Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

511 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 2

18 4 0
By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV   

A little girl went missing. She's 6 years old. About 3'9 feet tall, straight hair, brownish skinned, skinny, brown eyed, etc... Her family lost her during the storm. If you have seen her, please contact this number provided below.

It says here that this is happened 12 years ago. That long? The family of this girl lost her during the storm. I'm holding her flyer right now and I'm wondering if she had returned back to her parents.

I put the flyer back to the board of missing persons. I am in front of it today looking at the persons posted here that went missing. Some flyers are old and some are new. I don't know who all of them are. I wonder what test they encountered today. I hope they are found or will be found. I hope they would not experience just like I did. I wipe the tear that escaped from my eyes. That memory makes me want to cry again.

It's been almost one month since I was found. I didn't try to leave our house since then except for today. My family planned that we will move to another place far-far away from here. "We'll start a new life there"- that's what dad said. Our trip will start tomorrow morning. That's why I left our house to go to Mic's place so I could bid her a gift and a farewell.

I have nothing else to do here, so I started walking towards Mic's. I'm wearing my thick jacket, pants, shoes, a cap, and a mask to cover myself as possible. So no one would recognize me. No one knows except for my parents, the doctor and Mic that I'm still alive. My dad told my classmates, teachers, neighbors, and even others who looked for me that I was found but died after. A request I made to my dad since they told me before that we will be moving for a reason. My dad agreed but he's very disappointed at me for not telling them about going out in a very bad weather. I can't blame him. I should have stayed in the first place. And also I didn't tell him about the full story that really happened back there. All he knows is that I'm in the location where rock-slides occurred. I was safe because I was secured in a small cave.

I finally reached their property. I stopped and stared, I'm going to miss this place. I have so many memories here. All the laughs, all the fun, the excitement, arguments, time we have. Mic and I were childhood friends. She loved what I love and I loved what she loved. She helped me discover the things she know and showed me that life is so beautiful. Mic is like a sister to me. She would protect me whenever I'm in danger. She'd help me when someone tries me. She's always at my side whenever I need her. She would cheer me up when I start to doubt on something. She knows when to give me an advice, chastising, and comfort. I'm dependent to her. Sometimes, I can't choose anything without her suggestions. She knows me a lot. She made me smile. I'm sure I'm going to miss her too.

My parents told me that I could stay here but I would be alone in our house. They said that it is really important that they should get to that place [I forgot the place and they never told me the reason], so they have to move. But I told them that I should come with them because I don't like this place though. Almost everyone is horrible. And I don't want to deal with them anymore. I had enough of trusting them.

I walked pass their fence, straight to their door and knocked. There's no respond. Maybe they haven't heard it, so I knocked once more but then again there's no response.

And I knocked and knocked again. "Mic?" I called.

"There's no one in there." I turned to see whose talking. She's an old woman, a neighbor.

"There aren't? Can you please tell me where they are?" They are not here? What about this gift and my farewell. We'll be gone tomorrow morning. What would Mic feel if I'll be gone without telling her?

"They're at the hospital" she said

"What? Hospital? Where? What are they doing there?" I then waited for her answer.

"They're at the nearest hospital, way over there" She pointed the direction with her finger. "Their gran­-..." She was going to say more but I run immediately towards the hospital she pointed.

"Thank you." I said to her.

What are they doing there? What happened?


I'm covered with sweat as I reached the hospital. I stopped for a minute, my heart is beating fast and I catch for air. Then I rushed inside and asked the nurse in the admitting area where's the Mondaca's room is. She told me where it is so I ran for it. I watched for room numbers as I go. Then I saw her father in front of their room, looks like his waiting for-... Mic's mother and her little sister had arrived from the other way. Where's Mic? I'm almost near them.

"We still can't find her." I heard and stopped from walking towards them. Mic's mother cried out loud and her father hugged her as a responded.

"We'll continue to search for her when mother is healed." Mic's dad said.

Huh? Who's missing? And Mic's grandmother is admitted? But she's so strong. I'm beginning to get worried.

Mic's mother wiped her tears before entering the room. Mic's dad entered next while Mic's little sister stayed outside crying. I walked towards her.

"Why are you crying?" She stopped and stared at me with a fright looks on her face. "Where's your big sister?" She thought for a second and then went crying again. I was worried. What's wrong?

Michelle (Mic's little sister's name) won't answer me. She continued to cry and her hands stayed at her eyes from wiping her tears. Seeing her like that, I feel distress.

My attention went to her sling bag full of papers inside. I took one of it and read it.

No! This can't be.

I run outside and went to the place where she possibly went. I went to the park, the school, the playground, the snack box that we always visit, anywhere, and even to the place that I last talked to her, the place where she found me when I was trapped.

"Mic? Mic! Where are you?" I yelled. "Mic!" There's no answer. "Mic! Where are you?" Where is she? "Mic!" I run to the right direction and yelled. "Mic?" If I were on her foot, where would I run to get help? "Mic!" Think Alex, think! "Mic!" I ran to any direction while continuing to call her name. "Mic."


It's getting dark and I still can't find her. Oh, Mic, where are you? What happened? I dropped myself to the ground and started to cry. Where are you Mic? Where can I find you?


"Alex? Alex!"

"Alex? Where are you?"

"Alex!" She's crying. "Wait here, I'll go get help!"

"I'll come back, I'll get help! Trust me."

-Trust me."

-Trust me."

I trusted you. You said you'll come back for me. Then where are you, Mic?


I went home.

I went inside.

I see my mom packing up; she's getting our things ready for tomorrow.



"Mic's been missing." She stopped herself from packing and her attention is upon me. She knew that Mic is my best friend. She knows how important Mic is to me.


"Mic?!" Dad, Mom, and I went searching for Mic. "Mic!" We scanned the place that I last have connections with her. "Mic?" The flashlights were our only light. "Mic!"


"Here." I accepted mom's offered hot chocolate.

We returned home because of the rain. We are soaking; we covered ourselves with the towels.

Mic is cold by now.

"Mom, Mic needs us. She might be scared. She might be cold." I stand up and cried. And went towards my mom and hugged her. She hugged back. I looked at her; she sees my tears as I begged to find her. Mic needs me. I'm crying.


It's morning. I'm inside our car, at the back seat. I'm just looking through our window. I'm not feeling well today.

I can't sleep last night. I'm worried. I'm thinking of Mic. What happened to her?

Maybe she hurt by now. Sick, Scared, screaming for help and-... and... maybe she's... Or she's... No! That can't be. That won't happen to her.

This is all because of me. If I had stayed at home that time then she wouldn't look for me and had lost. But why? She couldn't be lost like that? Where did she go? Then who had rescued me in that horrible place?

"Yes. Yes. Okay. Oh! Okay. Bye" That's my father, talking to someone over his cellphone.

My father said that he had paid an investigator for Mic's family since they can't postpone the trip. Mondaca Family really needs it since Mic is already one month of nowhere to be found.

Mic's family said that she didn't come home from the time when they have their final rehearsal last month at school for the next day. So that's why I didn't see her at their performances. If she's gone that time then that would count that she already had lost herself 5 days before the day that I left our house on that bad weather. I'm confused.

Why didn't I be familiar with this?

If she had already nowhere to be found then who's the person I've talked to that day.

I'm sure it was Mic.

But is it possible?

My mom entered the car. She's setting herself in the front seat while dad putted our last baggage next to me. "Buckles up, Alex?" He said.

I buckled up and said- "Done, dad." Then he closes the door. And went to his set where he'll drive the car.

The engine is activated and the car started to move.

I'm viewing outside the window but my attention was not there. I don't know what to think of anymore. I'm really confused.

After a couple of hours, I went to sleep. I'm tired.


"Alex, wake up." I woke myself up because of the call. "We're almost there." Mom then smiled at me through the mirror and soon looked away. My dad is still driving the car.

At my window side, I've seen gigantic fortification. I was astonished by its structure, I never seen it personally ever since but rather from the television. It is tall, wide, and surely it is strong too. By just looking at this kind of wall, I'm sure the owner of this property is a great billionaire or a maybe of a royal family.

Where are we, exactly?

Dad stopped the car before the golden, delicate high and wide gate. It's really attractive and beautiful! It sparkled as the sun shines very bright. It slowly moves to open itself. Wow!

Is all I could ever say.

My dad drove the car and went inside. I took a looked around; the place is like the domicile you ever dream of. Plants and flowers are everywhere, of every kind, even that which I never seen it before. All things are glittering and colorful, even the fountain is attractive to the sight at the middle of the pavement which we drove the car straight to the mansion that we're heading. "Dad? What are we doing here?" I asked without facing him. I don't feel like we should be here. I don't think we are suitable to this place that we aren't competent to pass in here.

My dad stopped the car in front of the stairs towards the door of this beautiful mansion.

"We're here Alex." –Dad.

"What do you mean we're here? Are we going to live here? Is this the place you mentioned to me before?" I gave them a confused look.

I know that we aren't poor but then again we aren't rich also. My mother is a care giver. My father is a veterinarian. And I never been acquainted that we have a rich relatives.

"Yes, yes, and yes. Why? Don't you like it here?" He said.

"I - I do." I said. And my father smile and patted me, knowing that he's satisfied with my answer. Then he turned around and started to disengage our baggage.

I faced the enthralled mansion in front of us. It's really big, wide, and beautiful. The designs of everything are incredible and wonderful.

"Mom, when did dad receive a fortune? I know that he used all his savings from his bank account to pay an investigator for Mic." I said to my mother after I arrive near her.

"He didn't buy this place, dear."

"He didn't?"


"Then, who own and what is this place, mom?"

She made a deep breath before answering. "This is the place for beings like us, Alex."

"Like us?"

"Can you help us?"

"Oh! I'm sorry mom." I took things I could carry and follow them.

"That plant is poisonous!" A big fright I receive and turned around to see what it is. "How many times do I have to tell you? You should remember their names! Do it again!" A stern old lady is yelling at the young girl.

"I'm sorry." The young girl replied.

"Next time, you have to be very careful. You know how much this is important to the......" The old lady continued to say things. I'm not interested. I'm just concerned to the young girl. She looked so innocent and ashamed.

"Her name is Tessie." I heard my mom. "See that old lady over there?" I nodded. "She loves to plant everything that is needed." Needed? "Now, can we proceed?" I nodded. And we proceed to walk.


The mansion is too big that I forgot where we came from. Where are we? Where am I? I was just following my mother but I lost sight of her. This is bad, I need to find her. These things that I carried are heavy.


"Aaahhhh..." I screamed as I fall from being bumped by someone. Ouch! I dropped to the tiled floor and the things from the boxes I carried are scattered everywhere.

"I'm so sorry." He has a deep and cold voice. He lends me his hand trying to help me up.

"It's okay." I said as I stand up. I look up to face him. He's tall and covered with a plain black cloak. I can't scan his face clearly because of the hood and his long hair enough to cover his eyes. But his skin is bright. And I saw a scar on his cheek.

"I – I..." He is speechless. He bent downwards and went up again then lends me the boxes I carried recently. "Here." I took the boxes from him.

"Thank you." I said then he went pass me with no respond.

I took a glace towards him until he blends into the darkness.

"Alex, there you are." I turned to see whose calling. It's my mom. I rushed towards her. "Where did you go? Stick with me this time. This place is wide. It would be hard to find you when you're lost. Come. Your room is near." I nodded and followed her.

As I walked, I remember one thing. This boxes filled with things are scattered before so how come it is completely given back to me this with no sign of being dropped and scattered?

"Room number 209. This will be your room, Alex." I glanced at my room. It's beautiful! It is like the room for a princess from fairy tales. "You'll be safe here if you would not go to the west wing. Okay?" I nodded. What on the west wing anyway? She is leaving- "Oh, and one more thing. Don't enter into dark places." I nodded. "Sally will come here soon, guiding you for dinner and she'll teach you rules for you to follow." I nodded. She leaves.

"Where are you going, mom?"

"I and your dad have an important matter to attend to." She said then completely leaves.


I was almost done taking a shower at the bathroom on this room when suddenly a knock came from the door of my room.

I finished myself and turned off the shower. I grabbed the towel to cover my body.

I opened the door and found that it's dark. I think I didn't switch the lights on yet since the sun was there.

I put one foot in front of the other and switched my balance to that foot. The next thing happened shocked me. I'm confused! I scanned the entire place. This is not my room! I'm not in my room, nor anyone's room, and I can't see the bathroom at my back. I'm in a different place? So strange.

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