Clueless and Heartless

By theninjahero

208K 6.4K 3.9K

when clueless Medeshibo Ai meets a heartless Gaara and runs to him while yelling "OH MY GOD WHAT A CUTE PANDA... More

Clueless and Heartless
Uchiha Medeshibo Ai
Lightning Gun
Chuunin Tests!!
what happened before
breaking down his walls
warning from the angel
releasing the beasts
happy day. or is it?
his decisions


10.4K 414 363
By theninjahero

Me: ....

Gaara: you okay?

Me: .....

Gaara: .....

Naruto: what's wrong OC-chan?

Me: ....

Gaara: -sighs- I'll say her disclaimer instead then


Naruto: this has a sequel?!!

Gaara: duh, the shippuuden series is the sequel.

Naruto: cool!! then I'll be the best grown up there

Gaara: eh.. not really.. the story focues on me and Ai.. so.. it's on us

Naruto: (=_______________=)" way to ruin my parade Gaara

Gaara: -sighs- I wonder what's up with her though... -looks at me-

Me: .......


Ai's POV

"ugh! can I not go to grocery by myself!?" I yelled and the ANBU squad who were 'secretly' following me anime fell from their hiding spots

"s-she's seen us." one said and I rolled my eyes

"GO AWAY DAMN IT!!" I yelled again and ran. 

it's been days since Sasuke's return.. eversince then... we were under ANBU watch, since Lady Tsunade said that we might attempt to leave.

dafuq. I'm not leaving Konoha.. I love this place and Sasuke realized it not too long ago that some things can be achieved without revenge or avenge.. or anything that has to do with '-enge'

"so tonight let's have a sleepover at our place!" I heard a familiar voice say, I looked over from the egg cartons and saw Ino talking to Sakura and Temari.

"oh Ai-chan!! just who we wanted to see!" Ino said. I rolled my eyes, I know they'll ask me to bring Sasuke to this sleepover thing

"I'm having a sleepover at home. would you like to come?" Ino asked and I thought for a bit.. I wanted to train or watch tv all day... but.. it wouldn't hurt anyway

"Gaara's coming.." Temari said and nudged me. I gave her a wtf look. Lately, I noticed she and Kankuro have been always squeezing in Gaara in our topics. Seriously.. I like Gaara, he's an adorable panda.

I turn red and my heart skips a beat when I see him or get close to him.. what does that even mean? 

I sighed and nodded and they all cheered

"Bring Sasuke-kun too okay?" Ino and Sakura said.. as for Temari she rolled her eyes.. she seems to not be interested anymore in Sasuke eversince she met Shikamaru.. 

I don't know what's up with them though.. I am too young to think about things like LOVE.

Besides, I have Sasuke and with Orochimaru on the move, I need to train harder to protect myself and Sasuke,




I know it's an affection though.. other than that I'm clueless.

Once I got home, there were 2 ANBU guards as always at the front door and back door.

"state your business." one said and I raised my eyebrow

"are you stupid? I live here. my business is to eat,sleep and tend to the house." I said annoyed and they sweatdropped.

"sorry, it's a part of the---"

"yeah yeah I know now get out of my way, these bags aren't gonna carry themselves." I said and waved my hand for them to move. Once I got in I couldn't sense Sasuke anywhere

"hey where's niichan?" I asked the 2 on the door

"oh, Sasuke-san went with Kakashi-san to train." I nodded and did the groceries. Once I was done I couldn't help but yawn so I slept on the couch.

Sasuke's POV

I got home from training and opened the refrigerator to see it filled with food. Ai must've done the groceries today.

I was about to go up my room when I heard a loud snore from the living room. 

Naruto that bastard, what's he doing in my hou---- oh.. it's not Naruto..

wow. Ai sure snores loudly. I chuckled and carried her to her room. But once I placed her down her eyes opened.

"niichan.. wha-what time is it?" she asked and I looked at her clock

"7PM." I asked,

"oh.." she said and then sat up quickly hitting my forehead with hers.

"what!?!? oh no!!!" she yelled and ran to the bathroom.

"niichan go get ready!!!" she shouted

"for what?"

"Ino invited me to a sleepover at their house and I am not going without you!!" I sighed and went to my room. After minutes Ai barged inside..

"come on come on come on!!!" she said and pulled me, we ran all the way to Ino's house

when we got there almost everyone was already there seated on the floor

Ai's POV

WHEW!! I fell asleep and forgot.. good thing Sasuke was there when I woke up. 

when we got there almost everybody were seated in the living room, namely; 

Naruto, Kiba, Lee, Shino, Sakura, Tenten, the hyuuga siblings.. 

where's Temari, Kankuro and Gaara?

Gaara's POV

"Why do I have to go to this?" I asked and Temari sighed

"because.. it's a place with friends.. plus, Ai-chan will be there." My body stiffen.

what is this?

I feel very different whenever her name is mentioned.

what is this feeling?

I turn red when she is close. I feel happy when she is happy. I am sad when she cries. I am mad when someone hurts her or when someone else gets near her. 

What do you call this feeling?

I never did ask Kankuro or Temari, they might think I'm on drugs or something.

"fine, i'll go." I said and Temari jumped

"good. now get your stuff. we're already 30 minutes late." she said and pushed me to my room.

Ai's POV

"ON THE CHEEK ON THE CHEEK!!!!!" I yelled and KIba kissed me on the cheek. We were in the middle of truth or dare, Kiba chose dare and Ino decided to make me a target.

"truth." Sasuke said as soon as the pentel pen's tip pointed to him.. what? we don't have a bottle.

"why do you want to leave the village?" Sakura asked and everyone became a bit quiet, waiting for his answer.

"because, I was looking for something that was right in front of me, I was just to stupid to notice it. But now, that I have noticed it, I'm not letting it go." he said and smiled at me.

"is it me?" Ino asked and I rolled my eyes. 

"there you guys are!" Ino suddenly said and we all turned to see the Suna siblings

"hi Gaara!" I smiled. he sat on my right side cause Sasuke is on my left side. 

"okay okay.. let's continue." Sakura said and spun the bottle, it landed on Kankuro.

"dare.. ha! go ahead. give me your best shot." he said all smug and shit. I grinned evily.

"I dare Kankuro to switch clothes with Temari and tie his hair like hers too!" I said and they all laughed, Gaara looked amused and Temari looked annoyed.

so they switched clothes and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. Temari's clothes were only knee lenght to Kankuro and Kankuro's cat costume was too big for Temari.

"smile idiots." Kiba said and took a snapshot, result? he has two red marks on his head. 

"how long do we have to dress like this?" Temari asked

"keep it on until the pentel pen lands on you." Tenten said and Temari groaned, I was busy laughing my ass until Sasuke smacked my head

"it's your turn baka." he said and I stopped laughing.

"hmmmm.. I like a challenge,, DARE." I said with a mighty look on my face

"I dare you to kiss Sasuke on the lips!!" Naruto yelled and I tossed him my shoe

"YUCK!!! THAT IS LIKE INSEST YOU STUPID FOX!!" I yelled and he laughed

"kiss Gaara then." Kiba said and I froze..



"it's a challenge Ai,, you accept and like a challenge right?" Temari teased

"kiss my brother then.." Kankuro grinned and I gulped.

"it's alright if you don't want too." Gaara said.

I was quiet for a moment












I  gave him a peck on the lips and quickly turned away. Everyone teased and I hid on Sasuke's shoulder.. 


Gaara's POV


I felt Ai's soft lips land quickly on mine then pulled away quickly too.

My face is as red as my hair.


Ai hid on Sasuke's shoulder, I was unable to move after that.. so unable that Kankuro had to lift me up to the couch so we could watch a horror film.

I sat next to Ai again.. or more like.. was victimized by the others...

I was about to sit next to Hyuuga and he pulled Tenten next to him. 

I was going to sit next to Kiba but he pulled Naruto next to him

Then my last resort was Kankuro but he pulled Temari and grinned at me

"go sit over there loverboy." he said and practically pushed me next to Ai.

the movie was paranormal 1 and every girl was screaming, Naruto was hiding in his knees, Kiba used Akamaru as a shield, I looked at Ai, she looks ca-----

"HOLY MOTEHR OF!!!! OH MY GOD!!! WHO'S PULLING HER LEG!?!?! GET HER OUT OF THERE!!!!!!" she screamed.. maybe not.

Ai's POV

"so guys.. the Chuunin exams are over, what are you guys planning on doing?" Ino asked

"Shikamaru is busy with Chuunin work now that he's promoted, Choji is at a dinner with his family. I bet his dad is talking to him about more training time." she added, heh. No wonder they weren't around

"I'm training with Pervy Sage!" Naruto said proudly

"really? that's cool!" I smied

"I'm planning on training with Kakashi-sensei." I grinned and Sasuke nodded, Kakashi agreed to train us both. Although I want to train under Lady Tsunade on medical jutsus. I also want to train with Gai for taijutsu. 

"'how about you guys? are you going back to Suna?" Sakura asked and my eyes landed on the Suna siblings..

that's right, they're relly not from here.. so they have to go back to their village soon.

I'm going to miss them though, especially Gaara

"yeah. we'll just see you guys around then." Kankuro answered

"when will you go back to Suna?" Tenten asked

"2 days from now."  Temari said

2 days?! wow.. fast.. oh well, not like we won't see each other again.

we decided to sleep in the living room. in the middle of the night I woke up. I rolled over Sasuke's arm and Naruto's hand off me and noticed I was not the only one awake.

"Hey." I whispered and Gaara looked at me for a moment then back at the window to stare at the stars.

"I don't ever see you sleep." I said

"I don't sleep, Shukaku takes over when I sleep." he said and I just nodded. We were quiet.

Oddly quiet

"uhmmm.. I.... I didn't know you guys were leaving for Suna soon." I mumbled

"yes, well we need to go back to our village." he said and I nodded.

I'm kinda sad he had to leave. I mean, I'll miss him and like I said before I like Gaara, he's a cute panda. Temari keeps saying there is something else I feel for him that I am not aware of.

I don't really know what it is like I said before, other than my liking for Gaara I am clueless.

"what will you do now?" he asked and I shrugged

"me and niichan are going to train under Kakashi, but, I want to train with Lady Tsunade too, for the medical things, then Gai-sensei to improve my taijutsu. what about you?" 

"I don't know. maybe train." he said and we became silent again until I yawned

"get some sleep." he said and I nodded. I gave him a light peck on the cheek.

I have given it to him before on the rooftop of his house, but...

why does this one feel different?

it's like something is rampaging on my stomach and I can't help but feel happy that I gave it to him.

what is this?

----------------------------------------time skip-------------------------------------------------------------------

after 2 days.

"I can't believe you Naru-nii!!!" I yelled at him and pouted, he smiled sheepishly

"I'll be back Ai-chan.. and when I come back I'll be a stronger ninja!" he said. I just found out yesterday that Naruto is leaving with Pervy Sage to train. why do they have to go? there are a lot of training grounds here in Konoha.

"not fair." I said and he messed with my hair

"train hard too Ai-chan." he smiled

"alright! when you come back let's have a duel to see who improved the most!!" I grinned and he gave me thumbs up

"deal!" we were about to shake our hands when Sasuke pulled me

"you're gonna have to beat me first if you want a duel with my sister." Sasuke said and Naruto grinned

"deal." he said

"come back strong dobe" Sasuke said

"you better be prepared teme." Naruto smiled and they bumped fists.

we all watch Naruto and Pervy Sage leave the village.

"it's not over yet." someone said from behind and I turned around only to be glomped to the ground by Crow


"you are dead!!!" I said and charged at him only to be stopped by a sand barrier

"OW!!1 PANDA!!!" I glared at him and he ....


"OH MY GOODNESS!! YOU SMILED!!" I said and pointed at him. He turned red and looked away. I flung my arms on his neck and hugged him

"I'll miss you panda." I said and pouted. Temari and Kankuro chuckled.

"well, we're going.. see you some other time." Kankuro said. and I let go off Gaara but he grabbed my hand and...


he kissed me!!!

on the cheek!!! 

I turned red and he smiled again

"see you again Ai." he said and I nodded softly. He and siblings then staretd to walk out of the village.

see ypu again.

"that went well." Tenten said and we all went our separate ways

"that Sand ninja likes you very much." Sasuke suddenly said

"eh? you think so?" I asked and he sighed

"you're too young though.. he would have to go through me first." he smiled

"yeah yeah, say that when you're a fully trained ninja Sasuke-kun." me and Sasuke turned to see Kakashi with his nose in his perverted book and his other hand filled with groceries.

"training starts in 2 days.. see you then." he passed by us as we nod.

"I'm gonna be stronger than ever niichan! stronger than you!" I said ad he scoffed


"wanna bet? I'll race you home." I got into a running position and he nodded

"3" I counted


"1!!" Sasuke ran and I grinned.

"a ninja must see beyond the unseen." he looked back at me as I did a single hansign,  and in a flash I was in the house looking for a place to hide cause I know Sasuke will yell at me for cheating.

just as I was about to step into the closet, the door downstairs crashed open and I could hear Sasuke's raging footsteps

"AI!! YOU CHEATER!!! he yelled and I just laughed while we chase each other around the place.


relax. this may be the end.. but there will be a sequel.. ^^v

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