.

"You'll be safe here if you would not go to the west wing. Okay?"-mom. Now I remembered.

"What's with the west wing, Annie?" I became to get curious.

"That place is filled with darkness." She said.

"What do you mean?"

She doesn't reply. She really looked pale. And what's with that wing?

"You'll be safe here if you would not go to the west wing. Okay?"- mom.

"That place is filled with darkness."-Annie

What is it?


"Good Morning Miss Annie and what do we have here, a neophyte?" A male of about 25 years old said.

"Yes, Sir Greg. Her name is Alexandra." Annie said.

"A pretty name for a pretty girl. Hello, Alexandra. My name's Greg. You're trainer of the day." He said.


"I'll leave you here. Tomorrow morning we will have trainings so wake up early. I'm sure you can return to your room without my help." – Miss Sally.

"Trainings?" –me.

"Even that you're not in the school, you still needs to be trained for safety." –Miss Sally.

Ahhh... Training...

"I taught that Miss Sally will be my trainer."

"Ahh, so you're the one Miss Sally mentored. She's an amazing mentor. But she got an urgent call this morning that she needs to take care of. Want to join us instead?" Oh, so that's why she's in a hurry lately. "Come." Sir Greg said. I and Annie followed him.

"Sir Greg is the nicest trainer among them all." Annie whispered. I nodded.


"Good Morning, Sir Greg." Pleasant greetings from all of the trainees, those are present today. So, that's why we all have the same costume, now I know. Our suits are a uniform. But this is not a school, is it?

"Good morning, good morning." Sir Greg replied.

Annie and I quietly sat to the vacant seat at the back. Sir Greg told them a story, a fiction I think.

The location here is fine. The weather is fine.

We are setting ourselves upon the small hill beside the mansion. The air breeze is cold. And the sun doesn't hurt. The place is enchanting.

I turned my face all around to and seen someone familiar seating beside Paul. It's the girl last night.

"Okay trainees, you are free today. Depart, and do what you want!" Sir Greg leaves and we all scattered to where we want to go.

But I followed the girl that harmed me last night.

"Paul." She called. I hid myself among the bushes.

"Janette, is there any problem?" Paul said.


"Paul" Chris appeared. "Hello, Janette. Paul, Mrs. Lori Arrastia is calling us." –Chris

"Mrs. Lori Arrastia? Arrastia..." I wondered quietly. I have a relative living in this place? No wonder we moved here. We have a relative. But whose Lori Arrastia? I never saw her before neither heard of.

"See you, Janette." Paul and Chris left her.

"Miss Alexandra," It's Miss Sally. "Didn't I tell you to study the book I gave you?" Oh no.


"Organize your room!" Miss Sally demanded.

I scanned my room. There's no sign of mess here. All are sparkly clean and tidy. I'm not a messy type though.

"All things are organized Miss Sally." I replied.

"You think?" She went towards my cabinet and opened it. "You won't need shirts, pants, and dresses like this anymore." She scattered my suits from the cabinet to the floor. "But you can keep two pairs of it for an unexpected event." She then picked some clothes and hanged them. "This will do." She said then turned to me. "Now, throw this away." I immediately took the piled clothes on the floor that she pointed and left the room to find where the trashcan would be. I've seen a trashcan so I'm attempted to throw these clothes. "Not there!" She yelled. "Throw it outside, at the pit only. Someone might see it there and get it!" I nodded.

I asked someone at my age for the direction where the pit is. Luckily they gave me directions. But I'm wretched because the pit is too far of its place from my room.

I threw my clothes and return to the room.

"Make it faster, Miss Alexandra. Don't waste your time." So I ran. "There shouldn't be boxes under your bed!" So I took the boxes under my bed. "There shouldn't be boxes inside, below and above your cabinet too." So I took it also. "Throw it away." Miss Sally ordered.

I took it and run then threw to the pit. And then I returned to the room.

"Those bags are useless, throw it!" She ordered.

I took it, run, throw, and return.

"Those are garbage, throw it!"

"These are waste, throw it!"

"But these are my things!"-me.

"Do you want to disobey me?"

I got scared, so I took it, run, throw, and return.

"Throw that make-ups, it is lame to keep it!"

"And that"

"And these"

"And those"


I Took, run, throw, and return.

I'm tired.

As I return, I saw Miss Sally observed a bracelet. No! That shouldn't be thrown away. That's my remembrance from Mic. I moved towards her. "Keep your accessories, you'll need them sometime." I let out a deep breath of relief. This shouldn't be thrown away. This is really important. All of my accessories from this can I beheld are a gift to me from important persons in my life.

"Your lamp shouldn't be placed at that side. Move it there." She pointed the direction. I move it too.

"Your books shouldn't be placed here. Move it!" I moved it.

"The sofa shouldn't be placed here. Move it there."

"This too move it"


"And these"

"Why does it have to be moved?" I quietly said.

"Did you say anything?"

"No" I replied or else I'm doomed.

"Move this there."

"This too"

"If you're done with that, move this after."


I'm tired and hungry. I don't know what I look like with this position because of tiredness. I want to take a break. I'm wet with sweat. And my body is shaking voluntarily.

"See Miss Alexandra, your room is a lot more organized now."- Miss Sally

What? Yes, it is organized but it is already organized. The differences between before and after are that the things are moved to different sides. And in addition to that, most of my things are thrown away. How rude of her! And this is my room, how dare she dictate what my room supposed to be. Is she making me burdened? Grr....

"The plainer and emptier your room is, the better." She said.

Why does it have to be her own way? Maybe her life could be that plain and empty.

Oh, really? How sad.

"You may take your break. You must be tired"

I am. How poor of me.

I left my room and walked to the dining hall. I don't want to see her anymore. She's the worst! And I'm hungry as well, I didn't eat my breakfast.

As soon as I'm at the door of the dining hall, I opened it. But I didn't see any food. Therefore I left and continued to walk.

Before long, I recognized that I'm standing in front of the west wing. I wonder what's in there. But I turned around; I better not to go into troubles.

Afterwards, I'm at the library. Every corners of the library are filled with books. Millions of books but no one are here. I guess most of them don't like to read. I'm getting curious with this place. It's interesting.

I took one book off of the shelf. And I flipped it open. I read it but never understand the wordings. I took another book and as I flipped it open I found that there's a picture flown from it. I took the picture on the floor and found that it is a picture of a person I don't know. He is dressed with plain black. And has a long hair, tall nose, etc...

I turned my face to the left. I thought that someone is here.

I must leave soon. I return the books to its place and attempt to leave but I felt that someone is here too so I move in and searched if there's any.

"Ahhh!" My heart jumped because of a sudden appeared person. He is cover with plain black cloack with the hood is on his head and he's holding a big, thick and old book.

Why do we need to dress like this anyway?

He stopped as he sees me. He put his hands inside the sachet and grabbed something. As he pulled his hands out from it, he stretch forth his hands towards me and offered me an apple. He then smiled at me.

How weird. But I took it. Besides, I'm hungry.

"Thank you?" I said. He patted my head then pass on, leaving the library. "Wait!" I was going to ask his name but he didn't respond.

After that, I lost him on sight.

People here are weird.

I munched the apple I'm holding.


I left the library.

"Miss Alexandra, there you are. Where have you been?" It's Miss Sally again. What now? Are you going to switch my room and do it all over again? Huh? Seeing her face pissed me off. Grr...


"Shh... Not now. We have to rush." She dragged me. She was asking and now she won't hear me? Can you tell me what attitude is that? She's awful! Grr...


"Miss Alexandra, this is Mrs. Tessie." She introduced me to the old lady too. "I have an urgent call to attend. This is very important. Mrs. Tessie will train you this afternoon until I'm back." She said to me before running away, leaving me behind. An urgent call- I revived in my thought only. Like she's like duh, I don't care.

"So, you're Miss Alexandra Arrastia." I smile at her. "The daughter of Gail Arrastia and

Ronnie Arrastia. Is it true?" I nodded. She looks stern. "Are you sure?" Why is she asking me like that? "Here." She bequeathed me a basket of plants and flowers. "Bring this to the clinic room. Miss Jamaicah will help you along." The girl of about 11 years old showed herself from Mrs. Tessie's back. She smiled at me.


Jamaicah and I are walking to the clinic room

"Your name is Alexandra Arrastia, right?" I nodded and smiled at her. She nodded also. "I saw you last night, at the dining hall." I nodded. "I saw you also that noonday, the first day you entered here from the car, carrying boxes."

"Really? Where were you that time?" I asked. I didn't saw her.

"At the front yard. Mrs. Tessie taught me about those plants." She said.

"Oh! I remembered. So, you're that little girl." She nodded and smiled.

"A little girl? Do I look young for you?" She asked.

"Why? How old are you by the way?" I asked.

"Guess it!" I excitedly said.

"13?" She laughed.

"Nope." She said.

"12?" She laughed again.

"Was that your car you used that time?" I nodded. "Was that your parents I saw with you that day?" I nodded. "Your mother is beautiful, your father is handsome. No wonder you're beautiful." I laugh. "But I'm way more beautiful than you are." I laugh.

"Of course you are." I replied.

"Where did you come from? Is that place beautiful? I wish I could............" And she continued to talk many things.


"We're here." We stopped at this big door. I guess this is the clinic room. The door is closed. "I'm not going to open it." Jamaicah said and grinned.

"I'm not going to open it too." I said.

"Then we can't go inside and give that basket if no one will open it. You should open it." She explained.

"I'm scared. Why can't you open it?" I reasoned.

"Me too. Besides, you're the one the Mrs. Tessie inquired of." She debated. And I agreed.

I'm attempting to open the door. Jamaicah hid herself on my back. My hands are shaking.

The door went open.

But I didn't do anything with it.

"What are you doing here? Oh? Jamaicah, you're here." He said. He is about 20 years old. He's wearing a white with gold color cloak. He looked to me and down and seen the basket I was holding.


Tack! Tack! Tack! - The sound of a big stone that smashing the plants we brought.

He said his name is James, the person in front us, who opened the door. He pulls out from laboring and took the smashed plants into his hands then went to the white curtains and pulled it. There we saw a girl at my age, lying on the bed, unconscious. Then James opened her mouth and put the smashed plant therein.

Yuck! That's awful!

The girl is wearing a cloak too just like what James is wearing. Their cloak has an emblem attached just like the person has who defended me from Janette last night.

"She'll wake up soon, I hope." James said.

"What happened to her?" Jamaicah asked.

I looked at the girl. I felt concerned.


We stayed for a couple of hours at the clinic as Jamaicah requested and then we left. I and Jamaicah are walking to return to Mrs. Tessie's room.

"I felt concerned about her. I wonder what happened to her. James didn't tell us anything. And-"

"Shh..." I cut her off. I heard someone inside a room. As a result, I come closer to the door and take a look what's in there.

I saw a male and a female hugging inside of about my parents' age. I can't identify who they are. I can only see the back of the male and the face of the female. She's beautiful.

"What is it?"- Jamaicah

"Shh..."-me. Then Jamaicah came to see it too.

"It's been a long years." –male. He's talking to the female. I thought it is dad's voice but what is he doing if that male is my dad. Who's that woman?

"I thought that you were gone." –she begins to cry.

"Shh..." he comforts her and wiped her tears. "I missed you." Then he kissed her forehead.

"I missed you so much, Ronnie." And they kissed on their lips. Wait! Ronnie? But maybe it's the different Ronnie.

After a while, they moved themselves.

Tears fall from my both eyes.

"That's your dad, isn't it Alexandra?" Jamaicah whispered. I think she saw it too. It is my dad.

I ran. I wanted to be alone. Jamaicah ran to follow me also but I'm much faster until she lost sight of me.

I ran and entered this empty room crying.

I feel crushed and hurt.

Why dad did cheated mom? Why would he do such athing? Was my mom not enough for him? Is his girl more beautiful that my mom?Is he tired of us? I thought they loved each other. I never had seen them fightbefore. Is this the reason why we moved? We moved to see his girl without meand my mom knowing it? I never thought that dad could be this cruel. I neverknew that he is like this. Would my family be still the same as before? Ihighly doubt it.    

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