Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

511 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 1

32 3 0
By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV 


Heavy rain,

Hefty breath,


Several times I made an endeavor to transfer these boulders away, finding for an escape. This heap of boulders had clogged me into this nasty place so I could not return home. But shortly I withdraw myself from pushing after realizing that it is useless, it won't budge.

After a while, I yelled like eager to be found, I kept on yelling as loud as I can, hoping that somebody, anybody might perceive me and ventured to help me. But there's no riposte, only the reverberations of the rain drops falling hardly from the sky that could be heard. It's getting dark and my throat became sore. I tried to endure but it hurts and my voice begins to yelp. Therefore I stopped and cast my eyes over the entire place, searching for another way out. However, I only received goose bumps and nothing more. I forced myself to lock into the corner, making sure that monsters won't recognize me, if there's any of it. And as a result, I give up and started to cry.

It is hopeless.


It's dark.

It's cold.

I'm getting cold.

And I can't stop myself from shivering. My clothes that I'm wearing are wet, as well as filled with mud. And-

And I'm scared.




I'm scared,

I'm trapped,

I'm all alone,

I'm hurt,


And tired,


I don't know what else I should do. I tried everything I could but then again it all seems hopeless. I guess it's a dead end.

I don't like to be at this point, I never expected this to happen. I want to go home with my mom and dad. I hate this, why me? Why it has to be me? Why not them? Them, that who put me in this place. How could their lives be so beautiful despite the fact that they live spitefully? How could my life be this awful? How?


"Alex!" I heard a small call- a human voice coming from afar.

"Help! Help!" I put forth all my strength and yelled to be heard. I rise and climb upon the rocks so I could get near towards a small hole that I saw way up at the top of this piles of rocks. My body is in pain and I'm weak however I didn't goad to sojourn. I nearly reached the top however as soon as I stepped for another rock, I slipped and tumble myself down to the muddy ground. I received more cuts from sharp side form of some rock that I've passed in slipping. And my back bumps itself into the muddy dirt. I screamed and cried in pain.

"Alex? Alex!" An outside ladylike voice becomes near. Is she searching for me?

"I'm here! Help me! Please!" I replied and begged for help. I've been crying for joy. Finally, someone had found me. Because of the impact happened recently, I didn't dare to climb again. Instead, I leaned myself to whichever I can lean to.

"Alex? Where are you?" I recognized who owned that voice.

"Mic? I'm in here. I'm trapped. Help me. Please." Please. I begged for more for the reason that this is my merely chance to be free from this condition.

"Alex!" She's crying. "Wait here, I'll go get help!"

"Mic! I'm scared." I don't want you to leave me.

"I'll come back, I'll get help! Trust me." She said then I overheard running footsteps.

"Mic! Please stay." There's no more reply. It looks like she'd run after telling those words. I had no choice but to wait.

I'm a little bit relieved, knowing that Mic had found me and going to help me in this situation. I'm very much happy that this will end soon. I'm going home, soon. I'll be fine. It will be fine. Though all this waiting is like a thousand years passed by. Still, I'm willing to wait. I have my trust in her. I know she will come back.

After a few minutes, my eyes and other body parts voluntarily begins to shutdown slowly. My body strength is drained and eager to rest; I can't take it any longer. Mic, where are you? I need you. Then I went off.


I woke up with my both eyes are closed, still feeling this soft, comfy and relaxing bed. Is it morning already? But I'm still tired. I feel like a pillow that I don't want to move. I want to sleep for few more days.

"Well, I must leave soon"

"Thank you, doc."

"No problem"

I normally opened my eyes and planning to start this day, [No, I don't really want to start this day]. I'm staring at the ceiling inside my room, decorated with plainness: I loved it.

I reacted hurtfully when I moved my body trying to seat. I never thought that I have this injury. It's painful from flesh to bones; I guess I can't go to school today. I pulled off my blanket to take a look at my arms and legs so I could see many scars that I expected to see concerning of the severe pain I felt. I know I'm used to have injuries several times but this is different. This looks kind of more revolting. I wonder what happened that made me to have this... I can't quit remember anything.

I randomly turned my face to the cabinet near my bed with a lamp and a bracelet on top of it.

I was shocked.

My eyes smudged because of the streaming tears. I feel crushed. I can't believe it. I could not breathe. I need to breathe but I felt like something's snaggling my chest. I screamed and cried out loud, throwing what I feel.

"Alex?!" The door of my room cracked open. My mom rushed towards panicky and embraces me, giving comfort. "Alex?" She called my name again. "It's okay. It's over. Shh..." She rubbed my back to make me calm down. I tried to calm down but I burst crying even more. My chest became too tight. I can't speak.

I'm finally home. I'm back. I'm found. It's done. I should be happy with this matter but it's defeated by thinking of other reasons. I can't take it. It's too much.

I heard running foot steps towards my room. Then my dad immediately came in.

Those people: boys and girls. That equipment they used. That evil laughs. That difficulty I gained. Those smiles and words they expressed. That impinges. That place. I remembered everything.

They are happy while torturing me. Just like an aggressive dog playing with its toy. Biting and ripping up until their hearts are contented. They're playing like a numb.

Remembering all of it makes me to feel fear, angry, hurt and wanting to get revenge. My chest is tightened. I still cannot breathe. I don't want to see them anymore. They are like devil personages. How could they done this? How could they? They are horrible.


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